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This user drinks milk.
This user is an atheist.
41YThis Wikipedian was born on 15 September 1983 and is 41 years, 0 months, and 21 days old.

My name is Lasse Kärkkäinen, although most people just know me by my IRC nick, Tronic (which unfortunately was already taken in Wikipedia).

I have a tendancy to forget logging in before writing to Wikipedia. Edits made from IPs 82.130.13.* are quite likely mine.

Favorite quotes

  • Only love is eternal, what not if its targets keep changing - Kaija Koo (the singer of this Finnish song has since divorced from her composer husband)
  • We have no alternatives to fossil fuels. Whoever claims the opposite does not understand the difference between mW and MW - Taina Kurki-Suonio (a physicist at my university)
  • The rewards of tolerance are treachery and betrayal - Warhammer 40000 (not my philosophy, though)
  • Without advertisements we would be happy without knowing why - "Kids Say"

World view


Since I don't believe in the supernatural nor in authorities (science has none), I am free to choose my own morals. This is quite interesting, as it also allows autopotency (I'll try to write a page about it if I find a source to cite, as the term is not widely known), which means that one understands the source of his feelings and physical stimulus, and can control his reactions to them and in general has full control over his thoughts (bah, this is hard to explain). What this means in my life is that I do not take things too seriously. I cannot be offended, as I just don't need to care. Thus, if you see me in a fight, it is because I enjoy it, not because I am seeking for a revenge. Revenge comes from a feeling of justice in the world, but an atheist understands that there is none, so getting a revenge makes little sense.

My lesson for others in life is: do not take things too seriously. Fight for what you care for (your dream), but if it doesn't work out, find something else to care about. You won't run out of targets of interest in this world, as the time we spend here is very limited. And always keep your options open. You can start regular boozing any day (later, too), but if you do, can you still quit or can you think clearly after doing it for a few decades? That means losing a lot of options.

The other main moral of mine (in addition to keeping the options open) is trying to improve the world. Developing better technology (software, mostly). Freeing the information. Trying to better understand the universe. Making more people take the bad spots of life less seriously so that maybe (uh, this is going to sound hippie) we can all be friends and live in peace in the future (long after I have died and turned into dirt, since I am somewhat realistic too).



Even though I don't think that I am particularly interested in music, my current edits seem to be all about music, so I decided to write something about it too. My favorite genre is Gothic Rock/Metal, but unfortunately there are only about two bands in the world playing that at serious level. Other than that, I listen to everything, as long as it sounds good. Classical, Ethnic/World, Pop, Church Music, Smooth Jazz, ... Everything goes, as long as it sounds good. And the sounding good part means not only the performance itself, but the recording and mixing quality, including the broadness of the spectrum and the dynamic range. Thus, I am definitely an audiophile.

Countries I've been to

Dual licensed with the GNU General Public License
I agree to license, my contributions for which I hold the copyright, under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3, or any later version. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the GPL terms, please check the Multi-licensing guides.