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Welcome to my Wikipedia user page. I am a running start college student studying towards a bachelors degree and my high school diploma. I took running start so I can begin receiving college credit and finish my high school requirements at the same time. I want to go into either Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering. I am very interested in Math and Science, but that does not mean I do not enjoy English. I like to be able to express myself in writing. Writing is a powerful tool which can share valuable information and interact with others. I hope to become better at writing where I can express myself fully as well as be informative in a sophisticated yet comprehensible way. In other words, have good writing where people can be enlightened and intrigued. These are some of my academic interests and ambitions.

Wikipedia is very useful to me as it is the quickest way I can receive information on any given topic. I am interested to start interacting with Wikipedia. Some subjects I would be interested in writing about would be American Politics, Addictive drugs, and World Economy. American politics would be interesting to write about because it has a lot to do with other peoples perception and political power. And it has become a very controversial topic where everyone seems to be involved. Another topic that I would be interested in is addictive drugs like nicotine because it is so widespread and being used by a lot of teens who cannot seem to stop. And lastly, I would be interested in writing about the world economy just because people think there may be another economic crisis. I think these topics would make very interesting articles.

Article Review


I have known about the Everett Silvertips since I was In Elementary School, but I never was interested in them. Until recently when my friend invited me to go to a game, and I have become very interested and excited in the Silvertips. The Silvertips are playing really good this season and my interest in the team has made me curious about them. I visited the Everett Silvertips page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: its lack of citations, its lack of coverage of jerseys and logos, and its irrelevant sections.



There are very little citations for this article. The article provides a good amount of information and makes a lot of claims, but they are not supported by any sources. So it is hard to tell what information is reliable and accurate unless the reader does their own extensive research.

Jerseys and Logos


This article provides almost no information on the Team's Identity. The article gives us the team colors and a logo for the Silvertips, but it does not gives information about the teams jerseys and logos that have been used for jerseys/team. I know the team has at least two jersey kits they wear for their games. That's an important part of the team's identity that is left out of the article that is useful to a reader. Also, the article mentioned a anniversary logo the team used, but the article makes it irrelevant information because it is in the 2017-18 season section. The logo is more relevant to the team identity.

Irrelevant Sections


The article has irrelevant information in the section 2018-19 season. It provides the Silvertips' Protected List under the section which is a roster update. The section provides no relevant information to the 2018-19 season. Also, the section of the 2017-18 season also has no information on the season except for a logo. Both these sections need to be updated otherwise they have no other information and the sections are not relevant to the article.



Overall, I'd rate this page as "not very good". It is a good start to the Wikipedia page for the Everett Silvertips, but it needs a lot of improvement. The article has a good amount of information on the history of the Silvertips, but it needs reliable sources to support the information. There are only four citations total, and none of the citations are used for the season by season history sections which is the majority of the article. Also, there is information left out about the team's identity which will make readers more aware of the the Silvertips.

(sidenote: As part of this assignment, I also posted a question on the Everett Silvertips talk page here.)