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Nyako Clan:



The Yöndöru rural council is one of the Sub-bomas of Biri at Mukaya payam of Lainya County in Central Equatoria state. It is situated in the South – Western part of Lainya County. It is about Seven (7) miles away from Yei – Juba road west at the junction of Limbe (Malakia area). It comprises of five major villages such as Yöndöru, Ligi, Morsak, Nuni and Rume which was under Dimu II administration and later joined Yöndöru in 1999 during the SPLM/A administrative restructuring of Dimu I Boma. These five major villages formed the Yöndöru rural council. Yöndöru borders Atende Boma of Yei River County to the south; Dimu II proposed Boma to the east; Bereka Boma of Lainya payam to the north-east; Wondoruba payam to the north; Lejo Payam and Tore Wandi of Mundri County to the north-west and Girim (Lorega) Boma of Mukaya payam to the west. The environment of the Yöndöru is typically tropical but the weather regime is fast changing; becoming arid with less rain and long dry spell. Yöndöru centre alone has other smaller clans such as Yöndöru centre, Bujang, Mika, Wörökösuk, Gokoni, Gori, Wombura, Nyödöt and Nyori. These areas are under the administration of Biri boma of the Mukaya payam whose administrative centre is situated in Rume as a centre under the administration of Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu. Currently, Headman Joseph Lugala is acting on his behave as the A/Chief of Biri boma. Dimu II is also found under the same administration of Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu of the Biri boma, although they had claimed to have their own administrative centre separate from the Biri boma which is proposed to be called “Dimu II Boma”. However, Dimu II is comprised of three (3) major villages such as Tembi/Ngoromba, Kobo/Mukuru and Kokonga/Dimu na Godo. All these area made up the Biri boma. Yöndöru rural council was formerly administered under the administration of Yei River district during the colonial era, until the conclusion of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005; when Lainya had attained its own administrative centre separate from Yei River County. It was also when the colonial administration ordered all the Chiefs whose areas were around Yei to extend about three miles away from their areas in order to establish a town centre; and that was when Paramount Chief Ramadalla extended north of Yei three miles to the present site Maliba na Lukundu (area of evil spirits in Bangala Language). The total population of Yöndöru rural council is estimated to be 12,975 people (as per 2008 National Census).

Educational and Spiritual Development of the Yöndöru since 1916:


Following the Malek missionary conference in 1916, Bishop Rev. Paul Gibson began his missionary work in Yei River district. The first Pojulu son who was believer in God’s Ministry was Andaria Langwa Allau, who was baptized in the same year (1916). He was serving Rev. Gibson in his spiritual activities. In 1920, when Rajaf district was opened, all the sons of the native chiefs were called for education. Bishop Gibson made a courtesy call at Chief Sururu Lugala Lado ‘Dangwong residence at Kidoput (Yöndöru) and he was accompanied by Mr. Andaria Langwa Allau; he was impressed when he met Chief Sururu’s children idly playing at the palace compound without schooling . In a brief meeting with the Yöndöru community under leadership of Chief Sururu, they resolved to establish both spiritual and educational centre at Yöndöru. Subsequently, Chief Sururu nominated and sent Daudi Jambu Nyoma who he had registered as his first son of Yöndöru to school of Church Missionary Society(CMS) at Yei River district Headquarters for learning. Later, followed by other sons of Yöndöru including: Manase Soro Sururu, Purumena Wudu Solomon, Enosa Ware Latio, Kamaseda, Jibidayo Lado of Rume clan and Woja Ware of Girim Sub-Chieftainship. In 1924, Bishop Gibson visited Chief Sururu for the second time and they discussed the establishment of the school. Daudi Jambu Sururu who had come for the holiday was directed by his father Chief Sururu to write an application letter on his behalf which was to be addressed to Bishop Shaw of Malek of CMS in Malakal district – the present Upper Nile Region. Then on 25th January 1925, Bishop Rev. Gibson came to Chief Sururu with a positive reply that the school of Yöndöru community which was both meant for spiritual and academic purposes had been agreed by CMS administration. But before the establishment of the school at Kidoput took place, Chief Sururu was transferred to Kili the present site to join Chief Ramadalla Latio. Thereafter, Chief Sururu was reduced to a position of Sub – Chief under Chief Ramadalla and the area where he was transferred and told to dwell at belonged to the Sub – Chieftainship of the Rume clan under Headman Sumure and Kwenda clan of Kakwa –Atende Boma of Yei River County. Chief Sururu was transferred from Kidoput by a White missionary who served as Medical Personnel who was nicknamed by the local people as “Lojengede”(meaning short person in Pojulu local dialect) due to Tse – tse flies infection in the area. Chief Sururu after serving for quiet a long time died in 1927 and his firstborn son Solomona Lo´boka Sururu succeeded him as a Sub – Chief. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu negotiated with Kwenda clan of Kakwa elders and bought an area of Lora pond called “Marimar” paying three (3) Millins and he also bought an area north of Koya River which was registered under the name of his brother Paul Lubang Sururu, as reserve forestry for trapping wild animals annually during dry season. Shortly, Daudi Jambu Sururu took over from his brother Solomona Lo´boka as a Sub – Chief of Yöndöru in 1928 after his conviction by the Yei River District “B” Court following the illegal detention of the rifles of Chief Sasa Gindala of Wondoruba payam. The construction of the Yöndöru Community School started in 1932 and it took off as a centre for both spiritual and academic activities. However, it was one of the oldest Schools established in the educational history of the Republic of the South Sudan. The foundation stone of the School was laid in 1945 by Bishop Gilstrock of Church Missionary (CMS) in the whole of Dimu (I) “A” Court. Then in 1974, the administration of the school separated the spiritual activities from the academic one, but each administration runs its respective activities side by side within one compound. On 16th April 1976, the first Yöndöru parish was consecrated as the first Christian entity in the whole of Dimu I, the present Mukaya payam followed by Dimu (I), Girim and Dimu (II) parishes respectively; and later on, Soka, Pere, Kidimisuk, Kinda, Tomoret, Komoyi, Kokonga, Ligi and Jijira parishes came up which form up the Mukaya Archdeaconry in Lainya Dioceses of Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS). Then, the historical name of the Yöndöru was dropped down due to long argument by the Mukaya community that Yöndöru is just a clan name and could not be used in naming the whole archdeaconry and yet the centre started as Yöndöru spiritual and academic entity for the whole community of Mukaya payam. As time went on, both spirirtual and academic activities progressed well and more people were baptized and acquired basic knowledge. These were the first clergymen who started the work of the St. Peter’s parish-Yöndöru according to their chronological order: Layman Simona Laila Loguba, Matayo Bayimuke Laki, Yonotona Gita Lujo, Yakobo Soro Jandu, Petero Latio Abrama, Yosua Koja Langwa, Yosepa Sangwa, Jakayo Jigo, Emmanuel Kindi Kalunga, Eliaba Ladu Lopiru and Nicholas Godo Andaria (who later progressed and became a Deacon and confirmed to the rank of a Pastor). The following were the Mothers’ Union: Tabitha Morogo Lazarus, Lucy Keji Eyobo, Prisikila Misuk Crusipo, Anna Gila Lokiri, Salome Jubang Nasona, Yunis Magara Adalla, Marata Kiden Simisona, Durusila Lumayat and Margret Gila Samuel. When Yöndöru Church became a full parish under Yei Archdeaconry in 16th April 1979, the first pastor sent by Yei Archdeaconry was Rev. Yona Andu. Rev. Nicholas Godo Andaria took over from Rev. Yona Andu when the first person LR. Petero Latio Abrama (the first LR. In-charge) stated that he was already nearing to retirement and he did not want to be consecrated as a deacon but he wanted a young person to be in his place and that was why Nicholas Godo Andaria was nominated according to Petero’s will. Rev. Nicholas Godo progressed effectively and many parishes flourished after Yöndöru numbering to twelve (12) which gave birth to two denaris of Yöndöru and Dimu I; and later came the Mukaya Archdeaconry. Yöndöru Basic School was first built as early as 1920s by long serving Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu and it was the only school at that time in Dimu (1) – “A” Court No. 5 of Paramount Chief Ramadalla – the present Mukaya Payam. The Yöndöru primary school was destroyed during the first Anya – Nya one liberation war and it was later renovated after the Addis Ababa Peace Agreement of 1972 was signed. Later on during 1983 – 2005 liberation war, it was also destroyed but it was operating throughout the war period under trees in an area called Mujarang under Rev. Emmanuel Kindi Kalunga as Chairperson of Parents and Teachers Association (P.T.A) and Rev. Wilson Soro Eyobo was the Head teacher. The school graduated a number of pupils to Yei Elementary school right from the colonial time up to the present time and some of these sons and daughters are now serving the government of the Republic of South Sudan. Some of them include: Hon. Eliaba James Surur, Late Henry Latio, late Charles Woja Debu, late Morris Lubang Langwa, Rtd. Brigadier Edward Lomude Eyobo, H.E. Charles M. Jongo and many others. At the moment, the school has reached a status of basic primary school and one of the remarkable Schools in the payam.

The Political System in the Yöndöru rural Council:


Generally, the Yöndöru people are politically organized into hierarchical system of governance. It is however headed by a chief called “Matat”, on the top followed by the Headmen and the village elders and notables forming the political structure. Therefore, the Yöndöru Chieftainship was attained for quite a long time since early 15th Century, when Ladu `Danwong of the Nyako clan was inaugurated as a chief of the Yöndöru people by Chief Metagwok of Yöndöru following his wisdom and courage for having brought the corpse of the Chief’s only son who was killed by the Wörökösuk warriors during their fight. The Chief’s son Losisiba was a commander of his father’s warriors. When he was killed, his fellow warriors who were defeated fled leaving behind the corpse of the chief’s son. However, the chief governs over the Yöndöru village and other areas comprising the Biri boma which include Dimu (II). The Biri boma is situated within Mukaya payam which is under the auspices of Paramount Chief Scopas. At this point, the Chief assumes all responsibilities in the area and performs their duties on the advice of the council of elders, notables and the headmen. The headmen are solely responsible over several villages. They are also dealing with all possible cases, judicial and legislative issues. Therefore, the elders and the notables form the Village Advisory Council (VAC) whose major role is assisting the chief by giving advice and finding solutions to any problems facing the chief’s administration in the village. Most of these elders possess wisdom and knowledge earned over long periods of experience. When Chief Ladu `Dangwong assumed authority over the Yöndöru village right from his arrival from Moru land, it was under the status of a chieftainship not until when Chief Sururu Lugala was transferred from Kidoput to the present site where he was reduced to the status of Sub – Chief. The first Yondoru chief after Chief Mitagwok was Ladu `Danwong followed by Koja Ladu, Sururu Lugala, Solomona Loboka who ruled for a short time only, Daudi Jambu Sururu, Anthony Gwörun Daudi, Martin Wani, and currently Dickson Lenga Sururu but now he was given an assignment in Juba.

The Social and Cultural Activities carried out by the Yöndöru people:


The Yöndöru are distinct, honest and respected people. They are one of the clans of the Pojulu society that dwell in Biri boma of Mukaya payam in Lainya County. However, their social and cultural activities are much similar to the other Pojulu community or to other related clans who share the same boundaries with them. The Yöndöru’s social and cultural activities are characterized as follow: Marriage, divorce, succession, family property, inheritance, bride prize, birth and naming of a child and death and funeral rites. These shall therefore be illustrated below:



The Yöndöru people marry in order to preserve and perpetuate mankind. However, marriage is regarded as a contract of union between a man and a woman who intend to form a family. They unite in matrimony on a common agreement or arrangements of their respective families. It involves the societal participation. Their major objective is to produce children following by other secondary objectives. The major process involved in Yöndöru marriage includes engagement, parental consent, payment of bride prize and finally handing over of the bride to the bridegroom which are the essentials of marriage so as to take place. In modern marriage, there are certain conditions which are considered such as the maturity of the couples (from 18 years above), soundness, physical/sexual fitness, no closed relationship of the spouses, love between them, an agreement of marriage and bride prize. According to African Customary marriage, the Yöndöru people allow the marriage of several wives and hence, characterized by polygamy. It is therefore a different case with some of them who dwells in the major towns. They however practice modern or Christian marriage. That is the marrying of single woman through the process of matrimonial ceremony. The Yöndöru people considered all the necessary requirements of modern marriage. There are different ways where couples get into contact with each other it normally takes place during cultural occasion like traditional dances, funerals, marriage ceremonies and sometimes at school and homes, youth normally exchange love messages which later turned into marriage. Secondly, there is a system whereby the parent of a boy may marry to his son a wife following the consent of the parent of the girl; but today this kind tradition is fading out. Then, this son who is given a wife by his parent will therefore marry another wife of his own choice thereafter. At this stage however, both parents begin to exchange visits so as to acquaint themselves to each other. This would continue until there will the presentation of gifts such as pottery, handcraft and food items by both parents. Another method is that the betrothed abducts the fiancée for the purpose of marriage, and then he seeks afterwards the parental approval. The family groups of both spouses have to negotiate to reach a consensus. Following all processes, then necessary arrangements are put into place. The couples are asked to come before in the presence of their parents, relatives and friends. This is where oath taken which binds the couple in their marriage. Afterwards, part of the bride prize is then settle and once accepted, the two parents will then organized for an occasion celebrated with drinks, food and dances. After the declaration of marriage, the handing over ceremony is then organized for the bride to escort to her new home. It is however the commitment of two parents, relatives and friends. The bride is provided with domestic items such as cooking utensils, beddings and other domestic items required for starting a home. The parent of the bridegroom will also organize a very big ceremony for receiving their bride home. Another important occasion is empowerment which is done by mother-in-law through an arrangement with the father-in-law of the bride to introduce her to the new responsibilities and to witness for the first time whereby the bride will start eating food prepared by her mother-in-law. The bridegroom will not eat food in the family where he marries from until such an occasion is performed to free him to eat anyhow. However, this is proved as a measure of integrity and respect. Nowadays, marriage has taken a quiet different track. Marriage is modernized in such a way that a boy and girl relationship develops gradually and becomes strong. Then, the boy will reveal their relationship to his parents and a letter will be sent to the parents of girl. After that, they are interviewed and the parents will either accept their marriage or reject it following misunderstanding or base on closed relationship. This type of marriage is characterized by the union of man and woman for life without any interference of another. That is, there will be no divorce and polygamy – marrying of several wives. However, in this type of marriage the consent of the parents is the most required condition so as the marriage is to be fulfilled.



Divorce is the ending of a marriage before the death of either spouse. This phenomenon happens when there are misunderstandings which lasted for quiet a lengthy of time without prior solution at all cases. However, a divorce must be certified by the court of law, as a legal action is needed to dissolve the prior legal act of marriage. In Yöndöru, divorce is rarely seen in the community. In cases where it seems too difficult to be solved, the Yöndöru community may search possible mean to solve them. It however happened with the great grand aunt of the Yöndöru people Ajaru – the sister of Chief Sururu Lugala who was married to certain man of Jongwe Ligi clan and there happened a misunderstanding between and she came back home at Yöndöru until her death. To some extent, it may be regarded as a “divorce”.The possible problems that may lead to divorce include the following:

1. The barrenness of the wife is one of the possible ways leading to divorce. 2. If labor takes a day or more, the woman is suspected as having committed adultery. Then she will be requested to declare the person involved in this adultery thereof. 3. If at all the newly born baby rejects the breast feeding, the mother is also suspected of adultery leading to divorce.



State of having a rightful acquisition or inheriting something after the other in the family line. In Yöndöru traditions, a member of a family will assume responsibility of having any affairs within the given clan without hesitation.

Family Property:


I¬¬n simplicity, family property is anything that is owned and used for livelihood. Such property include: domestic animals like cattle, sheep and goats; comprising of land. It is however pertain to a person or group of persons (i.e. co-owners). In most cases, the head of a family is posted with the responsibility over the ownership of the property (livestock and land). The land of Yöndöru is owned by the Bujang clan of Yöndöru of Chief Metagwok. In any traditional occasion, they are always consulted. However, family property is owned by the head of the family who has limited power to use the property according to his own desire without the any consultation of the family members. Cattle are use for the purpose of marriage or other occasions like funeral rite, etc. while goats are sometimes used for exchange for grains during famine. And land can be allocated for cultivation such as the case of “Kili” area which was proposed for extensive agriculture by the administration of Yöndöru Agricultural Cooperative Society (YACS).



Literally, inheritance is the transfer of something (property) from one person to another. However, an individual has a natural right to obtain any property including money, but in condition that it must be gain through legal means. An individual therefore has the right to use this wealth or property and practice any acts; but after his/her death, he/she becomes irresponsible over such property. Thus, there should be another person who also has full right to own them after his death. Inheritance is an old phenomenon and it originated as early as mankind. Normally, inheritance is compulsorily applied to any person who has close relationship with the decedent (the dead person who owns the property) or sometimes through marriage where one of the couple or their children has the right to inherit the property the other if he died. However, inheritance is not applied to any person who intentionally kills his inheritor (the person who owns the property). This can be witnessed with one of the Ligi son who tried to kill his father Chief Kenyi Dangabura over power. Therefore, in such similar case he was not supposed to own or hold over power.

Bride Prize:


This always refers to materials produced by the parents of the bridegroom to be given as appreciation to the family or parents/relatives of the bride. It can be in cash or in kind and of noticeable value to meet the aspiration of the family members of the girl. In Yöndöru clan, the parents of the girl make their demands and the members of the bridegroom negotiate on the demand until they came to a reasonable agreement when both sides reach consensus then both sides rejoice up by altering pleasing words or songs which satisfy that the marriage has been successful and agree upon by both sides.

Birth and Naming of the Child:


This is a situation where the newly born baby is to be given name after few days of birth. This is normally organized in a ceremonial way in which variety of food items are prepared most especially cooked beans, meat, pasted nuts and oil as well as beer. After the tradition are done, dance is then prepared.

Death and Funeral rite:


Death is a natural phenomenon which is treated with caution and respect for the deceased. Burials are normally done in the morning and evening hours during cool times of the day. There are however certain procedures taken before the burial of the deceased. Therefore, before everything is done, the maternal uncles of the deceased have to be consulted for some formalities whereby their requirements are cleared then burial is executed. The funerals can be peaceful if only the traditional requirements are fulfilled or otherwise, there might be chaos between the maternal and paternal uncles of the deceased. As time went on, many traditions are ignored and Christianity emerged with its own rules and criticized traditional activities as evil deeds.

The Economic Activities carried out in Yöndöru:


Themajor economic activities carried out in the Yöndöru rural council include: Agriculture, livestock rearing, beehive keeping and commodities trading. However, it is so important and descriptive to classify their economic activities as it has been mentioned earlier. The Yöndöru market is one of the most important trading centre which had existed for quite a long time during the two Civil wars in Republic of Sudan before the succession of South Sudan and it was the only market serving the liberated areas during the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) operations in the bush, together with others such as Umbasi, Mapako and Yarabe markets in Yei River County when Lainya was still a payam under Yei County administration. The market would bring different traders both men and women around and near the Yöndöru village. It is so essential to mention the importance of the market not only to the local people of Yöndöru, but also to the neighboring communities. The market normally has its day where most of the traders bring their products there for sale. It was operating on Tuesdays and Fridays but now on Wednesdays and Saturdays it operates normal during other week days. In this respect we are going to discuss more about the farming activities carried out in Yöndöru village: The economy of Yöndöru is pre-dominantly agrarian. The majority of the people are peasants who practice subsistence agriculture. Farming activity constitutes about 90% of the rural Yöndöru economic activities. They mainly produce food crops to meet their daily consumption. They normally practice primitive method of production such as the use of hoes, and other necessary faming equipments. However, their staple food crops include: cassava, maize, simsim, beans, various grains, millet, groundnuts and variety of vegetables like Nyete, kudura, kwedekwede, etc. They also produce cash crops but at a small scale in order to meet their basic needs such as cloth, and others. These crops include: tobacco, coffee and timbers like Teak. The Yöndöru people (both in the village and those in Juba) had formed a number of Cooperative societies such as Nyako Peasant Farmers Cooperative Society and the major one was the Yöndöru Agricultural Cooperative Society (YACS) which was registered under the Ministry of Cooperative and Rural Development in the State Government of Central Equatoria in Juba. It was headed by Dickson Lenga Surur as a Chairperson. However, due to financial shortage, it failed to operate in the actual ground. The strategic plan of the YACS was to extend production of various crops growing into an area of about 100 hectares which was proposed at Kili. The Yöndöru people keep few domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, goats and poultry; but due to prevalence of Tse-tse flies had rendered cattle herding too difficult. Cattle and goats are mostly used to pay bride price. Hunting is the second most important economic activity of the Yöndöru people. It is mostly done during winter seasons, when the area is dry in order to clearly see and hunt for animals. They in the past normally hunt a variety of wild animals ranging from elephants, antelopes to Bush rats “Nyorit”. Hunting is done as a subsidiary activity to meet consumption when the area is dry; but now hunting has come to an end. Currently with the modern civilization, the Yöndöru people have involved into commercial activities and small scale industries such as handcraft, carpentry, pottery, iron smith, etc. The natural resources found in Yöndöru include: gold, uranium and timbers.

Journey of Ladu `Dangwong with his brothers to unknown destination:


The Yöndöru people migrated into the Pojulu land right away from the Moru land. They originally belonged to the Moru tribe. They however migrated into two phases i.e. the first group was known as the “Bujang - Yöndöru” who migrated in 15th Century much earlier than the second group which known as the “Nyako” of Ladu `Dangwong. The first group had established themselves and founded a chieftainship in Yöndöru area in Pojulu land. While the second group of Ladu `Dangwong followed them later on. Each group however had their own reasons and conditions that favored their respective migrations to the unknown destination at different times. Therefore, in this respect, we are much concern to discuss the modern history of Ladu `Dangwong and his followers. Ladu `Dangwong Bodomirikosak took off from Moru land in a place called Malanga – Gwunda. His small clan was called Nyako. The father of Ladu `Dangwong who was called Bodomirikosak was a peasant farmer with a lot of herds of cattle and he had good number of wives who had many children. Ladu `Dangwong was second born child to the first wife of Bodomirikosak and he was the bright and most liked son by the family and other closed relatives of Bodomirikosak. Misunderstanding grew up among the children of Bodomirikosak and later reached a terrible quarrel over the wealth of their father. Then, the father who listened to the advice from his closed relatives had reached consensus of dividing the cattle among his own children. Ladu `Dangwong and his two other brothers Lokidi and Lugayo who were not yet married and who were always in good terms and understandings with each other formed one group and decided to leave their homeland in Moru land and seek for a quite area to live in with their family and to graze their own animals. They started their journey southwards from Gwunda at the foot of mountain Malanga to unknown destination towards the Bari or Mundari lands. Their home area of Nyako – Nyomora has the following streams Royi, Libogo and others that could not be recalled. On their journey, they reached at Yöndöru area where there was a serious fighting between the peoples of chief Metagwok of Yöndöru clan and Baso Muture of Wörökösuk clan. Both rivals had serious fighting for several days in which the only son of Chief Metagwok who was the commander of the warriors was killed. When Ladu `Dangwong and his group reached at the road junction between Jebi Kiden and Beri of Yöndöru, he then decided to take a rest and he placed extinguished firewood at the junction of the two roads as a traditional sign indicating that he was a foreigner who was on his journey so that he and his group could not be victims of any conflict within that area. The resident of Chief Metagwok whose son was killed in the fighting was near at the junction. Then, Ladu `Dangwong sent two of his warriors as spies pretending that they were looking for fire to light their smoking pipe of their leader. On reaching the home of Chief Metagwok, they discovered that the chief was at mourning stage and fasted for several days following the death of his beloved son Lokodi Losisiba who was to succeed him as a ruler of Yöndöru people. The corpse of his son was still lying in the bush where the battle took place. When the news about the death of the Chief’s son reached Ladu `Dangwong, he then sent his men and his wife Misuk to take milk with big gourd to chief Metagwok. But, Metagwok refused to take the milk and he instead requested Ladu Dangwong and his men to go and collect the corpse of his son back home for ceremonial burial. On hearing the request of Chief Metagwok through his men, Ladu `Dangwong was reluctantly to take up action following the request of the chief, but his wife Misuk persuaded him to carry out the request by insisting saying that if he refused to fulfill the chief’s demand; it was better if her husband hands over the manship to her so that she would lead the warriors to collect the corpse in order to relief the miserable chief of the area. So, on hearing his wife’s convincing words, Ladu `Dangwong took up the courage and mobilized his warriors to go with him and fulfill the request of Chief Metagwok through a peaceful approach. He reached the battle ground where the death body was lying. Ladu `Dangwong climbed up on a high ant hill and shouted with a loud and clear voice, “You people of Jebi Kiden and Baso Muture, was it your tradition that the death body could not be buried? I am a foreigner who was on my own journey to unknown destination and I request your kindness to allow me take the corpse for burial at its respective place other than rotting here. I have nothing to do with your fighting with the Yöndöru people of Beri clan of Chief Metagwok.” The corpse of Losisiba was left in the bush after Beri clan of Yöndöru were defeated by Baso Muture of Wörökösuk and they withdrew back home. They also feared to report to chief Metagwok exactly what had happened in the battle and to his son Losisiba. But, one of the warriors from Gokoni clan managed to get hold of the arrow carrier of Late Losisiba from the enemies and took it back home and showed it to the father of Losisiba confirming that their commander Losisiba was killed in the battle by their enemies. Therefore, corpse of Losisiba was later released to Ladu `Dangwong and his group to take it where they wanted it to be taken to. The corpse reached chief Metagwok’s compound whereby the Yöndöru people came all together to join the funeral rite of the deceased. The grave was then prepared for the body to be laid to rest. Ladu `Dangwong decided and gave chief Metagwok one black bull and a sheep for the funeral rite. The sheep was slaughtered and the skin was put on the pole (Gorosoni) that was place in the grave right from inside and to the top four meters above as a symbol of a fallen leader. Four days later, a royal drum was sounded by chief Metagwok calling all the clan of Beri of Yöndöru people to come and witness the last funeral rites of their dead leader. Ladu `Dangwong again released one brown bull for the ceremony to be slaughtered as a traditional ritual. Chief Metagwok sat in his royal seat and asked all the people of Beri clan of Yöndöru that where was their leader who was to lead them? The people shouted up loudly that their leader Losisiba was killed by their enemies of Baso Muture of Wörökösuk clan in the battlefield. Chief Metagwok again asked them that who brought the corpse of your leader to his final resting place? The people pointed at Ladu `Dangwong and his men. Then, chief Metagwok stood up from his royal seat and asked the people of Beri clan of Yöndöru that who would be your leader after me? There was a complete silence for almost five minutes. After a while, chief Metagwok shouted again in loud and clear voice, “you, people of Beri clan of Yöndöru, the foreigner who had brought the corpse of your leader Losisiba and laid it to rest in the royal compound would therefore succeed me in the place of my late son that he had buried and he (Ladu `Dangwong) would be your leader forever.His journey to unknown destination however had come to an end at Beri of Yöndöru clan. The people of Yöndöru clan would listen to him and honor him as their supreme leader after my death. If anyone of Beri clan would have brought the body of Late Losisiba home for burial, he would have succeeded me as the ruler of Beri clan of Yöndöru. Only credit went to Gokoni clan who brought the arrow carrier of Late Losisiba and the news of his death that was brought home”. In response, Ladu `Dangwong strongly stated that he would solely take the administration of Beri clan of Yondoru of Chief Metagwok; but he stressed that the landlordship remained under Metagwok’s hand forever. Therefore, Ladu `Dangwong took over the chieftainship of the Yöndöru people immediately after the death of chief Metagwok and he was later succeeded by his son and grandchildren until today.

Yöndöru people acquisition of Ligi chieftainship:


At the beginning, the Ligi people had their own chieftainship over their area Ligi and Yondoru in general. However, the son of the chief of Ligi people went out for fishing at a nearby stream. There, he had caught a very big fish (Nile Perch). When his father Kenyi Dangabura heard the good news, he rushed to the stream. His son then got whole of him and threw him into stream. Chief Sururu heard someone screaming at the stream side. He then rushed to see what was going wrong there. At the site, he saw the Chief’s son struggling to drown his own father. Therefore, Chief Sururu Lugala of the Yöndöru decided to rescue Chief Kenyi Dangabura who was being drowned in the water by his own son. On another occasion, the son of Chief Kenyi Dangabura had killed a very big wild animal. When Chief Kenyi Dangabura heard the news, he immediately with his wife left to the home to enjoy together with him. However, no reception was accorded to them. Therefore being exhausted, they took a rest under a granary shade. Then there came chief Ware Lomude of Girim who was also a visitor and a maternal brother to Chief Kenyi Dangabura. When he saw Chief Kenyi Dangabura he used sarcastic language saying, “who is this man resembling old bones left in deserted home”. Yet, he knew very well that the man he referred to was the father of the owner of the home they came to visit. And Chief Kenyi Dangabura got annoyed with his son and decided to go to Chief Sururu Lugala again who had rescued him earlier on. Chief Sururu accorded him warm and good reception and after a short while, a special food items were prepared which were to be accompanied with Chief Kenyi Dangabura to his home. A cordial royal escort was given to Chief Kenyi Dangabura and his wife arrived home safely. Chief Kenyi Dangabura beat the traditional drum calling the whole clan of Ligi chieftainship to the palace and the people gathered on hearing the call. A skin of an animal and the royal stick were brought and lied down together in one place. Chief Kenyi Dangabura ordered Chief Sururu Lugala Lado `Dangwong to sit on the skin and to hold the royal stick on his own hands. Chief Kenyi Dangabura got also hold of the last toe of Sururu’s leg twisted it and broke it out completely saying “by doing so I have dedicated the Ligi Chieftainship to Chief Sururu of Yöndöru clan with effect from today onwards and whoever among the sons and daughters of Ligi people who attempt to take over the Chieftainship back from Chief Sururu or his descendants, shall be cursed forever in his/her life Span.” Since then, Chief Sururu Lugala for the second time took control of Ligi Chieftainship and Yöndöru in general the first one was when Sururu was called by Chief Lugunyoru from exile in Moru land to rule Yöndöru as a result of his faith, love and courage. The Chief’s son was left wandering around following his conspiracy over the Chieftainship of his father. Up to this date, Ligi clan has been distanced from the Chieftainship because of this will of Kenyi Dangabura to Chief Sururu. Their curse was mostly done upon greed and conspiracy of the son of Chief Kenyi Dangabura on an attempt on the life of his father.

The Chronological order of the Chiefs of the Yöndöru

Ladu `Dangwong and his family:


In Nyako clan, Ladu `Dangwong was the key element to the family and to every thing he did. He was the great grandfather of the Nyako clan of Yöndöru people. He gave birth to his three sons Koja Ladu, Lugala Ladu and Wugo Ladu. Lugala Ladu was the second born son of Ladu `Dangwong who later gave birth to Sururu Lugala. Lugala Ladu’s children were: - Sururu Lugala, Nyoma Lugala, Jongo Lugala and Ajaru (a lady). The family line up of Ladu `Dangwong the supreme leader followed by Koja Ladu, Lugala Ladu and Wugö Ladu. This is however the beloved family that likes themselves and embraces each other whenever the problems arise at home and the community of Nyako and Yöndöru in general. The children of Sururu Lugala were: Solomona Loboka, Paulo Lubang, Manase Soro, Godo Sururu, Lupo sururu, Kambura, Yosepa Waya and Nasona Ligi. The first born son Koja Ladu after the death of their father Ladu, he took over the responsibility of looking after the family and their mother Misuk and the younger son Sururu of his brother Lugala. Ladu `Dangwong’s wife was called Misuk Ladu. She was from Moru tribe. When his brother Lugala was seriously ill and had only one son, named Sururu to his side told him that he (Lugala) was not going to live for so long, what he wanted was that since his son Sururu was still young and the only one, let his elder brother Koja take care of him and his wife Keji na Gwolo be sent to his maternal brother to Moru land to bear the children who would be called brothers to his son Sururu of one mother and father after him. Then, Koja Ladu kept the words of his own younger brother Lugala after his death the two brothers to Sururu were conceived and born following the instructions of Late Lugala Ladu. Nyoma Lugala was conceived by maternal brothers at Nyomora clan in Moru land called Mr. Jabin Logujö Komon na Morolode and given the name “Nyoma” and Jongo Lugala was conceived by Wugö the youngest brother of Lugala.

The Family of Koja Ladu `Dangwong:


Koja Ladu was the first born of Ladu `Dangwong who formed the Nyako Yöndöru Family. After the death of his brother Lugala Ladu `Dangwong as mentioned earlier, he took all the responsibility of looking after his mother Misukand Keji na Gwolo – the wife of his brother Lugala Ladu and the younger son Sururu Lugala according to instructions that were dedicated to him by his younger brother Lugala Ladu before he could die. The two brothers to Sururu, Nyoma Lugala and Jongo Lugala were born after the death of their father Lugala and they were brought up by his brother Koja Ladu until they grew up enough and got married. However, this is the family line-up of Koja Ladu `Dangwong, the brother of Lugala Ladu. The names of the two brothers and sister of Koja Ladu `Dangwong were: Lugala Ladu, Wugo Ladu and Kaniku Ladu(a lady). The children of Koja Ladu were five whose names were Ginja Koja, Laji Koja (a lady), Burija mother of Lobonya Burajin, Jakina (a lady) and Kanika the mother of Lojeng of Wombura clan who was ritually given to Nyako family after the death of his mother Kanika. None of his children were still alive today. However, Ginja Koja Ladu later got married and gave birth to four sons and three daughters respectively and they were: Bara Ginja, Kwadi Ginja, Lugala Ginja, Makaraka (Nyokwe) Ginja, Poni Ginja, Gale Ginja and Wudu Ginja who was taken when young by the Turk – Arab Slave traders to unknown destination till today. Kwadi Ginja also got married and gave birth to only two children whose names were called Gita Kwadi and Ramba Kwadi (Lady). And his brother Lugala Ginja had the following children Tomboi Lugala, Felix Lemi Lugala, Jonary Kambura Lugala, Soro Mariano Lugala, Joseph Wonguto Lugala, Jojon Lugala and Mori Lugala. The Children of Gita Kwadi are called Nerekison Soro, Bismark Godo Gita, Denis Dagi Gita, Yata Gita Kwadi and two ladies called Jennifer Goro Gita and Nyokwe Gita Kwadi. There are sons, daughters and grandchildren who are not mentioned here to the family of elder Koja Ladu, son of the Great Nyako – Yöndöru people who originated from Moru land in the 15th Century. In accordance with the chronological family lineage, they are the elders of Nyako family who were charged with the responsibilities of domestic issues and bringing good luck to Nyako clan when call upon to solve any problem that might arise to the whole community of Yöndöru people. They formed the two outstanding clans of Nyako na Ladu Dangwong’s family. These clans are Kin Ti Tome and Mondu Raka. Kit Ti Tome represents Elder Koja Ladu’s family and Mondu Raka stands for Chief Sururu Lugala the great’s family.

Chief Sururu Lugala Ladu the Great Legacy:


When Chief Sururu Lugala Ladu grew up before his Uncle Koja Ladu Dangwong, he was bright and talented person with a lot of wisdom managing home affairs and the whole clan of Nyako- Yöndöru was in his hands. He was subordinate to Chief Lugunyoru of Ligi dynastry During the slave trade in the late 18th Century which was carried out by the Arabs-Turks who ruled the Sudan, Chief Sururu and his people of Yöndöru fled to Moru land in a place called Apai for their safety. While in exile, he was made to rule the people of Moru clan altogether with Yöndöru people who had followed him. Later on when the slave traders had evacuated the area, the head – Chief Lugunyoru of Ligi clan sent his guards headed by Kenyi Korsuk father of Jabarawu to call Sururu to come back to rule his own people in Yöndöru village. Chief Sururu then returned and took over the administration of Ligi people of Chief Logodok Zabin (the present Katigiri Boma, Wondoruba Payam), and present Yöndöru before being transferred to Yei River District. The administrative centre was Tore Wandi and Chief Sururu was working with the following local chiefs: Sultan Biringi Mundu, Sultan Kape, Sultan Mangwiliko and Sultan Belebele when he was residing at Tupolongon Yöndöru. He was later transferred to Kidoput and the people of Sultan Jogworo and Sultan Lojong Bureng were brought under his direct administration. They later broke away when they learnt that Chief Sururu was transfered to join Dimu ‘A’ Court of Chief Ramadalla Latio. Their refusal to come along with Chief Sururu was that the two people of Jogworo and Lojong Bureng had serious dispute among themselves with people of Dimu where many lives were lost in a tribal conflict. This was when Tore Wandi was transferred to Laliu present Lainya County. Furthermore, Laliu was transferred to Yei and he(Sururu) was reduced to Sub – Chief under Chief Ramadalla and he later died in 1926 at the present Yöndöru where he was laid to rest and his grave can be traced there at Kili in Yöndöru. After his death, Solomona Loboka became the chief of Yöndöru people who only ruled for two years. Ritually, the grave was later transferred to the main road site; the residential royal families built by Sub - Chief Daudi Jambu to his brother Solomona Loboka after returning from Mangalla prisons. The three monuments of Surur, Loboka and Daudi now stand at the roadside. Chief Sururu got married to ten (10) wives but one called Diye with no child was killed by a lion. When Chief Sururu married his wives, he later gave them second names as can be witnessed like (Yejekera for Dongo, Kiden for Alima, Yejiba for Kilaba and so forth). Sub - Chief Sururu later got married to a first wife called Asikan who was also from Wörökösuk area. Asikan gave birth to her only daughter called Wokun. Because Wokun was a lady, she could not lead the family. The second wife of Sub - Chief Sururu was called Kiden na Jigoro who was from Wörökösuk who gave birth to Solomona Loboka. This wife however gave birth to a premature child whereby the intestines of the baby could be clearly seen from outside. At that time, it was however looked at it as an evil thing according to the tradition. Therefore, chief Sururu decided that the child to be killed, but most of his relatives refused the child be killed. He then chased the mother together with her child to go to their relatives in Wörökösuk. The father of Kiden na Jigoro tried to murder the child twice by putting the child on his own head and let it to fall down from his head. But the child did not die following his action. He then left the child to survive following his attempt. Later, Kiden na Jigoro left to Ligi area together with the child to stay there. She got annoyed with her husband and cursed the co-wives not to bear children. She later relieved her anger and blessed all Chief Surur’ wives to continue producing children. And Paul Lubang was born by Dongo. Dongo Yejekera was the third wife of Sururu. She was from Yengsot/Girim and she gave birth to Paulo Lubang. Sub - Chief Sururu’s fourth wife was called Wariyondo. She did not have any child. The fifth wife was called Yangi Moru. She was from Moru tribe. She gave birth to Gila Sururu, Ingia Sururu, the third child died when still young who was followed by Manase Soro, Godo Sururu (the father of Luga Godo), Lupo Sururu and Kiden the sixth wife who also died before giving birth to a child. Kilaba Yejiba was the seventh wife of Sub - Chief Sururu. She was also from Moru tribe. She was a sister of Eli Gita’s father. She gave birth to Kambura, Kani and Yosepa Waya. Alima Kiden was from Dimu I and she was the seventh wife of Chief Sururu Lugala. She gave birth to a first child who died younger; the second child’s name was Nyokweda, Lucy Aja and Nasona Ligi. The Nineth wife of Sub - Chief Sururu was called Nyaraki Nyokani. She was from Bereka. She gave birth to Yisaka Lubaŋa and Taban was an adopted son of Chief Sururu Lugala with no family linage as mentioned earlier.

Chief Sururu Lugala’s journey to Khartoum:


In 1910, Chief Sururu Lugala was accompanied by his personal body guard Mr. Gwangala Towili to Khartoum meeting on the Native Chiefs’ Administration which was chaired by the Governor – General Lord Kitchener. The meeting was centered on formal sovereignty of the Sudan in the hands of the Britain and Egyptians (Condominium rule). On his arrival at Yöndöru, Chief Sururu Lugala was given two rifles and his guard was dressed by the colonial administration as a government officer so as to enable him to execute the policy of the colonial administration smoothly, especially tax collection within his area of jurisdiction. The taxes were collected in kind annually and submitted to Rajaf headquarters in Juba district. Formation of Chief Sururu Lugala’s administration in the early 1900’s consisted of the following strong clanmates.

1. Yöndöru clan of Metagwok is the landlord of Yöndöru dealing with the native affairs of the land. They consisted of Somori Bonji, Nyamuding of Budwe and Migoro Budwe who was mostly recognized among the others.

2. Ligi clan of Chief Lugunyoru followed by Chief Kenyi Dangabura who surrendered his chieftainship to Chief Sururu Lugala and later Elder Worju also called Bodi Muke worked under Chief Sururu up to Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka and finally Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu.

3. Morsak Clan of Mulai Khalil who was the maternal brother of Chief Sururu.

The White colonial power appointed Mulai Khalil as the leader of Morsak clan upon the recommendation and advice of Chief Sururu. He was appointed following his good performance in the community. The elders of Morsak who can be remembered were elder Lesuk of Maya and Ginja of Mika clan from whom Mulai took the leadership. 

4. Wörökösuk clan of Elder Jingoro:

He had played a vital role since the time of Metagwok in Yöndöru dynasty. They were strong and fearful warriors but only react when humiliated by others, and they would only response in self defense as they did in killing Chief Metagwok’s son.

5. The Nyori clan of Lugwörö (largest clan but later demised):

One of the Nyori individual called Boso had made a contract with a certain Moru man who had various herbs used as local medicine whereby he brought them to his home. However, these herbs killed a large number of them. This incident happened at time when Sururu had just been transferred to Kili – Yöndöru. When Elder Jima Sobura of Nyori who had worked tirelessly together with Chief Sururu Lugala died, he was therefore buried with him side by side at the forest reserve at Kili near the stream with Gorosoli on the grave symbol of fallen leader and can be seen today.

6. Gokoni clan of Elder Akalipu:

The strongest people during the reign of Metagwok of Yöndöru were the Gokoni people. Their leader was called Mr. Lujo Akalipu who was the father of Gita who was killed by an elephant when he was chasing elephants while they were eating his crops. He was a hard working man during the time of Chief Sururu Lugala up to the reign of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka.

7. Gori clan of Elder Marajang Wana:

This clan was faithfully serving in Chief Sururu’s administration up to the time of Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka. Elder Langwa was the Security Personnel in the rank of Sergeant Major who was under leadership of Jongo Lugala – the Chief Security Officer of the Yöndöru chieftainship right away from the time of Chief Sururu up to Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka. Elder Langwa was nicknamed by the community of Yöndöru as “Sasamija Langwa” referring to his rank, he was holding.

8. Bujang Clan of Elder Nyamuding:

Above all, the most upper hand in Chief Sururu’s administration was elder Lasu Kambura who was considered the true son of Sururu and brother of to sub-Chief Solomona Loboka. Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka after his conviction by the colonial court of Law at Yei “B” Court had nominated Lasu Kambura to be the Sub-Chief of Yöndöru to act on his behalf during his absence. But, Lasu Kambura had misbehaved with the colonial administration and he was replaced by Mr. Daudi Jambu Sururu who was at that time in Loka. He was a teacher in Loka Uruta Camp. He was called to come and take up the leadership of the Yöndöru sub-chieftainship in 1928 where he ruled until 21st March 1997.

9. Sub-Chief Lokodok Jabin, Sultan Jogworo and Sultan Lojong Bureng:

When Chief Sururu Lugala was transferred from his home area of Gunda-Malanga- Tupolongon in 1905 by the colonial Rule based at Tore Wandi and stationed at Kidoput Hills as administrative seat (palace); the three traditional leaders namely, Sub-Chief Lokodok Jabin of Bonga people, Sultan Jogworo and Sultan Lojong Bureng of Pojulu people were placed under direct rule of Chief Sururu of Yöndöru with headquators at Kidoput. Later in 1925 Sub-Chief Lokodok was left in his area of Bonga and the other two leaders Mr. Jogworo and Mr. Lojong Bureng also broke away from Chief Sururu’s administration and remained in their respective areas because Chief Sururu was brought directly to join Chief Ramadalla of Dimu and he (Chief Sururu) was reduced to Sub-Chieftaiship by the same colonial Rule in Yei River District.

10. Elder Wöni Lomidot Kujodot of Jederu clan of Gojang – Mika clan arrival to Yöndöru on Chief Sururu’s persuasive approach:

In 1899, before Chief Sururu Lugala was transferred to Dimu I “A” Court had met with Mr. Wöni of Jenderu clan who had misunderstanding with their family in Sub-Chieftainship of Ware Lomude of Girim clan. His grandfather not well recorded but according to Mama Marata Kiden, Mika people were believed to have migrated from Mundari land. He had therefore decided to leave his area and look for a better place in the wilderness to settle in other than in Girim. When he reached at Yöndöru, he was stopped by Chief Sururu Lugala and persuaded to discontinue his journey altogether with his people. They were then made to settle down at Yöndöru because he (Sururu) himself wanted people to co-exist together and live in peace and harmony as one family without any quarrel. After they had listened to Chief Sururu’s words, elder Wöni of Jenderu accepted his offer. Throughout his good will, Chief Sururu Lugala made Mr. Wöni and his people of Mika clan and joined them together with the Bujang clan to coordinate their activities together as one family of Bujang. As it had been mentioned earlier on in this book, the Bujang clan is the landlords of Yöndöru. Right from the time of elder Wöni up to the time of Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu, Mika and Bujang formed one headmanship under Mr. Epurema Soro Dere and now under Headman George Lemi Kalunga. Chief Sururu Lugala thereafter allowed the intermarriage between his family and that of Mika clan; and now Mika clan has a complete bloodline of the Nyako clan of Chief Sururu Lugala. The Mika clan now Yöndöru has relationship intact with their relatives in Gojang clan of Girim – Lorega Boma. However, the Nyako clan right from the time Chief Metagwok handed over the leadership to them and became one family sharing their traditional rituals such as marriages, naming of new born children, funeral rites and many others.Therecame a strong taboo and a curse from Metagwok’s family that the family of Nyako and that of Metagwok should not intermarry between themselves and even quarrel which might lead to fighting with each other till today. The name Yöndöru which is well known to every corner of the world stands as the pillar of Chief Metagwok kinmanship.

Great Aunt Ajaru Ladu family linage:


Ajaru Ladu `Dangwong was the sister of Chief Sururu Lugala and his two brothers Nyoma and Jongo. She was married to Gongwe clan of Ligi Dynasty. She gave birth to a girl called Nyokwebut left her marriage place for reason not best known and came back to settle at Yöndöru with her own family. She had quarreled with her brother Sururu Lugala which resulted to confrontation between them. She got annoyed with abusing words and mistreatment which her brother used against her calling her a prostitute who was chased from her place of marriage and for that reason, she cursed the daughters of Nyako clan that would also follow her deeds after their respective marriages places and they will come their home area of Nyako Yöndöru. Ajaru Ladu Dangwong later died and buried in Yöndöru. The grave of her daughter Nyokwe who was married to Kupera and came home is buried beside Jongo. Her words up today are disturbing the ladies of Nyako clan in Yöndöru and all these are pending reconciliatory prayers to be conducted at Yöndöru. Ajaru’s daughter Nyokwe was married to a person called Mr. Nyökö who chased her because she was giving birth to girls only. Nyokwe came to her home area of Yöndöru with two girls: Limba and Jakudu. The Kupera people followed and demanded their bride price to be paid back to them. The dowries were two cows, five sheep and a bull which Solomona Lo´boka paid back to them. They left the two girls Limba and Jakudu to belong to Nyako family. Then, the two daughters therefore became family members. Limba was taken care of by the family of Nyoma and Jakudu under Sururu’s family with direct responsility of Sururu’s last born son Mr. Nasona Ligi Sururu. This is best remembered by Mr. Kenyi Lodou and Mori Lodou, children of Limba Nyokwe who are of Bari-Ngigo clan of Dimu I.

Nyoma Lo Keji:


Noah Nyoma was the second born son of Keji Na Wori Gwolo after the death of her husband Lugala. In accordance to her husband Lugala’s will, she was sent to Lugala’s maternal brother in Moru land called Jadin Logujo Komon na Morolode. She conceived and gave birth to a baby boy named Nyoma. When Nyoma became matured, Keji was sent back together with the child accompanied with a bull called Mule Kango and a cow called Ajiba Ale to Yöndöru village to be taken care of by Koja Ladu who was the elder brother of Lugala. He grew up and married to three wives. The first son of Nyoma was Daudi Jambu Nyoma who was nominated and sent to school by Sub – Chief Sururu Lugala and later Daudi Jambu was called the first son of the Sub – Chief Sururu who was sent to school which belonged to Church Missionary Society (CMS) of Yei River District. He was an effective farmer who was blessed for his agricultural activities in Nyako clan of Yöndöru community. He paid great respect to his elder brother Sub - Chief Sururu and followed what his brother wanted him to do. He was taken to serve Wörökösuk clan who were the In-laws of Sub - Chief Sururu the Great for the reason that Solomona Loboka Sururu, the first born of Sururu and the mother Kiden Jingoro were taken by Wörökösuk because Solomona Loboka was born premature and Yöndöru family was reluctant to nurse him and intent to kill him. But, Nyoma followed the wife of his brother Sub – Chief Sururu and the son to look after. He stayed for a specific period of time until Solomona Loboka grew up and his uncle released them to return to their home in Yöndöru. Nyoma had three wives who were blessed with a number of children: the first wife was called Morogo Jada of Ligi clan and her children include: Daudi Jambu Sururu, Kiden Nyoma Lugala and Misuk Nyoma. The second wife of Nyoma Lugala was called Wori Kobi from Moru and gave birth to Yawa Nyoma Lugala, Damaria Diko Nyoma, Piyosi Kenyi Nyoma, Aja Nyoma and Abuyeja Nyoma. According to Mr. Lawrence L. Noah, Aja and Abuyeja are at large in Bangalo in Moru land. Mrs. Aja gave birth to children one is called Mr. Khamis. Mr. Abuyeja has children one is Mr. Scopas Abuyeja currently working with Central Administration in Juba and other Mr. Malisi Abuyeja is an Accountant in department of Rural Water Development Central Equatoria State-Juba. The Nyako family of Ladu Dangwong-Yöndöru through Mr. Lawrence yearn for immediate re unification of Mr. Nyoma Lugala Ladu’s family to be intact with Nyako The third wife was Ludia Diko Gwunyo Ligi clan of Juba and her children include: Alfred Jada Noah, Rita Yejiba, Francis Buga, William Lado and Lawrence Lurungwa Noah who is the only child alive in the family of Nyoma and currently working with the National Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. He is married to Regina Böndö from Nyagwara and blessed with two sons and two daughters whose names are: Lodule, Wani, Kiden and Ngonga.

Jongo Lo Keji:


Jongo Lo Keji was a courageous and brave man. He was the third son to the family of Lugala Ladu `Dangwong. He was blessed in accordance with the last words of Lugala to his elder brother Koja that his wife Keji Na Gwolo would bear brothers to the elder son Sururu after his death and be called the children of one mother and one father forming Nyako Yöndöru clan. Jongo Lugala grew up and his brother Sururu assigned him the security of the whole Yöndöru community from foreign aggression. The royal guards were under his commands and give report to his elder brother Sururu. Elder Jongo Lo Keji had married only two wives. He was the only one with fewer wives compared to his brothers Chief Sururu Lugala and Nyoma Lugala. He got married to his wife called Nyokwe Kenyigo of Ligi clan who bore to him only two children i.e. Santrino Soro Jongo and Sebastiano Mile Jongo. The second wife Wori Godur Nyaraki had no children but she nursed the two children of Jongo, Soro and Mile up to their maturity. However, Santrino Soro Jongo later got married and his children were: Lubang Soro (whose family could not be traced at large by the Nyako clan in Western Equatoria region since Anya Nya One Liberation Movement till this date), Muro Soro and Charles Manuel Jongo (the only one living and held several constitutional posts in the government of Central Equatoria state as a Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal resources and Fisheries; and also the Minister of Local Government and law Enforcement since 2005 up to 2010. (He currently serves in State’s Commission). The Children of Sebastiano Mile Jongo include: Jennifer Yangi Mile, Confiscus Lemi, Oliver Woja, Nyoka Mile, Kiden Mile, John Kenyi Mile, Napoleon Ware, Nyokwe Mile and Jama Mile.

The Legacy of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu:


When Solomona Lo´boka was still a sub-chief of Yöndöru area, he used to move around the neighboring villages. Like his father Chief Sururu, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka was well known and mostly liked by his fellow Chiefs. One day he went to Ligi to pay a visit to one of his best friends – the Chief of Ligi whose name was Logodok Jebin. On his arrival, the Chief had organized a very big feast for him. Cows were slaughtered and dance was arranged at the feast. There, he saw a very beautiful lady called Ludia Agoro. That lady was a hardworking woman and polite woman. So, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu admired her and wanted to marry her. He then asked for her parents but later he came to know that this beautiful and hardworking woman was an orphan. Both of her parents died long time ago when she was still young, leaving her with her only elder brother. However, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka left for Yöndöru village after the feast was over. At home, he was still thinking about that beautiful woman. He did not want to leave her alone. He therefore wanted to marry her, but he was too old. He then ordered his men to go to Ligi area and to look for the brother of that lady whom he had seen at the feast and to inform him to come to Yöndöru together with his men. The brother of the lady and the chief’s men went back to Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka. The chief then told him that he had visited Ligi area and he admired a certain beautiful and hardworking lady; and he was interesting to marry her. And that lady happened to be your sister. Her parents were deceased long time ago and I know you are now her parent. Therefore, I would ask you to allow me to marry her. The brother of the lady answered affirmatively that he did not see any means to block their relationship. He said he would first go back home to ask her about your aspiration; and if she agreed then, he would escort her to you here in Yöndöru. He then left back and informs her sister about this. And she also accepted the proposal. An arrangement was made to bring the bride to Yöndöru area. When the bride was brought to the chief, she stayed with him for almost one week. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka later married her. He feared that this bride was still young and strong; and if he marries her maybe he might die shortly of old age leaving the bride alone. He gave her to be married to his beloved son Minisona Kape. He told Minisona Kape to bear children with this wife on his behalf. Minisona Kape grew furious and angry. He replied that he did not want someone to marry for him a wife. He alone could do that for himself. The Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka insisted that he would marry another woman of his own choice. It was up to him to do so. But, Minisona Kape totally refused the request for his father. Then, Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka cursed him saying “go and marry your own wife who you thought you like her most. Then, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka went straight forward to his son Yoele Woja Solomona. He told Yoele that he wanted to marry his own wife to him. The children whom he would bear would be his own children, but Yoele refused too. The Sub-Chief became annoyed saying you too refused to marry this woman just as your brother Minisona Kape had refused. For fear, Yoele then agreed to marry the bride on condition. Yoele did not fully agree to his father’s request and even he did not like the bride too. So, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka let the bride to be with Yoele – her new husband. The bride was a beautiful, polite and a hardworking woman. She would prepare food, bathing water and other services for Yoele as a normal wife could do to her husband. But, Yoele Woja would not eat the food she cooked or use the water she prepared for him for bathing. He sometimes did not sleep in the same hut with the bride. He eats and takes bath in one of the Sub-Chief’s wife. So the bride became too suspicious on some changes on Yoele towards her. She then went to Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka and told him about what was happening. But, the Sub-Chief advised that my son Yoele Woja was still annoyed and after sometimes he would be normal. Therefore, it seemed there was no husband and wife relationship between Yoele Woja and his new given bride. After a short while, the bride gave birth to a baby child who was named Joseph Lomora and later followed by a baby girl. At this time, many people in the village thought that there was at least a common relation of the couples which seemed to appear after the child was born. But this relationship seemed only for producing children. He was unhappy with this marriage. He never eats or takes bath with the water prepared to him by the bride following their first born child. But there were no common relations of husband and wife. It seemed Yoele Woja was interested in producing children but in actual sense, he did not love her. Now the time had come for the bride to pay a visit to her own village. She asked Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka that she had stayed for a long time without seeing her own people. Therefore, she wanted to visit her village for a period of two weeks, but Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka refused saying that the child was still young and it was harmful to carry her into the changing weather conditions. The bride insisted to go. Then, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka allowed her to go and see her own relatives. The bride then left to their own village to see her relatives. After some days later the baby developed sickness and died shortly. Since then she did not return back to Yöndöru for fear that the chief would ask her about the baby. She would not know how to answer him. At first, she was told not to go but she insisted to go. Therefore, it would be very difficult to answer such questions. Ludia Agoro remained their home area forever and this made Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka annoyed with his two sons Minisona Kape and Yoele Woja for having caused the disappearance of his wife from the family. This curse by the father Solomona Lo´boka to the two families of his own children had brought misfortune to them. However, this was later solved in prayers at home in Yöndöru which was attended by the Yöndöru community in 2010 under the St. Peter Yöndöru parish.

The First Imprisonment of Solomona Lo´boka Sururu by the Belgium:


In 1920, Solomona Lo´boka being bright and talented man started the works of hand-made guns industry at Yöndöru Dynasty under his father Chief Sururu Lugala’s administration. He progressed in making musket guns using local materials, the remenants of the musket guns called “Abu Laputa or Pupu” can be seen today. When the colonial administration learnt of what Solomona Lo´boka was doing, they immediately seized Chief Sururu’s residence and Solomona Lo´boka was arrested and handcuffed. He was then taken to custody in the Democratic Republic of Congo under the Belgium colonial rule. He was later brought to court and suspected to be armputated for unlawful practice of illegal making of guns. However, the case was turned to civil suit and it was to be tried under Civil Law Ordinance. Therefore, Solomona Lo´boka was convinced and sentenced to light imprisonment. Later, his father Chief Sururu placed an appeal before the court stating that the people he was ruling were in verge of dispersing due to lack of competent leadership as he (Sururu) was now old. And he wanted his son Solomona Lo´boka to be released and succeed him to manage his people. The prison authorities listened to Chief Sururu’s request and gave positive response. When Solomona Lo´boka was told that his father had requested the authorities consider offering him guns and ammunition to fulfillment of the will of the father because with rifles he would carry out his work effectively. The prison authorities released Solomona Lo´boka with two rifles and a box called “Sanduk Na Bili” full of ammunition and he was given Royal Escort to Yöndöru. Mr. Solomona Loboka then called for general meeting under the direction of his father as the chief. The meeting resolved to collection and return of communities that were under Chief Sururu’s rule to their respective locations. Wörökösuk clan of Jingoro was collected from Chief Mogga of Bori of Chief Balaka Mokuru of Soka rural council. Ligi clan of Lugunyöru went and settled with their relatives of Ligi of Sub-Chief Lokodok Jabin. Morsak of Mulai Khalil and some were with their relatives at Morsak of Wonduruba payam and others went as far as Kegulu at Yei River County and Solomona Loboka brought them back. The clan of Gokoni under Lujo Akalipu did not flee to any place, but they remained in Yöndöru rural council till today.

Solomona Lo´boka’s journey to Yei River District:


In 1926, when Solomona Lo´boka was traveling to Yei River District on the government’s mission, he went via Komoyi in Dimu I village. At that time he was not yet succeeded his father Sururu Lugala as the chief of Yöndöru. He made a stop – over with his men and they were received warmly by the people of Komoyi. A sheep was slaughtered and before any service was carried out, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka received sad news that Mr. Lujo the father of Gita was killed by an elephant. Then, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka and his team discontinued their journey to Yei River District and returned back home to attend the funeral of Late Lujo. The meat of the Sheep was put into a bag made of animal skin and they were told to take it along with them. When they reached home, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka ordered his guards to take the meat to his father Sururu’s residence because he heard that his father had a visitor who was Chief Kenyi Dangabura of Ligi Dynasty. The guards did as they were ordered to do so and Chief Sururu was happy to receive the offer given to him by his son Solomona Lo´boka in order to serve his distinguished guest. Before Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka could assume blessings from his father Sururu as a chief of the whole clan of Yöndöru which was one of the plans set forth handing over the chieftainship to him. Food items and traditional beers were prepared. One day without attention of his father Sururu Lugala who was ill suffering from allergic wound lying in his treatment bed heard a fire alarm blown that ordered by his son Solomona Lo´boka calling the royal guards to assemble to the royal palace for a parade. This action made Sururu scared and he was annoyed with his son Solomona Lo´boka for having done so without informing him as the Supreme authority which was still with him and also the alarm could not be sounded without the order from the Supreme leader who was still alive and in full control of everything. Then shortly the illness became very serious and Sub-Chief Sururu died in 1926 before he could hand over the leadership to his son Solomona Lo´boka. Following the death of Sub-Chief Sururu, the items that were prepared for the ceremonial blessing of Solomona Lo´boka to take over the throne were used for the funeral rites of Late Sub-Chief Sururu. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka had only ruled for two years and he became convicted by the court of Law “B” Court. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka could still be remembered when he returned from Mangalla prisons and he actively participated conciling the three (3) communities of Yöndöru, Ligi, Morsak and Rume which work closely in Yöndöru village in the side of education, health and the church under the leadership of Sub – chief Daudi Jambu Sururu. In 1976 when he was about to come to his last days in the world, he called the whole leadership of Yöndöru village including Rume clan which was sharing education, health and church together with Yöndöru. The church under Lay reader Petero Latio Mulai and the administration under Sub – Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu as well as his three (3) Headmen of Yöndöru, Ligi and Morsak people who were brought from Kidoput by the colonial administration to join Chief Ramadallah Latio in 1925 and gave his last words of farewell and called for harmonious stay as one people who fear nothing but Almighty God as their Supreme leader. And he gave his last advice to LR. Petero Latio to carry on with the spiritual work in the whole of Dimu I effectively and not to let down the church which came to Dimu rural council through the initiative of Andaria Alau – the first Pojulu believer who was baptized in 1916 by Bishop Gibson of Yei Church missionary society (CMS) through Chief Sururu Lugala Ladu in January 1924 at Kidoput asked for school and finally established it at the present site. Elder Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka later died in 1976 and his grave can be seen besides St. Peter’s parish Yöndöru Cathedral.

The Second Imprisonment of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu:


In June 1928 when Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu was ruling Yöndöru rural council, there happened a drastic event in his territory which was under his administrative jurisdiction. The chief of Wondoruba Sasa Gindala, the father of Chief Gordon Sasa of Wonduruba sent his men for hunting under the command of Gambu who was the brother of Chief Sasa. They had entered into Yöndöru land following the foot marks of herds of elephants that entered the territory of Yöndöru. Being thirsty, they were looking for drinking water and reached the family of Mr. Male of Yöndöru who saw them armed. Mr. Male reported the intruders to Mr. Jongo Lugala who was charged with security affairs of the Yöndöru village. The case later was brought before Sub-Chief Solomona Lo΄boka’s attention. When Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka learnt that the two rifles belong to Chief Sasa Gindala and had entered his land without permission, he arrested the rifles and sent the men to report the case to their leader for illegal entering and hunting in his territory. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka confiscated the two rifles and ordered for payment of ivory as a compensation for the act committed, so that he could release the rifles. Chief Sasa abided with Sub-Chief Solomona Lo΄boka’s ruling of the case with an acknowledgement that the land where his men had entered for hunting was beyond his own territory and he proved himself guilty for so doing. Therefore, the men went back home and after few days, they brought two pieces of ivory for the release of the rifles. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka accepted the offer of two ivories for exchange of the rifles, but Mr. Jongo who was in charge of Security had a contrary idea to that of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka. He (Jongo) instead wanted one of the guns to be detained despite the offer of the ivory. Then, terrible argument arose between him and the chief Sasa.The case was later came to the attention of the Paramount Chief Ramadalla who tried the case but he could not reached into a final solution and finally they were taken to Yei River District “B” Court where Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka was found guilty and sentenced to two years imprisonment and sent to Mangalla prisons. While in prisons at Mangalla, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka proved a good person because of his talent of repairing guns and he was on remand until he finishes his two years imprisonment. Then, his brother Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu took an action and sent a group of his royal retainers headed by Sergeant Yanga Mile from Ligi clan to Mangalla prisons to bring the former Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka back home to Yöndöru village as a sub-chief of Yöndöru village rural council and having stayed in prison for a long time, he decided that his brother Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu who had managed to administer his people peacefully during his absence to continue ruling on his behalf. He requested Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu to construct for him a dwelling palace so that he could continue with his care of his family and only be an advisor on matters of mutual concern. The site of the compound which was constructed is indicated in the main compound of Solomona Lo´boka Sururu (Miriba)present site where the residence of Hon. Uncle Eliaba James Sururu today stands. Before conviction to prison in Mangalla, sub-chief Solomona Lo’boka after taking over the administration in 1927 from his Late father Chief Sururu Lugala, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka reorganized his administrative set up by collecting back to Yöndöru the citizens who had fled the area of Yöndöru during the Mahdi – Turks incursions and other tribal conflicts. He tirelessly managed to gather Yöndöru people who had migrated to other areas. The Morsak of Mulai who went up to Kegulu, Yei County and many others were brought back by Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka and resettled with their relatives peacefully in Yöndöru. The Yöndöru people during Lo’boka’s imprisonment by colonialist administration of Belgium yearned for return of Lo’boka to Yöndöru. A song was composed in Pojulu dialect entitled “Lo’boka muten lo Bulo likisojin Gwiyoro botni a ra’ya” – meaning that “Lo’boka’s presence always amongst his people is an answer to the vulnerable people.” He also stood firm to see into it that the school, church and health institutions which his father Sururu Lugala brought from Kidoput along with him to join Ramadallah were promoted. He witnessed and blessed the reconciliatory ceremony conducted by sons and daughters of Ligi clan of Lugunyöru in 1974 when they came down to erase out the words of their grandfather Lugunyöru that since the white men had killed his son in February 1884 during the Slave trade incursion, Ligi people would not cooperate or mix with any white person or even to attend education conducted by their affiliates. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka also played a vital role in marrying to his son’s wives and he was the custodian of any dowries paid after the daughters’ marriages at Sururu’s family. And the dowries were administered by him and he could make good use by paying claims that faces the family of Sururu being marriages or any other charge that needs attention of the whole Nyako clan of Yöndöru and allocation for settlement for his family members of Nyako Na Ladu and Yöndöru in general. He was the first person who introduced a bicycle as means of transport in Dimu ‘A’ Court.

The Prediction of the Birth of Eliaba James Surur by Chief Kose Gumbiri of Bari:


When Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka was on his way to Mangalla prisons he made a stop-over at Juba town. He invited government officials, church leaders, organized forces and a good number of citizens of Bari, Moru, Pojulu and others to ceremonial prayers before proceeding to serve his two years sentence at Mangalla prisons. He was accompanied with his people elder Lasu Kambura of Bujang clan, Jima Sobura of Nyori clan, Eyobo Latio of Morsak clan and Kenyi Latio of Worokosuk clan with various food items which included two sheep and fermented floor for local beer for the occasion. Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka gave brief accounts of his conviction by Yei Court saying that he was found guilty for not informing his supreme leaders on the detention of the rifles of Chief Sasa Gindalla of Wondoruba that entered Yöndöru territory illegally without permission. Chief Kose Gumbiri of Bari who was the Guest of Honour on the occasion expressed satisfaction for the reception accorded to them and said that Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka who was a prisoner but managed to entertain different capacities of personalities. He then called for the wife of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Mrs. Miriam Ludia Ngoba before him. The woman knelt down before him and he pointed his finger at the stomach of the woman and he said, “you woman, I have my gift within you who will be a leader like his wise father”. Then, Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka proceeded to Mangalla prisons where he was received by the prison administration and given a separate house in status of being a sub-chief and he thereof continued with his prison sentence. Mrs. Diyi conceived and gave birth to baby boy in 1930 at Mangalla. The baby was named by Bari community at the prisons as “Farajalla Ladu”. Later on after Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka finished his prison sentence, he came home and the son was renamed after his grandfather’s name as “Sururu” and the name given by the Bari community was abandoned.

Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka’s family linage:


Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka married nine wives whom were blessed with children making a great family in the Yöndöru. He married his first wife Gila Kajoka whom he had nicknamed her as “Turukiya” as did his father Sururu Lugala to his wives. Turukiya or Gila Kajoka was from Moru tribe, but she came from Soka village. Her children include: Möngi Solomona, Purumena Wudu and Maria Yala. The second wife was called Konga Mile and her second name was called “Nyaraki”. She was from Pojulu clan of Katigiri, Wondoruba payam. She gave birth to Christina Dongo – the first born Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka (the mother of Rev. Onesimo Ladu), Cetepano Möndöt, Yawa Solomona (the mother of Ladu Lomude), Poye Solomona and Lucy Keji. The third wife was called Miriama Ludia Ndiyi Ngoba. Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka also nicknamed her as “Mokani – Muke”. She was from a Moru tribe of Bwani Mijaba. She gave birth to Esther Nyeri, Yoele Woja and Hon. Eliaba James Sururu. The fourth wife of Sub-Chief Solomona Loboka was called Rhoda Dongo. He had nicknamed her as “Yaya”. She was also from Moru tribe. She gave birth to Minisona Kape and other brother whose name is unknown. Minisona kape married two wives. (He first married Alingi Sibeli who was from Migibura clan of Lorega boma. She gave birth to the following children: Jama Minisona, Konga Minisona, Rufas Kenyi, Monica Diko, Jane Goro and Alison Woro. However, three of his children had passed away and they were: Jama Minisona, Rufas Kenyi and Alison Woro. Later on, Minisona Kape fell in love with Mama Cicilia Kujang. She’s from Limbe clan of Kenyi payam. At that time Mama Cicilia Kujang was engaged to another gentleman called Sadaraka who had paid part of his bride prize worth fifteen piasters to the family of Mama Cicilia Kujang. When Minisona Kape approached Cicilia Kujang with an intention of marrying her, therefore she changed her intention of marrying Mr. Sadaraka. This however brought a lot of confusion and cause conflict between them and Mr. Sadaraka. This condition grew tense and resulted into court case. Mr. Sadaraka summoned Mama Cicilia Kujang and Mr. Minisona Kape to “B” Court in Yei town. They were tried and later imprisoned. However, Mama Cicilia Kujang totally refused to be married by Mr. Sadaraka before the court; and so, Mr. Minisona Kape was ordered to refund the dowry (Bride prize) paid by Mr. Sadaraka by the court authority. And he was later released and got married to Mama Cicilia kujang. Shortly after marriage Minisona Kape became serious ill and later died due to stomach infection. His stomach grew bigger and bigger until he died. However, this brought confusion to the whole family of Solomona Lo´boka in particular and the Nyako clan in general. The actual cause of his death was unclear and unknown until today. This brought speculations into the minds of many as what could be the cause of his death. Rumours thought that it might be the cause of Mr. Sadaraka who was annoyed because of Mama Cicilia and others thought it might be the annoyance and curses of his own father while still happens to his children and grand children; while others thought differently to which is not yet clear to the minds of many. While Mr. Minisona Kape was dying he left Mama Cicilia Kujang pregnant. She later gave birth to a baby boy who was later named “Hilary Logoro”. According to Nyako’s tradition, when a husband dies leaving his own wife behind who is still young, then the widow will be remarry to one of the family member and the children she will bear will be named to the deceased. This process is known as “Ruda”. However, the mother of Late Minisona Kape i.e Rhoda Dongo (Yaya) stated that since there was no dowry paid after her, she will be responsible to remarry Mama Cicilia Kujang to Paul Jabi who was her sister’s own son. And that no Nyako clan or Solomona Lo´boka’s own relatives should involve themselves or decide on this matter. Therefore, she did what she wanted and Mama Cicilia Kujang was remarried to Paul Jabi who at first refused to accept the offer. But, when Mama Rhoda Dongo said strongly and aggressively that “He ‘Paul Jabi’ would be on top and she will be at the bottom”. To Paul Jabi, Mama Cicilia Kujang bore to him Emmaunel Kape, Victor Jambi, Lilian Kiden, Oliver Taban and Ingia.) The fifth wife was called Raele Jukudu, the mother of Morogo Solomona who was the mother of Woja that later died in Khartoum and buried there, Momunu Solomona, Steward Yata and other two children who died younger. She was from Bereka clan of Pojulu. She was however nicknamed as “Biniya”. The sixth wife of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka was Goro Lugwak. She was the sister of Paramount Chief Ramadalla of Dimu I. she was nicknamed as “Gania”; and her children include: Enoch Wani, Kambura (who died when he was still young) and Yunia Mori. The seventh wife was called Kani Bangajo. “Bangajo”was her nickname. She was from Ligi of Juba clan of Biri boma who gave birth to Kiko and Anna Keji. The eighth wife of Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka was called Jera Sumure. She was given the name of “Jera”.She was from Rume who gave birth to Gila Solomona. The ninth wife was called Rebecca Diko she was first engaged to marry Lupo Sururu who died before marriage ceremony could be conducted. She was given the name of “Ngote Miri”.She was from Nyori area. Her children include: John Koja and Misuk Solomona.

Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu’s legacy since 1924-1997 in then Yei District:


This was the longest serving sub-chief in the Pojulu Clan having ruled from the year 1928 – 1997. He took over from his step brother Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu who was convicted and jailed for holding illegal guns of Chief Sasa Gindala which was called an offence by the colonial government in Yei County in 1928. He was born in the family of Mr. Nyoma lo Keji na Wori Gwolo in the year not known very much but thought to be in 1905 in a place called Zengudu Gwunda Sisi (Malanga-at Tupolongon a tree of Lulu), bordering Moru land, Lejo payam in Mundri County in Western Equatoria State. His father Mr. Nyoma Lugala was the second born son of Lugala Ladu after Chief Sururu Lugala. Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu was nominated and sent to school in 1920 by his uncle Chief Sururu Lugala to a church run missionary school (CMS) in Yei River District. He attained training in Bangalla and Bari languages for two years, where he later attained a Certificate in teaching. He became an instructor of the Colonial police (Uruta) and posted to Loka Uruta camp in 1924.

Establishment of Basic Village Schools:


In 1924, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu was involved in the establishment of Basic Village Schools in the whole of Pojulu, Kakwa, and Koliko communities of Yei River District. He was actively involved in development activities in assistance of Yei River District authorities and CMS Administration in laying the foundation stones of the following schools:

1. Konsuk Village School of Chief Morjan 2. Logo village school of Chief Said 3. Gulumbi village School of Chief Lita Gwangale 4. Lojulo Village School of Chief Aluma 5. Gimunu Village School of Chief Gwangale 6. Mundu Village School of Chief Tombura 7. Lukurubang Village school of Chief Kundu 8. Ngaiga village School of Chief Lungaju 9. Yöndöru village School of Chief Ramadalla Latio 10. Mongo Village School of Chief Baraba

On 25th January 1925, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu came for holidays to meet his uncle Chief Sururu at his residence in Kidoput Mountain, where he met Rev. Gibson of C.M.S who had made a courtesy call accompanied by Mr. Andaria Alau son of Yöndöru who introduced a topic of establishment of schools in Yöndöru. Mr. Daudi Jambu Sururu who went hunting for Hippopotamus at Ngoni deep water point of river Bibe confluence with River Yei was called back home from his hunting activity and was asked by his father Chief Sururu to write a request letter for the introduction of the School in the Pojulu region. The letter was addressed to the then Bishop Malek of Upper Nile province and was handed over to Rev. Gibson who took the application as mentioned earlier in this book. In 1928, Daudi Jambu Sururu was called by his cousin brother Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka Sururu to take over from him as a chief since he was already convicted by the Colonial government and sent to prison for two years in Mangalla prisons in Juba District. On 29th June 1925, Daudi Jambu and his two colleagues Mr. Paul Abini and Luka Bakite were teachers at Loka Uruta Police camp who were to be transferred to Malakal, Upper Nile region. However, two Pojulu teachers Mr. Wori Mobu and Tereka refused the idea of their transfer. Then, friction grew up between the colonial administration and Pojulu community on the ground. The two teachers opted to take up their teaching profession. The administration therefore resolved and took Mr. Daudi Jambu and Mr. Paul Abini to teach in Yei district police unit instead for only two years and returned them to Loka.

Nomination and Selection of Chiefs’ son for Education:


The first group of the chief’s sons was Gideon Loyiko, Andaria Musa and Kanyama sent to Yei Church Missionary Society School in 1925 followed by the second group of seven (7) sons of outstanding and respective clans of Pojulu comprising of the following:

1. Wujugu of Jensuk clan from Chief Lokule Kundu 2. Wani lo Mere Lojo from Jebelei clan 3. Wujuba of Pirisa clan from Chief Laila Pirisa 4. Kundu Muke from Mulsuk clan 5. Elia Lesuk of Lobora clan from Chief Lokule Kundu 6. Samuel Lokosang of Ngaiga clan from Chief Walakai 7. Lojuron from Chief Lungaju

The above people were taught at Loka by Daudi Jambu and later in 1927, Daudi was ordered by his supervisors to leave for Kajo-Keji sub-district to teach but he refused to go and this was the year when Mangalla district was transferred to present Juba town. In1928, the area of Loka Uruta police camp was allotted to Loka Nuget school present Loka Senior School and Mr, Daudi was taken to Lokurubang school to teach there where he was called by his causin brother sub-chief Solomon Loboka to rule Yöndöru as mentioned earlier. In 1932, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu started building Yöndöru Village school which his father Chief Sururu had asked for before he (Daudi) becoming a full Sub-Chief of the area. The school was used both as church and centre for learning.Interestingly, the school was the only one serving court No. 5 of Chief Yosia Ramadalla Latio. In 1939, Sub-Chief Daudi introduced Cotton Plantation as one of the cash crops in Yöndöru which was initiated by the Colonial administration. He also started the growing of Mangoes, Lemons, Guavas and Acacia trees in the whole of Dimu Village Council (present Mukaya Payam). In 1945, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu witnessed the official laying of the foundation stone of Yöndöru Approved Village School by Bishop Gilstrock of Church Missionary Society (CMS) in the whole of Mukaya Payam. In 1947, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu attended the Juba Conference as one of the invited traditional leaders of Yei River District. Also, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu established the Yöndöru Primary Health Care Unit (PHCU) and Yöndöru parish on 16th April 1976 which became denary in 1995, and later followed by warrant of establishement of the Yöndöru market in 1979.

Daudi hands sub-Chieftaiship to Anthony Gowan:


Due to old age, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu handed over the sub-chieftainship to his son Mr. Anthony Gowan Daudi in 1974, in a big traditional ceremony organized by Uncle Eliaba Jamaes Sururu and late Henry Latio Daudi. The occasion was attended by people of all walks of life including all chiefs, church leaders, mother’s Unions, traditional elders and youth of Mukaya payam where Paramount Chief Yosia Ramadalla as a Guest of Honor and witnessed the handing-over to the sub-chieftainship from Daudi Jambu to his son Anthony Gowan Daudi. But, Anthony Gowna Daudi was still in Uganda and his father Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu was playing a major role as an advisor to the young son. Therefore, Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi Jambu again served for a very short period of time in the area when he returned from Uganda in 1979 and he later left for Juba where he became sick. A retired Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu again continued to rule during the absence of Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi until he passed away. However, during the absence of Mr. Anthony Gowan Daudi in 1987, Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu appointed his other son Mr. Joel Bodi Daudi as an office runner. Shortly, the assignement was taken over from Joel Bodi by the SPLM/A’s decree of 1992 issued by Civil MilitaryAdministrator (CMA) relieving Mr. Joel Bodi Daudi and appointing Mr. Martin Wani Sururu as acting Sub-Chief. Later, Mr. Dickson Lenga Sururu was appointed as Secretary General and Mobilisation Personnel of Yöndöru “A” Court by the Yöndöru elders’committee (YEC) and Rufas Gita Musa appointed as a Clerk of “A” Court who attended nine months military orientation training at Ombaci Military wing Yei County and passed out with rank of Sergeant.

Last farewell word to Yöndöru people:


On the 8th October 1996, late Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu gave his people of Yöndöru, who came from Sisi Gwunda and dwelled with Chief Ramadalla Latio of Dimu ‘A’ Court No. 5 the clan of Ligi of Chief Kenyi Dangabura, Morsak of Mulai Khalil and Yöndöru of Metagwok. He urged them to put God first, to love one another and he gave a brief account of historical background of Yöndöru origin showing the vast area of the wilderness where their grandparent dwelled before they were brought up to join Dimu I “A” Court No. 5 along with Chief Ware Lomude of Girim. Late Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu asserted that the war would end but the people must have in mind that their enemy to all mankind is an Arab and nobody should co-operate with them or any of the Arab’s associate. When Yei town fellto the hands of SPLM/A forces. He shortly died on 21st March 1997. Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu family’s line –up as it can be remembered by Joel Bodi Daudi and Dickson Lenga Sururu the author. The wives of late Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu were Elizabeth Mosikin and her children are: Yiditha Dopo, Michael Woni, Aguresi Muro, Florence , Mori, Martin Ware and Mary Jama; the children to the second wife Lucy Moliki include : Nelson Lubang and Denis Ladu the third was Marata Binia Lungaju and her children include: Henry Latio, Grace diko, Joy Nyoka and Anthony Gowan. The fifth wife was called Konyung Marajang whose children include: Rufas Kenyi, Yunia Keji, Jama Daudi and Joel Bodi. Nawumba Dudu and Jera Kulango had no children. The eighth wife of Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu was called Nerika Nyoka and her children include: Noel Sururu, Ladu Daudi Bullen Soro and Lubang Daudi. The legacy of the Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu can be traced as earlier as 1924. His grave lies along side Mr. Henry Latio Daudi who was killed 1990 at 35 miles Yei-Kaya road point while in company of his brother’s son Dickson Lenga Sururu. He had served for quite a long period of time compared to other chiefs as from 1928-1997. It happened that Daudi is descendent of Ladu Dangwong the father of Lugala Ladu. Their statutes stand along the roadside at Nyako clan area for future generation reference. Chief Sururu, Nyoma and Jongo who was referred to always as “Lo Kotet” meaning a tail in Pojulu dialect are prominent sons and icons of Nyako Na Ladu’s history.

Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan:


He was born in 1945 in a village known as Yöndöru of Mukaya Payam in Lainya County. At the age of 7 years old, he joined Yöndöru village school in 1952 and later transferred to Kanyara in Gulumbi village in Morobo County. In 1955, the war broke out and no school was operating. In 1957, he was taken to Khartoum by his brother Henry Latio Daudi to continue with his education at Comboni Mission School. He continued with his education until 1960. He later came back to Juba and then proceeded to Kampala, Uganda surprisingly alone to look for further studies as a refugee. He was luckily to meet the Veteran politician Mr. Aggrey Jaden who was the only opposition leader of the Southern Sudan allowed by the Ugandan government to operate there. This was allowed because he was opposed to the Khartoum regime, Mr. Jaden was charged by mobilization of South Sudan politicians. Here Anthony Gowan Daudi was enlisted in the Anya – Nya (1) Movement as a child soldier and sent to South Sudan for 6 months. Later, he went back to Uganda to pursue his studies in 1961 – 1963. He dropped out of school and joined Uganda Rifles after independence .He served in the Ugandan army up to 1979 when Amin was toppled. After he came back to South Sudan and joined the Ministry of Information and Culture and as well as serving as a chief in Yöndöru, where his father Sub-Chief Daudi Jambo Sururu had appointed him while still working for the Uganda Army on call of the community. He later had an opportunity to work in Iraq as a military, during the Iraq – Iran war. Anthony was recruited alongside other Sudanese Military officers by the Sudan president Nimeri. He worked in Iraq for 4 months and later came back to Sudan as a disappointed man without any single coins. He went back to the Ministry of Information and was given back his job while he was still serving as a chief in Yöndöru rural home. After working for a short time, the war broke out and he remained in Juba and was assigned the work of a chief in Juba to settle people from their community. Mr. Anthony Gowan Daudi married his first wife while attending a Military course in Kenya as a signal officer. He married a Kenyan woman known only with one name Wanjiru and Anthony clan cannot remember the other names because of the old age. Wanjiru gave birth to a boy who even Anthony cannot remember his name because by the time Wanjiru was giving birth Anthony was already gone back to Uganda. Anthony Gowan Daudi had a struggle story. He again married in Uganda. Her name was Mary who now lives in Uganda and had the following children: Rita Gogo, Kato Anthony, Babira Anthony, and Linda Anthony died while still young. The rest of the children are still living and live in Uganda. Rita Gogo is already married and Kato Anthony is a mechanic in Uganda. These children visit the father in south Sudan. Anthony Gowan is married again in Juba to a lady known as Joyce Ondoa who is now taking care of him in Juba. He lives happily in the Gudele (1) house block 5. Anthony has lost his eye sight, though he looks very healthy and strong he lost his sight in 2006. Anthony has already left his position of a chief and given it to Martin Wani Sururu on 13th March 2012.

Senior Headman Mr. Paul Lubang Sururu legacy:


Paul Lubang is the son of Chief Sururu Lugala who was remembered for his tremendous work in the family of Nyako clan of Yöndöru and he was born to the third wife of Chief Sururu Lugala who was named Dongo Yejekera. He served as a head man and he was a great hunter since 1928 to 1974 under Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu’s reign. Due to his old age, he retired and handed over his leadership to Joseph Lugala Yosepa, the son of his brother Yosepa Waya Sururu, the third wife of Sururu. The handing over was done together with the one of Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi in 1974. Elder Paul Lubang can be remembered in the great Nyako clan of Yöndöru for his tireless job that he performed as head man dealing with the collection of Poll taxes in Yöndöru and Nuni Saw Mill workers who belonged to Paramount Chief Yosia Ramadalla Latio’s administration. He was also best known to all the people of Mukaya payam and outsiders for his professional hunting activities. Paul Lubang married three wives whose names were: Bora Moggaof Soka, Kwaje Logonga of Girim and Mary Tereka of Gumbiri clan. The children of the first wife include: Lois Mori Paul, Jane Kani, Rosa Adaba and Marco Yata. The children of the second wife include: Nyoka Paul, Tomboi Paul, Nyokwe Paul and James Lomeri. All of them died before getting married with exception of Nyokwe who is married to Mijikango clan of Girim Lorega Boma has children. Mary Tereka gave birth to six children and the only living today is James Soro Paul who is now the pillar of Paul’s family. The ones that had died were: Kiden Paul, Woja Paul, Jokudu Paul, Kani Paul, Jane and Keji Paul. The elder son of Paul’s is Mr. Marco Yata who is still in Diaspora and hope to come home soon to join the family.

Senior Headman Joseph Lugala Yosepa:


Mr. Joseph Lugala Waya was born in 1949 and attended Yöndöru village school in 1956. He was the first born son of Yosepa Waya Sururu from the second wife Wori Bari. However, Yosepa Waya Sururu was born to the seventh of wife of Chief Sururu Lugala called Kilapa Yejiba. He is currently performing the duties of Chieftainship of Biri Boma delegated to him by Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu in his absence till 6th Sept 2013. Senior Headman Joseph Lugala served in the Anya – Nya (I) liberation movement in a rank of a sergeant until the signing of the Addis Ababa peace agreement in 1972. In same year, he retired from the army. He was nominated to succeed Senior Headman Paul Lubang Sururu in 1974 in a traditional ceremony which was organized by elders Eliaba James Surur and Henry Latio Daudi. He is now the Sub-Chief of Yöndöru under Biri Boma administration. During his youth, he defended Yöndöru clan in any outside aggression. He is married to two wives namely: Perida Bagi and Mary Awate. Their children were as follows: Robert Ware Joseph, Joy Mori Joseph Lugala, Anthony Gworum Joseph, Denis Ladu, James Lomora Joseph, Cecilia Magara Joseph, Selina Bara Joseph, Betty Azaru Joseph, John Wani Joseph, Stephen Woja Joseph, Maneno Joseph, Lasu Joseph Lugala and Kani Joseph Lugala.

Sub-Chief Martin Wani Sururu:


Sub-Chief Martin Wani Sururu was born in 1969 to the family of Mr. Nasona Ligi Sururu who was the last born son of Sururu Lugala the Great. However, Sub-Chief Martin Wani is the grandson to the eighth wife of Sururu – Mrs. Kiden Alima Ramadalla. He attended Yöndöru primary school in 1973 – 1977. He later joined Juba Mahad primary school in 1978 – 1980. He also went to Buluk junior school in 1981 – 1984; and he passed his secondary entrance examinations where he was accepted to Loka Senior Secondary school in 1985 – 1986. He later dropped out of school due to the outbreak of liberation war when Loka Senior was closed down and he decided to go back home in Yöndöru and took up family responsibility. He was appointed by Yöndöru Elders Committee (YEC) as a Clerk of Yöndöru A’ Court Administration under Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi in 1987. When Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan left for Juba, Mr. Martin Wani Sururu joined the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) as a political mobilizer for the Nyako clan of Yöndöru within the A’ Court jurisdiction. Later on, he was appointed as a Rate Collector of Yöndöru open market in 1990 by SPLM/A’s administration under Elder Simisona Lo´boka Eyobo who was a senior SPLM/A Mobilization Officer for Dimu village council. In 1992, Mr. Martin Wani was also appointed by the Civil Military Administration (CMA) decree, relieving office runner Mr. Joel Bodi Daudi from Yöndöru A’ Court Administration and appointing Mr. Martin Wani Sururu as Acting Sub-Chief of Yöndöru sub-chieftainship. In the same year, he attended nine months Military Orientation training at Ombaci Military wing, Yei County. He passed out with a rank of a Sergeant Major and he returned back to Yöndöru in 1993. And he assumed full administration of Yöndöru A’ Court consisting of Yöndöru, Ligi and Morsak under direct advice and supervision of retired sub-chief elder Daudi Jambu Sururu. In 1995, Sub-Chief Martin Wani was attacked and tortured at his residence in Yöndöru by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and later taken under arrest with the whole of his family to station at point 15 miles along Yei – Juba road military unit at Limbe – Kajo – Keji road junction. However, he continued his leadership as Sub-Chief administering his people who were forcefully abducted by SAF to stay along with them at the military unit as human shield. When Yei town was overrun by the SPLM/A forces and Sub-Chief Martin Wani and his people returned to Yöndöru and settled normally. The restructuring of Dimu A’ Court had created a number of other “A” Courts which was done the SPLM/A administration and Sub-Chief Martin Wani was put under the administration of Biri boma which was headed by Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu. On 30th August 1999, the headmanship of Rume village which was under Dimu II sub-chieftainship came to be under the Yondoru “A” Court due to misunderstanding of each other on the distribution of assignment before it was alleviated to full sub-chieftainship in 2003. On 13th March 2012, Sub-Chief Martin Wani Sururu was traditionally handed over the leadership of the Yöndöru people by elder Hon. Eliaba James Sururu; and the royal stick was also given to him by the retired Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi during the ceremonial reburial of the remains of Late Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu, his son Henry Latio Daudi and Ludia Diko – the wife of Nyoma lo Keji, the father of Daudi Jambu. The occasion was attended by Paramount Chief of Mukaya payam Scopas Lodou Torujo who was the guest of honor. Sub-Chief Martin Wani can still be remembered after he had been abducted by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and ordered to serve his own people within the military barrack at Limbe. Between the periods of 1995 – 1997, he had secretly leaked the enemy’s information to his elder retired Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu back at home in Yöndöru; and advising him that the Yöndöru people should not voluntarily join him at the enemy’s hands unless they were taken by force. He also managed to rescue the iron sheets of the Yöndöru primary school from being removed and taken to Limbe Military barracks. He succeeded in bringing his own people who were abducted and taken forcibly to Kenyi Military unit to Limbe under his direct administration. Sub-Chief Martin Wani Surur contested for the post of Mukaya payam head chief elections of 06th September 2013 and passed with the following votes among others: (Martin Wani Surur with eleven (11) votes, Cosmos Kwaje James with eight (8), Scopas Lodou Turujo – former head chief of Mukaya payam with one (1) and finally Edward Lasu with one (1). He is now the head Chief of Mukaya Payam Court. Sub-Chief Martin Wani is married to four wives whose names are: Nenisa Meling, Elizabeth Dudu, Joselin Kiden and Mary Nyonyuwa. They are blessed with the following children: Joyce Gila, Moses Monday, Lily Tiyu, Eli Soro, John Juma, Peter Lemi, Jane Murö and Franco Latio. He also adopted the children of his sister Christine Kiden Nasona. They are: Betty Diko Martin, Nyoka Martin and also the children of Mrs. Beida Moriba the wife of Late John Kenyi Mile Jongo lo Keji and they include: Stella Yabu and Emmanuel Lorue.

Sub-Chief Joel Bodi Daudi:


Born in 1949 to the family of the long serving sub-chief Daudi Jambu Sururu. He attended Yondoru Village school from 1960 – 1962. Yei One Elementary school in 1963 – 1964 and Mundri Intermediate school in 1965. He dropped out of school due to the closure of all schools in South Sudan because of Anya Nya I liberation war. Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu due to old age nominated Mr. Joel Bodi Daudi as his office runner for Yöndöru “A” Court during the absence of Sub-Chief Anthony Gowan Daudi since 1987 – 1992. During the SPLA liberation struggle he was appointed by Yöndöru Elder Committee (YEC) and confirmed by Ag. Executive Chief of Nuni proposed boma on 08th April 2000 as the traditional leader for metropolitan town of Nuni. Managing inhabitants consist of Pojulu, Moru Balanda and others who were trapped at Nuni town by 1983 SPLA liberation war the post he holds till today. He plays a vital role in Biri boma. Being sub-chief of Nuni sub-boma for a long period of time, Mr. Joel Bodi had also contested in the elections for the post of chieftainship in Biri boma on 06th September 2013; and he successfully obtained the highest votes among other contestant and result are as follows: (Joel Bodi with 56 votes and Martin Sebit Benjamin with 36 votes). He is declared a winner to lead Biri Boma as the Executive Chief. Chief Joel Bodi is married to one wife called Rose Kabera and they are blessed with two children namely Lemi Joel Bodi and Diko Joel Bodi.

Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu:


Born in 1955 became a chief in 1999 – 2012, he attended Yöndöru primary school only two years and left to Democratic Republic of Congo in 1966 with uncle Hon. Eliaba James Sururu. In 1968, he came back to Sudan in a place known as Morta former Anya – Nya (1) Headquarters. In 1969 - 1970, he attended Mondu village primary school headed by Anya – Nya (1). He again dropped out and was taken to Uganda by Hon. Eliaba Sururu to continue with his studies there. Here, he joined Magwa School in primary five and continued with the education to primary seven when he did Uganda primary certificate. He then joined Kiira College Butiki for his higher education. In 1977, he returned to Sudan and joined Ministry of Information as News reporter. Further, he attended a College of Mass Communication for a Diploma in Khartoum known as Fredrick Nourman Foundation. He later came back to South in 1980 and he continues working with the Ministry of Information. He later posted to southwest area council Morobo and established Sudan News Agency (SUNA) office in 1986. On 10th January1990 before Morobo fell into SPLM/A control from Khartoum government, he and Executive Officer Mr. Henry Latio Daudi fell into an ambush between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the SPLA where Henry Latio lost his life and he narrowly escaped death but sustained serious injuries and taken to Ingwokolo in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for medical attention. He was registered by United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) as a refugee and given a post of Voluntary Refugee Settlement Officer (VRSO). He was posted to Keriyo Self – Help Refugee Settlement (KSHS) under Leyivu Catholic Action (LCA). On 08th April 1992, he returned to the Sudan and joined the SPLM/A movement as a Community Mobilization Officer and later joined South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) in Mukaya payam Lainya County. Afterwards, on 14th April 1999, he was elected the chief of Nuni–Yöndöru proposed Boma by the community, and remains the chief to date. Chief Dickson Lenga Sururu is married to one wife by the name Joice Muro Dickson. Dickson is blessed with six children whose names include: Jacob Woro Dickson, Stephen Ladu Dickson, Josephine Kiden Dickson, Rose Jokudu Dickson, Jane Kani Dickson and Joel Woja Dickson.

Biographies of Yöndöru Prominent Leaders serving in the government:

Hon. Eliaba James Sururu:


Hon. Eliaba James Sururu was born in Mangalla on 21st November 1930 to Pojulu family of Sub-Chief Solomon Lo´boka Sururu of Yöndöru Sub-Chieftainship. At the age of nine, he went to live with his sister Esther Nyeri Loboka who was married to Sub – Chief Ruben Logodok of Ligi area of Wondoruba Chieftainship. Hon. Eliaba James Sururu attended the following schools: Yöndöru approved village primary school in 1944 – 1945; Yei Elementary School in 1946 – 1947; Loka Intermediate School in 1948 – 1950. In 1950, he had a fatal car accident on Lirangu – Anzara road where he broke both thighs and he was hospitalized at Lirangu Hospital and recovered. This is how he got the name acquired as “SOLID ROCK”.Later, he joined Rumbek Secondary School in 1951 – 1954. He joined teaching profession in 1955 but following the 28th August Torit Mutiny, all schools were closed down in Southern Sudan. From 1957 to 1958, he began teaching in Bahr el Ghazal province and Atar Intermediate in Upper Nile province. He attended Institute of Education at Bakht el Ruda where he was awarded Diploma in Education. He was also offered another course at Bishop Gywene Theological College where he attained Certificate of teaching Christian Religion in the same year. In 1959, Mr. Eliaba James Sururu was appointed to teach at Juba Technical School as a trained teacher. In 1960, he was transferred to Palataka School (Old Okaru) and promoted as Deputy Headmaster. He was transferred to Lainya Technical School and promoted to Headmaster in 1964 where he was in Juba from time to time. In 1965, Hon. Eliaba James Sururu narrowly escaped murder under the hands of the Arabs during Juba Massacre. The enemy ambushed his resident but failed to identify him among his family members due to his body size. While teaching, he was involved in practicing politics and after the fall of General Ibrahim Aboud in October 1964. He was elected as the Chairperson of Southern Front Branch office at Yei River District. He left South Sudan after the Juba Massacre in 1965 and joined the Anya Nya One Liberation (SSLM/A) known as South Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and appointed as the movement representative to Aba – Zaire, the present Democratic Republic of Congo where he was dealing with the responsibility of purchasing arms for the movement. Hon. Eliaba James Sururu was appointed Information Officer in President Aggrey Jaden’s Office in the Southern Sudan Provisional Government (SSPG). In 1968, Hon. Sururu appointed as Commissioner of Central Equatoria province and stationed in Morta Headquaters under SSPG of president Jaden. In 1970, Hon. Sururu was appointed Chief Education Officer (CEO) for the liberation under Colonel Joseph Lagu Yanga’s government of Anya Nya. In 1971, he attended Educational planning courses at Makerere and Dar es Salaam universities. In 1972, he returned to Southern Sudan after the Addis Ababa Peace agreement and become the Acting Director of Education in the Regional Ministry of the National Executive Council (NEC)’s government of Vice president Abel Alier. He was then appointed as First Deputy Director of Administration, Regional Ministry of Information, Culture, Youth, Sports, Social Welfare, Wildlife Conservation and Tourism; one of the largest ministries in the Regional government.

Political Achievement:


Hon. Eliaba James Sururu went into politics again in 1975 and contested for one of the largest constituencies in Central Equatoria comprising of part of Yei River, Mundri and Juba districts. He was elected as first member of Regional Assembly in Juba in December 1973; he held the post of Chairperson of Information and Culture of Specialized Committee of the Assembly. In 1986, Hon. Sururu contested for elections in the Southern Sudan under the ticket of People Progressive Party (PPP) and won the elections where he left for Khartoum to join the national government. All the seven Sudan African parties were operating in Khartoum fighting for the rights of the African Sudanese people under the Union of Sudan African Parties (USAP). Hon. Sururu managed to win the favor of the seven African parties namely: People Progressive Party (PPP), Sudan African National Union party (SANU), Sudan African People’s Congress Organization (SAPCO), Sudan People Party (SAP), Sudan Africa Congress (SAC), Sudan Federal Party (SFP) and Sudan National Party (SNP) where he became the president heading the Union of Sudan African Parties (USAP) in the National Assembly in the National Islamic Front (NIF) government in Khartoum. He stood for the presidency of the Republic of Sudan against Prime Minister Sadiq el Mahdi where he lost and became opposition leader in the government leading the campaign for recognition of oppression of the black African in the Sudan. He held public rallies in the north calling for equality, freedom and justice where he became a target of NIF government advocates for appointment of three governors of three regions of Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria through USAP mandate in the National Assembly. These were the words that Hon. Eliaba uttered to the August House during his period as opposition leader in the national assembly after he was defeated in the presidential race; Hon. Sururu said, “We have now come to realize that the northern brothers have clearly come out to prove to the rest of African race in the Sudan that they are moving northwards and the Southern brothers in the Sudan are moving southwards”, and this is in conformity with the saying of our Late Hero Dr. John Garang de Madior that in the bush of Southern Sudan, I lead the liberation movement of the people of Southern Sudan for their desired destination which we are celebrating now 09th July 2011. Hon. Sururu sustained several arrest and torture during his political arena in the north and in 1994; he was tortured almost to death and released after sustaining internal head blood clotting and refered to Nairobi – Kenya for medical treatment. While in Kenya taking medical management, the leader of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), Dr. John Garang called for Hon. Sururu and discussed about the struggle. The two came together at Narus and Dr. Garang assured Hon. Sururu for his commitment to bring USAP which was fighting the liberation was inside the government of Sudan to come and join the SPLM/A. Since the two parties have one common goal. Hon. Sururu agreed with the SPLM/A leadership call and he appointed as the Chairperson of National Mobilization Commission (NAMOCO) for the three regions of Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Equatoria. Hon. Sururu started off soon after transferring from Nairobi to Kampala, Uganda starting the campaign in all refugee camps in Uganda and the bushes of South Sudan urging that South Sudanese in exile to come back and face the enemy who is taking their land for good. The move rescued the SPLM/A from defeat and followed by tremendous capture of towns right from Sudan’s borders at Kaya to 40 miles Yei – Juba road within one week in March 1997. Hon. Sururu alongside with SPLM/A leadership also attended conferences on peace on the Sudan held in Asmara, Eritrea in his capacity as the leader of Union of Sudanese African Parties while he was in the bush and soon after the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). Hon. Sururu attended South to South Dialogue held in Kenya for implementation and running of Southern Sudan government (GoSS). In 2004, he also initiated and advocated for the formation of the Pojulu community administrative centre at Kenyi payam for the promotion of SPLM/A activities in Equatoria region and South Sudan in general. After the signing of the CPA, Hon. Sururu returned to lead his party of USAP 2 and he was appointed as a Member of Parliament for the National Assembly. He only worked in Khartoum for few months and left for Juba to join the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) with the ticket of USAP 2. When the first elections of April 2010 were conducted, Hon. Sururu retired from politics and came down to unite his party with SPLM ranks for the sake of the referendum for Self – Determination to work as one of the team as he did during the Liberation war by mobilizing the SPLA to get what the South Sudanese desired. The merging of USAP 2 party with SPLM is for the benefit of the South Sudanese people and this is why all of us voted for total independence which we enjoy today. Hon. Eliaba James Sururu was sent among others (like Abdel Rahman Sule, Messers Daniel Jumi, Salvatore Mawien, Hilary Paul Logale, Ezbon Mundri, as well as Abel Alier) to Kampala to patch up the differences between Joseph Oduho and Aggrey Jaden during polling in northern Sudan. However, Hon. Eliaba James Sururu had played a vital role towards the political development of South Sudan. Due to heavy national duties and responsibilities, he has less time to contribute to his own family in Yöndöru which brought misconception by his own people; but now time has come for him to focus much into the development of the Yöndöru area. When Prime Minister Sadig al – Mahdi, on 15th May, announced the formation of a new government of national conciliation with exception USAP party …. 3rd coalition government... However, African representation in the central government (GoS) was absent for the second time. In his speech launching the opposition, Hon. Eliaba James Sururu said, “Now thanks to Sadig and the NIF, polarization is now complete. The north vs south, Arab vs African and Muslim vs Christian.” He added, “…. This was not our dream and I hope it would not be the dream of our children. I hope this will not be the beginning of the division of our country.” Hon. Eliaba James Sururu had predicted the secession of the south from the north as did Late Aggrey Jaden while in exile. Hon. Eliaba James Sururu had a great family. He was married to two wives namely: Monica Pita Sururu who died later and Hon. Sururu married Juliet Dudu from limbe clan. The children of the first wife include: Hasting Lemi, Diana Dudu, Philip Diko, Johnson Ladu, Peter Wani, Pamela kiden, Emmanuel Pitya, Noel Jambu, Beatrice Keji, John Lobojo, Joseph Laku, Vicky Misuk and Levy Nyoma. The children of the second wife include: David Latio and Sheila Nyaraki.Hon. Eliaba’s Legacy will live to tell generations. He has done great things both to the Nation of South Sudan and his own communities.

Elder Henry Latio Daudi:


As the family member’s narrate, this was one of the most active member of the Late Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu having been the most active and educated leader in the family. Henry Latio Daudi was born in 1932 to the family of the long serving Chief Jambu Daudi Sururu. The Late Henry Latio Daudi attended Yöndöru Approved village school in 1943 and Yei Elementary School in 1945. He joined Yei Teachers Training College (YTTC) in 1949 after completing the YTTC Late Henry left for Khartoum in 1950. He was employed by Import and Export Company in Khartoum as a clerk. In 1963, due to Mr. Clement Mboro incident in Khartoum Late Henry left Khartoum for Juba. In 1965, during Juba Massacre, he fled Juba to Yöndöru his home village in Yei River district. He joined the Anya – Nya 1 movement as a Political Officer dealing with mobilization of human and non – human resources for the Anya – Nya 1 liberation movement. He actively participated in purchasing of arms and ammunitions at Aba in Democratic Republic of Congo. He initiated the opening of Anya – Nya 1 Military camps for group one and two. After signing of the Addis-Ababa Peace Accord on 3rd march 1972, Late Henry was observed in the Local Government administrative officer’s cadre. He was assigned duties of Repatriation Commission in Juba. Then, he was transferred in 1974 to Yei River area council as Senior Administrative Officer, for Town planning and was in charge of construction of Yei town council guest house and Chief Executive OfficerResidence. In 1978, Late Henry Latio was transferred to Kapoeta area council in Eastern Equatoria region. In 1980, Late Henry was brought back to the headquarter in Juba town and charged with demarcation of Juba town which he successfully carried out surveying and plot allotment for residential areas of Hai Juba Commercial, Juba Na Bari, Munuki and many others. In 1984, again Late Henry was transferred to Yei area council as Deputy Chief Executive Officer. The following year Late Henry was promoted and returned to Juba area council heading Department of Town planning. Then in 1986, Late Henry was promoted to full Chief Executive Officer and posted to south – west area council of Morobo. There, he laid the foundation stone of Morobo as the first administrator to the newly established area council in Morobo council. By then, Late Chief Soro Lita Gwangale was a Paramount Chief of Morobo. It was by the request of the community of Morobo that Late Henry Latio was posted by the province of Equatoria to serve them. On 10th January, Late Henry was on official mission to meet his counterparts at the borders of Uganda and DRC Congo for border meetings. On his way back to Morobo, Late Henry Latio who was accompanied by the son of his brother Dickson Lenga Sururu had fell victim to an ambush between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), where he lost his life but Dickson was lucky to escape. This happened at 35 miles from Yei – Kaya road point. He was laid to rest at border town of Kaya. His remains were later exhumaned and reburied at his home village at Yöndöru, Mukaya Payam of Lainya County in Central Equatoria state next to his father’s grave Daudi Jambu Sururu. The grave site is about 30 meters away from the famous Yöndöru market. Elder Henry Latio Daudi married three wives whose names were: Mary Jukudu, Sarah Yona and Nora Kiden. All the above mentioned wives of elder Henry Latio Daudi died and their children include: Francis Taban, George Ladu, wani Henry, Andrew Woja and Clara Kiden were the children of the first wife mary Jukudu; the second wife had four children whose names include: Ludia Tokosang Henry, Rose Buse Henry, Josephine Kayuku and Lukudu Henry. And the third wife had four children whose names include: Benjamin Lemi Henry, Charity Dongo Henry, Etisam Henry and Asalia Henry.

Elder Phanuel Yata Purumena:


He was born in 1949 to the Sub-Chief Solomona Lo´boka’s first wife who was the grandson to Gila Kajoka. He served in Anya – Nya one in 1966 and he served as a Medical Corps in a rank of Sergeant until the signing of Addis Ababa Peace Agreement on 03rd March 1972. He later observed to the Ministry of Wildlife Conservation at the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. He is the spear head of the grand children of Solomona Loboka’s family and charged with the whole family affairs and had been blessed by his grand father Solomona Lo’boka. He is an architect of Nyako history right from Nyako origin from Moru land to present date i.e from Ladu Danngwong to present time. Elder Phanuel Yata is married to two wives namely: Cicilia Leyot and Magdalena Napisa. The children of Cicilia Leyot include: Mary Misuk, Joy Nyoka, Dorothy Diko, Emmanuel Amule, Bibiya Yawa, Rose Yangi, Peter Ladu, Estella kakule and Monday Phanuel. The child of the Second wife is Louis Bakata Loboka.

Hon. Charles M. Soro Jongo:


Hon. Charles M. Soro Jongo was born in 1954 in Yei where the family had lived due to his father’s engagement. However, he was about to be moved to the village; but unfortunately, he had lost his mother at the age of 5 years. Hon. Charles joined the bush school at Yöndöru in 1961 – 1963. In 1964, he joined Yei Two Elementary school. Eventually, the school was burned down the following year as the Anya – Nya one liberation war started. He left for Khartoum to join his cousin brother Late Francis Buga. He joined St. Joseph Technical School in Khartoum and later he came back to Juba and joined Juba Intermediate in 1969 – 1972. Then, he sat for Junior Leaving Certificate and then accepted to Rumbek Secondary School. He sat for his Sudan School Certificate Examination in 1975 and accepted to National School of Meteorological in Khartoum. He graduated as a Meteorological Officer and worked in Khartoum, Juba, Malakal and Port Sudan airports as Meteorological Observer. Then, he was seconded to USAID for the same field in 1984 – 1986. He secured scholarship to UK, England in October 1986, he left for London to pursue studies, and he was awarded a Diploma in Social and Political Science. And also in 1988, he was awarded a certificate in Industrial Relations from the Academy Klausenh of Germany in 1997 and he returned back to Sudan in 1998. From 1996 – 2001, he worked for Sudan Council of Churches (SCC) in Khartoum as a member of the Executive Committee. In 2002, he attended a one month Leadership Course in Hawaii in United States of America (USA) and awarded a World Leadership Certificate, and he came back to Sudan and again went to Geneva Switzerland in 2003 to attend an Ecumenical Forum for 3 weeks. In May 2004, he travelled to London on church mission to attend a briefing forum on Naivasha discussions on the first quarter of 2005 towards signing of the last protocol of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). Charles assisted his cousin Hon. Eliaba James Sururu -registering the Union of Sudan African Party (USAP) party in the Sudan. He was appointed the first Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal resources in the government of South Sudan’s Central Equatoria State as per the CPA from 2005 – October 2008 and become Minister of Local Government and Law Enforcement from October 2008 – May 2010. He is still holding a constitutional position in the State Government of Central Equatoria State. He is married to one wife whose name is called Rhoda Charles and they were blessed with one child Samuel Charles.

The Family extension of Chief Sururu Lugala the Great:


Chief Sururu Lugala the Great had other sons to his family and they were as follows: Mr. Woja of Bujang clan who was rescued from being taken by slave traders in exchange for honey; Elisa Latio Lo Yejiba who is a nephew to the family came from Rensuk clan of Chief Lokodok Jabin of Wonduruba payam due to the fact that his mother died while still young and was brought to Yondoru for care; Lado Bara Lo Miri from Ngoroma clan and Gwangala Iji Denima best known by the name“Towili”from Mundu clan was a victim to the slave trade. So, Chief Sururu managed to rescue from being taken to unknown destination in 1884. Then, Chief Sururu gave clear directives to his brother Nyoma and his first born Solomon Loboka to work closely as one family with the adopted sons. His brother Nyoma Lugala was to share their family affairs with Elisa Latio and Woja of Bujang, and gave them a name Nyomora. His elder son Solomona was to share their family performances with Lado Bara Lo Miri and Gwangala Towili and gave them the name Miriba meaning:(the family of leadership). Woja Bujang had a son called Tomboi and Ruba (a lady) mother of Evans Sururu of Morsak clan and after Nyoma and his brother Sururu married him a wife. Tomboi produced a child called Jostino Lasu who produced children as follows: James Sururu, Chaplin Yata, Wilson Jigo, Bullen Woja, Robert Khamis, Betty Gogo and Susan Ngonga. Since Chief Sururu’s reign up to date, these sons hold a strong bondage in the Nyako family. They contributed abundantly in promotion of Nyako-Yöndöru history of our great grandfather Ladu Dangwong.

Elisa Latio produced children as follows:


1- Noel Dagi Latio 2- Stanely Ginja Latio 3- Jane Kiden Latio and 4- Bistina Yala Latio

Noel Dagi:

He left to Khartoum in later 1950s and he worked with Gum Arabic Company. All the misfortunes that happened in Khartoum during the Arabs marginalization of the African South Sudanese, he is a witnessed to it. He returned to the South Sudan after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005. While in Khartoum, he played a vital role in solving the social and economic problems of his own people and others. Currently, he is working with the National Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in Juba.

Stanley Ginja:

Stanley Ginja born in 1936 served in Anya – Nya one Movement until the signing of the Addis Ababa Peace Accord of 3rd March 1972. He was observed to the Ministry of Wildlife Conservation in 1972. He had progressed up to the rank of Sergeant Major. He is well remembered in the great Nyako family for his straight forward, commitments and solving problems. He was later transferred to Lainya County in the Department of Wildlife Conservation at Mukaya payam.

These are the daughters of Elisa Latio lo Yejiba:


1. Jane Kiden Elisa 2. Bistina Yala Elisa

Both daughters of Latio are married to one family of Ngoromba Dimu clan

Lado Bara Lo Miri produced one child called Adarama Soro who was the head man of the family of Miriba. The grand children to Lado lo Miri are as follows: Kenyi Adarama, Gila Adarama, Jennifer Jukudu, Magara Adarama, Goro Adarama, Kiden Adarama, Nyoka Adarama, Bara Adarama, Juma Adarama is adopted nephew’s son, and Mathew Koja Adarama who is currently the head man in Yöndöru Sub - chieftainship. And assist headmanship of Joseph Lugala Yosepa in domestic issues.

Gwangala Iji Denima “Towili’s”Family:


Bashir produced children as follows: Lugworo Bahsir, Woja Bashir, Natanel Soro Bashir, Lingo Bashir (lady) and Kamalija Ladu Bashir who was drown at Kili stream when still young.

Lugworo has the following children:


1. Emmanuel Lomude 2. Dago Lugworo 3. Diko Lugworo 4. Augustino Lemi 5. Jama Lugworo

Natanel Soro has the following children:


1. Mikaya Menja 2. Edimon Lomoro 3. Diko Soro 4. Kiden Soro 5. Keji Soro

According to Surur Lugala the great directives, Gwangala’s family is to share their immediate domestic problems with his elder son Solomon Lo’boka’s family as Mirba. Surprisingly, a misfortune happened within the family where Solomon Lo’boka’s son Mondot committed adultery with Woja Bashir’s wife which was a sin traditionally. Solomon Lo’boka as a father got annoyed and cursed his own son Mondot to death. And up to now Mondot had no family lineage. However, the issue was resolved traditionally. The family of Bashir Gwangala Towili has grown up in Miriba clan (Nyako) and is now a complete clan which deserves a leadership of head person to come to manage their affairs. Mr. Denis Lemi was appointed headman but fell sick and Noel Koja Mikaya takes over the leadership now. In any tradition affair in Solomon Loboka’s home Bashir’s family is to fate the way for any development, and up to now the family linage remains intact.

1. Ligi Clan of Lugwunyöru – This is the clan of Yondoru leadership before Ladu Dangwong migration to Yondoru:


The Ligi people originated from Mundari land before the 15th century, they were peasant farmers and great warriors moving along with large herds of cattle. The reasons for their migration were not best known. They began their journey southwards of Mundari land believed to be looking for best green pastures for their animals and then reached Nyangwora area, the present area of Chief Lokido of Chief Kiri Fataki. They continued their journey to mountain Luli and made a stop. Here they found the inhabitants were Bonga of Chief Lokodok Jabin, the present Katigiri Boma of Wonduruba payam of Chief Sasa Gindalla. As time went on, the Ligi people developed good relationship and co-existed as one people with Bonga through intermarriages among themselves. Then in late 18th century, Elder Lugunyoru acquired leadership and was placed under Tore Wandi administration by the Belgium colonialists with his administrative seat (palace) at a place called Kantome. Later on came Elder Loburang of Dimu-Mukaya Chieftainship who approached Chief Lugunyoru and requested for a place to settle in for a while. He demanded for safe heaven for custodian of his five strong traditional medicines (Herbs) among which were “The Wuye and Wilibari” a drum that sounds by itself automatically without being touched or beaten by any object which indicates a misfortune due to occur thereafter. Chief Logunyoru responded positively to his visitor (Elder Loburang) and gave him a cape in the mountain Luli for keeping these five ideals. This incident took place before Ligi people came under Chief Sururu’s rule. Later on Elder Loburang left for his home area of Dimu-Mukaya with all his belongings at the end of 18th century before transfer of Chief Sururu of Yöndöru to Dimu in the beginning of 19th Century. In the 18th Century, Ligi clan was the first people who initiated the first black smith activity in Yondoru dynasty at the confluence of Bukuron stream with river Bibe. They were joined and shared the metal work with Gokoni clan at the present area where Nuni Shaw mill is situated. The iron ore was jointly mined at an area called Dungi which belong to Ligi and brought for smelling at Bukuron where the black smith later turned the metal obtained to useful tools and weapons like hoes, spears, arrows, knives and many others. The same metal was also used as bride price in marriages and payment of other traditional rituals’ payments. Chief Kenyi Dangabura Lugwunyöru who succeeded his father died and buried at Dungi. And the great Ligi traditional leader Chief Lugwunyöru was believed to be buried in an area between Bokonya and Lurö as the Ligi people moved southwards from mountain Luli which was along side with Girim of Ware Lomude. Ligi area consisted of the following rivers, streams, flat rocks and mountains. From mountain Luli which borders Ligi of Chief Lokodok Jabin, Kantome is a flat rock and streams are Jowule, Ngubo, Do’bugö and Sopö joining river Bibe from north and other streams southwards of Bibe are Gora II, Lebura, Lurö and Bokonya. Their forestry reserve is called Gim of Muma named after the father of Chief Jabin of Ligi clan of Lokodok which stretches from mountain Luli up to Bokonya and to the west borders Yensot clan of Chief Ware Lomude of Girim and Bori clan of Dimu-Mukaya. In the late 18th Century during the Arabs – Turks incursion into Yöndöru dynasty, the people of Ligi clan experienced horrific life. Many people including the son of Chief Lugunyöru were killed and others were taken to captivity to be sold as slaves. The old and disabled were massacred and thrown into deep water point at river Bibe at a place called Mer Ko Kin. The slave trade campaign camp was stationed at a place called Gwosok where the operational command was issued from for daily routine work. Ligi people split into two groups i.e. one group fled to Wöri Yangi of Dimu and the other group went to Kanyagura area at Wöi stream which flows and joins river Yei. They mixed with people of Chief Wurugwa along Maridi road. Chief Lugunyöru was completely upset with the misfortune upon his people and swore that any person of Ligi origin would not longer meet or cooperate with any White man or his affiliates forever. In 1904 when the Belgium and the France who came from the west and colonized the area, Ligi people had no option but to accept the rule of the foreigners and worked together under their administration towards colonial achievement. It was believed that because of Chief Lugunyöru who had sworn before made many Ligi people to continue to die in good numbers. And even after the British colonial administration that left the country (the Sudan) on 01st January 1956, many of them were not performing well in education and other sectors of the government not until in 1974 when one of the Ligi sons Mr. Alison Jigo Salatiele organized a big Reconciliation ceremony at Yöndöru abolishing their grandfather Lugunyöru’s words that the Ligi people should not cooperate with the Whiteman or his affiliates. They organized this ceremony in the presence of Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu and elder Solomona Loboka Sururu. Before the coming of slave trade, Chief Lugunyöru was recognized ruler of the clan of Yöndöru of Metagwok, Girim of Chief Ware Lomude and Bonga of Lokodok Jabin and his administrative seat was at Kantome under Tore Wandi. Bonga of Chief Lokodok shared borders with Morsak of Mulai Khalil to the east. And to the west of Ligi as the Headquaters was Girim of Chief Lomude and northwest was Chief Metagwok of Yöndöru. After the disperse of the people in late 1896 by the slave trade invasion, Chief Lugunyöru was left with few people to rule because some of his people fled to exile with Chief Sururu Lugala of Yöndöru to Moru land. Then in 1900, Chief Lugunyöru called Chief Sururu to come back from Moru Land and to administer his remaining people. Chief Sururu Ladu who was made a chief in exile in Moru land had responded positively to the request made by his Elder after receiving a delegation headed by Könyi, the father of Korsuk. This was in 1905 when Tore Wandi was established as the first administrative unit by the colonial masters. Ligi people were separated from their brothers and sisters of Chief Lokodok Jabin in 1925 when Chief Sururu Lugala Ladu was transferred by the colonial administration on health ground to join Dimu (I) village (present Mukaya payam) administration under Chief Ramadalla Remo Latio. At that time, the area was infested with Tse – tse flies causing a number of death cases. Another group of Ligi opted to remain behind due to fear that the white man might again do badly to them as during the slave trade period. And this group today is Ligi of Katigiri boma of Wondoruba payam but still remain intact in their relationship.

2. Girim of Sub - Chief Ware Lomude:


Girim clan migrated long ago from Mundari land, their first grandfather was called Ngepo who entered the Pojulu land and decided to settle. As the people moved southwards from mountain Luli, the Girim people under their Chief Lomude continued sharing good border relationship with Ligi clan of Yöndöru dynasty. Their streams are Lodong, Likiyir, Litiriming, Woyi, Kalangira and Korogobi which all run into Yei River. Their Chief Gwaki Ware was born at Korogobi. The great forestry reserve of Girim is called Wawajo where their great leader Lomude the father of Ware Lomude died and buried. On one occasion, there was a great traditional dance staged in 1896 by Moru Community and all the chiefs of Yöndöru, Girim and Moru land were invited. The drums were sounded and all the communities of Moru land and their leaders were all present. Each chief came along with their respective communities who were located area for them to stay in and enjoy. The dance went on well throughout the night. In the morning hours where people now come out to join the dance ceremony and each person could now see each other. The traditional chiefs took up their respective guns and started firing into the air as a sign of excitement. The Moru chief called Wöwö Langwa was tall and giant person. He was the tallest man above all the people in the dance place. One of the ladies from amongst the dancers who was from the Girim clan had just shouted out that Chief Ware shoot your enemy. Then, Chief of Girim pointed his gun to the Chief of Moru and shot him. The Chief of Moru fell down dead and every body dispersed from the dance for their safety. But, Chief Sururu Lugala of Yöndöru took the courage and hid his colleague Chief Ware under the animal skin given to him to sleep on. The Moru people searched for the killer but they could not trace any person. The rest of Girim people managed to run away from the scene. During the slave trade incursion, Girim people fled their area and hid themselves at the foot of mountain Luli, Korogobi River and some went and settled with Chief Mojukude of Dimu for their safety.

3. Morsak clan of Mulai Khalil:


This clan dwelt long time ago with Bonga of Lokodok Jabin before the people of Yöndöru dynasty under Lugunyöru came together. Their area consisted of the following mountains, rocks, hills, rivers and streams. The mountains are Konyuri, Wankileng, Kidoput hill, Luruni and rock called Taya which borders the area of Chief Jogwörö of Kenyi boma. The Lumóduk rock borders with Dimu and their streams are Gora I, Lebura and Dikiki. The salty ground where the wildlife animals gathered to leak from was called Nyunki near the deep water point at river Bibe at Tongamile, the present Tombili camp. Other streams are Logume, Toko awongo and Khorkinyong. As they moved southwards at the end of 18th Century, they joined Ligi of Kenyi Dangabura – the son of Lugunyöru and they continued to share their activities together. Morsak also borders with Dimu of Wori Yangi. In 1905 when Chief Sururu Lugala was transferred from Tupolongon by the colonial administration, Morsak gave their area at Kidoput hill as an administrative royal seat to Yöndöru people. Chief Sururu built his royal palace there and the remains can be seen today. During the slave trade incursion, Morsak clan fled to Dimu and they were received by elder Wöri Yangi and given to settle between the two streams of Kudugut and Korita. But their leader Chief Mulai went to Dimu with Mrs. Nyaraki, the wife of Jongo Lo Keji and joined their relative called Mr. Bodoi. The old and disable people of Morsak were massacred by the slave traders and dumped at Kantome rock in the confluence of Matapiron stream with river Bibe. This was the place where Chief Lokodok Jabin of Bonga of Wonduruba was buried at a place called Loporogo.

4. Gokoni clan of Lujo Akalipu:


This was the strongest and fearful clan in Yöndöru dynasty before Ladu Dangwong and his people had migrated from Moru land and joined Chief Mitagwok of Yöndöru in around 15th Century. They shared their borders with the Ligi clan and they practice black smith activities at Bukuron stream at the confluence with river Bibe where the gold mineral is spotted. Presently, the results of ore smelting formed some objects that resembling the pots which originated as a result of smelting. Other streams are Kajo Lo Geleng where Könyi Muke was born, Bukuron and Dungi which runs from Ligi land through Gokoni up to the confluence with river Bibe. In 1991 Dimu Boma leadership under Commander CDE Abraham Wana Yoana of SPLM/A solved with the Moru people the dispute over ownership of Metropolitan town of Nuni. On 08th January 2000, Dimu (I) boma under the administration of Paramount Chief Scopas Lodou ordered for the reorganization of Nuni Saw mill which was under the leadership of the Ag/Executive Chief Dickson Lenga Surur of Nuni proposed boma. The Gokoni and the Ligi people respectively each offered a he – Goat for the blessing of the Gold mine at Nuni sawmill site. Sub – Chief Joel Bodi Daudi was then confirmed as a traditional leader managing the Metropolitan town of Nuni whose inhabitants were Pojulu, Moru, Balanda and other tribes of South Sudan who were sawmill workers who were trapped there by the 1983 liberation war. Gokoni people did not flee to any area during the all horrific periods in Yöndöru dynasty since Chief Metagwok to Sub-Chief Daudi Jambu Sururu reign. Now Gokon through Chief Dickson Leng Sururu is elivated to Sub-Chieftainship under Sub-Chief Rapheal Jambu of Biri Boma administration

5. Gori clan of Marjang Wana:


They settled east of river Bibe at foot of the hill called Wangoro. Their neighbours were Towongo, Bonga, Rensuk and Ligi clan of Chief Lokodok Jabin. Their streams are Gweneke, Leri, Loduku and Matapirön. All these streams run from Bonga area at the foot of mountain Luli of Bonga and joined river Bibe. Some of the Gori people in 1925 were left behind and remained in Wondoruba payam under Chief Sasa Gindala when Chief Surur Lugala was transferred to Dimu, but their relationship intact their own people. During the slave trade, they fled to Moyosokon an area of Chief Loremo Guru of Nyangwara along the route to Lukudu Jokera, the father of Chief Fataki.

6. Wörökösuk Clan Jingoro:


It was the largest clan among the people of Jengudu leadership under Lugunyöru. They were great warriors moving along with large herds of cattle and other domestic animalas. And this was how they got the name Worokosuk meaning people moving with cattle. It situated west at the confluence of rivers Bibe and Yei. The streams that run through their territory and joined rivers were Worilobong and Nyanguri. Their centre for black smith activities were Wundaba and Ojumiri where iron ore mining was centre and that is inside Nyori land. During the slave trade they were killed and thrown into deep water point at Ombiri stream at confluence with river Bibe. Others took refugee at Kanyagura area.

7. Nyori clan of Lugworo:


They settled and shared borders with Wörökösuk people who settled east of river Bibe, the area where iron ore mining was found in Nyori territory. As they had interrelationship through marriages, they allowed their neighbors the Wörökösuk and Yöndöru of Metagwok to use their land for collection of iron ore. They also shared the same streams with Wörökösuk because these streams also run through their land. Streams like Worilobong and Nyanguru which run and join river Bibe. Nyori clan had progressed up to 1930 peacefully. However, one of their clan mate called Boso had contracted with certain Moru man and brought traditional medicines (herbs) in which the back fire of the medicine killed many family members of Nyori clan. The few remaining fled the area and some remained behind. The herbs were later destroyed traditionally. Nyori people experienced displacement during the slave trade incursion into their area. They were scattered and today Nyori clan can be found in almost every corner of Central Equatoria State others reached Democratic Republic of Congo. Some are in Abukaya area of elder Tonyuri father of Sultan Lati of Abukaya clan.

8. Yöndöru of Elder Ladu Dangwong:


In 1884, a good number of Yöndöru people were massacred, others were taken to captivity for sale, the disable, aged and children were killed and thrown into Lelegure stream at Dukuwu-Bibe river confluence .The son of Ginja Koja Ladu called Wudu Ginja was abducted and taken by the Arabs slaves Traders till to day. Chief Sururu of Yöndöru deserted his area and fled to Apai in Moru land where he was made a ruler. In 1886, Chief Sururu was called back by his boss Chief Lugunyoru to rule his remaining people. Thereafter, the first born son of Sururu Mr. Lo’boka Sururu took the iniative of collecting the rest of Yöndöru people who fled to various locations during the slave trade incident. These people now formed the present Yondoru in Dimu-Mukaya payam Lainya County.

9. Elder Lasu Kambura of Bujang Clan and Elder Woni Lomidot Kujodot of Mika clan:


In 1886 after the slave trade incursion to Yöndöru dynastry, Chief Sururu sent his men under command of his son Solomona Lo’boka to collect elder Lasu Kambura and elder Woni Lomidot both of Bujang and Mika clans respectively. They took refugee in Bari land and returned to Yöndöru and dwelled there till today. As mentioned earlier, the two clans now have a complete sub chieftainship headed by Sub-Chief George Lemi Kalunga of Bujang clan.

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