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User:Reda Kerbouche/list1

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This list is automatically generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by Listeriabot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update!

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French industrial cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q2059353 Sérac
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q18628031 Abbaye de la Joie Notre-Dame French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q2925631 Briquette de l'Ecaillon
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q16544803 Cousteron Cousteron is a cheese which was designed in 1985 and is produced in Pays de la Loire.
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q3072317 Fin de siècle
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q3183953 Jort
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q3222524 Le Délice du Chalet
Q3223010 Le Fédou
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3260145 Lou Pérac
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q3304636 Meilleraye
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3323171 Montségur au lait de brebis
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3325612 Moulin de Carel
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q3504960 Suprême des Ducs
Q2059353 Sérac
Q3511839 T'chiot biloute
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531216 Tome de Cambrai
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q3325622 moulin de Gaye
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q3463547 saint-gildas-des-bois
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q1192207 A Filetta French cheese
Q13218977 Abbaye de Belloc French cheese
Q18628031 Abbaye de la Joie Notre-Dame French cheese
Q19543749 Abbaye de la Pierre-qui-Vire cheese
Q1962483 Affidélice
Q2287635 Aiguille d'Orcières
Q2513291 Aisy Cendré French cheese
Q2793166 Amou French cheese
Q2361904 Angelot French cheese
Q3265866 Anneau du Vic-Bilh
Q2859083 Apéricube
Q2305824 Ardi-Gasna French sheep's-milk cheese
Q2864913 Arthon French cheese
Q2865818 Artison cheese French cheese with mites
Q719214 Arôme de Lyon French cheese
Q719217 Arômes au Vin Blanc French cheese
Q2873100 Autun French cheese
Q797880 Babybel brand of cheese
Q772326 Banon cheese French cheese
Q21663917 Barbeillon French goat cheese
Q2884173 Barberey French cheese
Q808158 Bargkass cheese
Q2797271 Barousse French cheese
Q61354754 Bastelicaccia
Q8245014 Bavaria blu German cheese
Q813423 Beaumont French cheese
Q2654806 Belle des champs
Q2900090 Bethmale French cheese
Q883954 Bleu d'Auvergne French AOP blue cheese, made from cow's milk, named for its place of origin in the Auvergne region of south-central France
Q883933 Bleu de Bresse blue cheese made from whole milk
Q1880308 Bleu de Sainte-Foy
Q883926 Bleu de Termignon French cheese
Q1837252 Bleu des Basques
Q27862123 Bleu des Côtes d'Armor
Q19521298 Bleu du Dévoluy
Q19953043 Bleu du Queyras
Q2909979 Bondard
Q2909996 Bondon
Q2910338 Bons Mayennais
Q16039766 Bosson macéré
Q21013615 Bouchon de Sancerre
Q1975938 Bougon (fromage)
Q2921612 Bouille French cheese
Q2921750 Boulet de Cassel
Q895066 Boulette d'Avesnes cheese
Q1808774 Boulette de Cambrai
Q685096 Boulette de la Pierre-qui-Vire
Q895261 Boursin cheese French cheese
Q1909212 Brebis de Bersend
Q2393372 Brebis du Pays de Grasse
Q2255281 Bricquebec French cheese
Q749378 Brie de Meaux unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Meaux in the Brie region of northern France since the 8th century
Q545994 Brie de Melun unpasteurized brie manufactured in the town of Melun in the Brie region of northern France
Q2925187 Brie de Montereau
Q2925185 Brie de Nangis
Q3088358 Brie de Provins
Q724855 Brillat-Savarin cheese French cheese
Q2428761 Brique du Forez French cheese
Q2190406 Brique du Livradois
Q2627804 Brique d’Ardèche
Q2925631 Briquette de l'Ecaillon
Q761524 Brocciu Corsican cheese
Q54819850 Brossat Type of cheese from Catalonia, Spain
Q16534194 Brous
Q2926318 Brousse French cheese
Q2385063 Brouère French cheese
Q2927316 Brézain French cheese
Q113481959 Bûche des Neiges
Q954122 Cabécou French cheese
Q30738969 Cabécou d'Autan
Q16534963 Cachaille
Q16627180 Cachat
Q977593 Caillebotte
Q2572432 Caillé doux de Saint Félicien
Q131480 Camembert a moist, soft, creamy, surface-ripened cow's milk cheese from Normandy, France.
Q20672110 Camembert au lait thermisé
Q688947 Cancoillotte French cheese
Q681539 Cantal Cantal cheese is an uncooked firm cheese produced in the Auvergne region of central France.
Q19361399 Cap Noir French cheese
Q1213855 Caprice des Dieux
Q2940361 Carré French cheese
Q2940367 Carré Frais
Q2940381 Carré d'Aurillac
Q2940383 Carré de Bonneville French cheese
Q2726262 Carré de l'Est French cheese
Q17623807 Casgiu merzu French Cheese
Q2941782 Cathare French cheese
Q13458275 Cedenol
Q2947221 Ch'ti Crémeux
Q2948480 Chambérat French cheese
Q2955985 Chandamour
Q1068392 Chaumes cheese
Q2961668 Chaussée aux Moines
Q958233 Chavroux French factory produced soft cheese
Q2963093 Chevret du Haut-Jura
Q2972016 Chèvreton
Q980813 Chécy French cows-milk cheese
Q2974924 Clacbitou
Q16540460 Clon cow-milk cheese from Ain, France
Q2119806 Coeur de Bray
Q249310 Comté cheese French cheese
Q1125274 Confit d'Époisses
Q2997410 Cormeillais
Q2998026 Corsica
Q2581860 Coucouron
Q774297 Coulommiers cheese soft ripened cheese from Coulommiers, France
Q2165362 Couronne lochoise French goat cheese
Q16544799 Coussignous
Q16544803 Cousteron Cousteron is a cheese which was designed in 1985 and is produced in Pays de la Loire.
Q177886 Coutances cheese double-cream cow's milk cheese
Q249873 Crottin de Chavignol French cheese
Q3006035 Crème de brie de Meaux
Q3006261 Crémet du Cap Blanc Nez
Q23211927 César Régalis French cheese
Q16545657 Cœur de Lion
Q23024090 Cœur de massif French cheese
Q2779050 Dauphin cheese
Q2186289 De Mussy French cheese
Q3022124 Demi-sel
Q3043331 Délice d'Argental formaggio Délice d'Argental
Q658846 Délice de Saint-Cyr soft, triple-cream, pasteurized French cheese
Q19361412 Délice de la Sicalait French cheese
Q3578798 Ecorce
Q1239079 Emmental de Savoie cheese
Q390266 Emmental français est-central French cheese
Q2111440 Esbareich French cheese
Q531501 Etorki French cheese
Q3064619 Faisselle French cheese
Q732339 Feuille de Dreux French cheese
Q3072317 Fin de siècle
Q917325 Fleur du Maquis cheese
Q2193675 Fontainebleau French cheese
Q3077304 Formaggio d’alpe ticinese Semi-hard cheese from Ticino
Q16636726 Fort de Béthune
Q22829744 Fouchtra
Q16636809 Foudjou
Q20750784 Fougerus French cheese
Q15695425 Fourmagée
Q3080065 Fourme
Q123199835 Fourme d'Yssingeaux
Q19521297 Fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute
Q3080069 Fourme de Rochefort
Q2180797 Frinault French cheese
Q3088301 Fromage aux noix
Q3088315 Fromage de pays
Q3088314 Fromage des Plaines French cheese
Q16637310 Fromage fort de la Croix-Rousse
Q3088340 Fromager d'Affinois French double-cream soft cheese made from cow's milk
Q16638320 Gabriel Coulet
Q1493849 Gaperon cheese
Q3099801 Gaztanbera
Q2220783 Gien French cheese
Q13646273 Goudoulet
Q3111735 Gourmelin cheese
Q3111748 Gournay affiné
Q2369972 Gournay frais
Q2110778 Grand Condé
Q3114836 Grand tomachon
Q2735976 Grataron du Beaufortain
Q3115711 Gratte-Paille French triple cream cheese
Q3115731 Graval
Q3115900 Graçay
Q3118260 Gruyère français French cheese
Q3183516 Jonchée cheese
Q2470263 Jonchée d'Oléron French cheese
Q3183953 Jort
Q19838149 Joséphine cheese from France
Q3194531 Kaïkou
Q19348479 Kidiboo French cheese
Q3197332 Kiri brand of cheese
Q1862845 L'Ami du Chambertin
Q2438722 La Baratte
Q19361391 La Fournaise French cheese
Q19361401 La Petite Raclette French cheese
Q1240158 Langres cheese French cheese from the plateau of Langres in the region of Champagne-Ardenne
Q3218006 Larron d'Ors
Q3219860 Lavort
Q2551106 Le Bergues
Q1449144 Le Bouca French cheese
Q13748555 Le Chasteau
Q2451832 Le Creux
Q1764958 Le Curé Nantais
Q3222524 Le Délice du Chalet
Q3223010 Le Fédou
Q19361409 Le Gouverneur French cheese
Q2100226 Le Lardu
Q19361414 Le Mazarin French cheese
Q5300162 Le Montagnard French cows-milk cheese
Q3225331 Le Pavé du Plessis
Q647180 Le Rustique brand of French cheese
Q1231813 Le Templais
Q25687933 Le sire de Crequy
Q2223030 Les Fabuleux
Q3257120 Livernon French cheese
Q3260145 Lou Pérac
Q3272044 Lévéjac
Q1883467 Madrigal Madrigal cheese
Q2266255 Malakoff French cheese
Q33525061 Manicamp
Q734978 Maroilles cow's-milk cheese made in the regions of Picardy and Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern France
Q3304636 Meilleraye
Q749121 Mimolette cow-milk cheese from Lille, France
Q16664711 Miromando French cheese
Q3317334 Mizotte
Q3318193 Moelleux du Revard French cheese
Q19361410 Mont Bébour French cheese
Q117022 Mont des Cats French cheese
Q1945456 Mont d’Or French raw milk cheese
Q2906496 Mont-cenis French cheese
Q3322475 Montbriac
Q3322910 Montrachet
Q3323171 Montségur au lait de brebis
Q3325365 Mottin charentais French soft double-cream cheese made from whole cow's milk
Q3325612 Moulin de Carel
Q3224820 Moulis French cheese
Q3328162 Murol French cheese
Q517409 Mâconnais cheese French cheese
Q22442791 Ménez Hom French cheese
Q691989 Niolo French cheese
Q19361411 Notre Dame de la Paix French cheese
Q1872797 Oelenberg French cheese
Q20656125 Olivet bleu French cheese
Q302947 Olivet cendré French cheese
Q520598 Ossau-Iraty Occitan-Basque cheese made from sheep milk
Q3359343 P'tit Basque
Q14942295 P'tit Berrichon
Q3362367 Pannes cendré
Q47472053 Pasteurized camembert
Q3368658 Patay
Q2558970 Patte d'ours
Q2780650 Pavé Blesois
Q3373165 Pavé aux Algues de Samer
Q3373166 Pavé correzien
Q2495592 Pavé d'Auge
Q3373167 Pavé de Roubaix
Q14062450 Pavé du Berry
Q1995784 Perail French cheese
Q3375679 Persillé de Tignes French goat cheese
Q2694645 Persillé des Aravis French cheese
Q3375682 Persillé du Mont-Cenis
Q3377112 Petit Billy cheese
Q19814002 Petit Gaugry French cheese
Q19394682 Petit moka
Q2085762 Philadelphia Cream Cheese brand of cheese product
Q1245576 Picodon French goat cheese
Q6075568 Pierre Robert French cheese
Q3387785 Pierre dorée
Q18088658 Pierre-qui-Vire French cheese
Q2283420 Pithiviers au foin
Q19361402 Piton Maïdo French cheese
Q19361396 Piton des Neiges French cheese
Q2616602 Pié d’Angloys
Q1233145 Pont-l'Évêque uncooked, unpressed cow's-milk cheese, originally manufactured in the area around the commune of Pont-l'Évêque, in the Calvados département of Normandy
Q1854615 Port Salut type of cheese
Q640839 Pouligny-saint-pierre French goat cheese
Q15642837 Pourri bressan French cheese
Q965981 Pélardon French cheese
Q3411884 Pérassu
Q16671691 Pétafine French cheese
Q2961427 Quercy Petit
Q3418458 Ramequin French cheese
Q3421671 Rebarbe
Q543805 Reblochon soft washed-rind and smear-ripened French cheese made in the Alpine region of Savoy from raw cow's milk
Q3422607 Recuite
Q3431974 Rigotte de Pélussin
Q2799300 Rigotte de Sainte-Colombe
Q2688605 Rigotte d’Echalas French cheese
Q768189 Rocamadour French cheese
Q2797509 Rochebaron
Q2755306 Rogeret
Q2086097 Rogeret de Lamastre
Q2587663 Rollot French cheese
Q189221 Roquefort cheese French cheese
Q2413017 Roroi French cheese
Q3443104 Roue de Ris
Q19833850 Rouelle du Tarn cheese from France
Q2190442 Récollet French cheese
Q19360365 Saingorlon French cheese
Q1218531 Saint Albray cheese
Q19361394 Saint Paulin French cheese
Q3080505 Saint-Aubin French cheese
Q2067490 Saint-Benoît French cheese
Q1237731 Saint-Félicien cheese cheese
Q2700881 Saint-Gervais
Q21772266 Saint-Julien cheese
Q510126 Saint-Marcellin soft French cheese made from cow's milk, produced in the former Dauphiné province
Q1649867 Saint-Paulin cheese cheese
Q3463544 Saint-florentin
Q3463545 Saint-félicien
Q3463549 Saint-laurent
Q652628 Sainte-Maure de Touraine goat-milk cheese from the department of Indre-et-Loire, France
Q3473001 Santranges-sancerre
Q16675686 Sarasson French cheese made from buttermilk
Q3473732 Sartinese
Q58414430 Satonnay aux fleurs
Q1249172 Selles-sur-Cher cheese goat-milk cheese from Loir-et-Cher, France
Q2304082 Soumaintrain French cheese
Q3495344 St Môret
Q3504960 Suprême des Ducs
Q2059353 Sérac
Q3511839 T'chiot biloute
Q19372933 Takamaka French cheese
Q3516154 Taupinette
Q1501260 The Laughing Cow brand of processed cheese products made by Fromageries Bel since 1865
Q3290568 Thollon French cows-milk cheese
Q19361404 Ti frais des Hauts French cheese
Q19396383 Timanoix French cheese
Q3531216 Tome de Cambrai
Q3531217 Tome de Rhuys
Q3531219 Tome du Champsaur
Q3531226 Tomette de brebis
Q16680372 Tomme au foin French cheese
Q16680374 Tomme blanche French cheese
Q3531277 Tomme crayeuse
Q3531276 Tomme d'Arles
Q27888548 Tomme d'Iroise
Q3531278 Tomme de Gorze
Q2516868 Tomme de Montagne French cheese
Q16680376 Tomme de Provence French cheese
Q5493246 Tomme de Romans French cheese
Q1247472 Tomme de Savoie upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps
Q19375196 Tomme de chambrille French cheese
Q1227853 Tomme des Pyrénées cheese
Q16680378 Tomme forte de Savoie French cheese
Q2207625 Tommette de Domessin French cheese
Q3260452 Tournon-saint-pierre French cheese
Q1242617 Tourrée de l'Aubier
Q16680850 Tracle du Bugey French cheese
Q13736638 Trappe d'Echourgnac French cheese
Q19396369 Trappe de Timadeuc French cheese
Q2596034 Trappiste de Belval
Q3538065 Trappiste de Campénéac
Q3538064 Trappiste de Laval
Q3539063 Tricorne de Marans
Q3227871 Trou du Cru
Q16681326 Truffe de Ventadour French cheese
Q22442797 Ty Pavez French cheese
Q27888567 Ty'Mili
Q687579 Tête de Moine Swiss cheese
Q3547589 U Muntagnolu
Q2456295 Urt
Q3553097 Vache Grosjean
Q662125 Vacherin Mont-d'Or Soft cheese made in France and Switzerland
Q14942648 Vacherin d'Abondance
Q3553111 Vacherin des Bauges
Q122811070 Vacherin du Haut-Doubs
Q659277 Valençay unpasteurised goats-milk cheese from the province of Berry, France
Q3555471 Vendôme cendré
Q3558100 Vieux Samer
Q1239220 Vieux pané
Q1817639 Vieux-Boulogne
Q2476892 Vignotte
Q3562159 Void French cheese
Q3563272 Voves French cheese
Q2193077 Vézelay French cheese
Q2052108 abbaye de Citeaux French cheese
Q781150 beaufort type of cheese
Q2234663 bleu de Brebis French cheese
Q19360169 bleu de Chèvre French cheese
Q2268607 bleu de Corse French cheese
Q2485746 bleu de Costaros French cheese
Q1231078 bleu de Gex creamy, semi-soft blue cheese made from unpasteurized milk in the Jura region of France
Q4996979 bleu de Langeac French cheese
Q478725 bleu de Laqueuille French cheese
Q1849613 bleu de Lavaldens French cheese
Q3265374 bleu de Loudes French cheese
Q2906497 bleu de Quercy French cheese
Q2906480 bleu de Thiézac French cheese
Q22955784 bleu de bonneval French cheese
Q2323527 bleu doux French cheese
Q767952 bleu du Vercors-Sassenage French cheese
Q22893422 bonde de Gâtine French cheese
Q2855637 boule des moines
Q2380557 bouton de culotte
Q1872408 brebis du Lochois French cheese
Q193411 brie soft cow's-milk cheese named after Brie, the French region from which it originated
Q112404922 brie de Saint-Raymond
Q20968805 cabécou d’Autan French cheese
Q27862138 camembert Le Kergall
Q1086855 camembert de Normandie French cheese from Norrmandy
Q19813912 cantal entre-deux
Q1058296 chabichou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q10563342 chabichou du Poitou soft, unpasteurized, natural-rind French goat cheese
Q1000176 chaource cheese French cheese
Q1067646 charolais French cheese
Q1071353 chevrotin French cheese
Q20750789 chevru French cheese
Q19955899 colombier
Q3002364 crayeux de Roncq French cheese
Q19360341 crémeux du Puy French cheese
Q1245530 fourme d'Ambert semi-hard French AOC blue cheese, made from raw cow's milk from the Auvergne region of France
Q1245441 fourme de Montbrison French cheese
Q19360343 fourme de Pierre-sur-Haute French cheese
Q3531223 fresh Tomme French cheese
Q15080546 fromage blanc Fresh cream cheese
Q19376149 fromage de Monsieur French cheese
Q3088320 fromage fermier de Corse
Q2293535 gazimelle de Burzet
Q681326 laguiole cheese French cheese
Q1144668 livarot Livarot is a French cheese of the Normandy region, originating in the commune of Livarot.
Q20968815 mimolette extra vieille French cheese
Q643697 mimolette vieille French cheese
Q177727 morbier French cheese
Q3325622 moulin de Gaye
Q765540 munster type of French cheese
Q1241190 neufchâtel a soft, slightly crumbly, mold-ripened cheese made in the Neufchâtel-en-Bray, French region of Normandy
Q19360359 persillé du Malzieu French cheese
Q19360356 persillé du col Bayard French cheese
Q2089007 rigotte de Condrieu French cheese
Q2349632 rove des garrigues
Q3463547 saint-gildas-des-bois
Q1245627 salers French semi-hard com milk cheese originating from Salers, located in the Massif Central, central France
Q2365495 sarteno
Q19360984 tome bleue French cheese
Q524966 tome des Bauges unpasteurised cow-milk cheese from the Bauges Mountains, France
Q22442794 tome des Monts d'Arrée French cheese
Q2164539 tomme a class of cheese produced mainly in the French Alps and in Switzerland.
Q23072776 tomme de Rilhac French cheese
Q19403756 tomme de chèvre French cheese
Q22442810 tomme du Nevet French cheese
Q2088439 Édel de Cléron "New" cheese
Q1231414 Époisses French cheese


item Article description located in the administrative territorial entity P134
Q542046 Brousse du Rove goat cheese from France Aix-en-Provence[1]
La Barben[1]
Les Baux-de-Provence[1]
La Bouilladisse[1]
La Ciotat[1]
La Destrousse[1]
Le Rove[1]
Le Tholonet[1]
La Roque-d'Anthéron[1]
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade[1]
Les Pennes-Mirabeau[1]
La Penne-sur-Huveaune[1]
Le Beausset[1]
La Cadière-d'Azur[1]
Le Castellet[1]
La Bastide-des-Jourdans[1]
La Bastidonne[1]
La Motte-d'Aigues[1]
La Tour-d'Aigues[1]
Q19816602 Pavin French cheese from Auvergne Auvergne
Q3553108 Vacherin cheese Franche-Comté
Vallée de Joux

|sparql=SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {

 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
     ?item p:P279 ?statement0.
     ?statement0 (ps:P279/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2223649.

} |references=all |section=131 |sort=label |columns=item,label:Article,description,p131, p134, |thumb=128 |min_section=2 }}

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb 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aiu aiv aiw aix aiy aiz aja ajb ajc ajd aje ajf ajg ajh aji ajj ajk ajl ajm ajn ajo ajp ajq ajr ajs ajt aju ajv ajw ajx ajy ajz aka akb akc akd ake akf akg akh aki akj akk akl akm akn ako akp akq akr aks akt aku akv akw akx aky akz ala alb alc ald ale alf alg alh ali alj alk all alm aln alo alp alq alr als alt alu alv alw alx aly alz ama amb amc amd ame amf amg amh ami amj amk aml amm amn amo amp amq amr ams amt amu amv amw amx amy amz ana anb anc and ane anf ang anh ani anj ank anl anm ann ano anp anq anr ans ant anu anv anw anx any anz aoa aob aoc aod aoe aof aog aoh aoi aoj aok aol aom aon aoo aop aoq aor aos aot aou aov aow aox aoy aoz apa apb apc apd ape apf apg aph api apj apk apl apm apn apo app apq apr aps apt apu apv apw apx apy apz aqa aqb aqc aqd aqe aqf aqg aqh aqi aqj aqk aql aqm aqn aqo aqp aqq aqr aqs aqt aqu aqv aqw aqx aqy aqz ara arb arc ard are arf arg arh ari arj ark arl arm arn aro arp arq arr ars art aru arv arw arx ary arz asa asb asc asd ase asf asg ash asi asj 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cew cex cey cez cfa cfb cfc cfd cfe cff cfg cfh cfi cfj cfk cfl cfm cfn cfo cfp cfq cfr cfs cft cfu cfv cfw cfx cfy cfz cga cgb cgc cgd cge cgf cgg cgh cgi cgj cgk cgl cgm cgn cgo cgp cgq cgr cgs cgt cgu cgv cgw cgx cgy cgz cha chb chc chd che chf chg chh chi chj chk chl chm chn cho chp chq chr chs cht chu chv chw chx chy chz cia cib cic cid cie cif cig cih cii cij cik cil cim cin cio cip ciq cir cis cit ciu civ ciw cix ciy ciz cja cjb cjc cjd cje cjf cjg cjh cji cjj cjk cjl cjm cjn cjo cjp cjq cjr cjs cjt cju cjv cjw cjx cjy cjz cka ckb ckc ckd cke ckf ckg ckh cki ckj ckk ckl ckm ckn cko ckp ckq ckr cks ckt cku ckv ckw ckx cky ckz cla clb clc cld cle clf clg clh cli clj clk cll clm cln clo clp clq clr cls clt clu clv clw clx cly clz cma cmb cmc cmd cme cmf cmg cmh cmi cmj cmk cml cmm cmn cmo cmp cmq cmr cms cmt cmu cmv cmw cmx cmy cmz cna cnb cnc cnd cne cnf cng cnh cni cnj cnk cnl cnm cnn cno cnp cnq cnr cns cnt cnu cnv cnw cnx cny cnz coa cob coc cod coe cof cog coh coi coj cok col com con coo cop coq cor cos cot cou cov cow cox coy coz cpa cpb cpc cpd cpe cpf cpg cph cpi cpj cpk cpl cpm cpn cpo cpp cpq cpr cps cpt cpu cpv cpw cpx cpy cpz cqa cqb cqc cqd cqe cqf cqg cqh cqi cqj cqk cql cqm cqn cqo cqp cqq cqr cqs cqt cqu cqv cqw cqx cqy cqz cra crb crc crd cre crf crg crh cri crj crk crl crm crn cro crp crq crr crs crt cru crv crw crx cry crz csa csb csc csd cse csf csg csh csi csj csk csl csm csn cso csp csq csr css cst csu csv csw csx csy csz cta ctb ctc ctd cte ctf ctg cth cti ctj ctk ctl ctm ctn cto ctp ctq ctr cts ctt ctu ctv ctw ctx cty ctz cua cub cuc cud cue cuf cug cuh cui cuj cuk cul cum cun cuo cup cuq cur cus cut cuu cuv cuw cux cuy cuz cva cvb cvc cvd cve cvf cvg cvh cvi cvj cvk cvl cvm cvn cvo cvp cvq cvr cvs cvt cvu cvv cvw cvx cvy cvz cwa cwb cwc cwd cwe cwf cwg cwh cwi cwj cwk cwl cwm cwn cwo cwp cwq cwr cws cwt cwu cwv cww cwx cwy cwz cxa cxb cxc cxd cxe cxf cxg cxh cxi cxj cxk cxl cxm cxn cxo cxp cxq cxr cxs cxt cxu cxv cxw cxx cxy cxz cya cyb cyc cyd cye cyf cyg cyh cyi cyj cyk cyl cym cyn cyo cyp cyq cyr cys cyt cyu cyv cyw cyx cyy cyz cza czb czc czd cze czf czg czh czi czj czk czl czm czn czo czp czq czr czs czt czu czv czw czx czy czz daa dab dac dad dae daf dag dah dai daj dak dal dam dan dao dap daq dar das dat dau dav daw dax day daz dba dbb dbc dbd dbe dbf dbg dbh dbi dbj dbk dbl dbm dbn dbo dbp dbq dbr dbs dbt dbu dbv dbw dbx dby dbz dca dcb dcc dcd dce dcf dcg dch dci dcj dck dcl https://www.inao.gouv.fr/produit/16353