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(Redirected from User:Lilfti332)

Hi there. My userpage is currently undergoing a much-needed renovation, so apologies if it looks weird.

This user previously used another account: Lilfti332.
This user really likes Code Lyoko, and doesn't care that 90% of people call it a kids' show.
RWBYThis user is a fan of RWBY.

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My WikiProject Wikify Stats

  • Total articles: 4

Motto of the Day

Today's motto...
Habit is Heaven's own redress:
it takes the place of happiness.

Nominate one today! -->

About me
nws-0This user oldspeaks, or newspeaks doubleplusungoodwise.
CancerThis user is a Cancer.
♂This user is male.
This user is of Chinese ethnicity.
This user's favourite colour is blue.
ubx-5This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user is a proud native of
Alpha Sol Terra
This user is a resident native citizen interested in the United States.
This user lives in or hails from Houston.
The bearer of this is a Wikipedian who shall be permitted to freely edit Wikipedia.
One can never have too many

My time here at Wikipedia
This user has been on Wikipedia for 13 years, 10 months and 25 days.
This user scored 7779013359146923 on the Wikipediholic test (revision 504840627).
1,100+This user has made more than 1,100 contributions to Wikipedia.
This user still uses Wikipedia even when their teacher tells them otherwise.

This user enjoys philosophy.
¿!?This user is an Agnostic atheist.
This user values reason
over faith
This user thinks the many worlds interpretation is true!
1+1=3 This user dislikes
narrow-minded behaviour.
This user believes that the Universe began with a bang.
This user understands biological evolution.

According to The Political Compass this user is:
Economic Right (7.5) and
Social Libertarian (−3.79)
This user believes in a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This user thinks the United Nations is worthless!NO
This user is an anarcho-capitalist.
This user is an agorist.
This user supports no government or government that is extremely limited.
This user believes that anarcho-capitalism is an ideal system of government — in theory. This may not reflect this user's actual views, however.
This user is a capitalist.
This user is a deficit hawk.
This user adheres to the
Austrian School of economics.
This user knows that tax cuts increase freedom and growth.
This user supports a gold standard.
This user opposes corporate welfare and bailouts.
This user does not trust politicians who condemn CEOs while living like one with other people's money.
This user is opposed to communism in both theory and practice.
This user rejects all kinds of Marxist thinking.
Communism killed 100,000,000 people and all I got was this lousy userbox.
This user has not forgotten those killed by Communist China on the Tiananmen Square.
This user ardently opposes
the alt-right
This user is highly against nazism.
This user is a libertarian.
LibThis user believes taxation is theft.
This user identifies as a libertarian conservative or right-libertarian.
This user opposes all forms of
This user is an objectivist, but not a jerk.
This user is a civil libertarian.
This user opposes Antifa.
This user accepts that freedom is a two way process as are equality, human rights and respect and that rights and freedoms are for everyone. You have to respect the rights of others as well your own.
5thThis user pleads the 5th Amendment
This user supports jury nullification.
IRThis user supports individual rights over human rights.
 刘晓波This user demanded the
unconditional release
of Liu Xiaobo (died 2017)
This user demands the immediate and unconditional release of Raif Badawi
This user recognizes that no one has the fundamental right to the labor or product of another individual.
This user strongly believes in freedom of speech.
This user knows that all groups, however crazy they may be, have just as much a right to free speech as anybody else and WILL NOT TOLERATE "hate speech" laws or attempts to prevent people from expressing their views.
This user believes that life begins at conception
Life This user is Pro-Life
This user does NOT support abortion except when a woman's life is at serious risk.
As a former fetus, this user opposes abortion.
This user believes states should have the right to secede from the United States.
This user opposes any and all capital punishment administered by the state.
This user is against the ban on smoking in public places.
This user supports drug policy reform; knowing that prohibition is immoral, counterproductive, illiberal and doesn't work.
   User:ChristTrekker/War On Drugs FAIL
   User:ChristTrekker/War On Poverty FAIL
   User:ChristTrekker/War On Terror FAIL
This user supports the full legalisation of cannabis and other soft drugs.
This user supports the legalization of all drugs.
This user does not use drugs, but figures people should be able to use recreational drugs in their own home if they're responsible about it.
This user does not trust politicians who say that public schools need more money.
This user supports
school choice.
This user supports homeschooling and is against any bans on it.
This user supports Unschooling.
EuThis user supports euthanasia and believes people have the right to die if they so choose.Su
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.
This user opposes gun control.
This user's favorite gay rights organization is the Pink Pistols.
This user pledges to NEVER vote for an anti-gun politician.
This user opposes any and all laws restricting, registering or monitoring the ownership of firearms.
This user rejects feminist dogma in all its forms.
This user thinks marriage is a choice between two individuals and believes the government should stay out of marriage.
This user is opposed to
political censorship.
PC-0This user is politically incorrect.
Thxs usxr thxnks chxnging the spxllings of wxrds to "avxd offxnding pxple" is ridiculxs.
This user knows the mainstream media is just a brainwashing tool.
This user supports
alternative media.
This user supports Wikileaks and Julian Assange.
This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not abolish it.  
This user opposes
universal health care.
This user believes if you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to drink alcohol.
This user knows that free trade protects more jobs than tariffs do.
End the embargoThis user favors free trade between the United States and Cuba.
This user opposes conscription.
This user believes that except in extreme circumstances, starting a war is one of the worst things a country can do.
This user believes in a foreign policy of non‐interven­tionism, but is not a pacifist.
This user, while generally preferring non-violence, is not a pacifist.
This user opposes NATO
According to the World's Smallest Political Quiz, this user is* a Political Libertarian
(Personal Freedom: 100; Economic Freedom: 100).
This user enjoys chess.
This user prefers to play games on a PC.
This user thinks in a very cubic way....
MThis user loves Minecraft.

This user believes in logic.
This user is a book lover.
This user reads science fiction.
This user's favourite novel is Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell.
This user enjoys House music!
This user enjoys progressive house.
This user believes that all human interaction should be voluntary.
Alternate history: the canvas upon which this user
paints "what if".
This user thinks Chairman Mao Zedong is the most evil person to have ever lived.
Live a happy life, improve yourself, strive towards the truth: what more meaning does life need?
This user is a freethinker.
This user is critical of postmodernism and its effects on the academy.
This user is a proponent of free trade.
This user is a proponent of the free market system.
This user does not trust politicians who praise public schools while sending their own children to private schools.
This user is an autodidact in a wide range of subjects they never took in school or university.
This user knows that freedom of speech includes the right to offend, criticize, and satirize.
This user is opposed to
political censorship.
KosovoTibetBasque Country (autonomous community)ScotlandRepublic of Ireland This user supports secessionist and autonomist groups so long as a majority of the people living within the region in question support secession or further autonomy, that it is achieved through nonviolent means only and that the minority that do not support independence are treated with respect.
This user is against involuntary military service.
This user is a right-libertarian.
This user supports the legalization of all drugs for adults.
This user thinks consensual adult prostitution/sex work should be legal and regulated for the safety and rights of sex workers and clients.
This user conducts anticom.
This user would prefer anarchy to tyranical government.
This user believes torture is morally wrong and can never be justified, regardless of the situation.
This user believes that if voting changed anything, it would be made illegal.

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