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User:Sluzzelin/Sandbox/Index Reference desk/Language

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

General questions on language


Language acquisition


Looking for one or several languages …


General questions on language: uncategorized


English language


English varieties, dialects and accents




Origin of words, idioms, and phrases


General etymological questions




History of the English language






Singulars and plurals




Phonology and pronunciation




Pronunciation of words






Meaning of an English word, idiom, or phrase


Looking for an English word ...


Language terms




Thoughts and sensations




Looking for a word: uncategorized




English language resources


English language: uncategorized


Foreign languages


Arabic language


Arabic words and phrases / requests for translation Arabic>>English


Translations English>>Arabic


Basque language


Chinese language


Chinese words and phrases / requests for translation Chinese>>English


Chinese language: uncategorized


Czech language


Czech words and phrases / requests for translation Czech>>English


Dutch language


Faroese language


Finnish language


French language


French words and phrases / requests for translation French>>English


Translations English>>French


French language: uncategorized


German language


German words and phrases / requests for translation German>>English


German language: uncategorized


Greek language (ancient)


Translations English>>Japanese


Greek language (ancient): uncategorized


Greek language (modern)


Hebrew language


Hindi language


Irish language


Italian language


Italian words and phrases / requests for translation Italian>>English


Japanese language


Japanese words and phrases / requests for translation Japanese>>English


Translations English>>Japanese


Japanese language: uncategorized


Kannada language


K'iche' language


Khmer language


Korean language


Korean words and phrases / requests for translation Korean>>English


Translations English>>Korean


Korean language: uncategorized


Latin language


Latin words and phrases / requests for translation Latin>>English


Translations English>>Latin


Mi'kmaq language


Norwegian language


Polish language


Polish words and phrases / requests for translation Polish>>English


Translations English>>Polish


Portuguese language


Portuguese words and phrases / requests for translation Portuguese>>English


Translations English>>Portuguese


Russian language


Russian words and phrases / requests for translation Russian>>English


Translations English>>Russian


Sanskrit language


Serbo-Croatian language


Sign language


Slovenian language


Spanish language


Spanish words and phrases / requests for translation Spanish>>English


Spanish language: uncategorized


Swedish language


Vietnamese language


Unknown/unspecified languages


Foreign language resources


Writing systems and typography




Aramaic alphabet


Arabic script


East Asian writing systems


Greek alphabet


Native American writing systems


Tibetan script




Online references


Unidentified script

  • Word meaning "yes" represented by what looks like a script capital "L" followed by what seems to be a Greek "alpha" (Identification of script and language) : "Alphabets" (Sep 9, 2007)

Some flew over the cuckoo's nest
