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Wikipedia:Wiki Ed/University of Louisville/Writing in Women's and Gender Studies (Fall 2018)

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Course name
Writing in Women's and Gender Studies
University of Louisville
Jo Ann Griffin
Wikipedia Expert
Shalor (Wiki Ed)
Writing in Women's & Gender Studies
Course dates
2018-08-21 00:00:00 UTC – 2018-12-15 23:59:59 UTC
Approximate number of student editors

WGST 199 is an entry-level writing course for honors students interested in the discipline of gender studies. Each will self-select a topic/article, compile a bibliography of appropriate resources and make a small contribution or two to their chosen article.

Student Assigned Reviewing
Kaede Sonin Gender and religion
Internetuser112 Exploitation of women in mass media
Neuromath99 Neuroscience of sex differences
Bbydhyonchord-Switch7 Feminist epistemology
MusicAndMonkeys Feminist anthropology
VeritatemQuaerendamXI Women in government
Steminist Misogyny in sports
Warmtones1 Gender role
ChiefofEngineering Sexism in academia
Admiralan Beauty pageant
MolluskPal Social construction of gender
Hasmit06 Ecofeminism
Thunderchicken9 Feminine beauty ideal
Dancingdebi09 Exploitation of women in mass media
Geenge01 Socialist feminism
Guerillaglue Media and gender
Nansjam Exploitation of women in mass media
Magnolier Intersex in history
Ckfs27 Social construction of gender
LateNightDrive Gender
Dizzyturtle Women in government
Trumpetplayer5801 Women in classical music


Week 1

Course meetings
Tuesday, 21 August 2018   |   Thursday, 23 August 2018
Introduction to the Wikipedia assignment

Welcome to your Wikipedia assignment's course timeline. This page guides you through the steps you'll need to complete for your Wikipedia assignment, with links to training modules and your classmates' work spaces.

Your course has been assigned a Wikipedia Expert. You can reach them through the Get Help button at the top of this page.

You now have access to Wiki Edu's library of guides and training modules. Specific modules will be assigned, but you can see the array of possibilites here: https://dashboard.wikiedu.org/training/students

In class - Introduction to the course design 8/21

No assignments for you to prepare

  • Overview of Wikipedia community expectations
  • Intro to Wiki Talk Pages & Article Rating System
  • Overview of Gender Studies principles and perspectives

Assignment - To Prepare for Thursday, 8/24

From your syllabus:

See “Find-An-Article” assignment under “Assignments” on Blackboard for more detailed instructions. Here is a summary:

-   Find a credible, current article on a topic that you identify as being relevant to gender studies. Links to qualified sources are included on Blackboard. The Assignment sheet is entitled, “Find-An-Article.”

-   Read - CrenshawWhy Intersectionality Can’t wait at: http://wapo.st/1OVzQIT?tid=ss_mail&utm_term=.a33df9ff545a

-   View - Crenshaw -  Kimberlé Crenshaw – On Intersectionality at: https://youtu(.)be/-DW4HLgYPlA The entire clip is 30:46. Please view at least the first 7:30

In class - Understanding Intersectionality 8/24

We will discuss the topics that arise from your "Find-An-Article" activity as well as how key concepts and vocab from Women's & Gender Studies apply: gender, social construction, intersectionality, privilege, etc.)

Assignment - Journal assignment due Friday, 8/26

See your syllabus or Week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links to the prompt.

Week 2

Course meetings
Tuesday, 28 August 2018   |   Thursday, 30 August 2018
Assignment - To prepare for Tuesday, August 28
  • Read Chapter 2 in Graff & Birkenstein
  • Review the How-to-summarize Handout
  • Summarize your article from alst week. Include an APA or MLA citation.
  • Submit the summary to Blackboard and bring a copy to class.
  • Post one sentence you like to the Discussion Board Forum for today.

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

In class - Summarizing and key concepts 8/28
  • Application of key concepts and vocab (again)
  • Troubleshooting citations
  • Introduction to gender bias in Wikipedia

Assignment - To Prepare for Thursday, 8/30
  • Scan Wikipedia's article on Intersectionality for main points.
  • Read the Talk page of the article with attention to "Needs a critique section" and "Violates the Neutral Point of View Policy," including the hyperlink to the policy statement itself.
  • Read Guwell-Neutrality_Epistemology.

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

In class - Getting to know Wiki World
  • Discussion of "neutrality," Power dynamics, and claims of gender bias.
  • Discussion of user name selection

Assignment - Journal due Friday, August 31

See your syllabus or Week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links to the prompt.

Week 3

Course meetings
Tuesday, 4 September 2018   |   Thursday, 6 September 2018
Assignment - To Prepare for class on Tuesday, September 4
  • Create an account and join this course page, using the enrollment link your instructor sent you. (Because of Wikipedia's technical restraints on how many people can log on from any one location at a time, you may receive a message that you cannot create an account. To resolve this, please try again off campus or the next day.)
  • Look around Wikipedia to see how the topic you chose for Find-An-Article is represented on Wikipedia.
  • Complete two training modules linked here.
  • Look around for articles/topics you may want to work on.

In class - In class on Tuesday, September 4

Exploring the organization and construction of knowledge.

Assignment - To Prepare for Thursday, September 6
In class - Learning to edit Wikipedia 9/6

* We will meet in Ekstrom Library Room 117A/CLC

  • Remember to bring earbuds, so you can work at your own pace.
  • While you are working through the training module, (How To Edit) complete the items on the "Editing Workshop Checklist" distributed in class and available under "Helps and Handouts" on Blackboard.

In class - Additional training resources for Editing practice on 9/6

You may find these modules helpful. They are optional, not required at this point. 

Editing Health and Psychology Topics is highly recommended, if you are choosing articles in these areas or on the borders of these areas. This module is required before your first library workday.


This week, everyone should have a Wikipedia account.

In class - Journal due by Friday, September 7

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

Week 4

Course meetings
Tuesday, 11 September 2018   |   Thursday, 13 September 2018
Assignment - To prepare for Tuesday, September 11

Follow instructions on your syllabus:

  • Review Wikipedia's Manual of Style/Words to Watch
  • Read one of the articles on your syllabus and linked from week-by-week
  • Browse Hacker's Manual of Style to remind yourself of rules you remember and rules you don't.
  • THEN browse Wikipedia articles of interest to you to find possibilities for copyedits.
  • Bring three examples with you to class. Be prepared to discuss and share.

In class - Preparing to Copyedit 9/11

Working with diction, WGST concepts, audience, and perception of error

Assignment - Exercise - Copy Edit is due 9/13

Copy edit an article

  • Copy edit(s) should be complete before class.
  • Submit an explanation of the edit(s) in the "Copy Edit" space on Blackboard.
  • See your syllabus or week-by-week for specifics and links to submission space.


Assignment - To prepare for class on Thursday, September 13

On Your Sandbox page

  • make a list of 3 - 5 Wikipedia articles that you are considering as your focus fo rhe rest of the course.
  • Look at the talk and history pages to discover who is working on the articles and what they are doing.
  • Apply the Wikipedia standards of excellence to the articles.
  • Be prepared to discuss your articles and their positives/negatives in class.
  • See your syllabus for additional descriptive detail.

In class - Narrowing your focus in class on 9/13
  • troubleshooting any technical difficulties from copyedit.
  • discussing areas of interest and development of writing groups based on interests
  • How to develop research questions to guide your work in the library (upcoming)

Assignment - Journal due Friday, September 14

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

Week 5

Course meetings
Tuesday, 18 September 2018   |   Thursday, 20 September 2018
Assignment - To prepare for Tuesday, September 18
  • Review Evaluating Articles and Sources training to remind yourself of standards of excellence.
  • Continue assessing and evaluating Wikipedia articles in which you have interest.
  • Narrow your focus if possible.

In class - Finding Sources in class on 9/18

Meet in Ekstrom Library W102

  • This is a day to work with a reference librarian on finding sources relevant to your topic.

Assignment - To prepare for Thursday, September 20
  • Spend time with the resources you are finding.
  • Work toward narrowing your list of possible articles in Wikipedia
  • Check out "Thinking About Research Questions" under "Helps and Handouts" on Blackboard
  • Develop a list of research questions to Blackboard.
  • See your syllabus or week-by-week for details and links to submission area.

Guide(s) for writing articles in your topic area

Some resources you might find useful.

LGBT+ Studies


Women's Studies

In class - In Class on 9/20
  • Workshop your research questions.
  • update your colleagues on the status of your project.

Assignment - Discussion Board activity due by midnight on Friday, 9/21

Engaging With Librarians Discussion Board activity due by midnight Friday. See syllabus or week-by-week for details and links.

Week 6

Course meetings
Tuesday, 25 September 2018   |   Thursday, 27 September 2018
Assignment - To prepare for Tuesday, 9/25
Working on add to an article

Meet today in Ekstrom W102

Before class, Revise & resubmit your research questions on Blackboard. See your syllabus or week-by-week for details and links to submission space.

In class - More Finding Resources in class on 9/25
  • As part of your activity in class today, add a statement about your topic to your Sandbox page, along with a Wiki-appropriate citation. The statement can be as simple as: Article XYZ looks like it will be useful for supporting an exploration of [topic].
  • The Adding a citation trainingis linked here for your reference. You should have completed the training before class today.

Assignment - Small Contribution Due on Thursday, 9/27

Small Contribution should be complete. See "Copy Edit & Small Contribution" assignment for specifics. Assignment sheet is located under "Helps And Handouts" on Blackboard as well as in week-by-week for this week.

Assignment - Additional preparation for Thursday, 9/27
  • Monitor your article's talk page for feedback from other editors. Remember you can "Watch" a page and get emails when there are changes.
  • If you have not already, today is the day to commit to one article and topic for the rest of your work in the course.
  • Bring one sentence from your chosen article to class, (either one you really like or one you really don't like; be prepared to discuss it.

In class - In Class on 9/27
  • Discussion of chosen topics and/or any shifts.
  • Discussion of any feedback or activity on the talk pages. You can sometimes (but not always)  find out more about contributors by clicking on their user names and viewing their user pages.

Assignment - Journal due Friday, 9/28

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.


Everyone will have made a small contribution to an article and will be moving toward a major contribution to their chosen article.

Week 7

Course meetings
Tuesday, 2 October 2018   |   Thursday, 4 October 2018
Assignment - To prepare for class on Tuesday, 10/2 - Start drafting your contributions
  • Read the "Annotated Bibliography" assignmet sheet.
  • Complete the Drafting in the Sandbox training.
  • Create a new section in your sandbox to house your Annotated Bibliography.
  • Reach out to your Wikipedia Expert if you have questions using the Get Help button at the top of this page.
  • Resource: Editing Wikipedia, pages 7–9

Assignment - Begin moving your work to Wikipedia

Now that you've improved your draft based on others' feedback, it's time to move your work live - to the "mainspace."

Resource: Editing Wikipedia, page 13

In class - In class on Tuesday, 10/2

Meet in Ekstrom 117A/CLC

  • This is a research day for you to work on drafting/supporting your work with resources.
  • As you have time, begin reading the sources you have found. By Thursday after break, you should have posted a statement on your article's Talk Page to outline what your plans are for your contribution and what sources you will be using to support your work. Your goal is to give fellow editors a heads up, so there can be a conversation about your plans before they simply appear on the page.

In class - Thursday, October 4 - Optional Conferences

No formal class meeting. Sign up for an individual conference time, if you would like to chat about your project.


Everyone has begun writing their article drafts.

Week 8

Course meetings
Thursday, 11 October 2018
In class

After evaluating your chosen article, using Wikipedia's criteria for exclelence, create an outline or summary of your plans for the article. Post your suggestions for improvement to the talk page of your article with an explanation of your rationale. You are alerting the editing community to your plans. If you have a working draft in your sandbox, you can link to it.

Substantive contributions will consist of approximately 250 words. See the "Contribute to an Article" assignment under "Assignments" on Blackboard for additional detail.

Assignment - To prepare for class on Thursday, October 11
  • Bring a first draft of your planned contribution to class with you for workshopping.
  • Submit a digital copy of the draft to the "Contribution First Draft" space under "Assignmetns" on Blackboard.

In class - Thursday, October 11

Be prepared to present your plans and to critique/comment on the drafts of others by applying Wikipedia's standards.

In class - Journal due Friday, October 12

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

Week 9

Course meetings
Tuesday, 16 October 2018   |   Thursday, 18 October 2018
Assignment - Polish your work

Continue to expand and improve your work, and format your article to match Wikipedia's tone and standards. Remember to contact your Wikipedia Expert at any time if you need further help!


A minimum of 4 annotations are due today in the bibliography developing on your Wikipedia Sandbox page.

In class - Tuesday, October 16 - No Formal Class Meeting

Optional Conferences are available to discuss your project plans. Sign up for a time to conference.


The complete (minimum of 8 sources) annotated bibliography is due on your Sandbox today. See the "Annotated Bibliography" assignment under "Assignments" on Blackboard for complete specifications.

Assignment - To Prepare for Thursday, October 18
  • Complete the Moving Work Out of the Sandbox training module.
  • Continue to monitor Wikipedia for any feedback on your planned contribution.

In class - In class on Thursday, October 18
  • Troubleshoot any citation problems
  • Dealing with feedback from other editors
  • Introduction of the "My Views" assignment and the transition to the analytical research paper.

In class - Journal due Friday, October 19

See your syllabus or week-by-week on Blackboard for details and links.

Week 10

Course meetings
Tuesday, 23 October 2018   |   Thursday, 25 October 2018
Assignment - Final work on article due today, OCTOBER 23 - GO LIVE!

It's the final week to develop your article.

  • Read Editing Wikipedia page 15 to review a final check-list before completing your assignment.
  • Don't forget that you can ask for help from your Wikipedia Expert at any time!
  • Final contributions to the article due today: move out of the sandbox and incorporate your revised and polished contribution into the main article.

Assignment - To prepare for class on Tuesday, October 23
  • Read Chapters 1 & 4 in They Say, I Say (Review Chapter 2)
  • Come to class prepared to discuss and write about the differences between writing for a Wikipedia audience and writing for an academic or other persuasive purpose.
  • Bring your favorite sentence from you Wikipedia contribution to class. Be prepared to discsus why it is your favorite.

In class - Tuesday, October 23
  • Workshop any feedback issues with colleagues
  • Explore differences between Wikipedia dn conventioanl academic writing
  • Discuss plans for next phas of work.
  • Everyone should have finished all of the work they'll do on Wikipedia, and be ready for grading.
  • Your only obligation now is to continue monitoring your contribution for feedback from other editors; you must respond to any comments/critiques that come to you between now and November 6.

Assignment - Next step begins now - Original analytical paper

Write a paper going beyond your Wikipedia article to advance your own ideas, arguments, and original research about your topic.