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Botany journals


Nice initiative! To you question: Botanisk Tidsskrift had a variable number of ussues per year, but usually 4. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv was even more variable, but that was little surprising for a monograph series. Here are some more titles of botanical journals for you to play around with as you like (some more or less reliable information on years, publisher/internet repository etc is added):

  • Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis 1982-1988 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Trudy po Botanike 1963-1970 Soviet Union
  • Acta Oecologica 1990- France Elsevier
    • Continuation of: Acta Oecologica. Oecologia Plantarum 1980-1989 France
    • Continuation of: Oecologia Plantarum 1966-1979 France
  • Annali di Botanica [Genova] 1802-1804 Italy
  • Annali di Botanica. Nueva Serie [Roma] 2001- Italy
    • Continuation of: Annali di Botanica [Roma] 1904-2000 Italy
  • Annals of Botany 1887- UK OUP / Elsevier
  • Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 1914- JStor
  • Annual Review of Phytopathology 1963-2002
  • Annual Review of Plant Biology 2002- U.S.A.
  • Continuation of: Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 1988-2001
  • Continuation of: Annual Review of Plant Physiology 1950-1987
  • Aquatic Botany 1975- Netherlands Elsevier
  • Aspects of Plant Science 1979-1999
  • Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 1969- UK Elsevier / Blackwell
    • Continuation of: Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Botany 1863-1968
  • Continuation of: Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany 1857-1864
  • Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Botany Series 1993-2002 UK Cambridge
  • Continuation of: Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History. Botany Series 1951-1992
  • Cryptogamie. Algologie 1980- France Elsevier
    • Continuation of: Revue Algologique. Nouvelle Série 1954-1979 France
    • Continuation of: Revue Algologique 1924-1942 France
  • Cryptogamie. Bryologie 1999- 1999-2001 France Elsevier
    • Continuation of: Cryptogamie - Bryologique-Lichénologique 1980-1998 France
    • Continuation of: Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique 1932-1979 France
    • Continuation of: Revue Bryologique. Nouvelle Série 1928-1931 France
    • Continuation of: Revue Bryologique 1874-1911 France
  • Cryptogamie. Mycologie 1980- France Elsevier
    • Continuation of: Revue de Mycologie. Nouvelle Série 1936-1979 France
    • Continuation of: Annales de Cryptogamie Exotique 1928-1936 France
  • Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1995- Blackwell
    • Continuation of: Kew Magazine 1984-1994
    • Continuation of: Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1793-1983
  • Delpinoa N.S. 1959- Italy
    • Continuation of: Delpinoa 1948-1958 Italy
  • Continuation of: Bullettino dell´Orto Botanico della (Regia) Università di Napoli 1899-1947 Italy
  • Englera. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Botanischen Garten und Botanischen Museum Berlin-Dahlem 1979- Germany
    • Continuation of: Willdenowia. Beiheft 1965-1977 Germany
    • Continuation of: Radiation Botany 1961-1972
  • Euphytica 1952- Netherlands Kluwer
  • European Journal of Phycology 1993- UK Cambridge
    • Continuation of: British Phycological Journal 1969-1992 UK
    • Continuation of: Experimental Mycology 1977-1995 U.S.A.
  • Ginkgoana. Contributions to the flora of Asia and the pacific region 1973-1986
  • The Iranian Journal of Botany 1976-
  • Journal of Applied Phycology 1989- Netherlands Kluwer
  • Journal of Ecology 1913- UK JStor Blackwell
  • Journal of Experimental Botany 1950- UK
  • Journal of Phycology 1965- U.S.A. Blackwell
  • Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 1982- U.S.A. Springer
  • Journal of Plant Nutrition 1979-1999 U.S.A. Dekker
  • Journal of Plant Physiology 1984- Germany
    • Continuation of: Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie 1965-1984 Germany
    • Continuation of: Zeitschrift für Botanik 1909-1965 Germany
  • Journal of Plant Research 1993- Springer
    • Continuation of: Botanical Magazine 1887-1992
  • Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 1997- U.S.A. JStor
    • Continuation of: The Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 1870-1996 Jstor
  • The Lichenologist 1958- UK Elsevier
  • Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report 1890-1912 U.S.A. JStor
  • Nowellia Bryologica 1992- Belgium
  • The Philippine journal of science 1919-
    • Continuation of: The Philippine journal of science. C. botany 1907-1918
    • Continuation of: The Philippine journal of science. Supplement 1906
  • Photosynthesis Research 1980- Netherlands Kluwer
  • Photosynthetica 1970- Czechoslovakia Kluwer
  • Phycological Research 1995- Blackwell
    • Continuation of: Japanese Journal of Phycology 1978-1994
    • Continuation of: The Bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology 1953-1977
  • Physiologia Plantarum 1948- Denmark Blackwell
  • Phytochemistry 1962-2000 UK
  • Phytocoenologia 1974- Germany
  • Plant and Cell Physiology 1991-
  • Plant Cell 1989- U.S.A. PubMedCentral
  • Plant Cell and Environment 1978- UK Blackwell
  • Plant Cell Reports 1981- Germany Springer
  • Plant Ecology 1997- Netherlands Kluwer
    • Continuation of: Vegetatio 1948-1996 Netherlands
  • Plant Growth Regulation 1982-2000 Netherlands Kluwer
  • Plant Molecular Biology 1981- Netherlands Kluwer
  • Plant Physiology 1926- U.S.A. PubMedCentral
  • Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 1987- France Elsevier
    • Continuation of: Physiologie Végétale 1963-1979 France
    • Continuation of: Plant Science Letters 1973-1985 Ireland
  • Plant Species Biology 1986- Blackwell
  • Plant Systematics and Evolution 1974- Austria Springer
    • Continuation of: Österrechische Botanische Zeitschrift 1858-1973 Austria
    • Continuation of: Österrechische Botanische Wochenblatt 1851-1858 Austria
  • Planta 1945- Germany Springer
  • Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 1967- Netherlands Elsevier
  • Sbornik Naucnych Trudov po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetikei i Selekcii 1984-1991 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetikei i Selekcii 1927-1983
    • Continuation of: Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike i Selekcii 1922-1926
  • Sexual Plant Reproduction 1988- Germany Springer
  • Systematic Botany 1976- U.S.A. Jstor
  • Travaux de l´Institut Botanique 1936-1938 Soviet Union
  • Travaux de l´Institut Botanique de l´Université de Neuchâtel 1950- Switzerland
  • Travaux de l´Institut Botanique Leo Errare 1928-1934
  • Travaux de la Société Botanique de Genève 1954-1968 Switzerland
  • Travaux Mycologiques Tchécoslovaques 1924-1926 Czechoslovakia
  • Treballs de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona 1979- Spain
  • Continuation of: Publicacions de l’Institut Botànic. Publicaciones del Instituto Botánico 1937-1944 Spain
  • Trees 1987- Germany Springer
  • Tropical Bryology 1989- Germany Uni-Bonn
  • Tropical Woods 1925-1960 U.S.A.
  • Trudi Botaničnogo sadu Imeny Akad. O.V. Fomina Soviet Union
  • Trudy Akademii Nauk Tadžikstoj SSR. Botaničeskij institut 1952-1958 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Akademii Nauk Tadžikstoj SSR. Pamirskaja biologičeskaja stancija botaničeskogo instituta 1962 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Alma-Atinskogo Botaničeskogo Sada 1954-1963 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Trudy Respublikanskogo Botaničeskogo Sada 1948
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk Armjanskoj SSR 1941-1977 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSR. Azerbajdzhanskij Filial 1936-1938 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo sada. Bypusk četbertyj 1941 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo sada. Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 1937-1941 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo sadov. Akademija Nauk Kazachskoi SSR 1964-1972 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Botaničeskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR.
  • Serija 1: Flora i Sistematika Vysšich Rastenij 1933-1964 Soviet Union
  • Serija 2: Sporovye Rastenij 1933-1959 Soviet Union
  • Serija 3: Geobotanika 1934-1970 Soviet Union
  • Serija 4: Eksperimental´naja Botanika 1934-1963 Soviet Union
  • Serija 5: Rastinelnoje Sýrje 1938-1963 Soviet Union
  • Serija 6: Introdukcija Rastenij i Zelenoe Stroitel´stvo 1950-1959 Soviet Union
  • Serija 7: Morfologija i anatomija rastenij 1951-1962 Soviet Union
  • Serija 8: Paleobotanika 1956-1967 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Chimičeskogo i Botaničeskogo Institutov 1938 Soviet Union
  • Trudy. Gosudarstvennyj Nikitskij Botaničeskij Sad. 1957-1989 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Instituta Botaniki 1955-1978 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Instituta Botaniki Charkov 1936-1938 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Instituta Fiziologii Rastenij im. Timirjazeva 1947-1955 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Karagandinskogo Botaničeskogo Sada 1960 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Petergolfskogo Biologičeskogo Instituta Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 1935 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Priloženija 1926-1937 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 1 1933-1937 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 2 1932-1937 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 3 1933-1936 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 5 1934 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 5-A 1935 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 6 1936 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 8 1934 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 13 1936 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija 15 1936 Soviet Union
  • Trudy po Prikladnoj Botanike, Genetike i Selekcii. Serija A 1932-1936 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Presnovodnoj biologičeskoj stancii imperatorskago S.-Peterburgskago Obščestva Estestvoispytatelej 1901-1912 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Sektora Astrobotaniki Akademii nauk Kazakhskoj SSR 1955-1960 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Sevastopol´skoj Biologičeskoj Stancii 1958-1964 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Tiflisskago botaničeskago instituta 1934 Soviet Union
  • Trudy Tiflisskogo botaničeskogo sada. Serija 2
    • Continuation of: Trudy Tiflisskago botaničeskago sada. Serija 2
    • Continuation of: Trudy Tiflisskago botaničeskago sada 1895-1906
  • Tuexenia 1981- Germany
  • Turczaninowia 1998- Soviet Union
  • Ukraïns’ke Botanične Tovarystvo 1959-1962 Soviet Union
  • Ukraïns’kyj Botaničnyj Žurnal 1956- Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Botaničnyj Žurnal 1940-1955 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Žurnal instytutu botaniky AN URSR 1936-1940 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Žurnal instytutu botaniky VUAN 1934 Soviet Union
    • Continuation of: Žurnal biobotaničnogo Cyklu VUAN 1933 Soviet Union
  • Universita degli Studi di Trieste. Instituto di Botanica. Pubblicazioni 1962-1979 Italy
  • Universitatis Carolina. Biologica 1955-1957 Czechoslovakia
  • University of California Botanical Garden Newsletter 1993-2002 U.S.A.
  • University of California Publications in Botany 1902-2002 U.S.A.
  • University of Queensland Papers. Department of Botany 1939-1965 Australia
  • Untersuchungen aus dem Botanischen Institut zu Tübingen 1881-1888 Germany
  • Uredineana 1938-1965 France
  • Urt. Member’s journal of the Danish Botanical Society 1977- Denmark
  • Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 1992- Germany Springer
  • Veld & Flora 1975-2003 South Africa
    • Continuation of: Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa 1915-1974
  • Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 1887- Austria
  • Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg 1991- Germany
    • Continuation of: Verhandlungen des Berliner Botanischen Vereins 1982-1990
  • Continuation of: Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg 1859-1980
  • Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes der Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, Stiftung Rübel, in Zürich 1961-2002 Switzerland
  • Continuation of: Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes Rübel in Zürich 1924-1959 Switzerland
  • Vestnik Tiflisskogo Botaničeskogo Sada. Novaja serija 1923-1931 Soviet Union
  • Vieraea 1970- Spain
  • Vorträge aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Botanik. Neue Folge 1962-1970 Germany
    • Continuation of: Vorträge aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Botanik 1914-1919 Vygie. A Veld & Flora supplement 1980-1990 South Africa
  • Wachendorffia 1972-1979 Netherlands
  • Wahlenbergia 1975-1981 Sweden
  • Watsonia 1949- UK BSBI
  • Webbia 1905- Italy
  • Wentia 1959-1966 Netherlands
  • Western Australian Herbarium Research Notes 1978-1986 Australia
  • Westfälische Pilzbriefe 1957-1986 Germany
  • What's New in Plant Physiology 1979-1984 U.S.A.
  • Willdenowia 1953- Germany
  • Continuation of: Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 1919-1944 Germany
  • Continuation of: Notizblatt des Königlichen botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin 1895-1918 Germany
  • Windahlia 1982-1999 Sweden
    • Continuation of: Göteborgs Svampklubb. Årsskrift 1971-1981 Sweden
  • World Pollen and Spore Flora 1973- Sweden
  • Wrightia 1945-1949 U.S.A.
  • Wulfenia 1992- Austria
  • Zametki po Sistematike i Geografii Rastenij 1938-1986 Soviet Union
  • Zapiski Naučno-Prikladnych Otdelov Tiflisskogo Botaničeskogo Sada 1924-1930 Soviet Union
  • Zeitschrift für Mykologie 1978- Germany
    • Continuation of: Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 1922-1977 Germany
  • Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde 1869-1875 Germany
  • Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Botanik 1844-1846 Switzerland
  • Zhiwu Zazhi. Plants 1983-1988
    • Continuation of: Zhiwu Zazhi 1977-1982
    • Continuation of: Zhiwuxue Zazhi 1974-1976
  • Zprávy Československé botanické společnosti 1966-1999 Czechoslovakia
  • Zubía 1984- Spain