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Mesozoic basins of Iberia[edit]

Mesozoic sedimentary basins of Iberia
Cantabrian Pyrenean foreland
Cameros Organyà
Lusitanian Maestrazgo
Algarve Prebetic
Basin types RiftForelandComplex

Cantabrian basins[edit]

Pyrenean foreland basins[edit]

Cameros Basin[edit]

Maestrazgo Basin[edit]

Oliete Sub-basin[edit]

Galve Sub-basin[edit]

Vallipón site

Morella Sub-basin[edit]

South Iberian[edit]

Prebetic basins[edit]

Lusitanian Basin[edit]

Early Cretaceous stratigraphy of Iberia[edit]

Clockwise starting from the north

Early Cretaceous stratigraphy of Iberia
Ma Age Paleomap \ Basins Cantabrian Olanyà Cameros Maestrazgo Oliete Galve Morella South Iberian Pre-betic Lusitanian
100 Cenomanian
La Cabana Sopeira Utrillas Mosquerela Caranguejeira
Altamira Utrillas
125 Albian Ullaga - Balmaseda Lluçà Traiguera
Monte Grande Escucha Escucha Jijona
Itxina - Miono
Aptian Valmaseda - Tellamendi Ol Gp. - Castrillo Benassal Benassal Olhos
Font En Gp. - Leza Morella/Oliete Oliete Villaroya Morella Capas
Patrocinio - Ernaga Senyús En Gp. - Jubela Forcall Villaroya Upper
Barremian Vega de Pas Cabó Abejar Xert Alacón Xert Huérguina Assises
Prada Artoles Collado Moutonianum Papo Seco
Rúbies Tera Gp. - Golmayo Alacón/Blesa Blesa Camarillas Mirambell
150 Hauterivian Ur Gp. - Pinilla Llacova Castellar Tera Gp. - Pinilla Villares Porto da
Huerva Gaita
Valanginian Villaro Ur Gp. - Larriba Ped Gp. - Hortigüela
Ped Gp. - Hortigüela Ped Gp. - Piedrahita
Peñacoba Galve Miravetes
Berriasian Cab Gp. - Arcera Valdeprado hiatus
TdL Gp. - Rupelo Arzobispo hiatus Tollo
On Gp. - Huérteles
Sierra Matute
Tithonian Lastres Tera Gp. - Magaña Higuereles Tera Gp. - Magaña Lourinhã
Legend Major fossiliferous, oofossiliferous, ichnofossiliferous, coprolite-bearing, minor formation


  1. ^ La Cabana Formation at Fossilworks.org
  2. ^ Altamira Formation at Fossilworks.org
  3. ^ Eguino Formation at Fossilworks.org
  4. ^ López-Horgue et al., 1996, p.85
  5. ^ Ullaga Formation at Fossilworks.org
  6. ^ Balmaseda Formation at Fossilworks.org
  7. ^ Pujalte et al., 1987, p.142
  8. ^ Itxina Formation at Fossilworks.org
  9. ^ Miono Formation at Fossilworks.org
  10. ^ Tellamendi Formation at Fossilworks.org
  11. ^ Patrocinio Formation at Fossilworks.org
  12. ^ Ernaga Formation at Fossilworks.org
  13. ^ Villaro Formation at Fossilworks.org
  14. ^ Vega de Pas Formation at Fossilworks.org
  15. ^ Arcera Formation at Fossilworks.org
  16. ^ Lastres Formation at Fossilworks.org
  17. ^ a b c Page 31
  18. ^ Font Bordonera Formation at Fossilworks.org
  19. ^ Senyus Formation at Fossilworks.org
  20. ^ La Pedrera de Rúbies Formation at Fossilworks.org
  21. ^ a b Ortega Blanco et al., 2006, p.196
  22. ^ Báez & Sanchiz, 2007, p.477
  23. ^ a b c d Utrillas Formation at Fossilworks.org
  24. ^ a b c Escucha Formation at Fossilworks.org
  25. ^ Oliván Group at Fossilworks.org
  26. ^ 2017 - Europatitan eastwoodi, a new sauropod from the lower Cretaceous of Iberia in the initial radiation of somphospondylans in Laurasia - PeerJ
  27. ^ Torcida Fernández et al., 2011, p.538
  28. ^ Leza Formation at Fossilworks.org
  29. ^ Golmayo Formation at Fossilworks.org
  30. ^ Urbión Gp - Pinilla de los Moros Formation at Fossilworks.org
  31. ^ Larriba Formation at Fossilworks.org
  32. ^ a b Hortigüela Formation at Fossilworks.org
  33. ^ Rupelo Formation at Fossilworks.org
  34. ^ Huérteles Formation at Fossilworks.org
  35. ^ 2013 - Discriminating between Medium-Sized Tridactyl Trackmakers: Tracking Ornithopod Tracks in the Base of the Cretaceous (Berriasian, Spain)
  36. ^ a b Magaña Formation at Fossilworks.org
  37. ^ a b Calizas de Oliete Formation at Fossilworks.org
  38. ^ a b Benassal Formation at Fossilworks.org
  39. ^ a b c Villarroya de los Pinares Formation at Fossilworks.org
  40. ^ a b c Forcall Marl at Fossilworks.org
  41. ^ a b c Forcall Formation at Fossilworks.org
  42. ^ a b Xert Formation at Fossilworks.org
  43. ^ a b Arcillas de Morella Formation at Fossilworks.org
  44. ^ a b Canudo et al., 2008, p.650
  45. ^ a b Pérez García et al., 2014, p.336
  46. ^ a b c Artoles Formation at Fossilworks.org
  47. ^ a b Alacón Formation at Fossilworks.org
  48. ^ a b Blesa Formation at Fossilworks.org
  49. ^ Llacova Formation at Fossilworks.org
  50. ^ Villanueva de Huerva Formation at Fossilworks.org
  51. ^ Mosquerela Formation at Fossilworks.org
  52. ^ a b Higuerueles Formation at Fossilworks.org
  53. ^ Camarillas Formation at Fossilworks.org
  54. ^ Sánchez Hernández & Benton, 2014, p.582
  55. ^ a b Mirambel Formation at Fossilworks.org
  56. ^ El Castellar Formation at Fossilworks.org
  57. ^ Galve Formation at Fossilworks.org
  58. ^ a b c Cuenca Bescós & Canudo, 2003, p.576
  59. ^ Tera Gp. - Pinilla de los Moros Formation at Fossilworks.org
  60. ^ Piedrahita de Muñó Formation at Fossilworks.org
  61. ^ Lignites de Traiguera Formation at Fossilworks.org
  62. ^ Jijona Formation at Fossilworks.org
  63. ^ Capas Rojas Formation at Fossilworks.org
  64. ^ La Huérguina Formation at Fossilworks.org
  65. ^ Los Villares Formation at Fossilworks.org
  66. ^ Gaita Formation at Fossilworks.org
  67. ^ El Collado Formation at Fossilworks.org
  68. ^ Miravetes Formation at Fossilworks.org
  69. ^ Tollo Formation at Fossilworks.org
  70. ^ Upper Bedoulian Formation at Fossilworks.org
  71. ^ Moutonianum Formation at Fossilworks.org
  72. ^ Conglomerados de Caranguejeira at Fossilworks.org
  73. ^ Figueira da Foz Formation at Fossilworks.org
  74. ^ Olhos Amarelos e Pousio da Galeota Formation at Fossilworks.org
  75. ^ Camadas de Almargem at Fossilworks.org
  76. ^ Assises à Orbitolines Formation at Fossilworks.org
  77. ^ Papo Seco Formation at Fossilworks.org
  78. ^ Lourinhã Formation at Fossilworks.org



Weishampel, David B.; Peter Dodson, and Halszka Osmólska (eds.). 2004. The Dinosauria, 2nd edition, 1–880. Berkeley: University of California Press. Accessed 2019-02-21.ISBN 0-520-24209-2

Cantabrian Basin

Ruiz Omeñaca, J.I.; L. Piñuela, and J.C. García Ramos. 2007. Una vértebra de un pequeño ornitópodo (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) del Kimmeridgiense (Formación Lastres) de Tazones (Villaviciosa, Asturias). Geogaceta 42. 83-86. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Pujalte, V.; S. Robles, and J. García Mondéjar. 1987. Características sedimentológicas y paleogeográficas del fan-delta albiense de la Formación Monte Grande y sus relaciones con el Fiysch Negro (Arminza-Górliz, Vizcaya). Acta Geologica Hispanica 21-22. 141–150. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Organyà Basin

Báez, A.M., and B. Sanchiz. 2007. A review of Neusibatrachus wilferti, an Early Cretaceous frog from the Montsec Range, northeastern Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52. 477–487. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Cameros Basin

Kirkland, J.I.; L. Alcalá; M.A. Loewen; E. Espílez; L. Mampel, and J.P. Wiersma. 2013. The Basal Nodosaurid Ankylosaur Europelta carbonensis n. gen., n. sp. From the Lower Cretaceous (Lower Albian) Escucha Formation of Northeastern Spain. PLoS ONE 8. e80405. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Pérez de la Fuente, R.; E. Peñalver; X. Delclòs, and M.S. Engel. 2012. Snakefly diversity in Early Cretaceous amber from Spain (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera). ZooKeys 204. 1–40. .doi:10.3897/zookeys.204.2740PMID 22787417PMC 3391719

Torcida Fernández−Baldor, F.; J.I. Canudo; P. Huerta; D. Montero; X. Pereda Suberbiola, and L. Salgado. 2011. Demandasaurus darwini, a new rebbachisaurid sauropod from the Early Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 56. 535–552. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Ortega Blanco, J.; A.P. Rasnitsyn, and X. Delclòs. 2010. A new family of ceraphronoid wasps from Early Cretaceous Álava Amber, Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55. 265–276. Accessed 2019-10-09.

González Acebrón, L.; J. Arribas, and R. Mas. 2010. Sand provenance and implications for paleodrainage in a rifted basin: the Tera Group (N. Spain). Journal of Iberian Geology 36. 87–106. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Maestrazgo Basin

Canudo, J.I.; J.M. Gasulla; D. Gómez Fernández; F. Ortega; J.L. Sanz, and P. Yagüe. 2008. Primera evidencia de dientes aislados atribuidos a Spinosauridae (Theropoda) en el Aptiano inferior (Cretácico Inferior) de Europa: Formación Arcillas de Morella (España). Ameghiniana 45. 649–662. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Oliete Sub-basin

Peyrot, Daniel; Juan Pedro Rodríguez López; Luis Lassaletta; Nieves Meléndez, and Eduardo Barrón. 2007. Contributions to the palaeoenvironmental knowledge of the Escucha Formation in the Lower Cretaceous Oliete Sub-basin, Teruel, Spain. Comptes Rendus Palevol 6(6–7). 469–481. .doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2007.09.014ISSN 1631-0683

Galve Sub-basin

Moreno Azanza, M.; J.I. Canudo, and J.M. Gasca. 2014. Spheroolithid eggshells in the Lower Cretaceous of Europe. Implications for eggshell evolution in ornithischian dinosaurs. Cretaceous Research 51. 75-87. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Sánchez Hernández, B., and M.J. Benton. 2014. Filling the ceratosaur gap: A new ceratosaurian theropod from the Early Cretaceous of Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59. 581–600. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Navarrete, Rocío; Carlos L. Liesa; Ana R. Soria, and Juan P. Rodríguez López. 2013. Actividad de fallas durante el depósito de la Formación Camarillas(Barremiense) en la subcuenca de Galve (E de España) - Fault activity during the deposit of the Barremian Camarillas Formation in the Galve subbasin (E Spain). Geogaceta 53. 61–64. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Ruiz Omeñaca, J.I. 2011. Delapparentia turolensis nov. gen et sp., un nuevo dinosaurio iguanodontoideo (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) en el Cretácico Inferior de Galve - Delapparentia turolensis nov. gen et sp., a new iguanodontoid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Ornithopoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Galve (Spain). Estudios Geológicos 67. 83-110. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Herrero Gascón, Jesús, and Félix Pérez Lorente. 2009. Aportaciones de un nuevo yacimiento de icnitas saurópodas de la Formación Camarillas (Barremiense inferior, Galve, Teruel) - The contributions of a sauroropod footprint new site. Camarillas Formation (lower Barremian, Galve, Teruel). Geogaceta 46. 67–70. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Royo Torres, Rafael; Luis Mampel, and Luis Alcalá. 2009. Icnitas de dinosaurios del yacimiento San Cristóbal 3 de la Formación Camarillas en Galve (Teruel, España) - Dinosaur footprints of the San Cristóbal 3 tracksite from Camarillas Formation in Galve (Teruel, Spain). Geogaceta 53. 5–8. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Cuenca Bescós, G., and J.I. Canudo. 2003. A new gobiconodontid mammal from the Early Cretaceous of Spain and its palaeogeographic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48. 575–582. Accessed 2019-10-09.

Morella Sub-basin

Pérez García, A.; J.M. Gasulla, and F. Ortega. 2014. Filling the ceratosaur gap: A new ceratosaurian theropod from the Early Cretaceous of Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59. 333–342. Accessed 2019-10-09.

South Iberian Basin

Morycowa, E.; J.P. Masse; C. Arias, and L. Vilas. 2001. Montlivaltia multiformis Toula (Scleractinia) from the Aptian of the Prebetic Domain (SE Spain). Revista Espanola de Paleontologia 16. 131-144. Accessed 2019-10-10.

Company, M.; J. Sandoval, and J.M. Tavera. 1995. Lower Barremian ammonite biostratigraphy in the Subbetic Domain (Betic Cordillera, southern Spain). Cretaceous Research 16. 243-256. .

Lusitanian Basin

Aillud, Gary Stefan. 2001. Palaeoecology, palaeoenvironmental analysis and their application to Sequence Stratigraphy: Lower Cretaceous, Lusitanian Basin, Portugal, 1–360. University of Plymouth. Accessed 2017-10-02.