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Mathematical treatment


At time t = 0 a loan of an amount is disbursed . This sum is repaid with constant installments of amount R paid starting from time t = 1, therefore if we consider the year as a unit of measurement then R is the annual installment . Indicating with r the constant interest rate with which the interest on the residual debt is calculated we have that:

Calculating i.e. the loan after 1 year is:

Calculating i.e. the loan after 2 year is:

Calculating i.e. the loan after 3 year is:

Therefore the loan at time t will be:


We rewrite like:

Multiplying both sides of the equation for we have:

By adding the 2 equations member by member, we obtain:

From which we obtain:

Then the loan at time t is equal to:

Considering the succession continuous if you can calculate the derivative to see when it is increasing or decreasing. Therefore it turns out:

whereby the derivative is positive and the function is increasing by and therefore in this case the loan would never be extinguished, while for the derivative is negative, the function is decreasing so that after a certain time the loan is extinguished. Wanting to calculate after how long the loan expires, the condition must be imposed:

from which the exponential equation is obtained:

therefore passing to the logarithms we obtain that the time i at which the loan is extinguished is:

while the annual installment to pay off the loan in an annual time at interest rate r is:

Using the wxMaxima program to calculate the monthly payment of a loan of € 100,000 at the rate of 2% over 20 years, a monthly payment of € 505.88 is obtained:

M_0 : 100000 ;
t : 20 * 12 ;
r : 0.02 / 12 ;
R : ( M_0 * r * ( 1 + r ) ^ t ) / (( 1 + r ) ^ t -1 ) ;   

( M_0 ) 100000 
( t ) 240       
( r ) 0.001666666666666666      
( R ) 505.8833350451002

Using the wxMaxima program to calculate the years required for a loan of € 136,000 at the rate of 3.5% with a monthly payment of € 616, we obtain a time of 30 years:

P_0 : 136000 ;
R : 616 * 12 ;
r : 0.035 ;
t : log ( R / ( R - P_0 * r )) / log ( 1 + r );

( P_0 ) 136000
( R ) 7392      
( r ) 0.035     
( t ) 30.01777598822768

Finally, wanting to calculate the annual interest rate of a loan of € 136,000 with a monthly payment of € 616 for 30 years, using wxMaxima both real and complex solutions are obtained but only the real positive one must be considered, which is equal to r = 0.035 i.e. r = 3.5%:

P_0 : 136000 ;
R : 616 * 12 ;
t : 30 ;
to_poly_solve ([ R = ( P_0 * r * ( 1 + r ) ^ t ) / (( 1 + r ) ^ t -1 )], [ r ]);   

% Union ([ r = -1.888535594417947 ], [ r = 0.0349730024273047 ], [ r = -0.896028170357983 * % the -0.9280999599620557 ], [ r = -0.8888109431650352 * % the -1.112956586482667 ], [ r = -0.8657146919295419 * % the -0.7448171243784433 ], [ r = -0.8445459478845543 * % i -1.291928857130876 ], [ r = * % -0.7988904998481778the -0.5704246807439609 ], [ r = -0.7652448516065452 * % the -1.457831182844293 ], [ r = -0.6979711584231817 * % the -0.4117437679963628 ], [ r = -0.6540353194183626 * % the -1.604138386579367 ], [ r = -0.5665737683927865 * % i - 0.2746913425371878 ], [ r = -0.5152397750397905 * % i -1.724120178284734 ], [ = -0.4090913669433675 r * % the -0.1636448979862607 ], [ r = -0.3562793044936652 * % the -1.812932383015084 ], [ r = -0.2293004835165864 * % the -0.07964103298575065 ], [ r = -0.1827369053504073 * % the -1.86907185558138 ], [ r = 0.1827369053504073 * % i -1.86907185558138 ], [ r = 0.2293004835165864 * % i -0.07964103298575065 ], [ r = 0.3562793044936652 * % the -1.812932383015084 ], [ r = 0.4090913669433675 * % the -0.1636448979862607 ], [ r = 0.5152397750397905 * % the -1.724120178284734 ], [ r = 0.5665737683927865 * % the -0.2746913425371878 ], [ r = 0.6540353194183626 * % i -1.604138386579367 ], [ r = 0.6979711584231817 * % i -0.4117437679963628 ], [ r = 0.7652448516065452 * % the -1.457831182844293 ], [ r = 0.7988904998481778 * % the -0.5704246807439609 ], [ r = 0.8445459478845543 * % the -1.291928857130876 ], [ r = 0.8657146919295419 * % the -0.7448171243784433 ] , [ r = 0.8888109431650352 * % i -1.112956586482667 ], [ r = 0.896028170357983 * % i -0.9280999599620557 ])