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User:Sir Drance

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This User has been unserimoniously blocked from Wikipedia by an outside source and will not be back until he/she can find a permanet way around it

The Status Bot has been blocked.
See my last edit here.

That which is hidden was meant to be found. Find this page’s secret and joy will abound. Number of Wikipedia articles 6,889,990: Current UTC time 12:23 if you wish to contact me go to my talk page by hiting the discussion tab

Sir Drance


Introduction to Me


Hello. As you can guess this is not my name, only an account name. My real name is Stephen Dixon. I'm new hear so I don't know how to do many things, but I will learn.

By the way, pardon my spelling. I am sort of dislexick

My computer acsesabilty Statis


i will be hear until a week befor Cristmass

Talk Posting


I will be posting as I Know 7. Just thought that you should know.



Introduction to creations


I am doing an experiment here. I am going to try and create a new page on Wikipedia but I'm not sure it will work.

as the title explains this page will hopefully be on The 7 elements of power.

Success or Failure


I created a page but I might have some problems.

The problems that I spoke of before have been overcome. Now I just have to finish the page

I was wrong I did so much but it was still deleted.





I am going to make an account in every Wikimedia sight. My main goal is to have the same user name in each sight.

mission accomplished



I am going to try to recreate my 7 elements of power page

I know 7

Mission log #1:

encountering problems. possible deletion

Mission log#2:

have accepted that my page will be deleted. will recreate when I refind source.



I have recently discovered the existence of hidden pages. I am going to try to find as many as I can.

Mission log #1:

Found two in a very short amount of time. Things looking good.



Click hear

My frends


this is a list of people i know who also happen to be Wikipedians.

Tunyn:Josh Knit

Dixon:the kid who stole my name(aka:Stephen Dixon. no relation suprisingly)

L'Aquatique:my former adopter and good frend.

my work


I have been trying to get a picture on my page for a wile. This is just me figuring out how to do it. I am also showing off some of my work. I am not sure if I'm allowed to do this so if someone sees somthing wrong with this just tell me. this picture is not the best I have done; just one that I have avalible for the computer.

Ps. it is at the end

just the girl

My pages


random thing i am going to try to make. random page#1

my monobook. you tuch you die. my monobook

my sand box.play with it all you want, but know i will find you. my sandbox

an atemted templet Hi