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1.Article Critique

1.1 Deficiency of organization

1.2 citation and reliable resources

1.3 information conveyed

1.4 conclusion

Article critique

I visited the Legume page Wikipedia ,I found three aspects of it worth commenting on: the deficiency of organization of page , Its lack of citation and reliable resources and also the false information conveyed .

Deficiency of organization


The contents of the page present a repeat subtitles which are not necessary relevant, could be resume in important ideas. The introduction of the subject 'legume 'is vague. The page mention

the terminology after the introduction and before the history of legume; narrowing the subject very quiet rapidly. I learned in biology classes that soybeans clever,peas, alfalfa associate

in legume family not Fabaceae family.

Citation and reliable resources


Half of the references listed at the bottom come from the site.com .Those sites have either a huge advertising profile or come from others Wikipedia pages.I noted that this article is a sort of nutshell

of Wikipedia pages that cannot be always truthful and reliable.The article talk about an important subject that is a roundabout in different levels ecology, biology , economy thus we can proofread

the article by doing researches in the sites .edu or .gov .

Information conveyed


I noticed two huge false informations on this page that i know because of my background academic , firstly the nitrogen fixation requires a series of specialized enzymes and cofactors and the process is energy

demanding summarized as follows:N2 + 8H+ + 8e + 16 ATP→ 2NH3 + N2 +16 ADP. Second the legume are not in Fabaceae family.



Overall ,I would rate this page 'not okay ' because some policies of wikipedia as verifiability ,notability are not viewed through the lecture of this page , the reorganization and input of broad reliable references

could improve this page and emphasized the quality of pieces of information.

( sidenote : as part of this assignment , i also posted a note on the talk page of legume here )