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For educational purpose of the bridge players

            Force Point (Fp) Counting

Your Base Number (B#) is the strength of your hand in contract tricks (the tricks above the first 6 tricks which are not counted in the game of bridge)

	B# = all tricks minus 2

NOTE: learn to count visually: Find A+Q or 2 K and do not count them (so, you will not need to subtract 2 on the end). Count only the rest. . The game's Play Level (PL) is the sum of both partners Base Numbers (B#) The Control Points (CP) are the values of Controls you have. The values of the real Controls are: K = 4 CP, Ace = 6 CP. The values the pseudo Controls are: Singleton = 4 CP, Void = 6 CP (10 CP when you do not have any TOP Honor opposite in the same suit)

Equivalent Queens (EQ) are all values that counts for 0.5 . If you are the Opener check how many Equivalent Queens (EQ) you have. If you have 4 or more EQ do NOT count 1 of them ! Do that even when you have 4 real Queens in one hand. If you forget to do that your eventual answer for Controls (CP) later will be wrong and almost for sure you eventual SLAM contract will go 1 down !! . Singleton Ace = 2 contract tricks (1.5 for the Ace + 0.5 for the Singleton) . Ace = 1.5 . King = 1.0 . Singleton King = 0.5 !! . NOTE: If you discover an Ace or a Queen opposite the Singleton King, raise its value to 1.0) . Queen = 0.5 . Void = 0.5  !! . Any Singleton = 0.5 (except Singleton Ace). Do not duplicate the count of the Singleton Queen !! . NOTE: Fp do NOT scan a Singleton Queen at all !! . Ax + Ax = 0.5 (in one or both hands, count the Aces separately) . xx + xx = 0.5 (any 2 doubletons without TOP Honors in them, in one or both hands) . 2 + 5 or more cards with the 2 Controls = 0.5 . For KQJx+ in а side suit (not in the Trump) add 0.5 . For 7222 add 0.5 for the 3 double-tons in addition to 0.5 for the 7 card suit . For 7 card mono suit (with at least one Honor) add 0.5, for 8 card suit add 1.0 and so on … The Formula is: 0.5*(x - 6), where x is the sum the cards in the long suit . For 6/5 bi-color add 0.5, for 6/6 bi-color add 1.0 and so on

… The Formula is: 0.5*(x - 10), where x is the sum of the cards in both long suits

NOTE: Pay attention when you have a bi-color with 7+ card suit to add separate by 0.5 for each card over the 6th one !!


Do not make any Positive Adjustment for 8+ by 1 Trump !

        The Positive Adjustments

Add 0.5 for any 9 card Super FIT if you do not have all 3 TOP Honors in that Super FIT (in one or in both hands, in any suit) . Add 1.0 for any 10 card Super FIT if you do not have all 3 TOP Honors in that Super FIT. If you do have all 3 TOP Honors in that Super FIT, add only 0.5 (in one or in both hands, in any suit) . NOTE: For any 10 card Super FIT of 8 by 2 or 7 by 3 add 0.5 only if you do not have a TOP Honor in the short Trump ! . Add 1.0 for any 11+ card Super FIT (in one or in both hands, in any suit) . Add 1.5 for any 11+ card Super FIT (but only if your pair hold a bi-color) . Immediately add 1.0 to your B# on the fly by the time of the Bidding, when any of the opponents bid your Singleton or Void suit (do not duplicate it later if you discover that this is a "good" Singleton or a "good" Void) . Add 1.0 for a “good” Singleton or a “good” Void (a Singleton or a Void not opposing a King) . Add 0.5 for AKx+… opposite xx in a side suit (not in the Trump) . Add 0.5 for AKQx in a side Misfit suit, but only when you will be able to throw a card (not in the Trump, in both hands) . Add 1.0 for AKQxxx … in a side FIT or Misfit suit (not in the Trump, in both hands) . IMPORTANT NOTE: You are allowed to use up to 2 Positive Adjustments !

       	The Negative Adjustments
For NT contracts:

Subtract 0.5 when you have a balanced hand with Aces more than Kings and no Queen(s) or a Jack + Ten in at least 1 suit . Subtract 0.5 if you do NOT have 5 by 3 or better FIT . Subtract 0.5 for 2 by 2 cards in a suit with less than 1 Ace + 1 Queen or 1 King (in one or both hands). Never play 3 NT contract with 2 by 2 in a suit with 1 only TOP Honor !!

For suit contracts:

If you have chosen a Misfit for a Trump, your PL with Majors will go 0.5 down (except with 5 by 2 Misfit with at least 1 TOP Honor between the 2 cards), but with Minors your PL will go 1 Down. For any 6 card suit opposite a Void, your PL will go 1 Down. For any 7 card suit opposite a Void, your PL will go 0.5 Down.

Subtract 0.5 when you have 4 or more Equivalent Queens (EQ). Do that even with 4 real Queens in one hand! Do NOT do that when you have any 8+ card suit or 6+/5+ bi-color ! . Subtract 0.5 when you have a Singleton or a Void opposite a Singleton or a Void . Subtract 0.5 when you have only Aces in your hand. Do NOT do that when you have any 8+ card suit or 5+/5+ bi-color ! . Subtract 0.5 when you have 5+ card suit without any Honor Do NOT do that when you have any 6+/5+ bi-color !

Your Trump Play Level is equal to your NT Play Level, but only if you have any 5 by 3 or better FIT (4 by 4 FIT will not help you !). If you do not have such FIT, your NT PL will be 1 below than your suit PL. . Subtract 1.0 for any King opposite a Void ("bad" Void) . Subtract 0.5 for any King opposite a Singleton ("bad" Singleton) . Subtract 0.5 for a King + Queen opposite a Void ("semi-bad" Void) . Subtract 0.5 for an Ace + Queen opposite a Void ("semi-bad" Void) . Subtract 0.5 immediately when Opponents make a barrage JUMP on 3rd or upper Level ?! . Subtract 0.5 for any 2 Mirror suits (especially when you have only one FIT)  !! . NOTE: Mirror suits are 2 by 2, 2 by 3, 3 by 3, 3 by 4 if there is not 2 TOP Honors in the suit  !! . Subtract 1.0 for full Mirror hands despite of the TOP Honors in the suits !

For any contract:

Subtract 0.5 when you have 4 or more Equivalent Queens (EQ) (even with 4 real Queens in one hand)! Do NOT do that when you have any 8+ card suit or for a 6+/5+ bi-color ! . Subtract 0.5 when the difference of partners' Base Numbers is >= 6.0 . Subtract 0.5 when you have only 2+ Aces in your hand. Do NOT do that when you have any 8+ card suit or 5+/5+ bi-color !

. NEVER play 4 HE or 4 SP with an exact Play level (PL) = 4.0 if you do not have a Singleton or a Void, play 3NT instead !! That area is the Fp Bermuda Triangle and your contract will be sink !!

              The Simple Theory

Find Your Base Number (B#, the contract tricks, your exact strength) B# = the sum of all Honor & Distributional points minus 2.0 To find your PL (Play Level) for the FIT suit use the sum of both partners' B#s. Your NT PL = your suit PL if you have a 5 by 3 (or better length) FIT (4 by 4 won’t help!), if you do not have a Void or a Singleton. In any other cases your NT's PL is lower (usually with 1) than your suit's PL. When your partner discover your exact distribution using the SCOR - SCOR convention (which simultaneously shows the exact length of your Basic suit along with your side suits) and on the next Relay your exact shape, your partner may ask you for your exact B#. Answer by steps. Your 1st step answer must show your initial B# shown by the Opening bid. For any of the next steps you must show a higher B# with 0.5 increments.

         Control Points (CP, the Controls)

Ace = Void = 6 CP King = Singleton = 4 CP NOTE: The Void must be count for 10 CP (when you are sure that it is opposite an empty of TOP Honors suit). Also, when asked for CP, show only your real CP, if your partner is aware of your exact distribution. . To discover the 1st step CP correct answer, both partners must use the Formula: CP = 4*B# + 2, along with 3 EQ (Equivalent Queens) This s the main Formula when you have a balanced hand or an unbalanced hand with 5 or 6 card Basic suit with or without a Singleton ! For a hand with a Void, 2 Singletons or with a 7 card suit the Formula for the 1st step CP answer change to: CP = 4*B#, along with 4 EQ . For a hand with a 8 card suit or with 7 card suit + a Void or 2 Singletons the Formula for the 1st step CP answer change to: CP = 4*B# - 2, along with 5 EQ . In all cases, for any of the next steps answers raise the CP by 2 and lower the EQ by 1. . That way, you will discover the exact number of all partner's TOP Honors with 1 only Question. No other bridge system in the world can do it !!

To make 3NT you will need PL >= 4.0+ & 22+ CP . To make 4HE or 4SP you will need PL = 3.5 or PL >= 4.5 & 22+ CP . To make 5CL or 5DI you will need PL >= 5.5 & 28+ CP . To make a Small SLAM you must have PL >= 6.0 & 34+ CP (or 32 CP with 3+ Equivalent Queens (EQ) with both hands). . NOTE: A Small SLAM is possible even with 30 CP when you have 2 good FITs (with all TOP Honors) or if you have 1 good FIT + 1 Super Fit of 10+ Trumps with both Controls. . To make a GRAND SLAM you must strictly have PL >= 7.5 & 36 or 40 CP (not 38 which are physically impossible !) . NOTE: A GRAND SLAM is possible even with 36 CP when you have all 4 Aces + 2 good FITs (with all TOP Honors) or 1 good FIT + 1 Super Fit of 10+ Trumps with both Controls

If your partner asks you directly for your Controls (before asking you for your exact B#) use the Formula to calculate it:

B# = any CP / 4 – 1, where any CP = real + pseudo CP

The Table below shows the approximation between HCP and the Fp's B#s  (courtesy of Mr. Aleksander Dulevski).

It is useful only when you plan to play NT Contract !!

Notice the arithmetical HCP progression by rising with 3 HCP for any 1.0 Fp count up for easier remembering !

B# .... HCP .......... B# .... HCP ......./... B# ... HCP

-1.5 = ~ 2 .............1.5 = ~12.............. 4.5 = ~21

-1.0 = ~ 4 .............2.0 = ~13 ............. 5.0 = ~22

-0.5 = ~ 5 ............ 2.5 = ~15 ............. 5.5 = ~24

+0.0 = ~ 6 ............ 3.0 = ~16 ..............6.0 = ~25

+0.5 = ~ 8 ............ 3.5 = ~18 ..............6.5 = ~27

1.0 = ~ 10 ............. 4.0 = ~19 ............ 7.0 = ~28

NOTE: The table’s HCP shown are for balanced hands (no 5 card suit, no Singleton). . If you persist to know your HCP for mild to ambiguous unbalanced hand expect 1 HCP less than the shown HCP. With more unbalanced hands expect 2-3 HCP less than the shown HCP. . Remember that B# = 1.0 ~ 10 HCP for the balanced hands (no 5 card suit, no Singleton) & B# = 1.0 ~ 9 HCP for unbalanced hands to be able fast to find the HCP for any B# .

Mr. Pawell Boiew – The Force Point Bidding Developer