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User:Jordy777hatem/article review

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Article Evaluation


Recently i've been interested about the Tasmanian devil or referred to as Taz. I have watched some of his old episodes of his tv show. I have also seen him in the movies and the Looney tunes tv show. I visited the Tasmanian devil page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: lack of impact to the cartoon industry, its lack of citations, and its lack of present information

Impact to Cartoon Industry


I have noticed that the page does talk about some of his origin. Yet I noticed that there is nothing in the article that talks about how this character impacted the cartoon industry. I do know that he was a vital character early along cartoons and I feel like that a bit more information can be added to his effectiveness on the entertainment and business side could be included.



This article does include a couple of sources, but they aren't that strong. I feel like more reliable sources can be added to this page to improve the credibility along with providing people with more than just a couple of viewpoints on this character. Many references are listed but these are mostly in just the 'law suits' and 'pop culture' sections of this page. If more are added to his 'creation' and 'personality' sections that this could make the article more credible.

Current information


This article does need some help for more current and relevant information. The last current piece information provided in the 'law suits' section was from 2006. It would be nice if they could add the outcomes of these law suits or more in general, new shows he will premier, new games that will feature him and etc...



Overall, this page I would rate this page as 'good' because it does give you a pretty good amount of overall information about Taz. But I feel like there can be more information added about him as in his outside impact. The sources added on this page aren't very strong, there is mostly only references but I feel like if more sources are added, then this would also add more vital information on his impact.