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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


Declarations on State Sovereignty of the constituent entities of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.


on the independence of Armenia[1]

The Supreme Soviet of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the united will of the Armenian people,

- aware of its historic responsibility for the destiny of the Armenian people engaged in the realization of the aspirations of all Armenians and the restoration of historical justice,

- proceeding from the principles of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the generally recognized norms of international law,

- exercising the right of nations to free self-determination,

- based on the December 1, 1989, joint decision of the Armenian SSR Supreme Soviet and the Artsakh National Council on the "Reunification of the Armenian SSR and the Mountainous Region of Karabakh,"

- developing the democratic traditions of the independent Republic of Armenia established on May 28, 1918,


The beginning of the process of establishing of independent statehood positioning the question of the creation of a democratic society based on the rule of law.


The Armenian SSR is renamed the Republic of Armenia (Armenia). The Republic of Armenia shall have its flag, coat of arms, and anthem.


The Republic of Armenia is a self-governing state, endowed with the supremacy of state authority, independence, sovereignty, and plenipotentiary power.

Only the constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia are valid for the whole territory of the Republic of Armenia.


The bearer of the Armenian statehood is the people of the Republic of Armenia, which exercises the authority directly and through its representative bodies on the basis of the constitution and laws of the Republic of Armenia.

The right to speak on behalf of the people of the Republic of Armenia belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of Armenia.


All citizens living on the territory of Armenia are granted citizenship of the Republic of Armenia.

Armenians of the Diaspora have the right of citizenship of Armenia.

The citizens of the Republic of Armenia are protected and aided by the Republic.

The Republic of Armenia guarantees the free and equal development of its citizens regardless of national origin, race, or creed.


With the purpose of guaranteeing the security of the Republic of Armenia and the inviolability of its borders, the Republic of Armenia creates its own armed forces, internal troops, organs of state and public security under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Soviet.

The Republic of Armenia has its share of the USSR military apparatus.

The Republic of Armenia determines the regulation of military service for its citizens independently.

Military units of other countries, their military bases and building complexes can be located on the territory of the Republic of Armenia only by a decision of Armenia's Supreme Soviet.

The armed forces of the Republic of Armenia can be deployed only by a decision of its Supreme Soviet.


As the subject of international law, the Republic of Armenia conducts an independent foreign policy; it establishes direct relations with other states, national-state units of the USSR, and participates in the activity of international organizations.


The national wealth of the Republic of Armenia - the land, the earth's crust, airspace, water, and other natural resources, as well as economic and intellectual, cultural capabilities are the property of its people. The regulation of their governance, usage, and possession is determined by the laws of the Republic of Armenia.

The Republic of Armenia has the right to its share of the USSR national wealth, including the supplies of gold and diamond, and hard currency funds.


The Republic of Armenia determines the principles and regulation of its economic system, creates its own money, national bank, finance-loan system, tax and custom services, based on the system of multiple forms of property ownership.


On its territory, the Republic of Armenia guarantees freedom of speech, press, and conscience; separation of legislative, executive, and judicial powers; a multi-party system; equality of political parties under the law; depolitization of law enforcement bodies and armed forces.


The Republic of Armenia guarantees the use of Armenian as the state language in all spheres of the Republic's life; the Republic creates its own system of education and of scientific and cultural development.


The Republic of Armenia stands in support of the task of achieving international recognition of the 1915 Genocide in Ottoman Turkey and Western Armenia.


This declaration serves as the basis for the development of the constitution of the Republic of Armenia and, until such time as the new constitution is approved, as the basis for the introduction of amendments to the current constitution; and for the operation of state authorities and the development of new legislation for the Republic.

President of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Armenia L. Ter-Petrosyan

Secretary of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Armenia A. Sahakyan [hy]

City of Yerevan

23 August 1990

Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic


Constitutional Law of the Azerbaijan SSR

on the sovereignty of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic[2]

The Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, proceeding from the right of each nation to self-determination, on the basis of the freely expressed will of the people of the republic, on the basis of equality and the preservation of its sovereignty, united with other Soviet republics into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR: proceeding from the inalienable right of the people of the Azerbaijan SSR to free, independent determination of their fate;

Realizing that only the free and equal unification of the Soviet nations within the framework of a socialist federation guarantees their all-round development;

Aware of the urgent need to free allied relations from various kinds of deformations that have arisen as a result of the departure from the Leninist concept of the "Soviet Union State;

guided by the basic principles proclaimed in the Treaty on the formation of the USSR and the provisions of the current USSR Constitution on the sovereignty of the union republics;

Considering it necessary to bring the legislation of the Azerbaijan SSR into conformity with its status as a sovereign republic within the USSR,

adopts this Constitutional Law


The Azerbaijan SSR is a sovereign socialist state within the USSR. All power in the Azerbaijan SSR belongs to the people and comes from the people. The people carry out state power both directly and through the Soviets of People's Deputies, which constitute the political basis of the Azerbaijan SSR.

The sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR is expressed in the independent exercise of the Azerbaijan SSR throughout its territory of the supreme legislative, executive and judicial power in the interests of the entire multinational people of the republic.

The protection of the sovereign rights of the Azerbaijan SSR is carried out by the Azerbaijan SSR and the CCF Union.


The Azerbaijan SSR independently solves all issues related to political, economic, social and cultural development in the republic, its administrative-territorial structure. Any interference in the solution of issues that constitute the inalienable right of the Azerbaijan SSR should be regarded as a violation of its sovereign rights.

The competence of the Azerbaijan SSR is limited only on issues voluntarily delegated by the republic itself to the USSR.


The constitutional and legal status of the Azerbaijan SSR cannot be changed without the consent of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR.


Relations between the Azerbaijan SSR and the USSR are built on a contractual basis, proceeding from the sovereignty of the SSR and the sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR.

The relations of the Azerbaijan SSR with the union republics are based on the principles of their equality, cooperation, mutual respect for sovereign rights and non-interference in each other's internal affairs.


The sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR extends to the entire territory of the republic, including the Nakhichevan ASSR and the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, which are an integral part of Azerbaijan.

The territory of the Azerbaijan SSR is inalienable and cannot be changed without its consent, expressed by a popular vote (referendum) held by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR among the entire population of the republic.

The borders of the Azerbaijan SSR with other union republics can only be changed by mutual agreement with the corresponding republics.


The laws of the Azerbaijan SSR operate throughout the entire territory of the Azerbaijan SSR. The laws of the USSR are in force on the territory of the Azerbaijan SSR, which do not violate the sovereign rights of the Azerbaijan SSR.


The Azerbaijan SSR has the right to freely secede from the USSR. This right is exercised through a popular vote (referendum) held by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR among the entire population of the republic.


In the interests of protecting the Azerbaijan SSR, its sovereignty and the security of citizens, the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR, if necessary, may declare a state of emergency throughout the republic or in some of its localities with the introduction of special forms of government carried out by the state bodies of the Azerbaijan SSR.


The Azerbaijan SSR participates in the solution of issues attributed to the jurisdiction of the USSR in the highest bodies of state power and management of the USSR and other bodies of the USSR. This right is guaranteed by ensuring the representation of the Azerbaijan SSR in the bodies of state power and administration of the Union on an equal basis with other Union republics.


Land, its subsoil, forests, waters and other natural resources of the Azerbaijan SSR are the national wealth, state property of the republic and belong to the people of Azerbaijan.

The people of the Azerbaijan SSR, represented by its supreme bodies of state power and administration, have the inalienable right to dispose of the natural, material and technical resources of the republic.

The procedure for the use and exploitation of natural resources located on the territory of the republic is established by the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR.


The Azerbaijan SSR is taking measures to ensure the economic independence of the republic.

The Azerbaijan SSR ensures comprehensive economic, social and cultural development on its territory, exercises control over the activities of all enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the republic.


The jurisdiction of the Azerbaijan SSR, represented by its highest bodies of state power and administration, shall be subject to:

1) adoption of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR to make amendments to it;

2) control over the observance of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR and ensuring compliance with the Constitution of the Nakhichevan ASSR with the Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR;

3) the formation of autonomous republics and autonomous regions within the Azerbaijan SSR and their abolition; 4) legislation of the Azerbaijan SSR;

5) protection of the sovereignty of the republic, state order, rights and freedoms of citizens;

6) establishment of the procedure for the organization and activities of higher and local bodies of state power and administration;

7) pursuing a unified socio-economic policy, managing the economy of the Azerbaijan SSR; ensuring scientific and technological progress; implementation of measures for the rational use and protection of natural resources;

8) development and approval of state plans for the economic and social development of the Azerbaijan SSR, the state budget of the Azerbaijan SSR and approval of reports on their implementation; management of the implementation of the state budget of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the budgets of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, districts and cities of republican subordination;

9) the establishment of control over the activities of financial and credit institutions, the republic's revenues received for the formation of the state budget of the Azerbaijan SSR and the State budget of the USSR;

10) management of all sectors of the national economy of the republic; management of housing and communal services, trade and public catering, consumer services for the population, housing construction and improvement of cities and other settlements, road construction and transport of the Azerbaijan SSR;

11) establishment of the procedure for the use of land, subsoil, forests and waters; implementation of environmental policy;

12) management of public education, cultural and obese organizations and institutions of the Azerbaijan SSR, health care, physical culture and sports, social security; protection of monuments of history, culture and nature;

13) management of bodies of internal affairs and state security;

14) creation of the Constitutional Review Committee; formation of courts and other bodies of justice of the republic, determination of their competence and order of work;

15) amnesty and pardon of citizens convicted by the courts of the Azerbaijan SSR;

16) management of political, economic, scientific and cultural relations with foreign countries;

17) representation of the republic in international relations;

18) solution of other issues of republican significance.


The state language of the Azerbaijan SSR is the Azerbaijani language.

The Azerbaijan SSR ensures the use of the Azerbaijani language in state and public bodies, institutions of culture, education and other and carries out state care for its all-round development.

The Azerbaijan SSR ensures the free use and development of the Russian language and other languages ​​of the population, which it uses.


The Azerbaijan SSR has the right to enter into direct relations with foreign states, conclude treaties with them and exchange diplomatic and consular representatives, participate in the activities of international organizations.


The symbols of the state sovereignty of the Azerbaijan SSR - the flag, coat of arms, anthem - are sacred, and any desecration against them is punishable by law.

This Law shall enter into force on 25 September 1989.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR E. Kafarova

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijan SSR R. Kazieva

City of Baku

23 September 1989


on the state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus[3]

The Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus,

- Expressing the will of the people of the Republic of Belarus,

- realizing responsibility for the fate of the Belarusian nation,

- reaffirming respect for the dignity and rights of people of all nationalities living in the Republic of Belarus,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples of the USSR and the world,

- considering the republic a full and independent member of the world community,

- acting in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized international legal acts,

solemnly proclaims

the full state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus as the supremacy, independence and completeness of state power of the republic within the boundaries of its territory, the legality of its laws, independence of the republic in external relations, and declares its determination to create a legal state.

Article 1.

The Republic of Belarus is a sovereign state, established on the basis of the exercise by the Belarusian nation of its inalienable right to self-determination, the statehood of the Belarusian language, the supremacy of the people in determining its fate.

The inalienable rights of the Republic of Belarus as a sovereign state are implemented in accordance with the generally recognized norms of international law. The Republic of Belarus protects and protects the national statehood of the Belarusian people.

The Republic of Belarus has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Any violent actions against the national statehood of the Republic of Belarus by political parties, public associations or individuals are prosecuted by law.

Article 2.

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus of all nationalities are the Belarusian people, who are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of state power in the republic. His sovereignty is realized directly and through the representative bodies of state power.

The right to speak on behalf of all the people of the republic belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 3.

The state sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus is affirmed in the name of the highest goal - free development and well-being, a worthy life for every citizen of the republic on the basis of ensuring individual rights in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and its international obligations.

Article 4

Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus is an integral part of its sovereignty. The republic protects the honor, health, rights and legitimate interests of its citizens, ensures their social security. They are under her protection, staying outside the Republic of Belarus. The republic accepts citizenship and resolves issues of renunciation of citizenship.

Article 5.

The land, its subsoil, other natural resources on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the air space are the property of the Belarusian people, who have exclusive rights to their ownership, use and disposal.

Determination of the legal regime of all types of property belongs to the exclusive competence of the Republic of Belarus.

The Republic of Belarus has the right to its share in the all-Union property according to the contribution of the Belarusian people and, as the founding republic of the Soviet Union, which was its actual subject, has the right to its share of the diamond, foreign exchange funds and gold reserves of the USSR.

The Republic of Belarus forms the National Bank, subordinate to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic, creates its own financial and credit system; confirms ownership of specialized banks located on its territory at the time of the adoption of this Declaration, organizes its own tax and customs services, has the right to create its own monetary system.

Article 6.

The territory of the Republic of Belarus is indivisible and inviolable and cannot be changed or used without the consent of the Republic of Belarus.

All border issues are resolved only on the basis of mutual agreement between the Republic of Belarus and adjacent sovereign states by concluding appropriate treaties, which are subject to ratification by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 7.

The supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the laws of the Republic of Belarus is established on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

All citizens and stateless persons, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations located or operating in the territory of the Republic of Belarus are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The delimitation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is the most important principle of the existence of the Republic of Belarus as a legal state.

The highest supervision over the accurate and uniform execution of the laws of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus, who is appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus.

Article 8.

The Republic of Belarus independently establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection and the use of natural resources on the territory of the republic and ensures environmental safety for the people of the republic.

The Republic of Belarus has the right to compensation for damage caused by the actions of union bodies, union republics and other states.

The Republic of Belarus demands from the Government of the USSR unconditional and urgent compensation for damage associated with overcoming the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

The Republic of Belarus primarily uses its freedom and sovereignty to save the people of the Republic of Belarus from the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster.

Article 9.

The Republic of Belarus is independent in addressing issues of cultural and spiritual development of the Belarusian nation, other national communities of the republic, in creating its own system of information, education and upbringing.

The Republic of Belarus ensures the functioning of the Belarusian language in all spheres of public life, the preservation of national traditions and historical symbols.

National, cultural and historical values ​​on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are exclusively the property of the republic and its citizens.

Article 10.

The Republic of Belarus has the right to its own Armed Forces, internal troops, state and public security bodies controlled by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus.

The Republic of Belarus has the sovereign right to determine the procedure and conditions for its citizens to undergo military service, service in state and public security agencies, and to resolve issues of deploying troops and weapons on its territory.

No military formations of other countries, their military bases and structures may be deployed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus without the consent of its Supreme Soviet.

The Republic of Belarus aims to make its territory a nuclear-free zone, and the republic - a neutral state.

Article 11.

The Republic of Belarus independently exercises the rights to voluntary alliances with other states and free withdrawal from these unions.

The Republic of Belarus proposes to immediately begin the development of the Treaty on the Union of Sovereign Socialist States.

Article 12.

The provisions of this Declaration are implemented by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus by adopting a new Constitution (Basic Law) of the Republic of Belarus, laws of the Republic of Belarus.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus N. Dementey [ru]

City of Minsk

27 July 1990


in respect of the sovereignty of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic[4]

The Estonian people have tilled their land here, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, and developed their culture for over 5,000 years. In 1940, the relatively homogenous people–approximately 94 percent Estonian within today’s boundaries, with cultural autonomy for many minority nations–and the sovereign Estonian state were incorporated into the Soviet Union. The guarantees of sovereignty were at that time thought to be preserved, as was the flowering of the nation. The internal policy under Stalinism and in the stagnation period ignored those aims fixed by the Constitution. As a result, in Estonia an unfavorable situation has developed demographically for Estonians, who are the indigenous population on Estonian land, the natural environment in many regions of the republic has fallen into a catastrophic state, and the continuing destabilization in the economy is having a negative effect on the living standard of the entire population.

To overcome the crisis, the Estonian SSR Supreme Soviet sees but one specific path: the further development of Estonia must take place under conditions of sovereignty. The sovereignty of the Estonian Republic means that, through its supreme bodies of power and administration and judicial bodies, it wields supreme power in its territory. The sovereignty of the Estonian republic is one and indivisible. According to this, the future status of the republic within the Soviet Union could be determined by the Union contract.

The Estonian SSR Supreme Soviet does not agree with those amendments and additions to the USSR Constitution proposed by the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet that exclude the constitutional right of the Estonian SSR to self-determination. Relying on international pacts regarding economic, social, cultural, and civil and political rights of 16 September 1966 which have also been ratified by the Soviet Union, and relying also on other norms of international rights, the top organ of the Estonian SSR people’s power-the Estonian SSR Supreme Soviet-declares the priority of its laws over Estonian SSR territory before USSR laws, until the Union contract is concluded.

Changes in and additions to the USSR Constitution will henceforth go into effect on the territory of the Estonian Republic after they have been approved by the Estonian Republic Supreme Soviet and corresponding changes in and additions to the Estonian Republic Constitution have been made.

The Estonian SSR Supreme Soviet appeals to all those people who have linked their fate with the Estonian land to consolidate for the purpose of building a democratic and socialist Estonian society. The juridical and factual implementation of sovereignty means at the same time that the Estonian people will not in the future agree to any law that discriminates against the representatives of any other nationality who live in Estonia.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR A. Rüütel

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Estonian SSR V. Vaht [et]

City of Tallinn

16 November 1988

Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic


resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR

on the guarantees of the protection of the state sovereignty of Georgia[5]

Supporting the transformations taking place in the country, further deepening the course of democracy, concrete steps towards expanding the political and economic sovereignty of the republics, creating a society based on universal humane ideals and, at the same time, having considered the draft USSR Law on the establishment of the post of President of the USSR and making appropriate changes to The Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic considers that:

- according to article 70 of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR and the corresponding articles of the Constitutions (Basic Laws) of the union republics, union republics are sovereign states. Consequently, under the conditions of presidential rule, Georgia as a sovereign state should have its own president. The presence of the post of President of the USSR in the absence of the post of President of Georgia is a denial of the existence of Georgia as a sovereign state;

- Article 127.1 of the draft law allows the election of the President of the USSR even if his candidacy is rejected by a majority vote of the minority of the Union republics. This means that a person unacceptable for Georgia may become the President of the USSR, and consequently of Georgia as a part of the USSR;

- The President of the USSR should not be the guarantor of the observance of the rights and freedoms of Soviet citizens, for this duty should be fulfilled by the head of the corresponding sovereign state - the union republic;

- The measures taken by the President to protect the territorial integrity of the country should not limit the right of the union republic to freely secede from the USSR, which should be unambiguously formulated in the text of the Law. Only the republic itself can be the guarantor of the protection of the republic's sovereignty. The implementation of the principles of the national state structure of the USSR within the union republic as a sovereign state is the sole right of the union republic itself. As for the relationship of the union republic with the Union, the president of the USSR must be the guarantor of only and only the prevention of infringement of the rights of the union republic by the Union;

- since the union republics are sovereign states, control over the regulation of relations between them can be assigned only to a body consisting of representatives of these republics as states. This right of the republics cannot be substituted by the right of the corps of voters of these republics, just as the Union Treaty as a regulator of their relations cannot be substituted by the Constitution adopted by the people's deputies;

- Normative acts adopted by the President cannot have legal force on the entire territory of the USSR without the consent of the Supreme Soviet of the corresponding union republic;

- Clause 16 of Article 127.3 of the draft law is unacceptable, which gives the President of the USSR not only the right to declare martial law and a state of emergency, but also the right to impose sole presidential rule, which can be interpreted as the President's right to dissolve the authorities of the Union Republics and completely abolish the sovereignty of the republic.

Without touching upon the political position and personal qualities of potential presidential candidates, the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR considers the submitted bill on the establishment of the post of President of the USSR unacceptable, and the participation of Georgian deputies in its adoption is unacceptable.

The Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, confirming the conclusion of the Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR on political and legal assessment of the violation of the treaty concluded between Georgia and Soviet Russia on May 7, 1920, recognizes that the entry of Soviet troops into Georgia in February 1921 and the occupation of its entire territory were, from a legal point of view, military interference (intervention) and occupation with the aim of overthrowing the existing political system, and from a political point of view - de facto annexation; condemning the occupation and de facto annexation of Georgia by Soviet Russia as an international crime, seeks to annul the consequences of the violation of the Treaty of May 7, 1920 for Georgia and to restore the rights of Georgia recognized by Soviet Russia by this treaty.

Noting that the power established in Georgia as a result of the intervention and occupation - first non-elected government (revolutionary committees), and then - limited Soviets built on narrow-class principles - did not express the true, free expression of the will of the Georgian people, the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR declares illegal and invalid all acts that abolished the political and other institutions of the Democratic Republic of Georgia and replaced them with political and legal institutions relying on external force (decision of the so-called Revolutionary Committee of Georgia dated February 16 and 26, March 24, 1921, etc.*

The Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR declares illegal and invalid the Union Workers 'and Peasants' Agreement between the Georgian SSR and the RSFSR of May 21, 1921 and the Union Treaty on the Formation of the Federal Union of Socialist Soviet Republics of Transcaucasia of March 12, 1922.

Start negotiations between the Georgian SSR and the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic with the aim of establishing fundamentally new relations inherent in sovereign states, which should be based on the recognition of the fact of gross violation by the government of the RSFSR in February-March 1921 of the Treaty concluded with the Democratic Republic of Georgia on May 7 1920, and the corresponding assessment of its political and legal consequences by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.*

Despite the difficult past, the indisputable fact of the establishment of Soviet power in Georgia with the support of an external force, the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR takes into account political realities, the historical experience of the emergence and development of state power, the fact of the operation in Georgia, albeit less democratic, but still elective political institutions and their functioning in the union political system, which plays a decisive role in assessing the legal basis for the existence of any power. Today, only the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR can and is competent to create by legal means all the conditions for the formation in Georgia of truly democratic supreme and local authorities, built on a multiparty basis, taking into account the interests of all layers of society, people of all political convictions, which is an indispensable guarantee of further steps.*

The Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR, deeply aware of the enormous responsibility to the Georgian people that is placed on it, on each of its members at a crucial historical stage for Georgia, calls on the Georgian people, all people living in Georgia, to jointly achieve the cherished goal of restoring Georgia's state independence.*

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR G. Gumbaridze

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Georgian SSR V. Kvaratskhelia

City of Tbilisi

9 March 1990[a]

Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic[6]

The Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the people of Kazakhstan, striving to create decent and equal living conditions for all citizens of the Republic,

- considering the primary task of consolidating and strengthening the friendship of the peoples living in the Republic,

- recognizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the right of nations to free self-determination,

- realizing responsibility for the fate of the Kazakh nation, proceeding from the determination to create a humane democratic rule of law,


the state sovereignty of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic and adopts this Declaration.


The Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign state that voluntarily unites with other republics in the Union of Sovereign Republics and builds relationships with them on a contractual basis.

The Kazakh SSR reserves the right to freely secede from the Union.


The Kazakh SSR takes measures to protect, defend and strengthen its national statehood.

The revival and development of an original culture, traditions, language and strengthening of the national dignity of the Kazakh nation and other nationalities living in Kazakhstan are one of the most important tasks of the statehood of the Kazakh SSR.


The territory of the Kazakh SSR within its existing borders is indivisible and inviolable and cannot be used without its consent.

Any violent actions against the constitutional system of the Kazakh SSR, public appeals to violate the integrity of its territory, as well as inciting ethnic hatred by political parties, public organizations, mass associations, other groups or individuals are prosecuted by law.


Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities constitute the people of Kazakhstan, and they are the only bearer of sovereignty and a source of state power in the Kazakh SSR; they exercise state power both directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR.

The right to speak on behalf of all the people of the Republic belongs to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.


The Kazakh SSR has its own citizenship and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the USSR.

Citizens residing in the territory of the Republic are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the USSR and the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR, regardless of their national and party affiliation, origin, social and property status, gender and religion, occupation, place of residence. Any encroachment on civil and national equality is punishable by law.

The Kazakh SSR guarantees public, political and religious organizations, mass movements acting within the framework of the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR, equal legal opportunities to participate in state and public life.

The Kazakh SSR regulates migration processes within the Republic, between the Republic and other republics.


The state power of the Kazakh SSR has supremacy, independence, and completeness within the Republic, as well as in foreign relations within the framework determined by the Union Treaty.

The Kazakh SSR independently solves all issues related to the political, economic, social and national-cultural development in the Republic, its administrative-territorial structure, determines the structure and competence of state authorities and government, as well as the symbols of the Republic.


State power in the Republic is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

Legislative power is exercised by the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.

The President is the head of the Republic and has supreme administrative and executive power.

The highest judicial power belongs to the Supreme Court of the Kazakh SSR.

Supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of the laws of the Kazakh SSR on its territory is carried out by its Prosecutor General. The candidacy of the Prosecutor General of the Kazakh SSR is introduced by the President of the Republic in agreement with the Prosecutor General of the USSR and is approved by the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR.


On the territory of the Kazakh SSR, with the exception of issues voluntarily delegated by it to the Union, the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Kazakh SSR is established, which are subject to observance and implementation by all state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, citizens and stateless persons.

The Kazakh SSR has the right to suspend on its territory the actions of laws and other acts of the supreme bodies of the Union that violate the sovereign rights and the Constitution of the Republic.


The exclusive property of the Republic, constituting the basis of its sovereignty, is the land and its bowels, waters, airspace, flora and fauna, other natural resources, cultural and historical values ​​of the people, all economic, scientific and technical potential - all national wealth, available on its territory.

In the Kazakh SSR, diversity and equality of forms of ownership are ensured and their protection is guaranteed.

The Kazakh SSR guarantees the protection of the property rights of the Union, other Union republics, foreign states, their citizens and organizations.


The Kazakh SSR has the right to form a state national bank subordinate to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic, its own financial and credit system, independently forms the state budget, organizes the tax and union-republican customs system.

The Kazakh SSR has the right to its share in the all-Union property in accordance with the contribution of the Republic, including in the diamond, foreign exchange funds and gold reserves.


The Kazakh SSR independently establishes the procedure for organizing the protection of the ecological environment of the Republic, the use of natural resources, provides the people with environmental safety and has the right to prohibit the construction and cease functioning on its territory of any enterprises, institutions, organizations, and other objects that are a source of environmental danger.

The testing of nuclear weapons, the construction and operation of test sites for other types of weapons of mass destruction (chemical, bacteriological, biological and others) are prohibited on the territory of the Republic.

The Kazakh SSR has the right to compensation for damage caused to the health of the population, the natural environment and the economy of the Republic by the actions of union bodies, union republics and other states, as well as by the activities on its territory of nuclear and other test sites, objects of the military-industrial complex.


Representatives of nations and nationalities living in the Kazakh SSR outside their national-state and autonomous formations or not having them on the territory of the Union are guaranteed legal equality and equal opportunities in all spheres of public life.

The Kazakh SSR takes care of meeting the national-cultural, spiritual and linguistic needs of the Kazakhs living outside the Republic.


The Kazakh SSR has the right to its own internal troops, state security and internal affairs bodies, subordinate and controlled by the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR and the President of the Kazakh SSR.

The Republic has the right, by agreement with the Government of the Union, to determine the procedure and conditions for the passage of military service by its citizens, to resolve issues of the deployment of troops and weapons on its territory.


The Kazakh SSR has the right to act as an independent subject of international relations, determine foreign policy in its own interests, exchange diplomatic and consular missions, participate in the activities of international organizations, including the UN and its specialized agencies.

The republic is building economic and trade relations with foreign states on the basis of mutually beneficial agreements in compliance with the principles of voluntariness and equality, independently resolves issues of foreign economic activity.


The protection of the sovereign rights of the Republic is carried out by the Kazakh SSR and the Union. Any interference in the solution of issues that constitute the inalienable right of the Republic is regarded as a violation of its sovereignty.


The symbols of the state sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR - coat of arms, flag, anthem - are sacred and any desecration against them is punishable by law.


The Declaration is the basis for the conclusion of the Union Treaty, the development of a new Constitution of the Kazakh SSR, legislative acts implementing the status of the Republic as a sovereign state.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR Y. Asanbayev

City of Alma-Ata

25 October 1990

Republic of Kyrgyzstan



on the state sovereignty of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan[7]

The Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan,

- Expressing the will of the people of Kyrgyzstan,

- to fully ensure human rights and freedoms,

- caring for the free, political, economic, social and spiritual development of the people of Kyrgyzstan,

- striving to build a democratic rule of law, advocating the creation of a new Union of Sovereign Republics,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, which means the supremacy of state power of the republic throughout the territory and independence in foreign relations.

Article 1.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan is a sovereign state, established and developing on the basis of the exercise by the Kyrgyz nation of its inalienable right to self-determination, free choice by all the peoples of Kyrgyzstan of the social and state system, expressing and protecting the interests of citizens of the republic of all nationalities.

Article 2.

Citizens of the republic of all nationalities are the people of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, which is the only source of state power in the republic. All power comes from the people, exists for the people.

Article 3.

The Kyrgyz nation, which gave its name to the republic, which has an ancient history, distinctive culture, its own language, customs, traditions, cares about preserving the integrity of its gene pool, ethnic group, its national statehood, cultural and linguistic heritage on the basis of the state policy of internationalism, cooperation and mutual respect of citizens of all nationalities ...

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan takes care of meeting the national, cultural, spiritual and linguistic needs of the Kyrgyz living outside the republic.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan takes care of the preservation and development of national cultures, native language, folk customs and traditions of all nationalities inhabiting the republic.

Article 4.

The people of Kyrgyzstan exercise supreme power directly and through representative bodies, on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the laws of the republic.

Only the Supreme Soviet of the Republic and the President of the Republic can speak on behalf of the people.

Article 5.

The state sovereignty of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is ensured by:

completeness of state power of the republic in all spheres of public life;

the presence of their citizenship;

the exclusive right of the people to own, use and dispose of all the assets and property of the republic;

the supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the laws of the republic on its territory;

the ratification of the laws of the Union of Sovereign Republics, which includes the republic;

the exclusive right to change the existing territory of the republic;

the right to represent and defend their interests in relations with other republics of the Union of Sovereign Republics, foreign states and international organizations;

the right of voluntary entry into the Union of Sovereign Republics on the basis of an agreement;

the right to freely withdraw from the Union of Sovereign Republics;

the presence of their own state language, coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital.

Article 6.

State power in the republic is exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The President is the head of the republic and has supreme executive and administrative power.

The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of the laws of the republic is carried out by the Prosecutor of the Republic, who is represented by the President and appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, is responsible to them and is accountable only to them.

Article 7.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan has its own citizenship. The grounds for the acquisition or loss of citizenship of the republic are determined by the legislation of the republic.

Citizens of the republic outside its borders are guaranteed the protection and patronage of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

All citizens and stateless persons living in the territory of the republic are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the laws of the republic. They cannot be discriminated against in political, economic, social relations for reasons of origin, property status, race and nationality, skin color, sex, education, language, type and nature of occupation, place of residence, attitude to religion, political and other beliefs, belonging to parties or other social and political organizations acting in accordance with the Constitution.

Article 8.

Political life in the republic is carried out on the basis of the principle of pluralism.

All political parties, socio-political organizations, people's democratic and other mass movements work within the framework of the Constitution of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. The creation of new organizations is carried out in accordance with the constitution and laws of the republic. Political and other socio-political movements with anti-constitutional and anti-social goals are prohibited.

In the republic, military personnel, as well as persons holding positions in law enforcement agencies, are guided by the requirements of laws in their official activities.

Article 9.

The territory of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan within its existing borders is inviolable and cannot be changed or used without its consent.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan independently determines its administrative and territorial structure.

Article 10.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan independently organizes its economic life.

Various forms of ownership function in the republic, which have an equal legal status, which are the basis for the formation and development of market relations and are aimed at meeting, first of all, the interests of citizens of the republic, within the framework of labor activity not prohibited by law, the income of citizens is not limited, and along with this, the system is implemented social security of the population.

In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the land, its subsoil, airspace, forests, waters, flora and fauna - all natural resources, cultural and historical values, as well as all the economic and scientific and technical potential created by the people of the republic, are their national heritage, exclusive property. ... No one has the right: to seize, possess, use and dispose of the national property without the consent of the republic itself.

The solution of issues of union property (common property of all republics) is carried out on a contractual basis between the republics of the subjects of this property.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and objects of other states and their citizens, international organizations can be located on the territory of the republic and use the natural resources of Kyrgyzstan in accordance with its laws.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan has the right to its share in the all-Union wealth according to the contribution of the people of the republic, including in diamond, gold and foreign exchange funds.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan independently creates a banking, pricing, financial, tax system, forms the state budget, and, if necessary, introduces its own currency.

The highest credit institution of the republic is the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan.

Article 11.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan ensures on its territory nature protection, rational use of natural resources, environmental safety of the people, preservation and enrichment of the gene pool of fauna and flora. If necessary, participates in union and international environmental programs.

Article 12.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan protects and protects its state interests, has internal affairs and state security bodies, and has the right to create internal troops.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan determines the procedure and conditions for its citizens to perform military service, decides on the deployment of troops and weapons on its territory within the framework of the Union Treaty.

The production and testing of nuclear, chemical or other types of weapons of mass destruction on its territory, as well as the storage of nuclear waste is not allowed.

Article 13.

The Republic of Kyrgyzstan is an equal participant in international communication, actively contributes to the strengthening of peace and international security.

As a subject of international law, the republic carries out direct relations with other states, concludes treaties with them, exchanges diplomatic, consular, trade missions, and takes part in the activities of international organizations.

Article 14.

Kyrgyzstan declares its adherence to the universally recognized principles of friendship and cooperation between peoples, to unswervingly abide by its obligations, to prevent confrontation in international, inter-republican, interethnic relations.

The participation of the republic in resolving issues attributed to the jurisdiction of the Union is ensured through the representation of the republic in the union bodies of state power and administration on an equal basis with other union republics.

The republic has the right to establish plenipotentiary representations of the republic in other union republics.

Article 15.

This Declaration is the basis for the development and adoption of a new Constitution of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, laws of the republic and determines the position of the republic when concluding a new Union Treaty and international agreements.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan

City of Frunze

15 December 1990

Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic



on the national sovereignty of Latvia[8]

For seven centuries, Latvians have been subjugated to ruthless national and social oppression, the rights of the Latvian nation to original development and national self-determination have been brutally violated. The Latvian nation has, however, survived, endured, preserving its uniqueness, its language, and its national culture. The struggle of the workers of Latvia for social emancipation, ethnic equality, and self-determination created the opportunity in the years 1917-1920 to establish a Soviet national loyalty, but afterwards an independent democratic Republic, which was recognized by Soviet Russia under Lenin’s rule, as well as many other nations of the world.

In the year 1940, supported by the secret protocols of the Non-aggression Treaty of 23 August 1939, which was signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, and as a result of the illegitimate Stalinist foreign policy, the national sovereignty of the Republic of Latvia was lost and it was incorporated into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Stalinism and the totalitarian administrative command that ensued resulted in the decline of the economy and culture of Latvia, ecological crisis, the deformation of ethnic relations, and the devaluation of universal human values.

The Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR, based on the fact that,

• the non-recognition of political, economic, and cultural sovereignty for the Latvian people has created unfavorable circumstances for its future existence; that all individuals and nations have inalienable rights, which include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, social progress, and improvement of the standard of living,

• that in accordance with the standards of contemporary international law, which have also been recognized by the Soviet Union as legally binding, all nations have the right to self-determination, and according to these rights, they are free to determine their political status and free to secure their own economic, social, and cultural development; that all nations are free to manage their own natural wealth and resources in order to reach this goal, and that no nation can be denied the right to the means of existence belonging to it;

• that a way out of the current unfavorable demographic, ecological, and economic situation in the Latvian SSR is possible only in the event that true national sovereignty is renewed, according to the will of the people of Latvia,



From this moment on, following the adoption of this declaration, the Latvian SSR will develop under conditions of true national sovereignty as understood by national and international law.


The sovereignty of the Latvian SSR is unified and indivisible. The people of Latvia independently gain legislative, executive, and legal authority in its territory, which guarantees prosperity not only for Latvians, but also for all national and ethnic groups living within the territory of Latvia.


The land, including its minerals, forests, waters, and other natural resources, is the Republic’s national wealth, which belongs to the people of Latvia.


The national status of the Latvian SSR within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is determined through treaty relations; the new legal status of the Latvian SSR must be confirmed through legislation in the Constitution of the USSR and of the Latvian SSR, in new USSR and Latvian SSR laws (regarding citizenship, property rights, etc.), in Soviet legislative amendments and supplements.


Latvian SSR law is recognized as having superseding authority within the territory of the Latvian SSR. USSR laws become binding in the territory of the Latvian SSR only upon their ratification by the highest organs of authority in the Latvian SSR.


Latvian SSR relations with other nations are founded on the basis of agreements.

The Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR invites all the people of Latvia to unite on the basis of the principles in this declaration, in order to transform our Republic into a truly sovereign and legal nation.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR A. Gorbunovs

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR I. Daudis

City of Riga

28 July 1989

Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic


declaration of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

on the state sovereignty of Lithuania[9]

The Lithuanian people have lived here for centuries on the coast of the Baltic Sea. In the XIII century, they created their own state, for centuries they defended their freedom and independence. In 1918, they revived their statehood, which was recognized by many states of the world, and also confirmed in 1920 by a treaty with Soviet Russia, which in this treaty for all time rejected claims to the State of Lithuania and its territory. Despite the fact that this treaty has not been denounced to this day, however, in 1940, on the basis of the pact and additional secrets of the protocols adopted by Germany and the USSR in 1939, the sovereign Lithuanian state was forcibly and illegally annexed to the Soviet Union, thereby losing its political, economic and cultural independence.

The Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR sees a way out of the existing situation only in the restoration of state sovereignty, which already today finds its expression in the aspirations of the Lithuanian people, is the inalienable right of peoples and can be realized only in conditions of free self-determination. The Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR declares that from now on in the Lithuanian SSR, with the adoption of the amendment to Article 70 of the Constitution of the Lithuanian SSR, only laws adopted or ratified by the Supreme Soviet are in force. In the future, relations with the USSR and other states should be established only on the basis of interstate treaties. These aspirations of the people of Lithuania are not directed against the rights and legitimate interests of the peoples.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR V. Astrauskas

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR L. Sabutis

City of Vilnius

26 May 1989

Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova



on the sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova[10]

The Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova,

- Invoking the truth that all people are equal and have the inalienable right to life, liberty and well-being,

- conscious of their historical responsibility for the fate of Moldova, which has its own history, culture, traditions that go back millennia,

- respecting the right to sovereignty of all peoples,

- in order to establish law, protecting the rule of law and social stability,

- expressing the will of the people,

solemnly declares


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova is a sovereign state. The sovereignty of the SSR Moldova is a natural and necessary condition for the existence of the statehood of Moldova.


The bearer and source of sovereignty is the people. Sovereignty is exercised in the interests of the entire people by the highest representative body of state power of the republic. No part of the people, no group of citizens, no political party or public organization, no other formation, no individual can arrogate to themselves the right to exercise sovereignty.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova is a single and indivisible state. The borders of the SSR Moldova can be changed only by mutual agreement between the SSR Moldova and other sovereign states in accordance with the will of the peoples, taking into account the historical truth and generally recognized norms of international law.


Land, its subsoil, waters, forests and other natural resources located on the territory of the SSR Moldova, as well as all the economic, scientific, technical, financial potential, and other values ​​of the national heritage are the exclusive property of the SSR Moldova and are used to provide material and spiritual the needs of the people of the republic.

Enterprises, organizations, institutions, other objects belonging to the community of sovereign states, foreign states and their citizens, international organizations can be located on the territory of the SSR Moldova, use its natural resources only with the consent of the relevant state authorities of the SSR Moldova in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the republic.


In order to ensure socio-economic, political and legal guarantees of the republic's sovereignty, the Supreme Soviet of the SSR Moldova establishes:

- the completeness of the power of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova in solving all issues of state and public life,

- the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the SSR Moldova throughout the territory of the SSR Moldova.

Laws and other normative acts of the USSR are valid in Moldova only after their ratification (approval) by the Supreme Soviet of the republic. The earlier adopted acts, which contradict the sovereignty of Moldova, are suspended.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova recognizes the sovereign rights of all states. As a sovereign state of the SSR, Moldova has the right to enter into unions of states, voluntarily delegating certain powers to them, as well as to deprive them of these powers or withdraw from these unions in the manner prescribed by the relevant agreement.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova participates in the exercise of the powers delegated to the community of sovereign states, and also has a plenipotentiary representation in other sovereign states. Disagreements between the SSR Moldova and the community of sovereign states are resolved in the manner prescribed by the relevant treaty.


Republican citizenship is established on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova. All citizens of the republic, foreign citizens, stateless persons residing in the territory of the SSR of Moldova are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution and other legislative acts of the SSR of Moldova, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, and they are subject to the laws of the republic.

Citizens of Moldova outside the republic are under the protection of the SSR Moldova.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova guarantees all citizens, political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the SSR of Moldova, equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


Separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers is the main principle of the functioning of the SSR Moldova as a democratic rule of law.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova observes the Charter of the United Nations Organization and declares its adherence to the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, its readiness to live in peace and harmony with all countries and peoples. Take all measures to prevent confrontation in international, interstate and interethnic relations, while defending the interests of the people of SSR Moldova.


The Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova, as an equal subject of international relations, declares itself a demilitarized zone, actively contributes to the strengthening of peace and security, directly participates in the European process of cooperation and security and in European structures.


This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the SSR of Moldova, improvement of republican legislation, the position of the SSR of Moldova in the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty within the community of sovereign states.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the SSR Moldova

City of Chișinău

23 June 1990


on the state sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

The First Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic,

- Realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of Russia,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples belonging to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

- expressing the will of the peoples of the RSFSR,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic throughout its entire territory and declares its determination to create a democratic rule-of-law state within the renewed USSR.


The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is a sovereign state created by peoples historically united in it.


The sovereignty of the RSFSR is a natural and necessary condition for the existence of the statehood of Russia, which has a long history, culture and established traditions.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the RSFSR is its multinational people. The people exercise state power directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the RSFSR.


The state sovereignty of the RSFSR is proclaimed in the name of the highest goals - to ensure each person the inalienable right to a dignified life, free development and use of their native language, and to each people - to self-determination in their chosen national-state and national-cultural forms.


To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the RSFSR, it is established:

- completeness of power of the RSFSR in solving all issues of state and public life, with the exception of those that are voluntarily transferred by it to the jurisdiction of the USSR;

- supremacy of the Constitution of the RSFSR and the Laws of the RSFSR throughout the territory of the RSFSR; the effect of acts of the USSR that contradict the sovereign rights of the RSFSR is suspended by the Republic on its territory. Disagreements between the Republic and the Union are resolved in the manner prescribed by the Union Treaty;

- the exclusive right of the people to own, use and dispose of the national wealth of Russia;

- plenipotentiary representation of the RSFSR in other union republics and foreign countries;

- the right of the Republic to participate in the exercise of the powers delegated by it to the USSR.


The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is united with other republics into a Union on the basis of a treaty. The RSFSR recognizes and respects the sovereign rights of the union republics and the USSR.


The RSFSR reserves the right to freely secede from the USSR in accordance with the procedure established by the Union Treaty and legislation based on it.


The territory of the RSFSR cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed through a referendum.


The Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR confirms the need for a significant expansion of the rights of autonomous republics, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, as well as the territories and regions of the RSFSR. Specific questions of the exercise of these rights should be determined by the legislation of the RSFSR on the national-state and administrative-territorial structure of the Federation.


All citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the RSFSR are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the RSFSR, the Constitution of the USSR and generally recognized norms of international law.

Representatives of nations and nationalities who live in the RSFSR outside their national-state formations or do not have them on the territory of the RSFSR are guaranteed their legal political, economic, ethnic and cultural rights.


Republican citizenship of the RSFSR is established throughout the entire territory of the RSFSR. Every citizen of the RSFSR retains USSR citizenship.

Citizens of the RSFSR outside the Republic are under the protection and patronage of the RSFSR.


The RSFSR guarantees all citizens, political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations acting within the framework of the Constitution of the RSFSR, equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


The separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is the most important principle of the functioning of the RSFSR as a state based on the rule of law.


The RSFSR declares its adherence to the universally recognized principles of international law and its readiness to live with all countries and peoples in peace and harmony, to take all measures to prevent confrontation in international, inter-republican and interethnic relations, while defending the interests of the peoples of Russia.


This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the RSFSR, the conclusion of the Union Treaty and the improvement of republican legislation.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR B. Yeltsin

City of Moscow

12 June 1990

Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic[11]

The Supreme Soviet of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Deeply aware of the historical responsibility for the fate of the Tajik people and their national statehood,

- proceeding from the inalienable right of every people to self-determination,

- realizing that the free and equal unification of the Soviet nations within the framework of the renewed USSR guarantees their all-round development,

- reaffirming respect for the dignity and rights of people of all nationalities living in the Tajik SSR,

- in the name of ensuring every person the right to a dignified life,

- expressing the will of the people of the Tajik SSR,

solemnly proclaims

the sovereignty of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic and declares its determination to create a democratic rule of law.


The Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign multinational state.

The state sovereignty of the Tajik SSR is expressed in the unity and supremacy of state power throughout the Tajik SSR and independence in foreign relations.


Citizens of the Tajik SSR, regardless of their nationality, are the people of the Tajik SSR, who are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of state power in the republic.

The people exercise state power both directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the Tajik SSR.

Not a single political party, public, religious organization, mass movement, group of people or individual can speak on behalf of the people of the Tajik SSR. This right belongs only to the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR.


State power in the Tajik SSR is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive, and judicial.


The Tajik SSR on its territory independently resolves all issues related to political, economic, social and cultural development, with the exception of those that it will voluntarily transfer to the USSR.


The supremacy of the Constitution of the Tajik SSR and the laws of the Tajik SSR is established on the territory of the republic; the effect of acts of the USSR that contradict the sovereign rights of the Tajik SSR is suspended by the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR. Disagreements between the Tajik SSR and the USSR over the legality of acts are resolved in the prescribed manner.

All citizens of the Tajik SSR, stateless persons, state, public and religious organizations carry out their activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Tajik SSR and the laws of the Tajik SSR and are protected by law.

The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of laws on the territory of the republic is exercised by the prosecutor of the Tajik SSR, appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR. The Prosecutor of the Tajik SSR is responsible and accountable to the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR.


The Tajik SSR recognizes and respects the sovereign rights of the USSR and the union republics; builds its relationship with them on the basis of contracts, agreements; may have plenipotentiary representatives in other union republics.


The Tajik SSR reserves the right to freely withdraw from the USSR in the manner prescribed by the union treaty and legislation based on it.


In the Tajik SSR, all political parties, public organizations, and mass movements operating within the framework of the Constitution of the Tajik SSR are equal, and conditions are created for them to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


Republican citizenship is established on the territory of the Tajik SSR. Every citizen of the Tajik SSR is simultaneously a citizen of the USSR.


The Tajik SSR guarantees all citizens and stateless persons living on the territory of the republic, regardless of their origin, social and property status, race and nationality, language, sex, political views, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances, the full completeness of the rights and freedoms stipulated by the Constitution of the Tajik SSR, the Constitution of the USSR and generally recognized norms of international law.

The Tajik SSR shows concern and takes measures to protect and defend the interests of citizens of the Tajik SSR who are outside the republic.


The territory of the Tajik SSR is inviolable and cannot be changed without the consent of its people.


The Tajik SSR has the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of the republic's national wealth. Land, its subsoil and other natural resources on the territory of the republic are the exclusive property of the Tajik SSR.


The Tajik SSR forms specialized banks and independently determines financial, credit and pricing policies.


The Tajik SSR ensures the national and cultural revival of the Tajik people, their good historical customs and traditions, and also guarantees all nationalities living in the republic, civil, political, economic rights and their free national and cultural development.


The Tajik SSR carries out direct relations with foreign states, concludes agreements with them of an economic, cultural, scientific and technical nature, exchanges diplomatic, consular, trade missions, and, if necessary, takes part in the activities of international organizations.


The Tajik SSR is a supporter of the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, the resolution of all disagreements by political means, respects the rights, freedoms and sovereignty of all peoples and countries, strives for friendship, brotherhood and further progress throughout the world.


Annually celebrate October 14 as the foundation day of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, declaring it a day off.


Symbols of the state sovereignty of the Tajik SSR - coat of arms, flag, anthem - are sacred, their inviolability is protected by law.


This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the Tajik SSR, the conclusion of the Union Treaty.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Tajik SSR

City of Dushanbe

24 August 1990

Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic[12]

The Supreme Soviet of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic,

Expressing the will of the people of Turkmenistan, realizing the responsibility for the fate of the Turkmen nation, realizing the nation's right to self-determination, taking care of the full political, economic, social, spiritual and cultural development of the people, all-round ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, considering the republic a full and independent member of the world community,


the state sovereignty of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic as the supremacy, independence, completeness and indivisibility of the republic's power throughout its territory, independence and equality in foreign relations.


The Turkmen SSR is a sovereign national state exercising full power throughout its territory.

The Turkmen SSR provides protection of the national statehood of the Turkmen people.


The Turkmen SSR declares its aspiration to create a humane democratic society in which the rule of law belongs.

The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Turkmen SSR is its people. The people exercise state power directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the Turkmen SSR. Only the highest bodies of state power of the Turkmen SSR can speak on behalf of the entire people.


The state sovereignty of the Turkmen SSR is realized in the name of the highest goals - ensuring each person the rights and freedoms proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of the Turkmen SSR, the USSR Constitution and the norms of international law.


The Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic voluntarily unites with other republics in the Union on the basis of a Treaty. The republic reserves the right to freely secede from the USSR and the right to establish the political and economic system itself. The Turkmen SSR confirms its right to exercise the powers that it voluntarily transferred to the jurisdiction of the Union.


The supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Turkmen SSR is established throughout the territory of the Turkmen SSR. The effect of acts of the USSR that contradict the sovereign rights of the Turkmen SSR is suspended by the highest bodies of state power and administration of the republic throughout its territory.

State power in the Turkmen SSR is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of the laws of the Turkmen SSR is carried out by the Prosecutor of the Turkmen SSR, who is appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Turkmen SSR, is responsible to them and is accountable only to them.


The territory of the Turkmen SSR within its existing borders is inviolable, cannot be changed or used in one form or another without the will of the Turkmen people.


On the territory of the Turkmen SSR, republican citizenship is established with the preservation of the citizenship of the USSR. The Turkmen SSR ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, political views, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

Citizens of the Turkmen SSR outside the republic are under the protection and patronage of the Turkmen SSR, the authorities of the republic create conditions to meet their cultural and linguistic needs.

Citizens of other union republics and foreign states, stateless persons on the territory of the Turkmen SSR are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Turkmen SSR, the Constitution of the USSR and the norms of international law.


The Turkmen SSR independently solves all issues of internal and external security of the republic. The republic determines the procedure for the passage of military service by citizens of the Turkmen SSR, controls the provision of their rights and conditions of service, and their use for military purposes.

The Turkmen SSR aims to make the territory of the republic a zone free from nuclear, chemical, bacteriological and other types of weapons of mass destruction.


The Turkmen SSR carries out direct relations with other states, concludes treaties with them, exchanges diplomatic, consular, trade missions, takes part in the activities of international organizations, and actively contributes to the strengthening of common peace and international security.


The land, its subsoil, airspace, water and other natural resources located within the territory of the Turkmen SSR and the maritime economic zone are a national treasure and the property of the Turkmen people and serve as the material basis of the republic's sovereignty. The people of Turkmenistan have the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of this wealth, as well as all the economic, scientific and technical potential created on the territory of the republic.


The creation, placement and procedure for functioning on the territory of the republic of property objects of the USSR, other union republics, foreign states and their citizens are governed by the laws of the Turkmen SSR. The republic provides protection for all forms of ownership. The Turkmen SSR independently establishes the volumes of extraction and conditions for the supply (export) of minerals and raw materials, regulates (licensing, quotas) foreign economic activity, and manages the customs service on the territory of the republic. The Turkmen SSR has the right to its share in the all-Union property, in the diamond, foreign exchange funds and gold reserves of the USSR.


The Turkmen SSR independently establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection and the use of natural resources on the territory of the republic and ensures environmental safety for the people of the republic, prohibits environmentally harmful production and the sale of products harmful to human health.


The Turkmen SSR forms the National Bank, subordinate to the Supreme Soviet of the republic, creates its own financial and credit system, confirms the ownership of specialized proteins.

The Turkmen SSR creates a foreign economic bank of the republic.


The Turkmen SSR is independent in addressing the issues of cultural and spiritual development of the people of Turkmenistan, in creating its own system of upbringing, education, science and information.


The Turkmen SSR ensures the national and cultural revival of the Turkmen people, national identity, folk traditions and characteristics, the functioning of the Turkmen language as the state language.


National, cultural and historical values ​​on the territory of the Turkmen SSR are exclusively the property of the republic and its people. The Turkmen SSR has the right to return in the ownership of the people of Turkmenistan of national, cultural and historical values ​​located outside the republic.


The Turkmen SSR guarantees all nationalities living on the territory of the republic the right of their free national and cultural development.

The declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the Turkmen SSR, the conclusion of the Union Treaty, and the improvement of republican legislation.

Adobted by the Supreme Soviet of the Turkmen SSR

City of Ashgabat

22 August 1990


on the state sovereignty of Ukraine[13]

The Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the people of Ukraine,

- striving to create a democratic society,

- based on the needs of comprehensive provision of human rights and freedoms,

- Respecting the national rights of all peoples,

- caring for the full political, economic, social and spiritual development of the people of Ukraine,

- recognizing the need to build the rule of law,

- aiming to establish the sovereignty and self-government of the people of Ukraine,


state sovereignty of Ukraine as the supremacy, independence, completeness and indivisibility of the power of the Republic within its territory and independence and equality in foreign relations.

I. Self-determination of the Ukrainian nation

The Ukrainian SSR as a sovereign nation-state is developing within the existing borders on the basis of the exercise by the Ukrainian nation of its inalienable right to self-determination.

The Ukrainian SSR protects and safeguards the national statehood of the Ukrainian people.

Any violent actions against the national statehood of Ukraine by political parties, public organizations, other groups or individuals are prosecuted by law.

II. Population

Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities constitute the people of Ukraine.

The people of Ukraine are the only source of state power in the Republic.

The sovereignty of the people of Ukraine is exercised on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic both directly and through people's deputies elected to the Supreme and local Soviets of the Ukrainian SSR.

Only the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR may act on behalf of the entire people. No political party, public organization, other group or individual may act on behalf of the entire people of Ukraine.

III. State power

The Ukrainian SSR is independent in resolving any issues of its state life.

The Ukrainian SSR ensures the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the Republic on its territory.

State power in the Republic is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of laws is exercised by the Prosecutor General of the Ukrainian SSR, who is appointed by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR, is accountable to it and is accountable only to it.

IV. Citizenship of the Ukrainian SSR

The Ukrainian SSR has its own citizenship and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the USSR.

The grounds for the acquisition and loss of citizenship of the Ukrainian SSR are determined by the Law of the Ukrainian SSR on Citizenship.

All citizens of the Ukrainian SSR are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided by the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR and the norms of international law recognized by the Ukrainian SSR.

The Ukrainian SSR ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the Republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, sex, education, language, political views, religious beliefs, occupation and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

The Ukrainian SSR regulates immigration processes.

The Ukrainian SSR is concerned and takes measures to protect and defend the interests of the citizens of the Ukrainian SSR who are outside the Republic.

V. Territorial supremacy

The Ukrainian SSR exercises sovereignty throughout its territory.

The territory of the Ukrainian SSR within the existing borders is inviolable and cannot be changed and used without its consent.

The Ukrainian SSR independently determines the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic and the procedure for forming national-administrative units.

VI. Economic independence

The Ukrainian SSR independently determines its economic status and enshrines it in law.

The people of Ukraine have the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of the national wealth of Ukraine.

Land, its subsoil, airspace, water and other natural resources located within the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, natural resources of its continental shelf and exclusive (marine) economic zone, all economic and scientific and technical potential created on the territory of Ukraine are property of its people, the material basis of the sovereignty of the Republic and are used to meet the material and spiritual needs of its citizens.

The Ukrainian SSR has the right to its share in the all-Union wealth, in particular in the all-Union diamond and currency funds and gold reserves, which was created thanks to the efforts of the people of the Republic.

The decision of questions of the all-Union property (joint property of all republics) is carried out on a contractual basis between the republics - subjects of this property.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and facilities of other states and their citizens, international organizations may be located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and use the natural resources of Ukraine in accordance with the laws of the Ukrainian SSR.

The Ukrainian SSR independently creates a banking (including a foreign economic bank), price, financial, customs, and tax systems, forms the state budget, and, if necessary, introduces its own monetary unit.

The highest credit institution of the Ukrainian SSR is the National Bank of Ukraine, accountable to the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and production units located in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR pay for the use of land, other natural and labor resources, deductions from foreign exchange earnings, as well as pay taxes to local budgets.

The Ukrainian SSR provides protection for all forms of ownership.

VII. Ecological safety

The Ukrainian SSR independently establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection on the territory of the Republic and the procedure for using natural resources.

The Ukrainian SSR has its own national commission for radiation protection.

The Ukrainian SSR has the right to prohibit the construction and stop the operation of any enterprises, institutions, organizations and other facilities that pose a threat to environmental safety.

The Ukrainian SSR cares about the ecological safety of its citizens, about the gene pool of the people and their young generation.

The Ukrainian SSR has the right to compensation for damage caused to the ecology of Ukraine by the actions of allied bodies.

VIII. Cultural development

The Ukrainian SSR is independent in resolving issues of science, education, cultural and spiritual development of the Ukrainian nation, and guarantees to all nationalities living in the territory of the Republic the right to their free national and cultural development.

The Ukrainian SSR ensures the national and cultural revival of the Ukrainian people, its historical consciousness and traditions, national and ethnographic features, and the functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life.

The Ukrainian SSR is concerned about meeting the national, cultural, spiritual and linguistic needs of Ukrainians living outside the Republic.

National, cultural and historical values ​​on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR are the exclusive property of the people of the Republic.

The Ukrainian SSR has the right to return to the ownership of the people of Ukraine national, cultural and historical values ​​that are outside the Ukrainian SSR.

IX. External and internal security

The Ukrainian SSR has the right to its own Armed Forces.

The Ukrainian SSR has its own internal troops and state security bodies, subordinated to the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR.

The Ukrainian SSR determines the procedure for military service by citizens of the Republic.

Citizens of the Ukrainian SSR perform active military service, as a rule, on the territory of the Republic and may not be used for military purposes outside it without the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR.

The Ukrainian SSR solemnly declares its intention to become a permanently neutral state in the future, which does not participate in military blocs and adheres to three non-nuclear principles: not to accept, produce or acquire nuclear weapons.

X. International relations

The Ukrainian SSR as a subject of international law carries out direct relations with other states, concludes agreements with them, exchanges diplomatic, consular, trade missions, participates in the activities of international organizations to the extent necessary to effectively ensure the national interests of the Republic in political, economic, environmental , information, scientific, technical, cultural and sports spheres.

The Ukrainian SSR is an equal participant in international communication, actively contributes to the strengthening of general peace and international security, and directly participates in the pan-European process and European structures.

The Ukrainian SSR recognizes the superiority of universal values ​​over class ones, the priority of universally recognized norms of international law over the norms of domestic law.

The relations of the Ukrainian SSR with other Soviet republics are built on the basis of agreements concluded on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.

The Declaration is the basis for the new constitution, laws of Ukraine and determines the position of the Republic in concluding international agreements. The principles of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Ukraine are used to conclude a union treaty.

Adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR

City of Kiev

16 July 1990

Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic


Declaration of sovereignty

The Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Based on the historical experience of state building and the established traditions of the Uzbek people,

- ensuring that every nation has the right to self-determination,

- in the name of the supreme goal of ensuring every person the right to a dignified life,

- deeply aware of the historical responsibility for the fate of the peoples of Uzbekistan,

- based on international legal norms, universal values ​​and principles of democracy,


the state sovereignty of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.


State sovereignty of the Uzbek SSR is the supremacy of the democratic state of the Uzbek SSR in all constituent parts of its territory and in all foreign relations.


The state territory, the border of the Uzbek SSR are inviolable, indivisible and cannot be changed without the will of the people.


The state power of the Uzbek SSR is exercised over all parts of its territory and extends to the entire population living on it.


Decisions adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR acquire force on the territory of the Uzbek SSR only after their approval by the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR in accordance with the Constitution of the Uzbek SSR.


The jurisdiction of the state power of the Uzbek SSR includes all questions of domestic and foreign policy.


The Uzbek SSR recognizes and respects the basic principles of international law.


The Uzbek SSR defines the principles and implements political, economic, cultural and other relations with the union republics and other states on the basis of treaties.


The Uzbek SSR determines its path of development, its name, establishes its own state symbols: coat of arms, flag, anthem.


The sovereignty of the Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is ensured by the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic. The Uzbek SSR protects the interests of the Karakalpak ASSR in accordance with its Basic Law and the Constitution of the Uzbek SSR.


The legislative power of the Uzbek SSR develops laws and regulations necessary for the implementation of the state sovereignty of the Uzbek SSR, determines the composition and structure of the political and economic system of the Uzbek SSR.


The Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR declares its determination to create a democratic rule-of-law state, determined by a popular referendum, guarantees the representatives of all nations and nationalities living in the Uzbek SSR their legal political, economic, ethnic, cultural rights and the development of their native language.


This declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the Uzbek SSR and a new Union Treaty.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR

City of Tashkent

20 June 1990

Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic


Declarations on State Sovereignty of the constituent entities of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

Declarations unaccounted for: Chukotka Autonomous District (10 October 1990), Irkutsk Region (26 October 1990), Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region (17 November 1990),[15] Komi Permyak Autonomous District (11 October 1990),[15] Koryak Autonomous District (7 October 1990).[15] Dagestan ASSR and Mordovian ASSR did not adopt Declarations of Sovereignty but instead passed laws clarifying their legal status.[16]

Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea



on the state sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea

The Council of People's Deputies of the Adyghe Autonomous Region,

- Expressing the will of the multinational people of Adygea,

- confirming respect for the dignity and rights of people of all nationalities living in Adygea,

- being aware of the responsibility for the fate of the Adyghe nation, of all nationalities,

- acting in accordance with the Constitutions of the RSFSR and the USSR, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR, the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized international legal acts,

solemnly declares

the state sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea throughout its entire territory and its determination to create a legal republic within the Russian Federation.

Article 1.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is a sovereign republic within the RSFSR, created on the basis of the exercise of the Adyghe nation of the inalienable right to self-determination and the historically established community of people living in this territory.

Article 2.

The state sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is affirmed for the sake of the highest goal - free development and well-being, worthy of life for every citizen of the republic on the basis of ensuring individual rights in accordance with the Constitutions of the SSR of Adygea, the RSFSR and the USSR.

Article 3.

The state sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea extends to its entire territory. The republic has full state power, except for the rights voluntarily delegated by it to the RSFSR and the USSR on the basis of agreements concluded with them, and is a subject of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Article 4.

Citizens of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea of ​​all nationalities are the people of Adygea. The people of Adygea are the bearers of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea. Their sovereignty is realized on the basis of the Constitutions of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, the RSFSR and the USSR, directly and through elected representative bodies of power.

Article 5.

State power in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is exercised on the basis of the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

Article 6.

Not a single political party, public, religious organization or individuals can act on behalf of the entire people of Adygea. All the fullness of state power on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea belongs to the supreme authority, which has the exclusive right to speak on behalf of the people of Adygea.

The supremacy of the laws of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is established throughout the republic in addressing all issues of state and public life, with the exception of those voluntarily delegated by it to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea participates in the exercise of the powers delegated by it to the RSFSR and the USSR.

Article 7.

Citizenship of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is an integral part of its sovereignty. Citizens of the SSR Adygea are simultaneously citizens of the RSFSR and the USSR. The Republic protects the honor, dignity, rights and legitimate interests of its citizens, ensures their social security.

Political parties, public and religious organizations are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the constitutions of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, the RSFSR and the USSR, and the norms of international law.

In the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, any unconstitutional actions directed against its statehood are unacceptable.

Representatives of all peoples living in Adygea are not allowed any unconstitutional actions directed against its statehood.

Representatives of all peoples living in Adygea outside their national - territorial formations are provided with legal political, economic, ethnic and cultural rights.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea takes care of the citizens of the republic who are outside its borders, assists in the development of culture, language, preservation of the identity of the Circassians living outside the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea.

Article 8.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, education, language, political and religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

Article 9.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea declares its desire to preserve and strengthen the historically formed socio-economic and cultural ties with the peoples of the Kuban, readiness and desire to live in peace and harmony with all peoples.

Article 10.

Foreign relations remain within the competence of the RSFSR and the USSR, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea reserves the right to directly establish and develop economic, scientific, cultural, sports ties with other states, open representative offices in foreign countries where the Adygeyan diaspora lives.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea recognizes the right to return to their historical homeland of representatives of the Adyghe people living outside the USSR.

Article 11.

Land, its bowels, airspace, water and other natural resources on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea are the exclusive property of the people of Adygea, who have the inalienable and undivided right to own, use and dispose of them. All economic, scientific and technical potential created on the territory of the republic is a national treasure and constitutes the economic basis of its state sovereignty. The republic has the right to its share in the property of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Article 12.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea resolves issues of environmental protection, the use of natural resources, participates in interregional economic programs, reserves the right to compensation for damage caused to the republic.

Article 13.

On the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, various forms of management, free entrepreneurship, and other activities not prohibited by law are allowed. The republic provides protection for all forms of ownership.

Article 14.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and facilities of other republics, states and their citizens, joint ventures may be located on the territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, use natural and labor resources in accordance with its legislation.

Article 15.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea, entering into contractual relations with other republics, states and the union of states, retains full power on its territory. Issues attributed to the joint jurisdiction of the subjects of treaties are resolved on the basis of equality and interests of the people of Adygea.

Article 16.

The territory of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea is inviolable and cannot be changed without its consent.

Article 17.

The Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea has the attributes of a sovereign republic: citizenship, coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital.

Article 18.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of the constitution of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Adygea and comes into force from the moment of its adoption.

Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the SSR Adygea A. Dzharimov

City of Maykop

28 June 1991


on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic[17]

The Supreme Soviet of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Aware of the historical responsibility for the fate of the multinational people of the republic,

- recognizing the priority of universal human values, natural and social environment, rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international legal acts,

- respecting the sovereign rights of all peoples,

- caring about the economic, social, political, spiritual development of the peoples living on the territory of the republic,

- considering the republic a subject of the USSR and the renewed Russian Federation,

- taking into account that the Bashkir Republic was formed in 1919 as part of the RSFSR on the basis of an agreement with the central Soviet government,

- finding that the status of an autonomous republic now does not ensure the comprehensive socio-economic development of Bashkiria,

- realizing the inalienable right of the Bashkir nation to self-determination and guaranteeing the equal rights of all nations on the territory of Bashkiria,

- following the path of creating the rule of law and a democratic society,


the state sovereignty of Bashkiria throughout its entire territory within the existing borders and transforms the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic (Bashkir SSR) - Bashkortostan.

Henceforth, in the Constitution, other legal acts of the republic, in state and public life, this name of the republic should be used as its official name.


Land, mineral resources, natural resources and other resources on the territory of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic, as well as the entire economic, scientific and technical potential, are the exclusive property of its multinational people.


The relations of the Bashkir SSR with the USSR, RSFSR and other republics are determined by the Union Treaty, the Treaty with the RSFSR, and other inter-republican treaties and agreements. Entering into contractual relations with the USSR, the RSFSR, and other republics, the Bashkir SSR retains the full completeness of state power throughout the territory outside the limits of the rights voluntarily transferred by it to the USSR and the RSFSR.


The Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic guarantees equal rights and freedoms to all citizens living on its territory, regardless of their nationality, social origin, political convictions, attitude to religion, and other differences. In the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic, the preservation, equal functioning and all-round development of the languages ​​and cultural values ​​of all peoples inhabiting it are ensured.


The Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic contributes to the satisfaction of the national and cultural needs of persons of Bashkir nationality living outside the republic.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic is its multinational people. The sovereignty of the people is realized on the basis of the Constitution and laws of the Bashkir SSR both directly and through the Council of People's Deputies.


The most important issues related to the development of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic, its relations with the USSR, RSFSR, other republics and states, are submitted for consideration by the Supreme Soviet of the Bashkir SSR, for discussion by its people.


State power in the Bashkir SSR is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.


The Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic has its own system of legislation. The Constitution and laws of the Bashkir SSR have supremacy over the entire territory of the Bashkir SSR, with the exception of those spheres of legal regulation that are voluntarily transferred by the republic to the jurisdiction of the USSR and the RSFSR. Prior to the adoption of the new Constitution of the Bashkir SSR, other laws and regulations of the Bashkir SSR, laws and by-laws of the Bashkir ASSR, the RSFSR and the USSR are in force on the territory of the republic, which do not contradict the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic.


The Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. The capital of the Bashkir SSR is the city of Ufa.


This Declaration is valid from the moment of its adoption, is the basis for the development of the constitution of the Bashkir SSR, the development of the legislation of the republic, the renewal of state structures, the participation of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic in the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty, treaties with the RSFSR, other republics and states.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Bashkir SSR M. Rakhimov

City of Ufa

11 October 1990

Buryat Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Buryat Soviet Socialist Republic[18]

The Supreme Soviet of the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will and interests of the multinational people of Buryatia,

- striving to create a democratic society and build a rule of law,

- realizing responsibility for the fate of future generations,

- testifying to respect for the national rights of all peoples,

- developing and expanding internationalism, guiding the education of citizens in the spirit of trust, friendship and brotherhood,

- advocating the integrity of the RSFSR,

- recognizing that at present the legal status of the Autonomous Republic hinders the development of the economic, political, socio-cultural potential of Buryatia,

- considering the Republic an equal subject of the Federal and new Union treaties,

- acting in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized international legal acts,

- in the name of the highest goals: ensuring each person an inalienable right to a dignified life, free development and use of their native language, and to each people - to self-determination and national-state and national-cultural forms chosen by them,


the renunciation of the status of an autonomous republic and proclaims the state sovereignty of the Buryat Soviet Socialist Republic as the supremacy, independence and full state power of the republic on its territory, its independence in foreign relations (with the exception of powers voluntarily delegated to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR on the basis of the Federal and Union treaties).

Section 1. Population

Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities are the people of the Buryat SSR.

The people of Buryatia are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of state power in the Republic.

The sovereignty of the people of the Buryat SSR is realized on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic both directly and through the representative bodies of state power.

The right to speak on behalf of the entire people of the Republic belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of the Buryat SSR.

Section 2. State Power

The Buryat Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign multinational state created by the peoples voluntarily united in it.

Remaining as part of the renewed Russian Federation, the Buryat SSR is independent in solving any issues of state life, including in the conduct of their national, economic, environmental, social, cultural, scientific and personnel policies.

On the territory of the Buryat SSR, the supremacy of the Constitution of the Buryat SSR and the laws of the Buryat SSR is established. The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily delegated by the Republic to the jurisdiction of the authorities of the Federation and the Union, have supreme legal force on its territory. The effect of laws and other acts of state power and management bodies of the RSFSR and the USSR that go beyond the voluntarily delegated powers, or infringe on the rights and interests of the people of Buryatia, are suspended and protested by the Supreme Soviet of the Buryat SSR. Disagreements in the legislative acts of the Buryat SSR, the RSFSR and the USSR are resolved in the manner established by the Federal and Union treaties.

State power in the Republic is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial. The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of laws is carried out by the prosecution bodies in the manner determined by the Constitution of the Buryat SSR, Federal and Union treaties. The Supreme Soviet of the Buryat SSR exercises control over the activities of the prosecutor's office of the Buryat SSR.

The Buryat SSR independently resolves issues of international relations outside the powers delegated by the RSFSR and the USSR. The Buryat SSR has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. Any violent actions against the sovereign statehood of the Buryat SSR by political parties, public organizations, other groups or individuals are prosecuted by law.

Section 3. Citizenship of the Buryat SSR

The Buryat SSR has its own citizenship and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the RSFSR and the USSR.

All citizens of the Buryat SSR and stateless persons living in the territory of Buryatia are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the generally recognized norms of international law and the Constitution of the Buryat SSR.

The Buryat SSR ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the Republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, political views, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

The Buryat SSR shows concern for the citizens of the Buryat SSR who are outside the Republic and takes measures to protect and defend their interests.

Section 4. Territorial Invalidity

The territory of the Buryat SSR within the existing borders is inviolable and cannot be changed and used without the consent of the people, expressed through a referendum.

The Buryat SSR independently determines the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic and the procedure for the formation of national-territorial units.

Section 5. Economic Independence

The land, its subsoil, water and other natural resources, air space, flora and fauna, located within the territory of the Buryat SSR, all the economic and scientific and technical potential created on the territory of Buryatia, are the property of its people, the basis of the economic sovereignty of the Republic and are used in order to meet the material and spiritual needs of its citizens.

The determination of the order of ownership, use and disposal of the property of enterprises, institutions and organizations owned by the Buryat SSR is carried out on the basis of contractual relations between the Buryat SSR and the RSFSR, the USSR and other subjects of law.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and objects of the Union republics, other states and their citizens, international organizations can be located on the territory of the Buryat SSR and use the natural resources of Buryatia in accordance with the laws of the Buryat SSR.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and production units located on the territory of the Buryat SSR pay for the use of land and other natural resources, deductions from foreign exchange earnings, and also pay taxes to local budgets.

The Buryat SSR provides protection for all forms of ownership.

Section 6. Ecological Safety

The Buryat SSR independently establish the procedure for organizing nature conservation on the territory of the republic and the procedure for using natural resources.

The Buryat SSR has the right to prohibit the construction and terminate the functioning of any enterprises, institutions, organizations and other objects that pose a threat to environmental safety.

The economic development of Buryatia is carried out taking into account the need to preserve Lake Baikal with its basin, which are of world value.

The Buryat SSR cares about the environmental safety of citizens, about the gene pool of the people, its young generation.

The Buryat SSR has the right to compensation for damage caused to the ecology of Buryatia by the actions of federal, union and other bodies.

Section 7. National and Cultural Development of the People of Buryatia

The Buryat SSR is independent in solving problems of science, education, and cultural development of the peoples of Buryatia.

The Buryat SSR ensures and guarantees the national-cultural revival and free development of all peoples inhabiting its territory.

The state languages ​​of the Buryat SSR are Russian and Buryat. All citizens of the Republic are guaranteed the right to freely develop and use their native language.

The Buryat SSR shows concern for meeting the national, cultural, linguistic needs of the Buryats living outside the republic.

The Buryat SSR establishes the procedure for the possession, use and disposal of all monuments of history and culture located on its territory.

The Buryat SSR has the right to return to the property of the people of Buryatia historical and cultural monuments located outside the Buryat SSR.

The Buryat SSR has the right to change its state and legal status in the manner determined by the Federal and Union treaties.

This Declaration has direct effect and is the basis for the development of a new constitution of the Buryat Soviet Socialist Republic, the conclusion of a Federal Treaty and a new Union Treaty.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Buryat SSR S. Buldaev [ru]

City of Ulan-Ude

8 October 1990

Chechen-Ingush Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Chechen-Ingush Republic[19]

The Supreme Soviet of the Chechen-Ingush Republic,

- Expressing the will of the people of Chechen-Ingushetia,

- recognizing the historical responsibility for the fate of the Chechen and Ingush peoples and their national statehood,

- respecting the rights and interests of representatives of all nationalities living in Chechen-Ingushetia,

- in order to create conditions for a full-fledged political, economic, social and cultural development of the people,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the Chechen-Ingush Republic throughout its territory and declares its determination to create a democratic legal state.

Article 1.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic is a sovereign state created as a result of self-determination of the Chechen and Ingush peoples. The sovereignty of the Chechen-Ingush Republic is the natural and necessary existence of the statehood of Chechen-Ingushetia.

Article 2.

The state sovereignty of the Chechen-Ingush Republic is proclaimed in the name of the supreme goals of ensuring each person the inalienable right to a dignified life and free development.

Article 3.

The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Chechen-Ingush Republic is its multinational people, who exercise state power directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.

Article 4.

All citizens of the republic, regardless of their origin, social and property status, religious beliefs, race and nationality, gender, education, political views, type and nature of occupation, are equal before the Law of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.

Article 5.

Citizens of the Chechen-Ingush Republic and stateless persons residing in the territory of Chechen-Ingushetia are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Chechen-Ingush Republic and generally recognized norms of international law.

Representatives of all peoples living in the Chechen-Ingush Republic outside their national-state formations are guaranteed their legal political, economic, ethnic and cultural rights. The Chechen-Ingush Republic shows concern and takes measures to protect and protect the legitimate interests of citizens of the Chechen-Ingush Republic, representatives of the Chechen and Ingush peoples who are outside the republic.

Article 6.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic guarantees equal rights to all citizens, political parties, public and religious organizations, mass movements acting within the framework of the Constitution of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.

Article 7.

Not a single political party, public organization, as well as groups or individuals can act on behalf of the people of the Chechen-Ingush Republic.

Only the Supreme Soviet, the highest authority of the Chechen-Ingush Republic, has the exclusive right to speak on behalf of the people of Chechen-Ingushetia.

The Supreme Soviet can take for its consideration any question of the state and public life of the republic.

Article 8.

The separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is the most important principle of the existence of the Chechen-Ingush Republic as a state governed by the rule of law.

Article 9.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic declares its adherence to the generally recognized principles of international law and readiness to live in peace and harmony with all peoples, to take measures to prevent confrontation in international, inter-republican and interethnic relations, while defending the interests of the people of Chechen-Ingushetia.

Article 10.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic considers unacceptable the manifestation of any form of discrimination against the individual and acts of genocide against any nation.

Condemning the act of genocide manifested in the past against the Chechens and Ingush and other peoples of the USSR, the Chechen-Ingush Republic reserves the right to compensation for moral and material damage caused to the republic and its people in 1944-1957.

Article 11.

Land, its subsoil, airspace, water and other natural resources on the territory of the Chechen-Ingush Republic are the exclusive property of the people of Chechen-Ingushetia, which has the inalienable and undivided right to own, use and dispose of them.

All economic, scientific and technical potential created on the territory of the republic is a national treasure and constitutes the economic basis of its state sovereignty.

Article 12.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic solves the issues of environmental protection, the use of natural resources and ensuring economic security and reserves the right to compensation for damage caused to the republic by the extraction and processing of oil.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation, as well as persons, regardless of their citizenship, are liable for violations of the established procedure for the use of natural resources in accordance with the law.

Article 13.

On the territory of the Chechen-Ingush Republic, free entrepreneurship, various forms of land management, other activities not prohibited by law, that benefit the people of Chechen-Ingushetia, satisfy their material and spiritual needs, are allowed.

Article 14.

In order to build a democratic society, the successful functioning of the national economic complex, ensure security, defense, showing respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples, adhering to the principles of self-determination of nations, voluntariness and equality. The Chechen-Ingush Republic, entering into contractual relations with other republics, states and the union of states, retains all full power on its territory.

Issues attributed to the modern jurisdiction of the subjects of treaties are resolved on the basis of equality.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic will conclude agreements on commonwealth and cooperation with sovereign republics, states, and the union of states only on the basis of the interests of the people of Chechen-Ingushetia.

Article 15.

To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Chechen-Ingush Republic, the supremacy of the constitution and laws of the Chechen-Ingush Republic is established throughout its territory.

Article 16.

Any attempt to change the state system in the Chechen-Ingush Republic in an unconstitutional way is a grave crime against its people.

Article 17.

The territory of the Chechen-Ingush Republic cannot be changed and used without its consent.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic confirms the just demand of the Ingush people to restore national statehood and the need to resolve the issue of returning the territories belonging to them and torn away as a result of the Stalinist repressions of the Prigorodny District and part of the territory of the Malgobek District within their former borders, as well as the right-bank part of Ordzhonikidze (Vladikavkaz).

The union treaty will be signed by the Chechen-Ingush Republic after resolving the issue of returning the seized territories of Ingushetia.

Territorial disputes between the Chechen-Ingush Republic and other republics are resolved only through negotiations.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic independently determines its administrative-territorial and national-territorial division.

Article 18.

The Chechen-Ingush Republic has the attributes of a sovereign state: citizenship, coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital.

Article 19.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the Chechen-Ingush Republic and comes into force from the moment of its adoption.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Chechen-Ingush Republic D. Zavgayev

City of Grozny

27 November 1990

Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic[20]

The Supreme Soviet of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will and interests of the people of the republic, consisting of its citizens of all nationalities,

- following the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respecting the sovereign rights of all peoples of the RSFSR and the USSR, taking responsibility for the fate of the Chuvash nation and the entire people of the republic,

- based on the need to preserve and develop culture, language, traditions and way of life of the Chuvash nation,

- conscious of the urgency of expanding the legal status of the republic for the further political, economic, social and spiritual development of its multinational people,

- striving to create a democratic rule of law,


the state sovereignty of the Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic as the supremacy and independence of the state power of the republic throughout its territory.


The Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign state, the only national-state formation of the Chuvash nation. The Chuvash SSR is a subject of the federation of the RSFSR and the USSR on the basis of the Chuvash nation exercising its inalienable right to self-determination.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the republic is its people. Their sovereignty is realized on the basis of the Constitution of the Chuvash SSR directly and through the people's deputies. Only the Supreme Soviet of the Chuvash SSR has the right to speak on behalf of the people.


On the territory of the republic, the supremacy of the Constitution of the Chuvash SSR and the laws of the Chuvash SSR is established. The laws of the USSR and the RSFSR are valid on the territory of the Chuvash SSR, if they do not contradict the Constitution of the Chuvash SSR, the union and federal agreement.


Citizens of the Chuvash SSR retain their citizenship of the USSR and the RSFSR.


Chuvash and Russian are established as the state languages ​​on the territory of the Chuvash SSR. The free development of languages ​​of other nationalities living on the territory of the republic is guaranteed.


The Chuvash SSR ensures the free cultural development of the Chuvash nation and other nationalities, promotes the national and cultural development of persons of Chuvash nationality living outside the Chuvash SSR.


The Chuvash SSR has a state emblem, flag and anthem.


The territory of the Chuvash SSR cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed through a referendum.


To ensure economic guarantees, the exclusive right of the people of the republic to own, use and dispose of its national wealth is established. The delimitation of property objects between the USSR and the constituent entities of the federation, as well as the transfer of the republic's property to the ownership (administration) of the USSR and the RSFSR, are determined by relevant agreements.


Land, its bowels, waters, forests, flora and fauna, and other natural resources are the property of the Chuvash SSR. The republic carries out rational nature management on its territory, takes care of the ecological safety of the population.


The Chuvash SSR independently, outside of the powers delegated by it to the jurisdiction of the USSR and the RSFSR, determines the budgetary and tax policy, and implements social protection of the population.


The Chuvash SSR establishes economic and other relations with the subjects of the Federation, may have plenipotentiary representations in the USSR and the RSFSR.


The Chuvash SSR conducts foreign economic activity, establishes direct economic and cultural ties with foreign states and forms its own monetary fund.


Henceforth, use the name Chuvash Soviet Socialist Republic - Čăvaš Jen Republic as the official name of the state.


This Declaration is the basis for the adoption of the Constitution of the Chuvash SSR, federal and union treaties.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Chuvash SSR A. Leontiev [ru]

City of Cheboksary

24 October 1990

Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic[21]

The Council of People's Deputies of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region,

- Noting that in the modern period, the status of an autonomous region, limited in its sovereign rights, does not contribute to the effective use of the economic potential of Gorno-Altai, does not ensure the true equality of peoples and their free development,

- considering that only an increase in the state and legal status of the autonomous region will create conditions for it to take a worthy place as a full-fledged subject in the renewed RSFSR and the USSR, and will make it possible to independently solve its problems that have accumulated over the years,

- expressing the will and interests of the peoples living in the autonomous region for self-determination, social and economic progress, cultural and spiritual revival, the definition of their national statehood,

- reaffirming respect for the sovereign rights and legitimate interests of other peoples, nations and nationalities of the RSFSR and the USSR,

- considering it unacceptable to further postpone the consideration of the issue of raising the state and legal status of the autonomous region, which would contradict the historical aspiration of the people of Gorno-Altai for national sovereignty,

- guided by the Law of the USSR "On the Delimitation of Powers between the USSR and the Subjects of the Federation", the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR and the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR "On the Federal Treaty",

adopts this declaration

and proclaims the state sovereignty of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Article 1.

Transforms the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region into the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR. The Gorno-Altai ASSR builds relations with the RSFSR voluntarily on the basis of the Federal Treaty and the Constitution of the RSFSR.

Article 2.

The state sovereignty of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is a natural, necessary and legal condition for the existence of its national statehood, history, culture, traditions and is called upon to provide each person with the inalienable right to a dignified life, free spiritual development and use of their native language.

The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power is the multinational people of the Gorno-Altai ASSR.

The state sovereignty of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is proclaimed for the purpose of harmony, mutual respect, brotherhood and unity among citizens of all nationalities.

Article 3.

The Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic has full state power on its territory, with the exception of those powers that it voluntarily, permanently or temporarily, is transferred to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and is exercised with its participation.

The structure of power and the forms of its implementation are established by the autonomous republic itself. The Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic stands for the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

Article 4.

The Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic adopts its own legislative acts that have supremacy over the territory of the republic and are binding.

The laws of the RSFSR, adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily transferred to its jurisdiction, have the highest legal force on the territory of the Gorno-Altai ASSR.

Acts of the RSFSR that contradict the legislation of the autonomous republic are suspended by a decision of the Council of the autonomous republic. In such cases, disagreements between the Gorno-Altai ASSR and the RSFSR are resolved in the manner prescribed by the Federal Treaty and the Constitution of the RSFSR.

Article 5.

The territory of the Gorno-Altai ASSR cannot be changed or used without its consent. All questions about the borders and the administrative-territorial structure are resolved on the basis of current laws and the concluded Agreement with the RSFSR.

Article 6.

Citizenship of the USSR and the RSFSR is established on the territory of the Gorno-Altai ASSR.

The Autonomous Republic guarantees and protects the rights and legitimate interests, freedoms, honor and health of its citizens and ensures their social security.

Article 7.

The people of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic have the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of national wealth.

The use of natural resources and other economic activities of enterprises and organizations on the territory of the Autonomous Republic may be carried out only with its consent. In the autonomous republic, the inviolability of all types and forms of property acquired legally is guaranteed.

Article 8.

The Gorno-Altai ASSR stands for the renewal and constant improvement of the Soviet Federation as a Union of sovereign republics, national-territorial and administrative-territorial entities.

The legitimate desire of the population of Gorno-Altai for political and economic independence, statehood should not be used by anyone in order to incite interethnic hatred, hostility and conflicts, but implemented exclusively for the harmonization of relations and equality of the peoples of the republic.

Article 9.

The Gorno-Altai Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic guarantees all citizens, political parties, public organizations and mass movements operating under the laws of the USSR, the RSFSR, the Gorno-Altai ASSR, equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.

Article 10.

This Declaration is the basis for the conclusion of the Agreement on the state-legal structure of the Autonomous Republic and the Agreement on its economic relations with the RSFSR for the period of transition to a market economy and the development of legislative acts that ensure its sovereign rights.

Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Gorno-Altai ASSR V. Chaptynov

City of Gorno-Altaysk

25 October 1990

Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic[22]

The Supreme Soviet of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the multinational people of Kabardino-Balkaria,

- realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of Kabardino-Balkaria,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples,

- recognizing that at present the status of an autonomous republic hinders the political, socio-economic and national-cultural development of Kabardino-Balkaria,

- considering the Republic an equal subject of the new Union and Federal Treaties,

- realizing the inalienable right of the Kabardian and Balkarian nations, the entire people of the Republic to self-determination,


the renunciation of the status of an autonomous republic and proclaims the state sovereignty of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic as the supremacy, independence, completeness and indivisibility of the power of the Republic within its territory, independence and equality in foreign relations, with the exception of powers voluntarily delegated to the USSR and the RSFSR, and declares its determination to create a democratic rule-of-law state within the USSR and the RSFSR.

I. Self-determination of the nations of Kabardino-Balkaria

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic as a sovereign state develops on the basis of the exercise of the Kabardian and Balkarian nations of their inalienable right to self-determination as equal subjects of the Republic.

The Kabardian and Balkar peoples, as sovereign subjects forming a single Republic, have the inalienable right to self-determination up to the secession from the Republic and the formation of an independent statehood.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR voluntarily, on the basis of the Union and Federal Treaties, is part of the USSR and the RSFSR and is a subject of the USSR and the Russian Federation, retaining the indisputable right to an independent choice of its national state structure and self-determination, up to separation and formation of a new state.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR protects the national statehood of the Kabardians and Balkars. Any unconstitutional actions against the national statehood of Kabardino-Balkaria: by political parties, public organizations, other groups or individuals, are prosecuted by law.

II. Democracy

Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities are the people of Kabardino-Balkaria.

The people of Kabardino-Balkaria are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of state power in the Republic.

The sovereignty of the people of Kabardino-Balkaria is realized on the basis of the Constitution of the Republic both directly and through the people's deputies elected to the Supreme and local Councils of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The most important issues in the life of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR are put to a nationwide vote (referendum).

Only the Supreme Soviet of Kabardino-Balkaria can speak on behalf of the entire people. Not a single political party, public organization, other groupings and individuals can act on behalf of the entire people of Kabardino-Balkaria. Any attempt to usurp this exclusive right of the Supreme Council is prosecuted.

III. Government

To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic, the following are established:

- the completeness of the power of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic in resolving all issues of state and public life, with the exception of those that are voluntarily transferred by it on the basis of treaties to the jurisdiction of the USSR and the RSFSR;

- the supremacy of the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR and the laws of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR throughout the territory of the Republic, with the exception of those powers that are delegated to the USSR and the RSFSR.

The effect of laws and other acts of state power bodies of the USSR and the RSFSR, which run counter to the sovereign rights of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR and go beyond the powers voluntarily delegated by the USSR and the RSFSR, are suspended by the Republic throughout its territory.

Disagreements between the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR and the RSFSR are resolved in the manner established by treaties between these Federations and their subject, the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR.

State power in the Republic is exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR creates opportunities for the formation of the necessary representation of the Kabardian, Balkarian and Russian peoples, as well as compactly residing ethnic groups on the territory of the Republic in the elected bodies of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, RSFSR and the USSR. In accordance with the updated laws on elections of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, RSFSR and the USSR, a mechanism for the election of people's deputies at all levels is being formed.

The Supreme Soviet of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR builds its work on the basis of the functioning of two equal chambers - the chamber of the republic and the chamber of nationalities, which is formed on a parity basis. The republic is entitled to participate in the exercise of the powers transferred by it to the USSR and the RSFSR, and establishes a plenipotentiary representation of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR in the USSR and the RSFSR.

The supervision over the uniform execution of laws and the compliance of acts of state and public organizations with the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, the protection of constitutional rights and individual freedoms, the rights of peoples living in the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria, is provided by the prosecution bodies in the manner determined by the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, Union and Federal treaties. The prosecutor of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic and is accountable to it.

IV. Citizenship of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic has its own citizenship and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the USSR and the RSFSR.

The basis for the acquisition and loss of citizenship of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is determined by the Law of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR on Citizenship. The right to grant citizenship of Kabardino-Balkaria belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR or its Presidium.

All citizens of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR are guaranteed the rights and freedoms stipulated by the Constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the Republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, political and religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR independently regulates migration processes on its territory, proceeding from the interests of the people of the Republic.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR shows concern and takes measures to protect and defend the interests of citizens of the Republic who are outside its borders due to various kinds of circumstances, decides on the return to their historical homeland of compatriots who are abroad, in accordance with the legislation of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR and international law.

V. Territorial Supremacy

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic exercises supremacy throughout its territory.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR independently determines the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic and the procedure for the formation of national-administrative units.

The territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is inviolable and cannot be changed and used without the will of all its people, expressed through a referendum. The construction of military and environmentally hazardous facilities cannot be carried out without the consent of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR.

Attaching great political importance to the complete restoration of the rights of the Balkar people, the Supreme Soviet of the republic considers it necessary to resolve the issues of restoring the administrative regions of Kabardino-Balkaria that existed by March 1944, taking into account the prevailing socio-economic demographic and other conditions.

Territorial disputes between the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR and other neighboring republics are resolved in the manner determined by treaties between the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, these republics and the legislation of the USSR and the RSFSR.

VI. Economic Independence

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic independently determines its economic status and fixes it in laws.

The people of Kabardino-Balkaria have the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of the republic's national wealth.

Land, its subsoil, water and other natural resources located within the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, as well as state property, with the exception of the part that is necessary for the exercise of powers delegated to the USSR and the RSFSR, are the property of its people, the economic basis of the sovereignty of the Republic and are used in order to meet the material and spiritual needs of its citizens.

The republic independently determines the procedure for their use for its own purposes, and in the interests of the USSR and the RSFSR - on terms agreed with them.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR has the right to its share in the all-Union and RSFSR wealth, created with the participation of the people of the Republic.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR independently forms its own state budget, establishes republican taxes and fees.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and objects of other states and their citizens, international organizations may be located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR and use its natural and labor resources only with the consent of the Republic and in accordance with its legislation.

Kabardino-Balkaria ensures the free development and protection of all forms of ownership in accordance with the current legislation.

VII. Environmental Safety

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR independently establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection on the territory of the Republic and the procedure for using its natural resources, and also takes care of the environmental safety of its citizens and its territory.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR prohibits the construction and operation of any enterprises, organizations and other objects that pose a threat to environmental safety. The territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is declared a nuclear-free zone.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR provides compensation for environmental damage caused to the Republic and its citizens.

VIII. Cultural Development

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is sovereign in matters of cultural and spiritual development of the Kabardian and Balkarian nations and the entire people of the Republic.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR guarantees the national-cultural revival and development of the Kabardian and Balkarian nations and other peoples living on the territory of the Republic, the preservation of their historical identity and traditions, national-ethnographic characteristics.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR takes care of meeting the national and spiritual needs of the Kabardians and Balkars who live outside the Republic.

Kabardian, Balkarian and Russian languages ​​are recognized as the state languages ​​on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR. The free development and use of the languages ​​of other peoples living on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR is also guaranteed.

National, cultural and historical values ​​on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR are exclusively the property of the people of the Republic.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR has the right to return to the property of the people of Kabardino-Balkaria of national, cultural and historical values ​​located outside the Republic.

IX. External Security

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic declares its adherence to the generally recognized principles of international law and its readiness to live in peace and harmony with all peoples.

Foreign security issues are delegated by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic to the USSR.

Citizens of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR cannot be used to suppress interethnic, interregional conflicts.

X. Foreign Policy Relations

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR as a subject of international law carries out direct relations with other states, concludes treaties with them, takes part in the activities of international organizations, ensuring the protection of the interests of the people of the Republic in the political, economic, environmental, scientific, cultural and sports spheres, except for issues voluntarily delegated by the USSR and RSFSR.

The Kabardino-Balkarian SSR recognizes the priority of universal human values ​​and universally recognized norms of international law.

XI. Attributes of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR

The Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic has its own attributes of a sovereign state:

Citizenship, State Emblem, State Flag, Anthem (in Kabardian, Balkarian and Russian languages) and a capital.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new constitution of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic and the improvement of republican legislation, the participation of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR in the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty, treaties with the RSFSR and other republics.

Until the adoption of the new constitution, other laws and regulations of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, laws and by-laws of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, RSFSR and USSR, which do not contradict the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR, continue to operate on the territory of the Republic.

This Declaration comes into force from the moment of its acceptance.

Henceforth, the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is called the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic, and its Supreme Soviet is called the Supreme Soviet of the Kabardino-Balkarian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Kabardino-Balkarian SSR V. Kokov

City of Nalchik

31 January 1991

Kalmyk Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Kalmyk Soviet Socialist Republic

The Supreme Soviet of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Considering the republic a subject of the RSFSR, the USSR and recognizing the modern state status of the autonomous republic as limiting the full exercise of its rights and powers,

- proceeding from the right of the Kalmyk people to free self-determination and taking into account the desire of the people of Kalmykia for socio-economic progress, cultural revival and a radical increase in the standard of living,

- expressing the will of the people of the republic to pursue an independent economic and social policy in combination with the interests of the RSFSR and the USSR,

- declares the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - the Kalmyk Soviet Socialist Republic within the RSFSR,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the Kalmyk SSR throughout its territory and declares its determination to create a democratic rule of law.


The Kalmyk SSR is a sovereign state formed within the borders on the basis of the exercise by the Kalmyk nation and the peoples of Kalmykia of their inalienable right to self-determination.

Citizens of the Kalmyk SSR of all nations and nationalities constitute the people of Kalmykia, which is the bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Kalmyk SSR.

Sovereignty of the people of Kalmykia is implemented both directly and through representative bodies - the Council of People's Deputies.

Only the Supreme Soviet of the Kalmyk SSR can act on behalf of the entire people of Kalmykia.

The separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is the principle of the functioning of the Kalmyk SSR as a rule of law.


The Kalmyk SSR has full state power on its territory, with the exception of those powers that it voluntarily, on the basis of a treaty, is transferred to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR.

The Kalmyk SSR has the right to joint participation in the exercise of powers delegated by the RSFSR and the USSR and to representation in the RSFSR and the USSR.

The Kalmyk SSR declares its right to change its state and legal status in the manner established by the Federal and Union treaties, legislation based on them, and taking into account the opinion of the people of Kalmykia.


In order to ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Kalmyk SSR, the supremacy of the Constitution of the Kalmyk SSR and the laws of the Kalmyk SSR is established. The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily transferred by the republic to the jurisdiction of the authorities of the RSFSR and the USSR, have supreme legal force on its territory.

The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR and the acts of the bodies of the RSFSR and the USSR must not violate the rights of the Kalmyk SSR.

The actions of the RSFSR and the USSR that contradict the sovereign rights of the Kalmyk SSR are suspended. Disagreements between the Kalmyk SSR, the RSFSR and the USSR are resolved on the basis of relevant treaties.


The Kalmyk SSR has its own citizenship and guarantees all citizens living in the territory of the Kalmyk SSR the rights and freedoms provided for by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the constitutions of the Kalmyk SSR, the USSR and the RSFSR, regardless of origin, social and property status, racial and nationality, gender, education, language, political views, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation.

A citizen of the Kalmyk SSR is simultaneously a citizen of the RSFSR and the USSR.

The Kalmyk SSR shows concern and takes measures to protect and defend the interests of the citizens of the Kalmyk SSR who are outside the Republic.


The territory of the Kalmyk SSR is indivisible and inviolable and cannot be changed (or used) without the consent of the Kalmyk SSR.

The Kalmyk SSR, being the legal successor of the Kalmyk ASSR, has the right to take the necessary measures to unconditionally restore the rights of the Kalmyk people on the basis of the Declaration of the USSR Supreme Soviet "On the recognition of illegal and criminal acts of repression against the peoples subjected to forced resettlement and ensuring their rights."


The land, its subsoil, waters, flora and fauna in their natural state, the economic and scientific-technical potential of the Kalmyk SSR are the property of its people and the economic basis of sovereignty.

The Kalmyk SSR guarantees the protection and development of all forms of ownership.

The Kalmyk SSR independently solves the issues of complex economic and socio-cultural development on its territory, taking into account the interests of the entire population of the republic.


The Kalmyk SSR establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection on its territory, the use of natural resources, and ensures environmental safety for the people of the republic. It has the right to compensation for damage caused to the ecology of the Kalmyk SSR by the actions of the republican (RSFSR) and union bodies, as well as bodies of neighboring republics, territories and regions.


The Kalmyk SSR guarantees all its citizens rights and freedoms, ensures the right to free national and cultural development, equal participation in the solution of state and public affairs, the development and use of their native language.

Kalmyk and Russian are the official languages ​​of the Kalmyk SSR.

The Kalmyk SSR ensures the development of the Kalmyk language, its functioning in all spheres of social life, the preservation and enhancement of the spiritual and other cultural values ​​of the Kalmyk people, the growth of its national identity and traditions.

The Kalmyk SSR guarantees all political parties, public organizations and mass movements operating within the framework of the legislation of the Kalmyk SSR equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


The Kalmyk SSR enters into direct economic and other relations with other subjects of the Federations, independently establishes direct economic and cultural ties with foreign states, forms its own monetary fund.


The Kalmyk SSR declares its adherence to the universally recognized norms of international law, the principle of equality and sovereignty of all subjects of the Federation and expresses its determination to take all measures to prevent confrontation in inter-republican and interethnic relations, while defending the interests of the people of Kalmykia.

This Declaration has the force of law and is the basis for the development of a new Constitution of the Kalmyk SSR, for the conclusion of treaties with the RSFSR and the USSR and the improvement of republican legislation.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Kalmyk SSR V. Basanov [ru]

City of Elista

18 October 1990

Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic[23]

The Supreme Soviet of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Proceeding from the highest goals - ensuring the peoples of the republic, the inalienable right to free political, economic, spiritual development,

- respecting the rights of all peoples included in the RSFSR and the USSR,

- advocating the integrity of the Russian Federation,

- expressing the interests of the peoples of the Karelian ASSR,

- considering the republic an equal subject of the Federal and new Union treaties,


the state sovereignty of the Karelian ASSR throughout its territory.


The Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic creates a legal, democratic, sovereign state within the RSFSR and the USSR Union, voluntarily delegating a part of its powers to the RSFSR and the USSR on the basis of the Federal and Union treaties.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Karelian ASSR is its people. State power is exercised by the people directly and through representative bodies - the Council of People's Deputies on the basis of the Constitution of the Karelian ASSR.

The most important principle of the functioning of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a legal state is the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

The republic guarantees: observance of human rights and freedoms stipulated by the generally recognized norms of international law, the Constitution of the Karelian ASSR; free national and cultural development of all peoples on its territory; the revival of the national identity of indigenous peoples.


The Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR considers it necessary to expand the rights and powers of local Soviets of People's Deputies - regional, city, settlement, rural. Local councils are bodies of state power, competent to resolve any issues within their competence, and to participate in the discussion of issues of republican, all-Union significance.


Realizing its desire to unite with other sovereign members of the RSFSR and the USSR within the framework of the renewed Federation, the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic considers it necessary to immediately begin negotiations on concluding a Federal Treaty and a new Union Treaty.

By ratifying these agreements, the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic undertakes to bring its legislation in line with them.

In order to ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Karelian ASSR, the supremacy of the Constitution of the Karelian ASSR and the laws of the Karelian ASSR is established. The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily transferred by the Republic to the jurisdiction of the bodies of power of the Federation and the Union, have supreme legal force on its territory.

The effect of laws and other acts of state power and management bodies of the RSFSR and the USSR that go beyond the voluntarily transferred powers, or infringe on the rights and interests of the peoples of Karelia, are suspended by the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR.

Disagreements in competition legislation are resolved in the manner prescribed by the Federal and Union treaties.

The Karelian ASSR independently solves issues of international relations outside the powers delegated by the RSFSR and the USSR.


The land, its subsoil, waters, coastal shelf, flora and fauna in their natural state, historical and cultural monuments are the property of the people of the Karelian ASSR and the basis of economic sovereignty.

The delimitation of the property of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the RSFSR and the USSR, the determination of the procedure for the possession, use and disposal of property jointly owned by the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the RSFSR and the USSR is carried out on the basis of agreements between them.

The Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic ensures equal rights and protection of all forms of property, including property of other republics, foreign states and their citizens.


The territory of the Karelian ASSR cannot be changed without the will of the peoples of the republic, expressed through a referendum.


On the territory of the Karelian ASSR, the citizenship of the Karelian ASSR is established. Every citizen of the Karelian ASSR retains the citizenship of the RSFSR and the USSR.

All citizens, political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations operating within the framework of the Constitution of the Karelian ASSR, the RSFSR and the USSR are guaranteed equal legal opportunities in the management of state and public affairs.


The Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic declares its right to change the state and legal status in the manner determined by the Federal and Union treaties, and the legislation based on them.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new constitution of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the conclusion of a Federal Treaty and a new Union Treaty.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Karelian ASSR V. Stepanov

City of Petrozavodsk

9 August 1990

Komi Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Komi Soviet Socialist Republic[24]

The Supreme Soviet of the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the multinational people living in the territory of the Komi ASSR,

- in order to ensure its political, economic, legal guarantees, as well as the need to preserve and develop the centuries-old culture, language, traditions and life of the Komi people,



Komi SSR is a sovereign nation state, voluntarily part of the RSFSR and the USSR on the basis of contracts concluded, guaranteeing the legal and economic equality of all its citizens, regardless of nationality.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Komi SSR is its people. Citizens of all nationalities are the people of the Komi SSR.


The Supreme Soviet of the Komi SSR reserves the right to terminate agreements and contracts with the RSFSR and the USSR. The decision to secede from the RSFSR and the USSR is taken by way of a referendum.


Earth, its subsoil, water, airspace, vegetation and fauna, other natural resources, as well as cultural monuments on the territory of the Komi SSR are the property of the republic.


The territory of the Komi SSR cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed through a referendum.


On the territory of the Komi SSR, the supremacy of the Constitution and the laws of the Komi SSR over the laws of the RSFSR and the USSR is established in cases of infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the peoples of the Komi SSR.

The Supreme Soviet of the Komi SSR is the supreme legislative body and the only full-fledged expression of the will of the people of the republic.

Local councils have full power in the territory under their jurisdiction and exercise their powers within the powers granted to them by the laws of the Komi SSR.

Citizens of the Komi SSR, stateless persons and foreign citizens, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations located or operating in the territory of the Komi SSR are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Komi SSR.


The Komi SSR has the right to its share in the country's social national wealth, which was created thanks to the efforts of the people of the republic.


On the territory of the Komi SSR, various forms of property permitted by law operate on an equal footing; the republic guarantees legal protection of all types of property, as well as equality of rights for owners, individuals and legal entities.


The Komi SSR independently forms the state budget, implements tax policy, creates a customs service, a financial and credit system and a pricing system.


The Komi SSR independently carries out foreign economic activity and has the right to conclude agreements on economic and cultural cooperation with other states.


The delimitation of legislative, executive and judicial powers is the most important principle of the existence of the Komi SSR as the rule of law. The judiciary is subject only to the law. Citizens are equal before the law and the courts.

Interference with the administration of justice is unacceptable. External supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of the laws of the Komi SSR is carried out by the Prosecutor's Office of the Komi SSR.


The Komi SSR recognizes and respects the sovereign rights of the states that make up the USSR, and also declares its adherence to the generally recognized norms of international law.


The Komi SSR has its own citizenship and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Citizens of the Komi SSR, stateless persons and foreign citizens living in the territory of the Komi SSR are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the generally recognized norms of international law.


Citizens of the Komi SSR, political parties, public and religious organizations operating within the framework of the Constitution of the Komi SSR are guaranteed different rights to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


In the Komi SSR, two state languages ​​function on an equal footing - Komi and Russian.


The Komi SSR has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.


This declaration is the basis for the development of the Constitution of the Komi SSR, improvement of the republican legislation and the conclusion of contracts.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Komi SSR Y. Spirodonov [ru]

City of Syktyvkar

29 August 1990

Mari Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Mari Soviet Socialist Republic[25]

The Supreme Soviet of the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of the multinational people of the republic,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples inhabiting the RSFSR and the USSR,

- noting the discrepancy between the status of the Autonomous Republic and the interests of the further political, economic, social and spiritual development of its multinational people,

- realizing the inalienable right of the Mari nation, of the entire people of the republic, to self-determination,

- striving to create a democratic rule-of-law state,


the state sovereignty of the republic and transforms it into the Mari Soviet Socialist Republic - the Republic of Mari El.


The Mari Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign soviet socialist state created on the basis of the exercise by the Mari nation of its inalienable right to self-determination.

The Mari SSR is a subject of the Federation of the RSFSR, the USSR and is a part of the RSFSR on the basis of the Federal Treaty.


Citizens of the Mari SSR of all nationalities constitute the people of the Mari SSR.

The Mari SSR guarantees equality before the law of all citizens of the republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, political views and religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence.


The people of the Mari SSR are the bearers of sovereignty and the main subject of state power in the republic. The people exercise state power both directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the Constitution of the Mari SSR.

The right to speak on behalf of the entire people of the Mari SSR belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of the Mari SSR.

The Mari SSR has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Any violent actions against the national statehood and sovereignty of the Mari SSR by political parties, public associations and organizations or individuals are prosecuted by law.


The state sovereignty of the Mari SSR is proclaimed in the name of the highest goals - ensuring each person the inalienable right to a dignified life, free development and use of their native language, to each people - to self-determination in their chosen national and cultural forms.

The Mari SSR ensures the national-state and cultural development of the Mari people.

The Mari SSR takes care of meeting the national, cultural, spiritual and linguistic needs of the Mari living outside the republic.


In the Mari SSR, Mari (Meadow, Mountain) and Russian are state languages.

Languages ​​and the preservation and development of languages ​​of other nationalities living on its territory is ensured.


The territory of the Mari SSR cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed through a referendum.

The Mari SSR reserves the right to self-determination and change its state and legal status.


In the Mari SSR, the supremacy of the constitution and laws of the Mari SSR is established over the laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, with the exception of those adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily transferred by the republic to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Political, economic and legal guarantees of the republic's state sovereignty are ensured by the full power of the Mari SSR in resolving all issues of state and public life.


State power in the Mari SSR is exercised on the principles of its division into legislative, executive and judicial.


The economic system of the Mari SSR is based on a variety of forms of ownership.

Enterprises with the participation of foreign capital can be created on the territory of the Mari SSR.

The Mari SSR ensures the development and protection of all forms of ownership.


The earth, its subsoil, waters, airspace, flora and fauna and other natural resources on the territory of the Mari SSR are the property of the people of the Mari SSR and declared the property of the Mari SSR, which owns the right to their ownership, use and disposal.

The Mari SSR has the right to compensation for damage caused by the actions of Union and republican bodies.


The Mari SSR, outside of the powers it voluntarily delegated to the RSFSR and the USSR, independently conducts foreign economic activity, establishes direct economic, cultural and other ties with foreign states and forms its own monetary fund.


Questions of the placement of military installations and objects of environmental hazard on the territory of the Mari SSR are resolved on the basis of agreements between the subjects of the Federation.


Citizenship of the Mari SSR is established throughout the republic. Every citizen of the Mari SSR retains the citizenship of the RSFSR and the USSR with appropriate guarantees.


The Mari SSR guarantees all citizens, political parties, mass movements, public and religious organizations operating within the framework of the Constitution of the Mari SSR, the RSFSR Constitution and the USSR Constitution, equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


The Mari SSR declares its adherence to the universally recognized principles of international law and readiness to live with all peoples inhabiting the RSFSR, the USSR, in peace and harmony, to take all measures to prevent confrontation in international, inter-republican, interethnic relations, while defending the interests of the people of the Mari SSR.


This Declaration is the basis for the development of the constitution and the development of legislation of the Mari SSR, the participation of the Mari SSR in the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty, treaties with the RSFSR and other republics.


Until the adoption of the new constitution, other laws and regulations of the Mari SSR, laws and by-laws of the Mari SSR, the RSFSR and the USSR, as well as the Mari ASSR, which do not contradict the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Mari SSR, continue to operate on the territory of the Mari SSR.


This Declaration has the force of law and is valid from the moment of its adoption.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Mari SSR V. Zotin

City of Yoshkar-Ola

22 October 1990

North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic[26]

The Supreme Soviet of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the people of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of North Ossetia,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples of the RSFSR and the USSR,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and declare its determination to create a democratic rule of law within the RSFSR and the USSR.


The North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign state created by the people of North Ossetia to express their interests.


The sovereignty of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is a natural and necessary condition for the existence of the Soviet national statehood of the Ossetian people, of the entire multinational people of North Ossetia.


The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the North Ossetian ASSR is its multinational people. The people exercise state power directly and through representative bodies on the basis of the constitution of the republic.


The state sovereignty of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is proclaimed in the name of the highest goals - ensuring each person an inalienable right to a decent life, free development, respect for national dignity and the promulgation of the native language.


To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the following are established:

- completeness of power of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in resolving all issues of state and public life, with the exception of those voluntarily transferred by it to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR;

- disagreements between the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the USSR, the RSFSR are resolved in the manner established by treaties between these federations and their subject - the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;

- the laws of the USSR and the RSFSR and other acts of the bodies of the USSR and the RSFSR must not violate the rights of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;

- the effect of acts of the RSFSR and the USSR, which contradict the sovereign rights of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, are suspended by the republic on its territory;

- the exclusive right of the people to own, use and dispose of the national wealth of North Ossetia;

- plenipotentiary representation of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the RSFSR and the USSR;

- determination of foreign policy in accordance with the main directions of the foreign policy of the RSFSR and the USSR. Foreign policy and foreign economic activity of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is the exclusive prerogative of the Supreme Soviet of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;

- the republic's right to participate in the exercise of the powers delegated by it to the RSFSR and the USSR.


With a view to the successful political, economic, social and cultural development of its people, the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic on the basis of free self-determination is part of the RSFSR and the USSR, recognizes and respects the sovereign rights of other subjects of the RSFSR and the USSR.

The territory of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed by a referendum of the entire capable population of the republic.


Ossetian and Russian are the state languages ​​of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Any privileges or restrictions in the use of certain languages ​​are not allowed.


All foreign citizens and stateless persons residing in the territory of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the constitutions of the RSFSR and the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and generally recognized norms of international law.

National groups living on the territory of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic are guaranteed their legal political, economic, ethnic and cultural rights.


Every citizen of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is a citizen of the RSFSR and the USSR. Citizens of the RSFSR and the USSR on the territory of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic enjoy the same rights as citizens of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Citizens of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic outside the autonomous republic are under the protection and patronage of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.


The North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic guarantees all citizens, political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations operating under the laws of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, equal legal opportunities to participate in the management of state and public affairs.


The separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers is the principle of the functioning of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a state governed by the rule of law.


The North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic has its own attributes of a sovereign state: citizenship, coat of arms, flag, anthem and capital.


The North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic declares its adherence to the universally recognized principles of international law and readiness to live in peace and harmony with all the peoples of the RSFSR and the USSR, to take all measures to prevent confrontation in inter-republican, interethnic and international relations, while defending the interests of the people of North Ossetia.


The Constitution of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic should consolidate the substantial expansion of the republic's rights in the field of the national-state and administrative-territorial structure, the expansion of the use of the Ossetian language in connection with the objective expansion of its functional capabilities.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of a new constitution of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the conclusion of state treaties on the conditions for joining the RSFSR and the USSR and the improvement of republican legislation.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the North Ossetian ASSR A. Galazov

City of Vladikavkaz

21 July 1990

Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic[27]

The Supreme Soviet of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Realizing the historical responsibility for the fortunes of multinational peoples,

- expressing respect to sovereign rights of all the peoples, inhabiting the Russian Federation and USSR,

- realizing the incapability of the status of the Autonomous Republic, and the interests of the future political, economic, social and spiritual development of the multinational peoples,

- ensuring the inherent rights of Tatars, of the whole population of the Republic to self-determination,

- aiming at the creation of a legal democratic state,



Tatar state sovereignty and reforms the Autonomous Republic into the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic - The Republic of Tatarstan.


The land, its natural resources and other resources on the territory of the Tatar SSR are the exclusive property of the Tatar people.


Irrespective of nationality, social origin, belief, political convictions and other differences, Tatar SSR guarantees all the citizens of the Republic equal rights and freedoms. Russian and Tatar are the state languages and are equal in the Tatar SSR, the maintenance and development of the languages of other nationalities are ensured.


In the future the official state name in the constitution and in other legal acts and in state activity is "Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic" ("Tatar SSR" or "The Republic of Tatarstan").

The Republic's supreme body of power shall be named "The Supreme Soviet of the Tatar SSR" and its enacting acts shall be named the acts of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar SSR.


The present declaration is the basis for the creation of the Tatar SSR Constitution, for the development of the Tatar legislation, for the collaboration of the Tatar SSR in the creation and signing the Union Treaty, for agreements with the Russian Federation and other republics, for the presentation of the most important questions of the formation of the Tatar SSR and its relations with the USSR, the Russian Federation and other republics for the consideration of its people.

The constitution and the acts of the Tatar SSR shall be supreme on the territory of the Tatar SSR.


Before the adoption of the new Constitution of the Tatar SSR, other acts and normative documents of the Tatar SSR on the territory of the Tatar SSR, the acts of the Tatar SSR, the Russian Federation and the USSR, unless they contradict the declaration on the state sovereignty of the Tatar SSR, remain valid.

The present Declaration is valid since the date of its adoption.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar SSR M. Shaimiev

City of Kazan

30 August 1990

Soviet Republic of Tuva



on the state sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva[28]

The Supreme Soviet of the Tuvan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Taking into account the historical path of development of state building,

- expressing the will and aspiration of the people of the republic to possess all the full state power on their territory,

adopts this declaration


Guided by the Law of the USSR "On the delimitation of powers between the USSR and the subjects of the Federation", announces the abolition of the status of an autonomous republic and a change in the name of the Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and proclaims the state sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva throughout its territory.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva is a sovereign state, a subject of the USSR and the RSFSR within the RSFSR and the USSR, which united people of different nationalities in the course of historical development, building legal democratic socialism based on the Soviet constitutional system. The holder of sovereignty and state power is the multinational people of the Soviet Republic of Tuva.

The state sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva is proclaimed as the basis for strengthening and improving democracy, the development of the economy and social sphere, ensuring the completeness and equality of civil rights and freedoms of every person living on its territory.


State power in the Soviet Republic of Tuva, as a state governed by the rule of law, functions on the basis of the principle of separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.


The expression of the will of the people of the Soviet Republic of Tuva on state sovereignty must not be used to incite interethnic hatred. The state sovereignty of the Soviet Republic of Tuva is affirmed for the purpose of harmony, mutual respect, brotherhood and unity between citizens of all nationalities, guarantees the inviolability of the individual, ensures equality in all areas of political, economic and cultural life, in the management of state and public affairs, for all citizens of the Soviet Republic of Tuva, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, gender, education, language, attitude to religion, membership in socio-political organizations, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva has full state power on its territory, with the exception of those powers that it voluntarily delegates to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopts the Constitution (Basic Law) and laws of the Soviet Republic of Tuva and proclaims their supremacy in its territory.

The right to make statements and speak on behalf of the people belongs exclusively to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Tuva.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva, as a subject of the USSR within the RSFSR and the USSR, concludes the relevant Treaties establishing the mutual rights and obligations of the parties.

The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopted in accordance with the powers transferred by the Soviet Republic of Tuva to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR, have supreme legal force in the territory of the Soviet Republic of Tuva.

The effect of laws and other acts of the RSFSR and the USSR that go beyond the transferred powers or infringe on the legal rights and interests of the Soviet Republic of Tuva are suspended by the Supreme Soviet of the republic. Disagreements in these cases are resolved in the manner prescribed by the relevant agreement.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva recognizes the citizenship of the USSR and the RSFSR. Provides patronage to its citizens who are outside the republic, protects their rights and interests and establishes citizenship of the Soviet Republic of Tuva on its territory. Citizenship of the Soviet Republic of Tuva is secured and protected by laws and other acts of the republic, excludes infringement of the legal rights and freedoms of citizens of the USSR, the RSFSR, other republics, as well as foreign citizens.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva recognizes the equality of all forms of ownership and entrepreneurial activity that do not contradict the constitution (Basic Law) and the laws of the Soviet Republic of Tuva, the RSFSR and the USSR.

The Soviet Republic of Tuva supports and assists in the development of joint-stock, rental, cooperative and other collective forms of activity, and encourages citizens' entrepreneurship, adopts and improves antimonopoly laws.

In the Soviet Republic of Tuva, the inviolability of property is guaranteed regardless of its ownership, including the property of foreign firms and citizens.


The territory of the Soviet Republic of Tuva is recognized within the established boundaries and cannot be changed without the will of the people, expressed through a referendum. The republic participates in the consideration of territorial issues with adjacent regions if they arise.


To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of sovereignty, the Soviet Republic of Tuva establishes the right of the people to own, dispose and use all the wealth of the republic.


Land and its subsoil, waters, forests, air space, flora and fauna, historical and cultural values ​​on the territory of the republic, with the exception of objects of joint management and use, are the exclusive property and national property of the Soviet Republic of Tuva and are protected by its laws. The right to dispose of this propert belongs to the people of the Soviet Republic of Tuva.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva enters into direct economic, cultural and other relations with other republics within the RSFSR and the USSR, with foreign states, organizations and firms, and forms its own financial and monetary funds.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva confirms its right to self-determination, exercised on the basis of a popular referendum of the republic's population.


The Soviet Republic of Tuva has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.


The city of Kyzyl is proclaimed the capital of the Soviet Republic of Tuva.


This Declaration is the legal basis for the preparation of a new constitution (Basic Law) of the Soviet Republic of Tuva, the conclusion of treaties with the RSFSR and the USSR, changes in existing and adoption of new republican legislative acts.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Republic of Tuva C. Ondar [ru]

City of Kyzyl

12 December 1990

Udmurt Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Udmurt Republic[29]

The Supreme Soviet of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Sharing the principle proclaimed by the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR to ensure each people their inalienable right to self-determination in the national-state forms they choose,

- respecting the sovereign rights of all peoples,

- considering the existing legal status of the Autonomous Republic as contradicting the concept of true sovereignty,

- guided by the interests of the multinational people of the republic and taking responsibility for their further political, economic, social and spiritual development,


the state sovereignty of Udmurtia as the independence and completeness of state power of the republic within the boundaries of its territory and transforms the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic into the Udmurt Republic.

At the same time declares its determination to create a democratic rule of law within the renewed Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.


The Udmurt Republic is a sovereign state, historically established on the basis of the exercise by the Udmurt nation of its inalienable right to self-determination. The development of the Udmurt Republic within the existing borders is carried out by the equal participation of all nations and nationalities of the republic in all spheres of state building.

The relations of the Udmurt Republic with the RSFSR, the USSR, and other republics are determined by the Federal Treaty, as well as the corresponding inter-republican treaties and agreements.

Treaties and agreements of the RSFSR that affect the interests of the Udmurt Republic are concluded with its participation and with its consent.


Citizens of the republic of all nationalities are the people of Udmurtia.

The people of Udmurtia are the only source of state power in the republic.

The sovereignty of the people of Udmurtia is realized both directly and through the people's deputies elected to the Supreme Soviet and local councils of the Udmurt Republic.

In the Udmurt Republic, not a single political party, public organization, other formations or individuals can act on behalf of the entire people of the republic.

Only the Supreme Soviet of the republic can speak on behalf of the entire people of the republic.


To ensure political, economic and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Udmurt Republic, it is established:

- completeness of the power of the Udmurt Republic in solving all issues of state, economic and social life, with the exception of those that are voluntarily transferred by it to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR;

- supremacy of the constitution and laws of the Udmurt Republic throughout its territory. At the same time, the principle of the supremacy of the laws of the RSFSR and the USSR, adopted within the powers voluntarily transferred by the Republic of the RSFSR and the USSR, on the basis of the Federal and Union treaties is being implemented. The effect of legislative and other acts of the RSFSR and the USSR, which are in conflict with the sovereign rights of the republic, is suspended. Disagreements are resolved in the manner determined by the Federal and Union treaties;

- the right of the republic to own, use and dispose (properly) of land, its subsoil, waters, forests and other natural resources, cultural and historical values ​​located on the territory of the republic. The economic, scientific and technical potential created in the Udmurt Republic is the property of the people of the republic, the material basis of its state sovereignty.


The Udmurt Republic independently pursues financial, credit and investment policies, forms its state budget, establishes the procedure for the formation of foreign exchange and other funds of the republic.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and objects of other states and their citizens, international organizations can be located on the territory of the Udmurt Republic and use the natural resources of the republic in accordance with the legislation of the Udmurt Republic.

The Udmurt Republic provides equal protection of all forms of ownership established by law.


The territory of the Udmurt Republic within the existing boundaries is indivisible and cannot be changed without the consent of the people living on it, expressed through a referendum. The Udmurt Republic solves all issues of the administrative-territorial structure independently.


All citizens living on the territory of the Udmurt Republic are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic, the Constitutions of the RSFSR and the USSR, generally recognized norms of international law, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Udmurt Republic guarantees all political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations operating within the framework of the Constitution of the Udmurt Republic equal legal opportunities to participate in public life and in the management of state affairs.


In the Udmurt Republic, the equal functioning of the Russian and Udmurt languages ​​as state languages is guaranteed; the right to preserve and develop the languages ​​of other nationalities. The Russian language is the language of interethnic communication.

The free choice of the language of education, training and use is the inalienable right of every citizen of the republic.


In the Udmurt Republic, the lawful political, economic, ethnic and cultural rights of the nations and peoples living in the Republic are ensured.

The Udmurt Republic provides humanitarian assistance to the Udmurts living outside the republic in meeting their national, cultural and linguistic needs.


Citizenship of the Udmurt Republic is established throughout the entire territory of the Udmurt Republic.

Every citizen of the Udmurt Republic retains citizenship of the RSFSR and the USSR.


The separation of the legislative, executive and judicial powers is the fundamental principle of the functioning of the Udmurt Republic as a rule of law.

In the Udmurt Republic, it is not allowed to combine the positions of heads of state power and administration bodies with any other position in state organizations, political parties and public organizations.

The highest supervision over the accurate and uniform implementation of laws on the territory of the republic is exercised by the Prosecutor of the Udmurt Republic, who is appointed by the Supreme Soviet of the Udmurt Republic.


This declaration is the basis for the development of a new constitution by the Supreme Soviet of the republic, the conclusion of the Federal, Union and inter-republican treaties and agreements, the improvement of the legislation of the Udmurt Republic.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Udmurt Republic V. Tubylov

City of Izhevsk

20 September 1990

Yakut-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Yakut-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic[30]

The Supreme Soviet of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Noting that the status of an autonomous republic limits its sovereign rights, does not conform to the fundamental principles of a rule-of-law state and has become an obstacle to the socio-economic development of the republic,

- considering the republic as an equal-in-rights subject of the RSFSR and the USSR,

- aware of its historical responsibility for the fate of the multi-national people of the republic,

- respecting sovereign rights of all peoples within the RSFSR and the USSR, standing for the renewal of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

- acting in accordance with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and universally recognized international legal acts,

- expressing the interests and the will of all peoples of the republic to self-determination, socio-economic progress, cultural revival, raising of living standards,


the state sovereignty of Yakutia and transforms it into the Yakut-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic.

Article 1.

The Yakut-Sakha Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign socialist state forming a part of the renewed RSFSR, created historically by the peoples living in its territory under extreme conditions of the North, and in accordance with the principle of self-determination on the bases of a free expression of the will of its citizens.

The bearers of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Yakut-Sakha SSR are its people consisting of citizens of the republic of all nationalities. The people shall effectuate state power on the basis of the Constitution of the Yakut-Sakha SSR directly as well as through representative agencies - Council of People's Deputies. No political party, public organization, other groups or individuals have the right to speak in the name of the people.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall conclude a federative treaty with other equal-in-rights subjects and participate together with other republics in the Treaty of the Union.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall possess the entirety of state power on its territory except for the powers which are transferred voluntarily in accordance with the treaty to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR and the USSR and effectuated with its participation.

Article 2.

The Constitution of the Yakut-Sakha SSR respecting the Constitution of the RSFSR and the Constitution of the USSR shall possess the right of supremacy throughout the territory of the republic.

The separation of legislative, executive and judicial power at the level of the Supreme Soviet of the Yakut-Sakha SSR shall be a constitutional principle of state functioning of the republic.

The laws of the RSFSR and the USSR adopted in accordance with the powers voluntarily transferred to their jurisdiction, shall possess the supreme juridical power on the territory of the Yakut-Sakha SSR.

The effect of the acts of the RSFSR and the USSR not contrary to the sovereign rights of the people of the republic shall be suspended by the Supreme Soviet of the republic. Disagreements between the Yakut-Sakha SSR, the RSFSR and the USSR in such cases shall be considered in the procedure established by the Federative Treaty and the Treaty of the Union.

Article 3.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall have its own citizenship and protect the honour, dignity, health, legitimate interests of its citizens within the territory of the republic as well as beyond its limits. Equal rights and freedoms stipulated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the constitutions of the RSFSR, USSR and the Yakut-Sakha SSR shall be guaranteed to all citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the republic.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall decide autonomously questions in the domain of legislation on the use of languages, the development of culture and education.

The Yakut and Russian languages shall be established as state languages.

Article 4.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall guarantee to the national minorities of the north of Yakutia preservation of their indigenous human environment, self-government, political and legal equality by means of creating national-territorial formations, setting conditions necessary for their national, economic, cultural and language revival. The republic recognizes the languages of the national minorities of the North as official languages on their territory.

Article 5.

The economic system of the Yakut-Sakha SSR shall be based on diverse forms of ownership including private and intellectual property.

Land, its minerals, water, forests, flora and fauna, other natural resources, air space and the continental shelf on the territory of the republic shall be its exclusive property.

Ownership of production means and labour results shall be determined and regulated on the basis of the Federative and Union Treaties and the Yakut-Sakha SSR legislation. All enterprises, organizations and agencies situated on the territory of the republic, except for those which are specified in the treaties with the RSFSR and the USSR shall be under the jurisdiction of the Yakut-Sakha SSR.

Enterprises located on the territory on the Yakut-Sakha SSR shall pay for natural and labour resources, make currency deductions, pay taxes to the budget.

Article 6.

The territory of the Yakut-Sakha SSR shall be integral and may not be changed or used without the consent of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic.

Local councils being agencies of state power on their territory shall be authorized to decide questions relegated to their competence, participate in the discussion of the problems of the republican, federative and all union importance.

Article 7.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall enter into direct economic and other relations with other subjects of the Federation, autonomously establish direct economic and cultural contacts with foreign states. The republic shall raise its own currency fund, the size of which shall be specified by the treaties with the RSFSR and the USSR.

Foreign economic activities of all enterprises and agencies situated on the territory of the republic, basing on the use of its property and natural wealth, shall be regulated irrespective of their subordination, by the legislation of the Yakut-Sakha SSR.

Article 8.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall autonomously establish the procedure of organization of the environment protection and rational use of natural resources on its territory, participate in realization of the government ecological programmes of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Article 9.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall have the right to self-determination of its national-state organization on the basis of a free expression of the will of Yakutia citizens, decide autonomously the questions of its administrative-territorial division.

Article 10.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR stands for the renewal and consistent perfection of the Soviet federation as a union of sovereign socialist states.

No one should make use of the legitimate striving of Yakutia citizens for its political and economic independence as a sovereign state arousing discord between nations, hostility and conflicts, but it should be used exclusively with the purpose of harmonization of relations between nations and realization of their equal rights on the grounds of internationalism and friendship of the peoples.

The Yakut-Sakha SSR shall guarantee to all citizens, political parties, public organizations, mass movements and religious organizations functioning within the framework of the Yakut-Sakha SSR constitution equal legal possibilities to participate in the administration of state and social affairs.

Article 11.

The present declaration shall be the basis for the working out of a new constitution of the Yakut-Sakha SSR, the conclusion of a treaty with the RSFSR and a Treaty of the Union, the improvement of republic legislation.

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Yakut-Sakha SSR M. Nikolayev

City of Yakutsk

27 September 1990

Yamal-Nenets Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Yamal-Nenets Republic[31]

The Council of People's Deputies of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District,

- Using the constitutional right to express the will of the people living on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District,

- striving to create a democratic society,

- taking care of the full-fledged political, economic, social, and spiritual development of the multinational people of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District,

- proceeding from the needs of the comprehensive provision of rights and human freedoms,

- recognizing that at the present stage of development of society legal status of the Autonomous District, limited in its sovereign rights, does not comply with the principles of a legal state, the growth of the national consciousness of peoples, the level development of productive forces, economic and political potential of autonomous education, does not contribute to the implementation the rights and powers of the district as a subject of the Federation.

- with the goal of establishing sovereignty and self-government to the multinational people of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.

- guided by the Law of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics "On the delimitation of powers between the USSR and constituent entities of the Federation", the "Declaration On State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic",


the sovereignty of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, fixed in the following fundamental provisions:

Article 1.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic is a sovereign national public entity voluntarily part of the Russian Federation and advocating the integrity of the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 2.

The multinational people of the Yamal-Nenets Republic are the bearers of sovereignty and the only source of state power in it. Their sovereignty is realized directly and through representative bodies of state power. The political basis of the Yamal-Nenets Republic is the Council of People's Deputies. The right to speak on behalf of all the people of the republic belongs exclusively to the Council of People's Deputies of the Yamal-Nenets Republic.

Article 3.

The capital of the Yamal-Nenets Republic is the city of Salekhard.

Article 4.

To ensure the political, economic, and legal guarantees of the sovereignty of the Yamal-Nenets Republic is established, full power of the Yamal-Nenets Republic in resolving issues of state and public life on its territory, for excluding those voluntarily on the basis of contracts transferred permanently or temporarily to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR or other national-state, administrative-territorial and education are carried out with its participation.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic has legislation that takes into account historical, economic, socio-cultural and other features.

The economic basis of the Yamal-Nenets Republic is operating various forms of ownership, permitted legislation. The Republic guarantees legal protection for all types of property, equality of rights of individuals and legal entities. The right of priority use of natural resources belongs to the small peoples of the North living on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Republic.

Earth, its bowels, waters, continental shelf, vegetation and fauna, other natural resources, as well as monuments and cultures on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Republic are exclusively the property of the people of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, who owns the rights to their ownership, use, and distribution.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic determines in accordance with legislation regional economic forms and management, conditions of activity of enterprises, institutions, organizations located on its territory belonging to the USSR, RSFSR, and other subjects of the Federation, coordinates and controls their activities, independently solves issues of the placement of industrial and social facilities. Enterprises, associations and institutions of union and federal subordination, with the exception of those stipulated by the agreement with the RSFSR, are transferred to the jurisdiction of the Yamal-Nenets Republic.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic enters in to direct economic and other relations with other subjects of the Federation and confirms the need to preserve the existing economic ties with both the West Siberian oil and gas region, and with other regions of the RSFSR. Outside of the general conditions of the legal provisions of the republic established by the Constitution of the RSFSR, The Yamal-Nenets Republic and the RSFSR can, on a voluntary basis, determine mutual rights and obligations.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic in accordance with the legislation independently forms its own budget, implements tax policy, and creates a financial and credit system.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic unites with other subjects for the basis of a federal treaty.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic carries out in accordance with legislation the foreign economic activity and forms its monetary fund.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic recognizes and respects the sovereign rights of all subjects of the Federation, and also declares its commitment to the generally recognized norms of international law.

Article 5.

The Council of People's Deputies of the Republic consists of two chambers; Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities, the highest and the only legislative body, the exponent of the will of the people of the autonomous republic on its territory.

Local councils have full state power on the territory under their jurisdiction. The executive and regulatory bodies are responsible to authorities and are accountable to them.

Article 6.

The republic independently solves the issues of its administrative-territorial structure.

Article 7.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic confirms the need for the development of self-government of the small peoples of the North living on its territory.

Article 8.

All citizens of the USSR, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship residing in the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, are guaranteed the rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the USSR, The Constitution of the RSFSR and the norms of international law.

Article 9.

For citizens living on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets republic, the citizenship of the RSFSR is distributed, at the same time USSR citizenship is retained with the corresponding guarantees of the RSFSR and the USSR to protect their rights outside the Yamal-Nenets Republic.

Article 10.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic resolves issues in the regional legislation on the development and use of languages ​​in their territory taking into account the interests of the peoples living in it.

Article 11.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic in accordance with legislation establishes the procedure for organizing protection on its territory of nature and use of natural resources, provides for the people and the republic's ecological safety.

Article 12.

Distinguishing between legislative, executive, and judicial power is the most important principle of the existence of the Yamal-Nenets Republic as a subject of the Federation.

Judges on the territory of the republic are independent and obey only the law. Citizens are equal before the courts and the law. Intervention of the Administration of Justice is inadmissible. The highest supervision of the precise and uniform implementation of laws on the territory of the republic is carried out by the Prosecutor of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, appointed by the Prosecutor of the RSFSR.

Article 13.

Citizens living on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, social movements, and religious organizations operating within the framework of the Constitution of the RSFSR, are guaranteed equal rights.

Article 14.

The Yamal-Nenets Republic stands for renewal and constant improvement of the Federation as a union of sovereign states.

The desire of citizens living on the territory of the republic to political and economic independence should not be used to incite interethnic enmity, hostility and regional conflicts.

Article 15.

This Declaration is the basis for the development of the Constitution of the Yamal-Nenets Republic, conclusive agreement with the RSFSR and the creation of republican legislation.

Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Yamal-Nenets Republic L. Bayandin

City of Salekhard

18 October 1991



Declarations on State Sovereignty of other areas of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Declarations unaccounted for: Gagauzia (19 August 1990), South Ossetia (20 September 1990).

Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of the Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic[32]

The Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of all the people of the republic and realizing the inalienable right of the Abkhaz nation to self-determination,

- realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of Abkhazia,

- testifying to respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples inhabiting the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,

- acting in accordance with the principles the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized international legal acts

- striving to create a democratic rule of law state,

solemnly proclaims

the state sovereignty of the Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic.


The Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign socialist state created on the basis of the Abkhazian nation exercising its inalienable right to self-determination, the supremacy of the people in determining its fate. The sovereignty of the Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic extends to the entire territory of the Abkhaz SSR.

The Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic possesses full state power on its territory outside the limits of the rights voluntarily transferred by it to the USSR and the Georgian SSR on the basis of the treaties concluded with them.

The Abkhaz SSR has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Any violent actions against the national statehood of the Abkhaz SSR by political parties, public associations or individuals are prosecuted by law.


Citizens of the Republic of all nationalities are the people of Abkhazia. The bearer of sovereignty and the source of state power in the Abkhaz SSR is its multinational people. The sovereignty of the people is realized on the basis of the Constitution of the Abkhaz SSR directly by popular vote and through elected representative bodies.


State power in the Abkhaz SSR is exercised on the basis of the separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.


All the fullness of state power on the territory of the Abkhaz SSR belongs to the Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz SSR, which has the exclusive right to speak on behalf of the people of the Abkhaz Soviet Socialist Republic.

Institutional representation of the nation that gave the name to the Republic is provided in the Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz SSR.


The highest executive and administrative body of state power of the Abkhaz SSR is the Council of Ministers of the Abkhaz SSR - the Government of the Abkhaz SSR, competent to resolve all issues of state administration attributed to the jurisdiction of the Abkhaz SSR, with the exception of those falling within the competence of the Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz SSR.


Judicial power in the Abkhaz SSR is exercised by the courts of the Abkhaz SSR. The highest judicial body of the Abkhaz SSR is the Supreme Court of the Abkhaz SSR. Justice in the Abkhaz SSR is administered in the name of the Abkhaz SSR.


The Abkhaz SSR issues legislative and other normative acts on all issues of its competence. The Constitution of the Abkhaz SSR and the laws of the Abkhaz SSR have supremacy over the entire territory of the Abkhaz SSR.

The acts of the USSR and the Georgian SSR that violate the sovereignty of the Abkhaz SSR and come into conflict with its rights are suspended by the highest legislative and executive bodies of the Abkhaz SSR.


Disagreements between the Abkhaz SSR, the Union of the SSR and the Georgian SSR are resolved in the manner established by the treaties concluded between them.


The Abkhaz SSR participates in the exercise of the powers transferred by it to the USSR and the Georgian SSR, actively contributes to the implementation of allied and inter-republican programs on its territory.


The Abkhaz SSR may open its representative offices in the USSR and Soviet republics, as well as in foreign countries.


The territory of the Abkhaz SSR cannot be changed without its consent. The Abkhaz SSR solves all issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the republic.


The Abkhaz SSR establishes the citizenship of the Abkhaz SSR and guarantees every citizen the right to retain the citizenship of the USSR.

The republic accepts citizenship of the Abkhaz SSR and resolves issues of renouncing its citizenship.


The Abkhaz SSR independently determines its economic status and enshrines it in laws.

The people of Abkhazia have the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of the national wealth of Abkhazia.

The land, its bowels, airspace, water and other natural resources located within the territory of the Abkhaz SSR, the natural resources of its continental shelf, all the economic, scientific and technical potential created on the territory of Abkhazia are the property of its people, the material basis of the sovereignty of the Republic and are used to meet the material and spiritual needs of its citizens.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and objects of other states and their citizens, international organizations can be located on the territory of the Abkhaz SSR and use the natural resources of Abkhazia in accordance with the laws of the Abkhaz SSR.

The Abkhaz SSR independently creates a banking (including a foreign economic bank), price, financial, customs, tax systems, forms the state budget and the republic's monetary fund and the procedure for the use of natural resources.

The Abkhaz SSR forms a national bank subordinate to the Supreme Soviet of the republic.


The Abkhaz SSR independently establishes the procedure for organizing nature protection on the territory of the Republic and the procedure for using natural resources.

The Abkhaz SSR has the right to prohibit the construction and terminate the operation of any enterprises, institutions, organizations and other objects that pose a threat to environmental safety.


The Abkhaz SSR is independent in addressing issues of science, education, cultural and spiritual development of the Abkhaz nation, guarantees all nationalities living on the territory of the Republic, the right of their free national and cultural development.

The Abkhazian SSR ensures the national and cultural revival of the Abkhaz people, their historical consciousness and traditions, national and ethnographic characteristics, the functioning of the Abkhaz language in all spheres of public life.

The Abkhaz SSR shows concern for the satisfaction of the national-cultural, spiritual and linguistic needs of the Abkhazians living outside the republic and abroad.

The Abkhaz SSR confirms the right and provides conditions for the return of the deported part of the Abkhaz people to their historical homeland.

National, cultural and historical values ​​on the territory of the Abkhaz SSR are the exclusive property of the people of the Republic.

The Abkhaz SSR has the right to return to the property of the people of Abkhazia the national, cultural and historical values ​​that are outside the Abkhaz SSR.

On the territory of the Abkhaz SSR, the state language is the Abkhaz language, the official languages ​​are Abkhaz, Georgian, and Russian.

The Declaration is the basis for the new Constitution of the Abkhaz SSR and defines the position of the Republic in concluding the Union Treaty and the Treaty with the Georgian SSR.

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz ASSR V. Kobakhia.

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Abkhaz ASSR Y. Kvitsinia.

City of Sukhumi

25 August 1990

Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic



on the state sovereignty of Crimea[33]

The Supreme Soviet of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,

- Expressing the will of the people of the republic;

- realizing the historical responsibility for the future of Crimea;

- respecting the sovereign rights of all peoples;

- considering Crimea a participant of the Union Treaty;

- respecting the state sovereignty of Ukraine;

- proceeding from the priority of universal human values, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other generally recognized international legal acts;

- striving to create a legal democratic state within Ukraine


the state sovereignty of Crimea - as the supremacy, independence, unity and indivisibility of the state power of the republic on its territory.


Citizens of the republic of all nationalities are the people of Crimea, who are the bearers of sovereignty and the source of state power. The sovereignty of the people is realized on the basis of the Constitution, both directly and through elected representative bodies.

State power in the republic is exercised on the principle of dividing it into legislative, executive and judicial.

Only the Supreme Soviet of the Republic may act on behalf of the people of Crimea.

The most important state issues related to the development of the republic, its relations with other republics, are brought up for public discussion or referendum.


The territory of the republic cannot be changed without its consent.

The Supreme Soviet of the republic decides all questions of the administrative-territorial structure. The existing special status of the city of Sevastopol is preserved, enshrined in the relevant legislative acts and cannot be changed without the consent of its citizens.


The Republic guarantees equal rights and freedoms to all citizens living on its territory, regardless of their nationality, social origin, political convictions, or attitude to religion.

The Republic confirms the right and will in every possible way contribute to the return of the deported peoples, the revival of their national identity and culture.


The people of Crimea have the exclusive right of ownership to land, its subsoil, airspace, water and other natural resources located within the territory and continental shelf of Crimea.

The economic, scientific and technical potential created on the territory of the republic is its property, the material basis of sovereignty and is used in the interests of its citizens.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations and facilities of other states, international organizations may be located on the territory of Crimea and use its natural resources only in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic.

The Republic guarantees equality and protection of all forms of property.


The republic independently determines its economic status, pursues financial, credit and investment policies, forms its state budget, establishes the procedure for the formation and use of foreign exchange and other funds.


The republic independently establishes the procedure for the protection of nature on the territory of Crimea and the use of natural resources, and monitors the environmental situation.

The republic has the right to prohibit construction, to terminate the functioning of any enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as other facilities that pose a threat to environmental safety.


The republic is independent in addressing issues of science, education, cultural and spiritual development, guarantees all nationalities living on its territory the right of their free national and cultural development.

This Declaration is valid from the moment of its adoption and is the basis for the development of the Constitution of the Republic, participation in the preparation and conclusion of the Union Treaty, treaties with other republics and states.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of Crimea

City of Simferopol

4 September 1991

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic



on the sovereignty of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic[34]

The Supreme Soviet of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic,

- expressing the will of the multinational population of Pridnestrovie, expressed in the results of referendums, gatherings of citizens and elections of people's deputies of the Pridnestrovian MSSR;

- respecting and recognizing the rights to sovereignty and self-determination of all peoples;

- taking into account the political, socio-economic and legal situation in the SSR Moldova, which has developed to date, and the negative trends in its development;

- striving to establish political, socio-economic stability, strengthen the rule of law and law and order;

- realizing the historical responsibility for the fate of all the peoples of Pridnestrovie (Moldavian, Ukrainian, Russian and others), having their own history, culture and traditions, and in order to create conditions for their preservation and development,

solemnly declares

the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic is a sovereign state within the USSR, the sovereignty of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is a natural and necessary condition for the existence of its statehood.

1. Territory and people of the Pridnestrovian MSSR

The declaration by the Supreme Soviet of the SSR Moldova is illegal and the Law of the USSR of August 2, 1940 "On the formation of the Moldavian SSR" is the historical, political and legal basis of the statehood of self-determination of the peoples of Moldova. One of the first steps of state self-determination was the formation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian SSR.

The territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR includes the administrative-territorial units: Grigoriopol, Dubossary (left-bank part), Kamensky (left-bank part), Rybnitsa, Slobodzeya regions; cities: Bendery (with the village of Giska), Dubossary, Rybnitsa, Tiraspol.

Other territories may also be included in the territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR, the population of which will express its will through a nationwide vote (referendum).

The territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR within the established boundaries is inviolable and can be changed only on the basis of the will of the population living on it through a popular vote (referendum).

The capital of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is the city of Tiraspol.

The Pridnestrovian MSSR was created as a democratic legal state and ensures equality of rights and obligations of citizens of all nationalities who make up the people of the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

In the Pridnestrovian MSSR, the observance of human rights, freedoms and interests is guaranteed, the division of citizens according to national and linguistic criteria is not allowed, they are guaranteed protection from chauvinism, national totalitarianism, bureaucracy through compliance with laws adopted in a democratic way.

2. The structure of power in the Pridnestrovian MSSR

The people of the Pridnestrovian MSSR are the only source of sovereignty and state power in the republic. The sovereignty of the people of Pridnestrovie is realized on the basis of the constitution of the republic both directly and through the people's deputies elected to the Supreme Soviet and local councils of the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

The Supreme Soviet of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic is the highest legislative and control body of state power of the Transnistrian MSSR. It consists of two chambers: the Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities.

The head of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic is the President of the Republic.

The most important issues of state life are brought up for public discussion, put up for a nationwide vote (referendum), as well as for consideration by the Congress of People's Deputies of the Pridnestrovian MSSR at all levels.

The Pridnestrovian MSSR ensures the operation of the constitution and laws of the republic throughout the territory within the framework of the constitution and laws of the USSR.

State power in the republic is exercised on the principle of division into legislative, executive and judicial.

The highest supervision over the exact and uniform implementation of laws is carried out by the Prosecutor of the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

3. Citizenship of the Pridnestrovian MSSR

A citizen of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is any person permanently residing in its territory. Every citizen of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is at the same time a citizen of the USSR.

The Pridnestrovian MSSR ensures equality before the law of all citizens of the republic, regardless of origin, social and property status, race and nationality, sex, education, language, political views, religious beliefs, type and nature of occupation, place of residence and other circumstances.

The protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens of the Pridnestrovian MSSR living on the territory of the republic, as well as outside it, is ensured by the Constitution of the USSR, the Constitution of the Pridnestrovian MSSR, other laws and regulations of the USSR and the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

4. Social and economic development

The land, its subsoil, airspace, water and other natural resources located within the territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR, all the economic and scientific and technical potential created on the territory of Pridnestrovie are the property of its people, the material basis of the republic's sovereignty and are used to ensure material and spiritual the needs of its citizens.

The conditions for the location and functioning of the property of the USSR and other states are determined by treaties and agreements between them.

The economic relations of the councils of all levels with enterprises (associations), organizations and institutions, regardless of the subject of ownership, are built on a tax and contractual basis.

Banking, financial, pricing, tax systems operate within the framework of the corresponding systems of the USSR. The central credit institution is the Republican Bank of the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

The basis for the management of enterprises (associations), institutions and organizations on the territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is market relations, the free functioning of various forms of ownership. Any administration by the councils or their executive bodies is excluded, only tax and contractual forms of stimulating economic activity are established.

5. Environmental safety

The Pridnestrovian MSSR ensures the protection of the environment, establishes the procedure for organizing the environmental protection of the territory, the republic in accordance with the legislation of the Pridnestrovian MSSR, the USSR and the norms of international law.

6. Cultural development

The Pridnestrovian MSSR guarantees citizens of all nationalities living on its territory, the free development of national cultures and languages, free self-determination of the individual.

The citizens of the Pridnestrovian MSSR are guaranteed freedom of conscience, that is, the right to use any religion or not to profess any, to practice religious cults or conduct atheistic propaganda.

The Pridnestrovian MSSR is creating its own television and radio center and its own print media. A state university and other necessary educational institutions are being created in the republic to train scientific, technical and other personnel.

The languages ​​of all peoples on the territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR (Moldavian, Ukrainian, Russian, etc.) are equal. The order of their functioning is determined by the local Councils of People's Deputies.

7. External and internal security

The Pridnestrovian MSSR grants the Armed Forces of the SSR, on a contractual basis, the right to deploy troops and weapons on its territory to ensure the security of the USSR and the Transnistrian MSSR.

The protection of law and order and the observance of the rule of law on the territory of the Pridnestrovian MSSR is ensured by the system of law enforcement agencies in accordance with the legislation of the USSR and the Pridnestrovian MSSR.

Citizens of the Pridnestrovian MSSR do active military service in the Armed Forces and internal troops of the USSR.

8. International relations

Until the adoption of the Law of the Pridnestrovian MSSR on state symbols on the territory of the republic, the state symbols of the USSR are applied.

The relations of the Pridnestrovian MSSR with other republics and states are built on the basis of an agreement concluded on the principles of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.

The Declaration is the basis for the development of the Constitution, the laws of the Pridnestrovian MSSR and determines the position of the republic when concluding inter-republican agreements, as well as for concluding a Union treaty.

Adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Pridnestrovian MSSR

City of Tiraspol

9 December 1990


  1. ^ Amended on 20 June 1990 with additional text denoted by asterisks.


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