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Just a little website about me. Nothing to see here really. Thus far I mostly frequent the Marvel pages on here, looking up characters I should probably know but can't exactly remember and having little luck as I'm not the only one who can't really remember them. I'm an avid fan of Kevin Smith flicks, Invader Zim, Firefly/Serenity, Whose Line is it Anyway, and The Sopranos. I spend most of my free time watching any of these shows, generally while I'm gaming. Lately it's been some form of RTS or another (haven't played Warcraft/Starcraft except for WOW in years so I'm trying to run through all of those at present) but otherwise I'm all over the place, leaning more towards RPGs, but finding joy just about everwhere. I'm also a big fan of "inside jokes" (no matter how inside, from "all your base are belonging to us" to "A pair of boots and a sandwhich), running gags, and all those other wonderful comedy devices that apparently don't belong on American TV unless it's an improv show.

Of what use am I to you? Well, I'm currently running a crusade to make World of Warcraft worth playing again. Not that any of the problems I have with it are Blizzard's problems to deal with per se, but it's a shame to see any quality game turned to such drek merely because hundreds of teenages decided to use the game to replace AOL as they "chat source" maintaining low leveled characters with equipment they have no buisness even mentioning in conversation nonetheless wielding as they stand in the middle of a major town talking for hours on end. Get an AOL account. It's cheaper.

As for Wiki? My contributions thus far have been kept to a minimum, and held amost exclusively to the discussion pages. I will soon endeavor to contribute more, at least on the topics I know a lot about (like I plan on adding a lot to the Invader Zim page), however it's been slow going, and marred by a reluctance to change any of the existing material, even when it's completely wrong. I'll be doing my best though to add information for people as I come across it though. At least on the topics I feel most passionate about.