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User:Ww9980/Tientsin Military Academy

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Tientsin Military Academy



TypePublic militaryEstablishedJan 1885Address

Dazhigu, Tientsin

Tientsin Military Academy(中文:天津武备学堂), also known as Peiyang Military Academy北洋武备学堂)was a public military school founded in January 1885 in Tientsin[1]. It is known as the first and most important military academy in late Qing dynasty. It was destroyed during the Siege of the International Legations in 1900. Many of its graduates later became important military leaders in the early ROC age[2].


The founder Li Hongzhang

As part of his military reforms after Sino-French War, Li Hongzhang founded the Tientsin Military Academy In January 1885. [3].A recruitment of students was called nationwide. The academy has 4 divisions: infantry, cavalry, artillery and engineer. A fifth division, railway engineering, was added in 1890. 

Duan Qirui and other 4 students left for Germany in 1889 for an exchange study. 

The campus was destroyed during the Siege of the International Legations in 1900. The Boxer Protocol required that no Chinese military units exists in Tientsin and 20 miles around it. The campus which is in the restricted area is discarded. The military academy was restored by Yuan Shikai later in Baoding, known as Baoding Military Academy


Military courses[edit]

Tientsin Military Academy offers courses including astronomy, physics, math, chemistry, military engineering, trench defending, and battlefield topography . 

Exchange programmes[edit]

In 1889, 5 students were sent on an exchange programme including Qirui Duan, Dingyuan Wu, Dequan Shang, Yuzao Teng, Qingtang Kong. 


Duan Qirui

In its 15 years of history, approximately 1,000 students graduated which includes Duan Qirui (former Chief Executive and Premier of the Republic of China), Feng Guozhang (former Vice President of the Republic of China ) and General Wu Peifu

See also[edit]


  1. ^ 徐东波 (2017-05-22). "近代中国陆军军官学校的关键性转变——基于北洋武备学堂与保定军校的比较". 保定学院学报 (2017年03期).
  2. ^ 姚锦祥 (1992-04-01). "论北洋武备学堂的历史地位及其影响". 南京师大学报(社会科学版) (1992年01期).
  3. ^ Kwang-ching Liu (1980). John King Fairbank, Denis Crispin Twitchett, ed. Late Ch'ing, 1800-1911. Volume 11, Part 2 of The Cambridge History of China Series (illustrated ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 267. ISBN 0-521-22029-7.