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User:Rex Carolus

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Archduke Otto Karl Friedrich Ludwig Ferdinand Stanislav Wenzel Gottfried von Zöuschburg, Prince of Zöuschburg, Prince of Kaonnoe, whose Chinese name is Tsy-nyi (治熠). If restore monarch, he would be Charles, By the Grace of GOD, King of all Ngian, forever August, Prince of Kaonnoe, Duke of Yiuet-kueq, Duke of Ngshin-jiun, Prince and Count of Zöuschburg, vicecount of Sielin, Baron of Ietsyci, Baron of Nglautshen.

Archduke Otto Karl Friedrich is the descendant of the Regent-Prince of Lu of Ming Dynasty, Tsyu I-he. Whose ancestor is the tenth son of the first Emperor of Ming Dynasy, Thatsou Tsyu Nyioe-tsaon. The grandsons of Prince I-he exiled to Shandong, where the tomb of all the Prince of Lu are there.

At the end of Qing Dynasy, a descendant of Prince of Lu called Constantine le Petit-Tsœu. After his death, his house seperated by his three son, his eldest son Alexandre become the Duke of Tonle-jiuin, the second son Dmitri become Duke of Kaumih-jiuin, the third son Nikolaus become Duke of Liauton-jiuin, and use the surname von Tseusburg. The forth son of Constantine, Peter, Earl of Tsaonli-ghioe, who died early.

Alexandre have no sons. Dmitri have four sons but only one grandson, Joachim, by his third son, Sigismund. Sigismund pass his right to the only son of Nikolaus, Danilo. Danilo become the first count of Tseusburg. Danilo married Maria Theresia von der Vierte-Pappeln, have one son, called Heinrich Georg Ludwig Simeon, and two daughter, called Viktoria and Wilhelmina. Viktoria married Prinz Eugen von der Tsaon, and have a son, Lodovico, the King of Haenan.

Archduke Otto Karl Friedrich was born in Noecin, in April 24, 1983. Archduke Otto Karl Friedrich has been Baptized in the Feast of Christ the King, 2009, in the Cathedral of Maria Immacolate Conception in Nanjing, by Father Giovanni Kau Nyoe, the parish priest of the Cathedral.